I am almost responding to Amber's review of this product. I use it because I have very dry skin. First, I think Amber has listed price in USD (INR=Indian Rupiah ;-) ). I doubt you can buy it for a dozen rupees. Beggars in Mumbai and Delhi are insulted when I offered that amount to them, so Clinique is prob a tad more expensive.
Here, I pay anything from 8 to 20 us dollars. Yes, it's expensive.
I love this lotion because it's non-greasy. It's water based and does the exact thing I want it to do, give my skin a moist texture. Make it feel a bit soft. And it does this better than quite a few products I have tried. I hate the greasy alternatives - they tend to come off on everything I touch all day. This thing softens and moistens my skin and then disappears.
It does not, in my empirical experience, do anything about acne or pimple outbreaks - zilch, nothing, nada, zero. If someone else has had another experience, I'd be interested in finding out.
Oh, I love the fragrance. It's very light and almost not there, which is just how I want it ;-)
Conclusion - nothing clinical about clinique. It has helped my dry skin and it's ummm, costly.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.