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Canara Bank Reviews

Time to wake up
Oct 22, 2006 08:32 PM 3673 Views

Canara Bank extension counter operating out of a school in Vasant Kunj epitomises the rot that once prevailed in the Indian banking sector, pre-1991 days! Well, ever since the likes of ICICI, UTI, HDFC came into the picture, banks like Canara Bank seem to have lost relevance. At least to those clietele that banks on efficiency. I remember the time we moved into our Vasant Kunj flat in 1989. Soon thereafter we opened a savings account in the bank which was walking distance from our home. A middle-aged south Indian lady living near my house encouraged my family to start an account with Canara Bank where she was employed. The staff generally comprised of a dedicated bunch, mainly hailing from South India. Those were the days when banking sector reforms had yet to be implemented. Several accounts anf fixed deposits later, we saw the coming in of new banks that employed a smart staff having great computer skills and of course a great sense of communication. Canara Bank suddenly looked exposed in this modern world. It's been more than a decade since reforms have come to stay in this sector but unfortunately my bank in Vasant kunj continues to suck! Almost every manager employed at the bank seems to be a lost case. The only bright spark that every came to the bank as a manager was a lady who was detested by her colleagues for being too smart. This bank's main branch at the Jeet Singh Marg is equally a lost case. So what do I do to air my views on the bank? I pull out my fixed deposits and leave a paltry Rs 1000/- in the savings account. I have said goodbye to this fossilised bank. It's time for banks like thse to wake up!!

Bangalore India
The worst bank ever...
Oct 01, 2006 11:36 AM 5003 Views

I really dont have to talk about their "outstanding" service...i'm being terribly sarcastic here. The manager of the bank is even sweeping the floor as he's always under-staffed. He's never in his cabin to attend to customers. The bank is age old in every way of functioning and will not improve one bit given another hundred sorry years.

The people there are extremely incompetent and have no clue of how to run a "customer - oriented" banking service. They're arrogant, uncourteous and terrible to work with.

I've just lost my ATM card, and it happens to be my terrible luck that there are three public holidays in a row (along with their Monday holiday) and I dont have a "helpline" to call and block my atm card. This is one of the most ludicrous banks to work with, and I highly advise you to move out of them asap before its too late.


Sandeep Kowdley

CEO & Co Founder

Raptor Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.

Best Among the… Nationalized Banks
Sep 16, 2006 03:36 PM 3572 Views

CANARA Bank is the best nationalized bank to bank with.

It’s greatest plus point is that it doesn’t tries to go for the number game or try to grab the targets that are not within its reach. As they say, it plays well to its limitations. Its simplicity and its ability to stick to its tasks make it one of the best banks in the country.

Thus it doesn’t try for having the largest ATM network like some others. Yet wherever it has its ATMs they are generally working.

It doesn’t have much of phone banking facilities and it doesn’t push its Internet banking service. Yet it is better than some banks that advertise these services and then fail to deliver them.

Then it does provide debit Card facilities to its customers free of charge and with only a minimum balance of Rs. 500. A lot of others also promise this yet this is the bank that delivers,

Its one of the very few banks that really sticks to both, banking ethics and service to the people.

Its employees are always ready to understand and, if it is possible, comply with the customers’ demands.

As a student who needed to pay his fees through demand drafts, and who always thought of doing so at the last minutes .I have many a times had my demand drafts readied within 5 minutes. And I am not talking about one branch. I have been heard and had been helped with the same speed and understanding in many places from Buland Shahr to Dehradun and from numerous branches in Delhi to all the way to Pondicherry.

In comparison to the volume of customers, it is perpetually understaffed and yet you will always find its employees always attending to you with genuine pleasure and smiles.

It does have anytime banking facilities in some cities but it will be great if these are provided in more cities.

Its employees really deserve kudos for making Canara Bank a great bank. They are the most helpful and most hardworking people amongst the bankers. It is they who make Canara bank one of the only banks that live up to its motto. They truly are there to serve the people.


Canara Bank
Pune India
Attention Mr. President of Canara Bank
Sep 09, 2006 02:08 PM 3668 Views

I have applied for a loan in the bank for Solar System in D.G. Pune Branch.. After completion of formalities, I received the sanction letter from bank. On completion of the installation, I have notified on phone that the installation is complete. I have been informed that Bank person will make the site visit.

