If you wish for your vacation or weekend to turn into a disaster, well look no further, Club 5 Holidays will ensure that you have just that! I am from Mumbai and am five months pregnant, since my husband has choc-a-bloc weekdays we really try to plan out our weekends. This is when we were told about Club 5, unaware of what was in store for us, we booked ourselves for the weekend at this “seemingly nice property*” ( all these false assurances were of course provided by a Mr. karan!) On the said day we started on a very happy note(all set to hit the water park and enjoy a long lazy day) so imagine our surprise when K Palace Hotel where we were supposed to stay turned out to look nothing like a palace but like the ruins out of a war movie! rude shock 2.- The entire place was unkempt and stinking with the paints in the walls chipping off. I must add here that the entire place was falling apart(and trust me this is not an exaggeration!).
Rude shock 3- the sheets were unclean and soiled and the drapes were filthy and had moth holes in them. I would have thrown up at that very instant had the wash basin and the bathroom been any clean!
Rude shock 4- to add to all this the walls were damp, there was no electricity when we arrived and no saying when the power would come back. I was even lucky enough to spot a few cockroaches there.
Therefore it goes without saying that we made a quick exit from this horror hotel. We called this Mr. karan again to inform him about the pitiable plight this nice property* was in, and absolutely refused to go back in there. We asked him if he could check us in a better hotel, we were of course asked to wait for half an hour while the gentleman would scout for better properties. So half an hour turned into three hours during which time we kept travelling back and forth looking for places which were suggested by this man, every time and everywhere being made to wait. The reception room in these locations would either locked or the caretaker would miraculously disappear on our arrival. Having had enough we obviously decided to come back home.
So people try to tailor make your own vacations, yatra.com and travelguru etc. do a pretty good job. Never risk venturing into the unknown with likes of Club 5, rather learn from my mistake.
Booking charges- Rs. 1500/-
Petrol cost(to and fro journey)- Rs. 2000/-
Lesson learnt for life- priceless!
Priyanka Tiwari