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Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul Reviews

Suratgarh, Rajasthan India
Great motivational book for everybody
Dec 20, 2016 12:00 AM 2338 Views

Thanks a lot to Jack Canfield and team,

It's not only book it's a life line and guideline for life

This book is result of a long experience and  thoughts, really the book is a road map of our successfull life, great motivation and methods are inbuilt, it make soul like great soul.

Best ideas and thought make  powerfull skill

Everybody know what they want but nobody know how to achieve this book say all about clearly

Thane india
If u get a plz
Jun 13, 2005 07:55 AM 6401 Views

Last week only I came across this book & belive me its must read one.

The book has been compiled & edited with much efforts (almost 2 yrs) to bring the book at this standard with assorted real stories.

There are stories in here about dreams realized & loves lost . There are real stories on relationship ( like first love,first kiss...yes..romantic ones) & on friendship(ppl telling u those experiences when they came across their true friend ), on relationships ,on learning , on family & lots more..

There are also stories when ppl repent their past because of treatment given by them to other ppl & in contrary how those ppl behaved nice with them .

-------Here is one of the story (edited & compiled by me :D )---------

Betty ann is a girl in 9th grade living in a Cleveland,Ohio . She changes her school to Richmond,virginia .

There was a girl called Susan Henderson in this new school whose English composition always praised by her teachers . She was the writer of the class & everyone was very proud of her & her weekely story is always choosen to read in the class .

One day, to everyone's surprised...madam chooses Betty ann's story as her story is much more better than that of Susan's.

The teacher came to the part of in the Betty Ann's composition where Langston Hughes writes a poem

about how he likes watermelon so much that if he should meet the queen of England ,he'd be proud to offer her a piece.

That was when all class burst out laughing imagining Queen of England eating a piece of watermelon.

After that she became the class joke.What she wore,what she said,whate she ate somehow always used to give the reason to crack a joke.

She started getting sick a lot . The author says , when she meet to Betty Ann's mother when she went to Betty Ann's home,her mother told the author,''Why don't you girls like Betty Ann? She likes you...''

The author says this question made me thought as nobody had ever asked me that question .

Betty Ann's parents moved her to another school..but it was too late...

The author heard later that she'd had a nervous breakdown.

Onece, years later when the author was heading home , she saw Betty Abb in the doctor's office. Betty Ann didn't even recognized her.


well..this was taken from the friendship section...but there are so many other sections to read from.

What I liked the most abt the book is descriptive nature of the stories including reasons lead them to take particular action & thought came in their mind at that we get to know the everyone's side...

This book can change your life by learning on other's experiences..

If you get a chance..plz read it

La La Land Heavenistan
::: Looking For A True Friend? Buy This Book! :::
Feb 03, 2005 12:19 AM 3689 Views

I was really scared while starting this review since I haven?t written for almost a month now and was worried that I may have lost my touch. And to increase my frustration the product on which I wanted to write wasn?t available. A mixture of frustration and fear can be really very fatal for health unlike the chicken soup which works like a nectar for your body. And that?s the main reason chicken soup is recommended to the patients by the doctors since it helps them to regain their good health.

A wounded body doesn?t hurt as much as a wounded heart, a wounded mind or a wounded soul! Thus, some chicken soup was urgently needed by the society not only to heal the body but to heal the soul too. And hats off to Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen and Kimberly Kirberger who started this series called Chicken Soup For The Soul for this very purpose. Jack and Mark are the co-authors while Kimberly who is the managing editor of this organization decided to join them for this collection named Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.

As the name of the book suggests, it is written specifically for the teenagers. Teenage years are one of the most exciting and difficult years of one?s life. Exciting because these are the years when you can really enjoy life carefree. And difficult because you have to deal with many problems too ? identity crisis, adolescence, peer pressures, parental pressures and so on. These are the years when your parents can seem to be your worst enemies. These are the years when you will have a new infatuation every second week.

These are the years when sometimes all of a sudden life may seem very gloomy to you. You may have a feeling of wretchedness that you are the most unfortunate soul on the whole planet. And it?s at this time when you need a true friend, who not only guides you towards the right path but also strengthens your character to such an extent that you develop an altogether new positive attitude towards life. And that?s just what this book does. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul is really a boon for all the teenagers who are struggling to find some answers but can?t get them.