I have visited bank on Saturday Sep 2, 2006 for follow-up. I have been suggested to take the bank person to site and drop him back. I surprised with this demand

Subsequently, the deputed person has demanded that he will travel in Car only & asked me to get the car or hire an auto rickshaw for him. I brought it to his notice that this will be very costly affair for me and I will have to spend good amount of money for this. Hence I requested him to travel on my motorcycle. But he denied. He added that you should do this because bank is giving you the loan.I again re-requested if he can come for one side on motorcycle and while returning I can drop him back in Car. But again he denied.

Being under pressure of getting the loan amount at earliest, I have traveled to my home on motorcycle. I drove the car to bank. Then the bank person sat in car and we started to site i.e. my home.After his visit, I have to again drop him back to bank and travel back to home.

While driving the person has made very insulting comments towards me. He was exhibiting as if he is doing an extra-ordinary favor to me by accompanying with me.

I am listing few of his comments for your information -

We don’t entertain small amount of loans. The bank has lot of work to be done for loans. We don’t entertain small loans irrespective of party is good or bad. Why you have not gone to other banks or other branches? Who need now the loans of Rs. 30000-35000? When both husband & wife are working, the amount of income is about Rs.50000+ per month. So why you need loan? If you have taken Housing loan from HDFC, why don’t you insist HDFC for this loan?

When I have tried to convince him that there are POWER shortages in the country hence govt. is encouraging to use the non-conventional energy sources, following are his comments –

Who says there is Power shortage? It is all political gimmicks. There is lot of Power in M.P. But since they have BJP govt. they are not sharing. Now there is no loadshading (Power cuts) in the Pune. Now Mr. Sushilkumar Shinde is Energy minister, there will not be Power problem for Maharashtra.

Sir, I have really got depressed with this person’s comments and surprised with his attitude. This has generated some questions to me –

1) Is it bank customer’s responsibility to make the luxurious arrangement for bank employee for site visits?

2) If it is so, why it was not informed to me earlier? I would have saved one trip.

3) Why he neglects that for using vehicles, it need petrol.

This costs to individual as well as it is a scarce resource in the world?

4) Being a current bank customer where the facility of loan is available, why I should approach other bank.

5) Is he not aware that HDFC is not nominated by MEDHA for solar system loans?

6) How a bank person can talk about my financial condition? How he can conclude about my need of loan?This doesn't’t exhibit the professionalism.

7) When whole world is thinking of using the non-conventional natural energy resources, why this person is considering it to be foolish?

8) The Government of India is trying to encourage the non-conventional natural energy resources by making huge publicity. They have deputed to Canara Bank for the loans for the purpose. Why bank person is trying to discourage me?

Is it really very difficult to respect others? I hope you can understand how much patience I had kept.

The learned person like bank employee do not have knowledge of national problems?

The learned people like bank employee do not have manners of behaving with the customers?

It is very difficult to tolerate the person who is abusing you on face. Because I was on the receiving side at that point of time; I have to keep my mouth shut.

I expect that you will communicate my feelings to the person and advise him to give the proper treatment to other bank customers. Behave with humanity with the clients. People approaching to bank for loans are not beggars. Creditors pay the interest to bank for the loans.

The most important is not all the employees in the branch are having this behavior. The `Advance Officer’ Mr. Hardikar is kind to the customers. When he observed that I am shocked with the deputed person’s demands, he came to me & said that he will make the visit next week. But since I was under pressure of getting the loan at earliest & generally in weekdays, ther is nobody at home in the afternoon, I have to take the gentle(?)man to my home.

Also other people to whom generally I interact for locker operations also don’t show any arrogance.

Chennai India
Learn well when you take loans
Sep 17, 2005 10:03 PM 3924 Views

We had a housing loan with Canara Bank. Normally it was the most clear case of housing loan, until my wife paid a lump sum to repay part of the loan.

At the time of repayment, she was advised that since she had paid a bulk amount she need not have to pay EMI for a few months!. Based on this remark from the official, she had stopped a standing instruction to deduct EMI from our SB account for 6 months, when I found that no EMI was being deducted for six months.

