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Clash Of Clans Reviews

Aggarsan Nagar Gali No.1 , Narwana Haryana India
Bad clash of clans
Mar 30, 2018 04:09 PM 713 Views (via Android App)

Clash of clan is an android game. This android game is much played by user. In todays life Every children/Man install this game on her mobile. I can't like this game because this is a very attractive game once any children install this game on her phone he can't do his home work. He can play only this game full day. He can't do any other activity due to this game. This is a very harmfull game. THIS Game is not for entertainment point of veaw

I hope you like my suggestion about clash of clans game

Mar 30, 2018 10:07 AM 591 Views (via Android App)

Hii friends

First of all I want to say that this is a very addictive game, play it at your own risk. Millions of people really love this game and in millions of people, I am also the one. I really enjoy playing this game with my friends as this app grant acces to play with your friends by either connecting to facebook or by adding them with clan id. This is also the top ranking and the most played game on google play store. I used to play this game everyday for about 5-7 hrs. I am too addicted with it. I play this game till my phone's battery becomes low. I suggest you download it and play it once.


avishekavishekMouthShut Verified Member
Chennai India
Amazing online Game!!
Mar 29, 2018 02:13 PM 658 Views

Clash of clans is developed by Supercell Company. It is the best game I have ever played. I started to play this game two years ago and I am playing continuously till now. I am not get bored and I am enjoying while playing this game. Now I am in Townhall 10 . Townhall is like your Kingdom and you are the king in your village. you need to protect your village by having defense and walls around your townhall . The concept of the game is really nice and I loved it. The way they created the game is awesome, if you start playing the game, you won't able to stop playing it. The main concept is you have to protect your village and also you can attack other village also. You can play this game with your friends too, you can build one clan castle and challenge other clans to start a war. winner will get loot amount.

The layout and design of this game is good enough. It is the online game, you need to have net connection in your mobile. you have to play the game in horizontal direction. It is your village and you can change your village layout of your wish. The features are, you will be given with some gold and elixir to start with. Then you have to build your own village and it will be very interesting. There is option to link your village with your google accounts. So that you village will not be lost forever. It is very easy to download, you can have this game in play store for free. The new update is you builder base and it is also very good and you can also play clan games with your friends and get rewards.

The main character are The King, The Queen and The Guardian, The troops are Barbarian, Archers, Goblins, Wizards, Balloons, Pekka, Dragon, Bowler, valkyrie, Hogs, Minions and some spells. Every character has their own ability and can be used at different strategies. Another main thing is Builder, he is the one who build your village and upgrade your defenses.

The usefulness of this game is, it reduce your stress and make your mind free & relax. It is very addictive but you can play this at your free time.

Everyone should try this game once and enjoy the game. CLASH ON!


Clash Of Clans
ravipanwar9219MouthShut Verified Member
Dehradun India
Addictive GAME
Mar 29, 2018 01:25 PM 521 Views (via Android App)

This game is awesome very addictive.I am playig this game from last 3 yrs and still the craze of mine like previous.The game 11 stages Called Town Halls.And side by side new Builder base game like Home base.Many Different types of Troopz and spells and 3 heroes.You can chat with friends whilee playing, You can make a clan with your friends and Fight with other teams in clan wars.You can attack on players world wide.You can improve your base and Be a one of the top players.and there are 8 leagues in which you have to climb.

johandebbarma83MouthShut Verified Member
Avanga, Kamalpur, Dhalai, Tripura India
CLASH OF CLANS Best multi-player online game
Mar 29, 2018 12:43 PM 559 Views (via Android App)

When someone ask me about what is the best online multi-player game?

My answer is always Clash Of Clash because no any ather game like Clash Of Clans this game is produced by SUPERCELL company. This game is safe then any other games because because nobody hack this game. My favorite troop in this game is valkary because se is small but powerful and very useful I can take this with only 170 dark elixir and now I'm in town hall 9. We play this game to town hall 11 I hop supercell will be give townhall 12 on next update.

Natore,Rajshahi,Bangladesh India
Mar 28, 2018 01:38 PM 461 Views (via Android App)

CLASH OF CLAN is the game of is very popular play about 100+ people around the's funchions is not a easy it is also a hard game of the play for need a gmail account and android mobile.the log out and log in is the differernt popularity is big day by day.there are two village in this game.main bace and builder bace.2 kind of troops in this game and the clan castle which help us to contacts with friends.there were a cans which has 1 leader, few co-leader, few elder and some member in a clan.50 member are lives in a clan.20+ levels to go a clan. Everybody should to play this game.


Enjoy with clash of clans
Mar 27, 2018 12:38 PM 1191 Views

Clash of clans is a android mobile game.Download from google ply  store, 66.30MB about game size.

Under the game's are so characte rwith different attacking power. In the game 3 main Charter queen, king, and grand warden. Total 11 lavel and Eleven different town hall! and so many diffence to save town hall to attacking opponent. the game"s layout and desine so good like full HD. I am plying this game and I am enjoying so much.

tyagielectricalMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
The game which makes u addicted
Mar 26, 2018 11:59 PM 759 Views (via Android App)

I am nishant tryagi holding Town Hall 10 village in this game im playing this game since last 3 years continuesly and this game makes me happy because I made my clan I am a leader me and my team members do wars regularly aweaome experience super cell provide new and interesting updates regularly this is the only game where u cant cheat u can earn gems no cheat codes. And I dont this this game have any dead end it will goo on years its very addicted so guys who has a lots of work beware wont download.and if any new player wants to join clan come to my clan named GAME FINISHERS happy clashing best of luck.

