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Company Rules and Regulations Tips

gopinethuMouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Corporate companies- Disaster!!
Dec 19, 2018 01:46 PM838 Views

Company Rules and Regulations! 4-Tips:

Hmm.Companies .what to talk about them.

I worked as an IT HR in Recruitment domain for 3 years and I faced the below mentioned problems and would like to suggest some tips on Company Rules and Regulations:

Firstly, companies should listen to their employees, if you are not doing it.then you are LOST in the CORPORATE BATTLE. "Just stop avenging on employees whom you dislike by giving bad ratings, terminating them, Not giving hikes and lot more.

"Are companies blind or they want to be blind and ignore the wrong things that happen in the company "

There are still companies who don't even care for their female employee problems.

Tip 1: HR is the most important and backbone of the company and also the strength of employees. HR's should listen to the problems of employees, respect them, create positive ambiance for the employees to work peacefully, should know about each and every employee of the company, should be unbiased and last but not the least( Employee should trust THE HR OF THE COMPANY, if he is not ready to trust, then MR/MS. HR-Just GET OUT)

Reason: The HR of my ex-company is "THE WORST"- When I went down for my final HR round, he was not at all professional and he directly passed a statement saying "He wants beautiful unmarried girls to join his company". I assessed this person's character because my domain(Human Resources- recruitment) is all about understanding the other person's qualities and character and act accordingly. I took up the job with a calculation on my mind and day by day this HR appeared to me "THE WORST" as I mentioned above. He was later terminated by the CEO after receiving N number of complaints against him(on a very good note, since HR has a good rapport with the CEO) for his behavior . I DON'T GET THIS:(

TIP 2: Manager/team Leader is supposed to be the strength for his/her team. He should know what his team members are capable of and provide work accordingly. He should never de-motivate or de-moralize his team members. He should always be strong in his domain . He should help his members accomplish the targets and make sure they are happy being in your team. If you don't have these qualities-GUYS JUST GET THIS STRAIGHT!

TIP 3: Time Management rules needs to be followed by both Employers and employees. It is equally important. ALIBABA -CHINESE BUSINESS MAGNATE says "Being the founder of the company I make sure to reach my office on time, if I am not there on the floor on time, how can I expect my employees to be?" In fact Team leaders and Managers should come on time and provide a proper work plan for the day and make sure work is done on time. But sadly, Indian Managers and Team Leaders get full salary for their least working days and poor productivity.

TIP 4: Proper Company protocols needs to be maintained be it small or big company. Employees safety is important. A separate committee has to be there for female employees where women can complain things happening to them on floor, However big companies like GOOGLE also recently was on news for bringing injustice to a female employee .

I have many to say.i want to change the corporate culture.i want to yell at them .Companies are not at all accountable. I cannot do it unless I get a power in my hand.

Employees should open up and speak and vent out their points.because companies need you.

However, I appreciate all those companies who are taking care of their employees professionally, personally, financially. HATS OFF TO YOU COMPANIES.


Indian companies are ruled by rulers
Nov 27, 2012 05:56 AM2904 Views

Indian companies are mostly, vastly monopalised by ex rulers like who think they own but it is just a shareholders company and thanks to brokers whom they lure to invest in the company shares make their life always rosy and I am really astonished inspite of owner driven at all levels indian companies is all alive. How it works.

God only knows, the only work the chairman to CEO and directors is no rules for them to enjoy the comforts at the cost of inflated stock price and the deal with others to get concession from the banks, finance more and more when the company is running at loss that may be in thousands of crores. THEY ARE CORPORATE.

Corporate is a high profile position for a company but if you can impress, impress the bank, impress the politician and ofcourse these people need not visit the company all that is needed the filled suit case speak volumes of praise by the concerned ministry of nothing, ministry of not doing anything, ministry of prime minister who over seas to say all is well when the well is filled with filth of not doing anything. it works.

What is in a name, same way when a company is formed, rules and regulation is formed, so the worker belives this is a great place to work and he works really, it is make belive and since the hard working worker sweets in the hope that tomorrow he will be elevated to higher pay and he gets it too. IT IS ALL MIRACLE INDIAN COMPANIES WORK.

i am so sure majoirity of owners of companies may not know ABCD of their own company and after cult of equity only these so called business men or farmers or just sleeping in their houses suddenly become rules framers and regulate the worker. THEY TAKE OVER TOO.

Today money buys anything, they consult lawyers and auditors if they can take over any company if they can influence the banks to finance to take over, and if the opinion comes ok, the rules framed by their company to regulate more business and they print in the media of business magazines and investors just put their not so hard earned money. HARD EARNED MONEY MEANS.

Actually hard earned money owners never invest in companies, it is game of luck , they sold their site for crores and best way is to put in this gamblling machine of companies with rules and regulation who regulate your investment into total loss. TOTAL LOSS STILL YOU INVEST BECAUSE IT IS COMPANY OF RULES.

A company which has got lot of big annual result gives a impression in the mind of investors, this company that made them total loss is a best bet because what you loose only total capital not your mind. rules and regulation is well guarded.

watchmen take care of the rules and regulations printed at the entrance of each company, they have so fine print it is a nice walk in the corridors of the company office and you are impresed. RULES AND REGULATION OF A COMPANY IS A PLACE WHERE CHAIRMAN ENJOYS THE CUSHION SEAT AND THE DIRECTORS LOVE THE VIEW FROM THE GLASS FRAME AND THE GOOD LOOKING PRETTY GIRL ANNOUNCES LUNCH IS READY

Croatia Croatia
Frauds, General Mills, Mumbai: Worst place to work
Sep 01, 2012 01:33 PM3368 Views

Accolade to one such person VS in the complete political company.

A psycho-maniac, this lady called VS dressing sense is worse than housekeeping staff. If you are from a very good organization don’t join here, probably they always try to take those guys by giving them good amount of package. But here you can be fired at any time with no fault of yours. This lady believes in creating all Chintus. A complete cheap female (in the appearance of a male). The HR too in this organization are not fluent in spoken English.Think twice before joining this company.

Whoever hates organizational dirty politics, please refrain from joining this organization.

Noida India
Company lies to hire employees and cheat them late
Jul 13, 2011 01:54 PM3133 Views

Flexsin, Noida  - This company although told me that they are 5 days working and Saturday, Sunday would be off, but as I joined them, after a month, I was asked to come on Saturday and Sunday, yes both days, so that project can be completed fast, as we already had missed 2 deadlines. It first seems ok to me considering the need, but it continued for months over months, and I could see myself compulsarily attending office most of the Saturdays and some Sundays also.

However they did not pay me for working on weekends. The problem is that they committ impractical deadlines to clients to pick the project in the market and force their employees to work on weekends and even holidays. I felt my personal life being compromised to great extent since I joined this company and now I want to leave it asap.

Bangalore India
ID card
Jul 09, 2011 02:58 AM3147 Views

I would like to share about the company id cards. each n everytime wen we want to enter the campus we need to show the id card. we have to keep at our neck everytime like a dogs belt. Do u think it is good.

A watch man at the gate only wont allow you inside if you dont show the id card and suppose if we forget to get the id for that day need to take permissions from higher authorities.

What you think of it?

Let me know.

Thank you

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