The office did not advise that the interest on balance amount will compound every month when she is not paying the EMI.

This resulted in a false sense of comfort and we had to end up paying compound interest for the six months when EMI was not deducted.

Hence when any one makes you feel something is relieving, especially when payments are due from you, ask them to explain fully all implications and what benefits and liabilities you accumulate in the process!

My internet banking Experience with Canara Bank
May 27, 2005 10:50 AM 6397 Views

This is not exactly a review about CAnasultanra bank but just one topic all customers should be aware of. I have an SB a/c with CAnasultanra Bank from the 1970's and such I have never had a serious problem, (as u can see from my topic on ‘'Demand Drafts from CAnasultanra Bank'’ the usual irritants have always been sorted out quickly as the staff in this branch all these years have been mild mannered polite people(even though @ times plain sloppy) . The only time in the past I had a problem was with the mAnasultanger of the bank who refused to give me a cheque book of 25 cheques as I wanted to give it as PDC's to ICICI bank:)( I learnt later on, he was a frustrated chap who had been forced to take ‘VRS’) or when they miss spelt my name on my ATM/debit card and wanted to charge me for a correction made, when I went to the senior mAnasultanger this was sorted.

But that was minor compared to my recent experience and is relevant to ALL customers of this bank. This bank has been has been advertising in my branch about'Internet Banking' since I have experienced that with ICICI Bank & HDFC Bank I thought it would be convenient to have this facility. I downloaded the form from their website and submitted it with all the details. After about 2 weeks I received the login name & password in separate envelopes thru 2 different couriers, which at that time looked like a very prudent move by the bank. After I logged in for the first time and viewed my a/c details I got a shock of my life when I noticed the a/c details WERE NOT MINE. The a/c details were of one of my family members(we had submitted our forms together). Since this was my family member’s confidentiality was not really compromised. But where were my a/c details.

  1. Have my a/c details been assigned to somebody else’s login?(The bank seems to be ignorant of this & as yet not given me a conclusive reply yet)

  2. Even after(whenever that happens) this has been corrected what guarantee that my details or for that matter my family members a/c details r not displayed in somebody’s login. I will never know unless somebody  complains!

  3. The worst thing is, for this to happen, u need not even apply for ‘internet banking’, this can happen to any customer who has a a/c in any branch which has the facility of ‘internet banking’. Let me explain. As each branch starts to offer this facility(which is centralised). The details u give in the form is entered into the system(even though it exists @ the branch level). As the login names & passwords r generated it is connected to an a/c. This work has been outsourced to ‘Sify Ltd’ in Bangalore. I presume these mistakes have crept into the system here.(As the local bank system works fine, pass book updation etc)  which means whenever somebody applies for this facility a login name & password is generated & connected to an a/c number from that branch. Just PRAY TO GOD that it’s the correct number AND not ur a/c number J, u will never know!

The sad part is this entire episode has highlighted my suspicion that this banks system is really not geared up for the challenges which r thrown up by the advent of technology. U can never know who else can see ur bank details over the internet & what they can possibly do DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY HIGHLIGHTING. The banks employees were quite ignorant of the significance of this error, its only when I spelt out to the mAnasultanger what can really be done by someone who has access to my bank details, they realized the enormity of the error Needless to say after that the shock & horror was very contagious. They as usual told me that I am the first one to face this problem so its not rampant.! I shot down these usual silly platitudes with ‘ I would not complain if I have criminal tendencies AND have access to somebody’s a/c!

I have as a precaution shifted ALL my money(only left the minimum balance) from my sb a/c as well as FD’s from this branch. This action really removed all doubts from the mAnasultanger’s mind about the seriousness of the situation. This is also being done by ALL my family members as a precaution. as we all had applied for this facility at the same time. I intend to write to the head office of CAnasultanra bank as well as RBI so that they r aware what ‘security’ is being followed by banks with the data u give them AND ur money. Looks like there r no checks and balances in their system to verify the data entered. Even the first, middle & last name appear in the field for the ‘First name’ & the tel no. appears in the field for the ‘last name’. This just goes to show what data verification is carried out at the field level.(How can u allow numbers to be filled into a field, which should allow only characters).(In case of companies a different data entry form could have been used, for the technically inclined)

I WRITE THIS ARTICLE TO HIGHTLIGHT A PROBLEM I AM FACING, WHICH CAN BE FACED ANYDAY BY U. the only way to get around this problem is(short of closing ur a/c), believe it or not is to apply for the internet banking when ur branch offers it. I know it sounds like nonsense. The reason is simple.