The most addictive game ever
Mar 26, 2018 05:34 PM 575 Views (via Android App)

Clash of clans is one of the most addictive game today.because in this game we can chat with other guys and global chat also.we can make clans and upgrade our own town hall to max .to upgrade town hall to max we also upgrade defence and troops also.the graphics of the game is awesome.and the game is protected by clash of clans is also a online game we cannot change anything at playing time the concept of the game is village war

CLASH OF CLANS is top game in the world
Mar 26, 2018 03:49 PM 1224 Views (via Android App)

Clash of clans is best game in the world. This is game was played in milions of people in the world. This game is is not we play 1 months and we complete it. This is not ever be completed. In this game there are so many features like war, battel, bulider base, home base like it. In clash of clans there is an clan feature . In this feature we had a clan there were 50 members. These members are come any from the world. In this game we have upgard our village from smaller to bigger. We have to max our village. Atleast our village going to max this period will take minimum 4 years to max our village

Coimbatore India
Clash of clans
Mar 26, 2018 03:27 PM 458 Views (via Mobile)

Clash of clans is an addictive game. I am playing this game now also. It is a nice game. Good graphics, sounds, music etc. And the important thing is we can chat with our friends in our group.Ilike this game a lot.we can go battles, we can go for war, and etc.

Time waste
Mar 26, 2018 03:04 PM 612 Views (via Android App)

Hello everyone welcome here to read my review on time wasting game or application called clash of clans. Friends I was download it in February 2017 when I stared game I feel very bored but as my level get increased I wants more to play it and got stuck on it a whole day I play it each and every hour and I forget all other things, my parent get disappoint from me, slowely-slowely time was passes and how four five months pass I don't know at that time my school exams come near so I have prepare my studies but my mind alway stick on that game then I decided to uninstalled that game, from that day I never install it again even in vacation or free time because I know if I install it again so then I never stick out from it again. So from my heart I want to say or inform you please dont install it on your device. But whole game is fantastic

Clash of clans
Mar 23, 2018 01:44 PM 627 Views

Hello guys today I have come with famous game clash of clans this is a stratergy game

the concept of this game is very easy there are town hall in this game and I am on town hall 7

this is use full game because by playing this game we will not other bad games and by playing this game our intrest will less in games so I tell you to play this game

Bik8257960028MouthShut Verified Member
West Tripura India
Clash of Clans
Mar 23, 2018 12:15 PM 601 Views (via Mobile)

Hi I am bikram, this is the one of the best game of supercell.I play this game in last 1 years.It is full enjoyment game.I love this game so much.Game trops is very nice.Some trops is very powerful.It is my life best game. Clash of Clans is very popular game in the world.

My best ever game
Mar 23, 2018 12:01 PM 958 Views (via Android App)

Hi friend, I had playing this game from last 10 months.I am fan of this has great graphics and awesome features.This game makes me slightly addictive.Because my all class mates play this and we are in same clan.this game update every month.Every update is very good.It takes my all time.i never leave this for just a minute.And I had a great time with this game.Such features like clan wars, friendly challenge, global chatting, clan chatting.Make this game more intresting.This is the best online game.i always recommend others to play this.


Jaipur, Rajasthan, India India
Completed Mind and Mood refreshing package
Mar 21, 2018 07:59 PM 695 Views (via Android App)

This game give a feel of royalty by having own clan as a kingdom with members as our warriors and troops as our arms.I am playing this game since 3 years and get so addictive to it like a family. Hats Off to company Supercell for making such a creative strategic game. This is an online strategic game which you can play with group of your friends as a team with a motive to win and upgrade your clan and reach at higher league. Deploy your troops at enemy's base to give him a competative feeling and gaining loot. So judge It by playing and be a CLASHER.

Clash of Clan
Mar 17, 2018 10:27 PM 1100 Views (via Android App)

Clash of Clan is a Awesome game Nice graphics and it will make you Slightly addictive. This game is good because it is a online game you can play with friend and you can also build a group it is a good game because Many types of troops, each type of troop having some strength and weakness.lots of task you have to complete so look by yourself and you will know.

Kuttippuram, Kerala, India India
Mar 16, 2018 01:10 PM 637 Views (via Mobile)

The game developed by supercell is one of the most entertaining game in play store .The game is time consuming but not worth to waste your time because its impossible to finish the game as if we are about to then the supercell bring a new update .All together its nice

Clash of clan.....Addictive
Mar 16, 2018 08:26 AM 923 Views (via Android App)

Clash of clan is difficult game when started.But later if we understood how it play, it will be an addictive game.The game will be interested after townhall7.

Another feature is its graphics looking very good.The updation is very variety in the seasons.The attack and defend is the major part of the game.

The plus point of Clash Of Clan is, it isn't be haked or moded.if it happends, the accound will be banned .

Looks like a wounderfull game when we know how to play.


azminsazzMouthShut Verified Member
Tirur India
Most addictive game clash of clans
Mar 15, 2018 01:43 PM 1406 Views (via Android App)

Iam playing clash of clans last 2 year.its so addictive game developed by SUPERCELL .clash of clans is a top stratergy game their players collect resources to build their own building and army to attack.players can raid another players villages and take resources.clash of clans is an ONLINE game and around 100 million is downloaded in the was released in 2013 and coc also update the game once a month and they introduce great ideas in to the game so if any one have need a adiictive game I prefer coc for that


Clash Of Clans