The serial is fairly good as it nicely depicts how, with the proper intuition and presence of mind, one can overcome and solve any big problems. The character of Chacha Chaudhari is very nicely been enacted. Its really worth watching. The character of Sabu is also very interesting. It somehow depicts the robots of modern age. These robots, when directed in the right way can be very helpful to mankind and to the society. But it can cause hell of destructed, if misdirected. The serial shows how Chacha uses the basic principles of life to direct Saabu in such a way so as to solve big problems of the society.
The charecter of Chacha also depicts simplicity and openness of mind, which is a necessity of each and every individual for his/her progress in life. Once one gets occupied by baseless egos, his ability of rational thinking also diminishes. The charecter of Chacha can be an ideal for all those who can't come out of their egos to accept other's views and also to think rationally and with a ''Can Do'' attitude.
Chacha never gets disheartened under any circumstances, and always has a problem solving attitude.The charecter of chachi is also very realistic, depicting an ideal wife and companion even under all adverse conditions.
All of us should start watching this serial for our own benefits and to harness positive attitude in our minds
This serial shows the triumph of conscience over the evil. Chacha Choudhary, being the symbol of ''Good'' overcomes all obstacles and defeats the evil forces, no matter how much powerful they are.
This shows that a man with noble character and pure, egoless, non-jealous mind can win every battle of life. Chacha, inspite of helping others under the most adverse conditions, never demanded any material reward. He seems to be satisfied by just helping others. God always helps such persons in every situation.
So, this serial spreads the morale that never be egoistic, be simple, open to suggestions, and achievement oriented. Then, your brain will always direct you in the right direction.
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