In the old days to commit a fraud u had to gain physical access to ur cheque book, ledger etc(so u could afford not to update ur passbook for many months @ a time) but now with networking u can do this(commit fraud) from anywhere, by just gaining access into the system. So I would suggest u go in for this ‘facility’ so that u can periodically check ur a/c from ur home or work place(if its allowed) and take remedial measure as soon as necessary. Of course I never bargained for this level of sloppiness from a big bank as this, they have given a whole new meaning to the term ‘internet security’. I hope u find this article useful & BE WARNED .

It's 2 weeks since I complained but no response to my complaint except platitudes. Will update in a months time on the status of my complaint J

UPDATE 6-6-05 Got a call from the branch mAnasultanger today who tells me that the problem will soon be solved! WOW thats what u call   SPEEDY SERVICE

UPDATE 18-6-05 Today I can see my OWN account & I see my name has been spelled wrongly?. Hope to get that rectified soon.:)

Canara Bank
Jan 05, 2005 03:11 PM 9480 Views

CANARA BANK is sure one of the best Nationalised Banks in the country. It was actually Founded as 'Canara Bank Hindu Permanent Fund' in 1906 which was subsequently developed as Canara Bank Ltd. in 1910 and after nationalization became ?Canara Bank?. A very significant fact about Canara Bank is that, this is the first bank to be conferred the FICCI award for contribution to rural development.

Canara Bank has number of branches across the country and in the year 1976 established its International Division and consequently opened up various branches abroad viz., London, Indo Hong Kong, Moscow, Dubai and if I am correct in Doha (UAE) too.

Canara Bank has all the transactions which are available in all other Banks, viz., Savings Bank A/c, Current Account, Fixed Deposits, Kamadhenu Deposit Scheme, Recurring Deposits and specially they also have exclusive schemes for the senior citizens. Their interest rates are quite similar to all other Nationalised Banks and though their interest rates are lower, from the reliability point of view, are certainly trustworthy & dependable.

Well, do I have any relationship with Canara Bank ? Although I had a Powerpay Salary account with ICICI Bank and a Savings Bank account with Central Bank of India, after marriage, since my husband and my inlaws had SB accounts with Canara Bank, soon after my marriage, my husband took me to the Canara Bank branch near our residence.

The moment I stepped into the Bank, I could feel the cool (almost freezing) air-conditioned office with neatly dressed staff all around. Most of the staff happened to be women in the branch (KK Nagar, Chennai - 78) I visited and the point was all of them were quite friendly with a warm welcoming smile.

Since my husband had an account with them for more than 7 years, the staff greeted me and of course since I had to open a new (joint account ? me & my husband) SB account, they asked me to submit just two passport photographs of mine. It was nice to find that none of the staff were either chatting or involved in any other personal activities. The very next day my account was successfully opened without any difficulty.

Like other private banks, Canara Bank doesn?t offer ATM Cum Debit cards. Their cards could be used only as ATM Cards. Also, surprisingly their ATM Centres are present extensively across the country and especially within Tamil Nadu, many are found. Their ATM centres are called ?CASH POINT?, wonderfully air-conditioned, with glass doors which could be opened by inserting the ATM Card, with round-the-clock network connectivity.

While opening the aforesaid savings account, I had opted for an ATM Card. The staff at the Bank informed me that I would be sent a post-card intimation and bringing it to their branch, I could sign their Register (maintained manually) and collect my ATM Card. But even after 5 months of opening the account, I observed that I had not received any intimation from the bank regarding my ATM card. So I visited the bank and they requested me to fill in a requisition form once again and you believe it or not, after almost 9 months of opening the account, I received my ATM Card.

Other than my above experience, I would certainly say that comprehensively, the services of Canara Bank are satisfactory and especially at the branch I usually visit, the Branch manager is very friendly and readily helps the customers out during their grieving periods of time. I have opened several FDs with Canara Bank and it is quite amazing to find that we get renewal notices well in advance giving us enough time to decide on the renewal of the Fixed Deposits. Also, another noticeable feature of Canara Bank is that, the staff readily give us counseling as to which scheme of their bank would be best suited to our personal requirements.

