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Charminar Reviews

Injuries to health and wealth
May 20, 2021 11:16 PM10347 Views (via Android App)

It is populer in labour class people in fact It having poor quality of product. No filter & very injuries to health . I suggest everyone dont take risk with using such a lowest kind of products

Dec 04, 2018 05:23 PM20517 Views (via Android App)

Some people write Charminar was the first structure to be constructed in the newly built city of Hyderabad.[3]  It is said that Quli Qutab Shahi prayed for the end of the plague and vowed to build a mosque if it was eradicated.[4]  Mir Momin Astarabadi, the prime minister of Qutb Shah played an important role in the design and layout of Charminar and the city of Hyderabad.[5]  The structure is of  Indo-Islamic architecture  with some Persian elements. The city of Hyderabad was divided into four divisions equally around the Charminar.[6]

Old is Gold
Dec 01, 2018 07:30 PM20570 Views (via Android App)

If you ask some of the 90s about cigarettes Charminar would be their answer, I too came across it and use it, the smell from blended tobacco makes it addictive, apart from that lighting it up makes us realise the black and white era, Charminar was one of my favourite back days it is still better then today's Product like The Menthol Flake, Navy cut. Charminar is one of the oldest cigarettes company in India


nicemon7MouthShut Verified Member
Tripunithura, India India
Cancer for sure
Aug 28, 2018 10:31 PM23208 Views (via Android App)

Charminar has been a popular cigarette brand over the years but they are still using the same standard of materials and tobacco . Yes everybody knows smoking cigarettes is injurious to health and causes a chance of cancer . In the case of Charminar its and 100% sure . The length and quality of the cigarette filter is very bad . On the concentration of cheap tobacco can cause serious problems . Please never smoke wet Charminar cigarettes it can cause bronchitis to your lungs . If you are a chain smoker and won't be able to stop smoking then don't use Charminar I think gold flakes is better choice . Comparing the quality . Don't think about the small difference in the price . Charminar is currently the worst Indian cigarette popular brand . The availability and packaging is comparatively cheap too

aryan0217MouthShut Verified Member
Bhubaneswar India
Very terrible item
Jan 24, 2018 09:13 PM21718 Views (via Android App)

I said my own opinion that Charminar bristol isn't useful for people groups causes growth and leave human to pass on. Nevr attempt it. It is awful for individuals. This isn't great in any way. Makes individual completely amazing not great to utilize it. I refer to all people to not attempt this bristol. This will cause you tumor in entire body it isn't great at all for humans.this will make individual half die.i m not happy with this item. I advised understudies to not utilize or attempt this one this will make as long as you can remember awful and worstMany of people groups have pass on with it so plzz dont attempt this one at your home or anyplace not great by any means. Exceptionally for undergrads and people groups who utilize it for their motivation not great at all.very terrible item this is. Thank you.

Singharadhana254MouthShut Verified Member
Ranchi India
Bad for health !!!
Dec 25, 2017 02:29 AM22480 Views (via Mobile)

Charminar bristol isn't useful for people groups causes growth and leave human to pass on. Nevr attempt it. This is awful for individuals. This isn't great in any way. Makes individual completely amazing not great to utilize it. I m refereeing to all people to not attempt this bristolThis will cause you tumor in entire body it isn't great at all for humans.this will make individual half die.i m not happy with this item. I advised understudies to not utilize or attempt this one this will make as long as you can remember awful and worstMany of people groups have pass on with it so plzz dont attempt this one at your home or anyplace not great by any means. Exceptionally for undergrads and people groups who utilize it for their motivation not great at all.very terrible item this is.

ahmedirfan9496MouthShut Verified Member
Alappuzha,Kerala India
Bad for Health
Dec 25, 2017 02:08 AM21624 Views (via Android App)

Hi guyz.I dont have personal experience to write about the product, but I do have sold the product over the past years.The product was available very easily and it was cheap too.Old guyz were among the predominant buyers as they were not used to buying cigarattes.

From these exeriences I believe I am eligible to write a review on the product.The very first thing I wanna warn you guyzz about is that it is very harmful to your health more than you expect it to be , by not causing cancer alone but many more harmful disease.The product is among the popular seller because of its cheap rate and as it is available easily.I have seen many guyzz suffering from chestpain due to its continuos usage , who are still not ready to give it up.But I recommend to not use this stuff, but if you have so much desire buy some better stuff.Not this one guyz trust me.

