''Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of a place of worship and take alms of those who work with joy.'' -Kahlil Gibran
The better work men do is always done under stress and at great personal cost.'' -William Carlos Williams
At a day and time when banking has become so easy, there are quite a few nationalized banks that have a lot to change. The services of some of the banks are so bad that it makes the worst look the best. Like the saying goes, ”In a kingdom of blinds, one eyed man is the ruler”, ICICI, HDFC,Citi and StanChart are giant leaps ahead of the banks like Canara, Indian, IOB et al. To reach the world class level, Indian Banks have to go a long way. I hope that the day is not far off. Before that, a serious revamping of all the nationalized banks is to be done. Just introducing the “VRS” is not going to help these banks but training at the core level for the principles of banking. After all, these banks make tons of money using O.P.M (Other People’s Money). The least they can do to their customers is a classic service.
Saying that, I have a long association with Canara bank. I still have an account with Canara bank. The only reason I have this account is because it is my salary account and I do not use it for anything else.
CANARA BANK – An Introduction
Canara Bank was founded as 'Canara Bank Hindu Permanent Fund' in 1906, by ASR Pai. It was known as “Canara Bank Ltd” till 1969, when Indira Gandhi’s government nationalized all banks (For better or for worse, it can be debated). After the nationalization, Reserve Bank of India controls the basic philosophy and all the banks adhere to the norms set forth by the RBI. The BSRB conducts a centralized recruitment for banking officers and they are paid nicely to do their service.
Canara Bank is one of the premier(!!) nationalized banks with many branches and a lot of employees. About 60-65% of its banks are computerized and has a large ATM Network. It was the nationalized bank with the maximum profit in 2002 (741 crores) and a leader in many banking terms.
It also won some awards like FICCI award for rural development and all.
CANARA BANK – An Assessment
I have a very long association with Canara Bank. I opened a salary account before my first job and I can still remember the sounds of “TOKEN… F I VE …. T H R E E… T W O” and waiting for my token 756 to be called out. I was thinking, “Wow! That’s a big and famous bank, it has so many customers waiting.” One must consider the fact that the privatized banking was not at the forefront and that almost all salary accounts were on the nationalized banks for its length and breadth of reach.
I also saw many persons just breaking the lines and giving their challans and money to the cashiers with a smile and a long chitchat while many faces are fuming because of the loss of productivity. One thing I noticed was the tremendous consistency in this pattern and the attitude of all the employees. They will score a full 999 in an Olympic shooting event. I mean all of them.
When I went to get a cheque book and asked for a 100 leaves (because I wanted to save 5 headache trips), the clerk said.”Sir you will have to speak with the manager”. After what it seemed as a wait longer than the waiting time at the American Consulate in Chennai, I was taken to the manager only to be seated in a torn chair. I could have been better off standing. I am talking about a bank making 750 crores profit using the money invested by customers like me. The attitude is just too bad to be described.
To tell you how they live up to their principles, let me take them one by one
1. To remove Superstition and ignorance.
They really do not have to remove the superstition as all customers are induced to following one before entering. See the difference between “remove” and “create”. They didn’t say remove ignorance. They said Ignorance, which is quite evident in their services.
2. To spread education among all to sub-serve the first principle
They spread education in patience, anger management, how to lose productivity, how to nail bite, how to clutch your fist and how to induce blood flow in your veins.
3. To inculcate the habit of thrift and savings
They inculcate the habit of being thrift, which is quite so evident in their savings in the way of chairs and other basic features for the customers that they prevent. They save on smiles towards customers, serving attitude to the customers
4. To transform the financial institution not only as the financial heart of the community but the social heart as well.
They are the heart of the community but with a heart with so many issues that the cardiologist needs to do some research to fix the issue. I hope the cardiologist fixes this issue to make it one of the best hearts, without the use of a pacemaker
5. To assist the needy.
For any bank, the customer is the king and needy. If you cannot assist a customer, where does the question of assisting others arise?
6. To work with sense of service and dedication.
What I see/saw was/is a sense of self-service quite so evident in so many offices for the betterment of themselves and a dedicated ignorant attitude towards the customers
7. To develop a concern for fellow human being and sensitivity to the surroundings with a view to make changes/remove hardships and sufferings.
Customer is a fellow human being. The people waiting in line are a surrounding. When there is a long line it is a sensitive atmosphere. Everyone loses a lot of time and suffer if it is so. The bank needs to take care of the same to enhance the service.
There you have the founding principles and my analysis of the bank. Their ATM service is the worst I have encountered (I had a chance to use ATM Services of about 9 banks so far and this ranks at the bottom). Not once they bothered to offer me any financial advise and/or investment plans. Not once they offered a chance to get a credit card (I do have 4 Credit cards)..Their NRI service is one of the worst of the kinds. I feel that I was treated like a king by ICICI, thought I have my reservations.
Their online service is one of the worst kinds with very crappy interface. You have the userid as a password field so that you do not know what you are typing. Where do you find such brilliance? The security and confidence mechanism have to go a long way in Indian Online banking systems. Canara Bank is no better or worse.
My Ratings
Customer Service – 0 stars
Reliability – 3 Stars
Online Banking Experience – 1 Stars
ATM Service – 1 stars
Overall Rating – 1 star
Banking can be excellent. The experience can be very nice. There are few banks where the customer exits on a much happier mode than they enter the bank. There are a few banks where customer exits on a fuming note. In my opinion, Canara Bank has been very successful in inducing me to the later. Canara bank is one of the worst banks I have seen and I do not recommend it.
I would give TWO LEGS AND TWO HANDS DOWN for Canara Bank
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''The Devil finds work for idle hands.'' – Proverb
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