Apparently, the interest rates for the housing loans are comparatively pretty lower and Canara Bank offers very good assistance and less documentations to procure a housing loan. One of my colleagues has been very recently granted a housing loan just within a week?s time.

Hence, to wrap up, I would 100% recommend the services of Canara Bank to my dearest MSians due to my personal experiences with the friendliness of the Bank.

Thanx dearest friends for ur valuable time. Provide me with ur most precious ratings & comments on my revu.

Mrs. Jayalakshmi Shyam

''Can''I bank on you?
Jan 04, 2005 07:16 PM 6253 Views

I'm quite new to the banking scene. I decided to open my first SB account at Canara Bank only because it's near the place I live. I cannot critically analyze the bank but let me just give a a brief account of my experience with the bank and its officials.


A Prelude


Let me first give you a brief introduction. I'm from Jamshedpur and I've recently shifted to Calcutta for academic reasons. I desperately needed an SB account as it would facilitate in handling my financial matters. It so happened that both Canara Bank and Corporation Bank, Jadavpur branch are quite close to my residence. I chose Canara Bank because of two reasons:

  1. It had an ATM attached to it.

  2. My parents have an account in Canara Bank, Jamshedpur. So I won't need to search for an introducer.

So, one fine morning I headed for Canara Bank.


What do you want? A Form!!


As I reached the branch it looked as unwelcoming( in spite of the welcome sign board) as any other public sector bank. But, I entered the bank because firstly, I was always taught that beauty is not always skin deep. Secondly, I won't get to open an account for Rs. 1000/- in a pvt. sector bank.

I straight headed for the counter having the signboard ''Savings Bank'' and asked for an account opening for. No answer. I asked again. The gentleman looked at me blankly and pointed to the counter where the signboard said ''Debit and ATM card''. There the gentleman pointed me to another counter, ''Officer''.

He gave me the form promptly and also told me what I had to bring along to open the account. Though he sounded a little impatient I didn't mind.


Day 2. An eye-opener


My driving license had my Jamshedpur address. That started to create a problem. I could provide no proof of address except for my college application and fees material. As I was new to college my identity card had not been issued till then. I thought that I should go and asked the concerned officer what to do.

So the next day I went to the bank and put down the problem in front of him. He did not look up at me even once. Just said ''hobe na.''( It can't be done). Imagine a bank having customer satisfaction as a prime target giving such answers.

I came back home and had a discussion with some of my elders. They said that if a person having residence in Kolkata opens a joint account with me, my problem would be solved. My father has immovable property in Kol. so he decided to help me out. My father and I went to the bank and asked the officer if we can open a joint account. the answer was ''hobe na'' again. I got disgusted and walked out of the bank.

My father then suggested that we should talk to the Branch manager. So, we went back and spoke to the branch manager. All our problems were solved. In fact, opening the account with the above mentioned criteria was allowed.

We again had to go to that officer as he was incharge of opening the account. Now he started creating another problem. He said that my father had account in Jamshedpur branch so he cannot introduce someone in Jadavpur branch. That my father is a customer of the bank and the bank knows him made no difference to the officer. The manager had to intervene again. We came to know that such introduction was allowed.

My question is if this was allowed why did we have to go through all these? This amount to nothing but poor service.


The Account is Open....


My account is finally open and I'm quite satisfied with the way the bank works with regard to day to day transactions. There are no long queues for deposit and withdrawal and there are sufficient number of counters.

I had applied for ATM in November 2004. I'm yet to receive it after 2 months. But, I don't really want the ATM card. Actually whenever I go to the bank there are several people complaining that the ATM isn't working. In fact I've rarely seen people at that ATM.


My Final Analysis..


Canara Bank is no doubt a good bank to bank upon. Actually the things I've mentioned above are faults of all public sector banks. Their customer satisfaction quotient is zero.

Comparing with other public sector banks, Canara Bank is a major player. It has a great credibility attached to its name.

