In our house, we go through toothbrushes rather quickly. My children are forever losing them, or the toddlers steal them, or in rare cases..they simply just wear out.
This is why I try to keep a stocked supply of Colgate toothbrushes in my cupboard. I have found that these toothbrushes are sturdy and more than adequate to get the job done, and I am usually able to get them for a very good price.
The brushes come in various colors, with special designs for children, and the bristles seem to be just the right firmness. Not too hard, and not too soft. The handles are typical, long and skinny, though some of the children's versions come with easier to grip handles.
While these toothbrushes are very functional, and I have had good experiences with them, I must be honest and say there really isn't anything exceptional about them, either. So, what is the big draw?
The fact is that I can obtain these toothbrushes for around .50/piece and so can you. If you check the Sunday coupons, you will find Colgate often puts out coupons for them. If you take your coupons to a Dollar General or Family Dollar, you can find them for around $1.50. A $1.00 off coupon will get the price down to .50. Some of the children's brushes do feature licensed characters, however, so these might run you a little bit more.
So, there you have it. A toothbrush that holds up and performs well, at a bargain basement price. These are the reasons that I purchase this product, and as long as they keep printing coupons, I will continue to do so.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.