Not worth your hard earned money
Dec 21, 2017 06:34 PM21186 Views (via iOS App)

This cigarette named after the famous charminar of hyderabad is not even pleasing to look at, smoking it would be a far greater mistake. its sour taste and low quality tobacco makes it feel like smoking 5 beedis at once. The very first drag of charminar ruins your mood.! This brand is just a name in the market which is only famous because of its low price. the people who prefer smoking affordable/cheap cigarettes also should not go for this one because this is not even worth your money.!

Injuriuos to health
Jul 15, 2017 09:54 PM21794 Views

Cigarette is injurious to health. And not just injurious it is very injurious. Looks like a Cinema is starting now where a message is shown that drinking alcohol and cigarette smoking is injurious to health. So you have to be serious about your life. It`s your life. And you would not get another life. Because life is once. So I personally do not recommend you  not to smoking.

As it is very very injurious to health. But if you are already addicted then you should try to left these harmful thin and harmful habits.

shubhamsagar616MouthShut Verified Member
Begusarai India
Waste waste waste...!
Jul 13, 2017 12:47 PM22044 Views

I used to smoke from last four years.

Normally I smoke king golf flake, some time due to money problem I smoke this charminar.

Guys believe me the tobaco used in it is very wet types and rough, after smoking one packet u feel some eitching types in your mouth.its my experience with charminar cigarette.nd its taste was hard. Its packing was also so rough types, so conjusted.if u guys want to smoke u must smoke light because thay don't affect like this types of product.

Charminar is the very old brand of cigarette. it is easily available.but is not good for health purpose.

champak786MouthShut Verified Member
Not a Good Cigarette for middle class category
Jul 08, 2017 09:27 PM22621 Views

I used to smoke it during my college life, when there was no money. Following are the points I want to highlight.

Availability: I think it is available in every corner of our country, in the remotest areas of North East India it is available. It is available for lower class category, I think customer segmentation is done by this way only, very bad taste. U can not complete the cigarette while smoking because the softness of the cigarette is reduced.

Packaging: It is very poor in the sense that all the cigarette inside the package was so compact that it needs more attention, company should  redesign it to reach its customers.

TheIndianFiveMouthShut Verified Member
Gurgaon India
Charminar- Old is Gold
May 30, 2017 10:17 AM23318 Views

Hi guys, charminar cigrette is the oldest tobacco brand in india, the company has its registered head office in hyderabad I remember when I was in teenage my father gave paise for bring charminar cigrette when he started cigrette its smoke irritate me I got far away now as time has changed tobacco occupied on youth and teenage couple as we know time to time health ministry and NGOs alert and advice to discard and keep away from cigrettes, tobacco, gutca, etc. now a days charminar has become photo shoot place, it looks like india gate, gateway of india, charminar is the heritage symbol and identity of india

muqtadir521MouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Feb 06, 2017 09:23 PM22898 Views

CHARMINAR is the oldest cigarrete in india.all the other cigarrete are made from coping this cigarrete.this is the oldest and the best cigarrete in all over comes with the reasonable it is helpfull for the people who smokes more has a very good taste and it is smooth and strong in comes with two types .firstly with filter and second is without filter.its packaging is simple and is available in most parts of the is made from finest is the best cigarrete available in the market.i recomment this cigarrete to everyone.thanking you.

Bhubaneswar India
A saying old is gold which defines charminar
Sep 08, 2016 05:24 PM24756 Views

First of all its my first cigarrate then improvises to goldflake, I remember my neighbour uncle and my grandfather having these cigarrates, basically after drink they are taking these 1. mostly villagers and oldman for strong and highly nicotine added cigarrate. it costs around 50 paisa or 1 rs. after charminar it becomes charminar gold. the 3 rd largest cigarrate manufacturing company in india. actually nobody knows I turned into a chain smoker but perhaps I remember those days when in college days we have smoking freinds this cigarrate is our best which is easy and very low cost.

Kolkata India
Sky touching reputaio.
Aug 07, 2016 01:50 PM24754 Views

CHARMINAR is a famous Cigratte brand of old days.My Grandfather used this my childhood he says that is the first famous cigratte brand of India.