Canara Bank really needs to develop in one sphere ie. IT. Information Technology as we call it, is absent. Though the branches are computerised, computers are rarely used as a compulsory tool. The branches still maintain old ledger books. In fact when I asked if my ATM card had arrived, the debit card officer brought out a fat ledger and started checking.

The Atms need to be upgraded and maintained properly. Half the time the ATMs are out of order. Also the number of ATMs should be increased. There is an ATM attached to branches but nothing more than that. You won't find Canara Bank ATM in a movie hall or roadside. SBI, in spite of being in public sector, offers such services.

In the modern day competition, Canara Bank has been left behind in spite of being one of the oldest. But, the bank has a huge potential to grow both in terms of assets and customers.

Can''not''ara bank
Sep 25, 2004 05:35 PM 4032 Views

I have an account with Canara Bank for more than 2 years. My branch is at Chennai (I do not want to tell the exact location). The ''customer service'' on that particular branch is really worse (is it the case of other branches also???). Whenever you request for something you will get a negative response, particularly the Branch Manager. He is the worst of them all. He treats the customers poorly.

They all behave like a normal government employees (careless and uncustomer friendly). On top of it this branch is certified with ISO 9000. (I still don't understand on what basis they are giving these ISOs to institutions, which are worse in customer service, but the basic theme of ISO is ''CUSTOMER SATISFACTION''!!!!).

The ATM service of canara bank is evern worse. Most of the time it will be out of order in my bank and it is very slow too. I think this one branch is enough to assess on how the other branches will be performing. Overall, my interpretation on Canara Bank is just poor.

Chennai India
Opening account with canara
Sep 25, 2004 04:47 PM 3475 Views

On two separate incidents of Canara bank I have had bad experiences.

In Saidapet branch of Canara Bank when I went to open an account I was told to produce my ration card. This I promptly did. As the address on it was my old address, the manager rudely refused to open an account, I offered to showhim my passport with the correct address and other forms of photo ID. However his tone was such rude that I didnt want to deal with him anymore, Once my mother took a letter from me about some issues with a D.D. issued by the bank.

However it seems the bank employs mentally ill persons one of whom read the letter and tore it and gave it back to my mother. And then he started typing on his computer for some time, then my mother contacted other officers in the bank and was told the particular person is of ''mentally challenged'' then another officer re-wrote the letter and gave it to her. However, under no circumstances a bank customers' letter is to be torn that too in his/her front, The duty of the officer is to accept and acknowledge the letter with seal. These 2 incidents happend in Canara Bank Saidapet branch.

I am otherwise told canara bank is a good bank to deal with (especially the computerized ones). But the bank staff are almost always impolite,impatient and non-helpful. Once more foreign banks opened in India then only their service improved a little. Even today almost all public sector bank employees need public service/customer service training. Badly.

Sep 20, 2004 04:26 PM 3042 Views

I am a proprietor of KIRAN AGENCIES in Kolkata engazed in export of general goods since 1988. I started business with Canara Bank only since 1988 and they were of help that time.

Time changed and I made loss but paid all dues of the bank by liquiding assets and LIC policies. There was nothing due to pay to this bank and today I was informed by another bank Canara Bank have put my name in negative list of one '' Satyam Database'' so even my next generation would not get any finance from any of Indian Bank ??? I do export after getting some advance from overseas clients. Are we enterprenuers going to improve if Indian Banks such an extreme measures?

I closed account with Canara Bank since years and nothing is due!!!!! Just think I did received appretiation letter from Zonal Office of Canara Bank for increased export during 1990s.

Ashok Jhunjhunwala

A metropolitan city India (NRI)
Jun 07, 2004 08:03 PM 5525 Views

''Work is love made visible. And if you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of a place of worship and take alms of those who work with joy.'' -Kahlil Gibran

The better work men do is always done under stress and at great personal cost.'' -William Carlos Williams


At a day and time when banking has become so easy, there are quite a few nationalized banks that have a lot to change. The services of some of the banks are so bad that it makes the worst look the best. Like the saying goes, ”In a kingdom of blinds, one eyed man is the ruler”, ICICI, HDFC,Citi and StanChart are giant leaps ahead of the banks like Canara, Indian, IOB et al. To reach the world class level, Indian Banks have to go a long way. I hope that the day is not far off. Before that, a serious revamping of all the nationalized banks is to be done. Just introducing the “VRS” is not going to help these banks but training at the core level for the principles of banking. After all, these banks make tons of money using O.P.M (Other People’s Money). The least they can do to their customers is a classic service.