I recommend it to all the parents of the teenagers. Do get a copy for your child soon if he/she is 13+. And also by no means it?s a book just for the teenagers. It?s a must read for the parents too, so that they can understand the feelings of their child in a proper way and become better parents.


The book contains 101 short stories of Life, Love and Learning. The stories have been divided under eight different categories ?

(1) On Relationships

Relationships ? of all kinds ? are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand, the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold on to some of it, but most will be spilled. A relationship is like that. Held loosely with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost.

(2) On Friendship

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.

(3) On Family

The family ? that dear octopus from whose tentacles we never quite escape nor, in our inmost hearts, ever quite wish to.

(4) On Love and Kindness

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.

(5) On Learning

School has taught me not only how to learn in the classroom, but outside the classroom as well. Where do you think I learned how to climb, swing and skip? Where do you think I learned how to meet my best friend?

(6) Tough Stuff

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience by which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself ?I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.?

(7) Making A Difference

Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.

(8) Going For It!

Having a dream isn?t stupid, Norm. It?s not having a dream that?s stupid.


This book isn?t written just for commercial purpose and the organization is deeply concerned about the welfare of the teenagers too. As can be seen by the fact that they have decided to donate a part of the profit that is generated from the sale of this book to the following organizations -

(1) Challenge Days - A program committed to making our schools and the world a better place to live in.

(2) The Yellow Ribbon Project - A nonprofit organization that helps to prevent teen suicides.

(3) Motivational Media Assemblies (MMA)- A non-profit educational company serving schools in the United States, Canada, Australia and Taiwan.

Thus, by purchasing this book you are not only adding a gem to your collection but indirectly also helping these institutes. So my advice to you is, that go for it without thinking twice! I can assure you, that you won?t be disappointed. And if my assurance isn?t enough, to conclude, let?s have a look at what a few others have to say about this book!


?I?m proud to be a part of a book that inspires and obviously really cares about teenagers. No preaching, no telling teens what to do. Everyone should read this book.?

Jennifer Love Hewitt - singer and actress, Party of Five

?What a wonderful gift this book is for teenagers. These stories will make you laugh, make you cry, and inspire you to feel better about life, love and learning.?

Barbara DeAngelis - bestselling author, Real Moments

?I love this book. It picks you up and shows you how to get the most out of life through the stories of other people.?

Janet, age 15

?I will read this book over and over again. It does more than just entertain you, it actually changes the way you feel inside?in a good way.?

Jennifer, age 16

?I like reading about how girls feel in relationship to guys. That was the best part.?

Michael, age 16

?I realized after reading this that I can do more than I thought. I play sports and sometimes, if I have a bad game, I think I?m finished. After reading these stories, I feel differently.?

Daniel, age 15


© Tanmay Singh, 2005


Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul
Apr 15, 2002 09:12 PM 11856 Views

This is a wonderful book written by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor hansen and Kimberly birberger.The teenage years are the most memoriable and the toughest years of your life.You need a friend who can support you all the time and can understand you.But sometimes you cant get all the things you expect from a friend and many things you cant tell your friend like few family problems.In these problems your best friend would be this book.

This book tell you the real life stories by the people themselves and how they have gone through the same situation

like you might be going through.This books makes you laugh, cry,refresh you ,your emotion etc.This book must be read atleast once.This book is divided into many sections like tough stuff and love and kindness and family relations and stuff.This gives you the strenght to face each problem with confidence and hope.It teaches you to take one time a day and gives you the strenght to overcome difficult times.

It improves relationships as well.It makes you realise that life is worth living and it is wonderful if you see the bright things of life.It makes you feel special and your problem really small infront of other problems.

It shows you the corret ways of life.My all time 30 favourites in this book are :(in random)

1)a high school love not forgotten

2)a simple christmas card

3)the bibble

4)the home run

5)a brothers voice(really good)

6)I love you dad

7)The secret of happiness


9)Life jsut isnt

10)tell the world for me (really sad story)

11)Lilacs bloom every spring

12)Paint brush

13)Egg lessons

14)The cost of gratefulness

15)i try to remember

16) Mrs.virginia Deview

17)The eternal gifts


19)If I knew

20)I'll always be with you (too good)

21)SOme1 should have taught him

22)i'll be looking for you ace (really emotional)

23) Last wish

24) gold-medal winner

25)the most mature thing I have ever seen

26)broken wing

27)I'll be back

28)True height

29)I did it

30)New beginnings

I liked this book a lot.GO ahead and read it.

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