Maximum of Old famous person used this and the Cigratte have a awsome creative Advertisement.

But, Charminar bristol is not good for peoples.causes canser and leave human to die.nevr try it.thid is bad for human beings.this is not good at all.makes person fully for die and not good to use it.It's filter quality is too bad.Charminar is poured with those days chip and strong tobaco. But, I here from my grand father is has a great flavour. Now days I am a somker and missing Charminar.

krishna_14322MouthShut Verified Member
A very good charminar but..
Jun 22, 2016 06:15 PM24749 Views

My father used this my childhood he told me this cigrettes is very oldes brand and very strong. Its get the basices correct.

Charminar it has a great flavour and great body smoke. Its packing is very nice. Its light weagt and smell so good. Its price is very low. Yes missing charminar and the charm it had.

I suggest all people its very nice cigrette. And I advised to people its long time you have a invite cancer.Yeah, missing Charminar and the Charm it had.

Kolkata India
Not bad but definitely not good
Jun 22, 2016 05:59 PM25604 Views

As all the cigarette lovers know, charminar is a popular brand. it is also very old. the strength of the tobacco is astounding. the smell and taste are exquisite. it is one of my personal favorite cigarette.

But I must say, its really really bad for your health. the filter is weak and not much effective. it increases the chance of cancer many times.

So it is particularly dangerous as the level suggests. so it would be beneficial for you if you should avoid this cigarette, or any cigarette for the same reason.

atharkhanMouthShut Verified Member
Causes cancer
Feb 12, 2016 10:46 PM26260 Views (via Android App)

Charminar bristol is not good for peoples causes cancer and leave human to die. Nevr try it. This is bad for human beings. This is not good at all. Makes person fully for die and not good to use it. I m refereeing to all humans to not try this bristol

This will cause you cancer in whole body it is not good at all for humans.this will make person half die.i m not satisfied with this product. I told students to not use or try this one this will make your entire life bad and worst

Many of peoples have die with it so plzz dont try this one at your home or anywhere not good at all. Specially for college students and peoples who use it for their purpose not good at all.very bad product this is.

sourav8088MouthShut Verified Member
basirhat India
Threat to your health
Dec 08, 2015 08:09 PM28284 Views

Charminar is a heritage name among earlier days the cigarette came with no filtering process.nowadays filter is added to it.this cigarette is very cheap respectively others available in is made of cheap quality of tobacco which on smoking may harm your health.

After all every cigarettes are comes with tags like tobacco causes cancer, smoking is injurious for health, they are just trying to advise us about the bad effect of cigarette, so just give up smoking.

New Delhi India
The Best Cigarette has the worst reputation
May 29, 2009 02:43 AM58501 Views

I got used to Charminar during my college days. As I grew up, I tried out the fancy and more expensive cigarettes. But there was something about the taste and the smell of Charminar that always called out to me. Before I talk about that, let's get the basics correct:

It is a filter-less cigarette with roasted tobacco, comes in the characteristic yellow packaging, and is cheaper than almost every other brand. Please keep in mind that this review is NOT of the newer filtered variety being marketed by the company.

Roasted Tobacco:

This particular brand was extremely popular in Bengal during the Naxalite movement, and even now it retains that charm in many places in India. The educated crowd shuns this brand vociferously mostly due to the lack of a filter. Few know, however, that Charminar is the only brand in the Indian market that uses roasted tobacco. Roasting tobacco is the best way of getting rid of the tar and several other harmful chemicals. It even reduces the nicotine content. Most filtered cigarettes contain more tar than this humble paper-rolled brand.


It is quite a strong cigarette. But others, like Charms, are even stronger. People who are used to Wills Navy Cut will find it easy to adapt to the strength of Charminar.


Charminar is quite well-known among several East European tourists. Most cigarettes marketed in countries like Romania use roasted tobacco . therefore, that region of the world obviously takes to Charminar when they visit India.


Due to it's cheap price and apparent lack of popularity, most educated junta shies away from trying this brand. It is available in very few places, and even in those shops the number of buyers are dwindling day by day.

This cigarette is the closest to a cuban cigar that you find in the regular Indian market. But it is, I should say, an acquired taste.



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