Saying that, I have a long association with Canara bank. I still have an account with Canara bank. The only reason I have this account is because it is my salary account and I do not use it for anything else.

CANARA BANK – An Introduction

Canara Bank was founded as 'Canara Bank Hindu Permanent Fund' in 1906, by ASR Pai. It was known as “Canara Bank Ltd” till 1969, when Indira Gandhi’s government nationalized all banks (For better or for worse, it can be debated). After the nationalization, Reserve Bank of India controls the basic philosophy and all the banks adhere to the norms set forth by the RBI. The BSRB conducts a centralized recruitment for banking officers and they are paid nicely to do their service.

Canara Bank is one of the premier(!!) nationalized banks with many branches and a lot of employees. About 60-65% of its banks are computerized and has a large ATM Network. It was the nationalized bank with the maximum profit in 2002 (741 crores) and a leader in many banking terms.

It also won some awards like FICCI award for rural development and all.

CANARA BANK – An Assessment

I have a very long association with Canara Bank. I opened a salary account before my first job and I can still remember the sounds of “TOKEN… F I VE …. T H R E E… T W O” and waiting for my token 756 to be called out. I was thinking, “Wow! That’s a big and famous bank, it has so many customers waiting.” One must consider the fact that the privatized banking was not at the forefront and that almost all salary accounts were on the nationalized banks for its length and breadth of reach.

I also saw many persons just breaking the lines and giving their challans and money to the cashiers with a smile and a long chitchat while many faces are fuming because of the loss of productivity. One thing I noticed was the tremendous consistency in this pattern and the attitude of all the employees. They will score a full 999 in an Olympic shooting event. I mean all of them.

When I went to get a cheque book and asked for a 100 leaves (because I wanted to save 5 headache trips), the clerk said.”Sir you will have to speak with the manager”. After what it seemed as a wait longer than the waiting time at the American Consulate in Chennai, I was taken to the manager only to be seated in a torn chair. I could have been better off standing. I am talking about a bank making 750 crores profit using the money invested by customers like me. The attitude is just too bad to be described.

To tell you how they live up to their principles, let me take them one by one

1. To remove Superstition and ignorance.

They really do not have to remove the superstition as all customers are induced to following one before entering. See the difference between “remove” and “create”. They didn’t say remove ignorance. They said Ignorance, which is quite evident in their services.

2. To spread education among all to sub-serve the first principle

They spread education in patience, anger management, how to lose productivity, how to nail bite, how to clutch your fist and how to induce blood flow in your veins.

3. To inculcate the habit of thrift and savings

They inculcate the habit of being thrift, which is quite so evident in their savings in the way of chairs and other basic features for the customers that they prevent. They save on smiles towards customers, serving attitude to the customers

4. To transform the financial institution not only as the financial heart of the community but the social heart as well.

They are the heart of the community but with a heart with so many issues that the cardiologist needs to do some research to fix the issue. I hope the cardiologist fixes this issue to make it one of the best hearts, without the use of a pacemaker

5. To assist the needy.

For any bank, the customer is the king and needy. If you cannot assist a customer, where does the question of assisting others arise?

6. To work with sense of service and dedication.

What I see/saw was/is a sense of self-service quite so evident in so many offices for the betterment of themselves and a dedicated ignorant attitude towards the customers

7. To develop a concern for fellow human being and sensitivity to the surroundings with a view to make changes/remove hardships and sufferings.

Customer is a fellow human being. The people waiting in line are a surrounding. When there is a long line it is a sensitive atmosphere. Everyone loses a lot of time and suffer if it is so. The bank needs to take care of the same to enhance the service.

There you have the founding principles and my analysis of the bank. Their ATM service is the worst I have encountered (I had a chance to use ATM Services of about 9 banks so far and this ranks at the bottom). Not once they bothered to offer me any financial advise and/or investment plans. Not once they offered a chance to get a credit card (I do have 4 Credit cards)..Their NRI service is one of the worst of the kinds. I feel that I was treated like a king by ICICI, thought I have my reservations.

Their online service is one of the worst kinds with very crappy interface. You have the userid as a password field so that you do not know what you are typing. Where do you find such brilliance? The security and confidence mechanism have to go a long way in Indian Online banking systems. Canara Bank is no better or worse.

My Ratings

Customer Service – 0 stars

Reliability – 3 Stars

Online Banking Experience – 1 Stars

ATM Service – 1 stars

Overall Rating – 1 star


Banking can be excellent. The experience can be very nice. There are few banks where the customer exits on a much happier mode than they enter the bank. There are a few banks where customer exits on a fuming note. In my opinion, Canara Bank has been very successful in inducing me to the later. Canara bank is one of the worst banks I have seen and I do not recommend it.

I would give TWO LEGS AND TWO HANDS DOWN for Canara Bank

I hope you liked the review. Do Comment as time permits


''The Devil finds work for idle hands.'' – Proverb

Sheffield United Kingdom
Canara Bank Customer service
May 19, 2004 08:58 PM 8478 Views

This bank promises a lot but fails to deliver on all aspects of banking

This bank is awful. The customer service in bangalore should be shut down .

They could well follow international banks and start outsourcing and provide a better service. they should consider firing the staff and moving thier business to USA or UK where atleast the customer complaint gets registered and access is available with consumer groups who can bring pressure. The mindset in the bank seems to be you should be very happy that we are giving you an account to bank with us. Forgetting hard earned money is deposited under thier care.

When an bank manager ignores statemenst from account holders money is missing then there is only one clear explanation. Staff at the bank must be on the take . They target account of Expats knowing full well that the time and effort to trace the situation is beyond ordinary people . in many case the staff have protection from local councillor or someone who can provide the muscle if things get too tough for them.

My account was opened in 1993 . A bank officer has happily rilfled the money out of the account and the bank does not even care to look at the complaint never mind even bother to reply. knowing full well its customer abroad cannot afford the time and money to go and sort the situation.reply is that as a customer its frivolous complaint as if they have personally earned this money .This is going on since 1996.

My advice to people steer well clear of this bank and move your money elsewhere.

It seems so.

Canara Bank who the F_ck gave then ISO certificate
Dec 10, 2003 11:34 PM 3058 Views

Canara Bank Lokhandawala Complex has a big board of ISO 9000 certified branch.

I was told that depositing a DD from another canara bank branch is considered same branch clearance.

I issued a cheque to HDFC bank from my Canara Bank account against the deposited DD.. These F_ckers bounced the cheque without even giving a call on my cell..

The damn senior manager knows by name but couldn't spend that 1 buck on phone before thinking twice to bounce cheque...

my entire finance planning got messed up because I will not earn interest on my own money because of this fuckup.

I hate canara bank like many others... they are very bad bankers too...

please don't bank with these lethargic persons...

If you are already banking with them.. for trial open an account with Bank of Punjab and you will realise the difference from the very 1st day...

Interview, dreams and facts...
Dec 08, 2003 11:54 AM 4623 Views

Hello Everybody!!!

I) Interview with myself......

Q) Where do you want to work ????


( Bangalore South End Road (SER) Branch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Q) Why not dream companies like GE, Infosys, Microsoft , Coco Cola.....etc?

Ans) No!!, No!!!, No!!!!!!! (Irritated with only two questions)

Q) Then tell me why?

Ans) I am lazy, I am want a secure job, I won't provide any services, I will get irritated soon if anybody ask more than one question to me for their information,

I can come and go by anytime, Lots of Holidays.( Even other bank works, this Bangalore SER Branch will have holidays (not in the Bank Holiday Calendar, I don’ know why?),

I can make (Lots) mistake (even if the customer corrects (HIGHLY not recommended),

I will always write wrong spelling for the customer name, customer address etc again and again and again...................

I can manage my face (even if I feel happy) unpleasant,

I will become angry but again I will make mistake, moreover, I want MONEY but hate to work.

II ) Thinking myself..

Oho!!! What an exact needed qualification to work for Canara Bank????

Will I be selected???.

I want an OFFICER job in CANARA Bank ( Bangalore, SER Branch ).

Really Sorry friends I am venting my anger..........

I had already written a review about this bank. In the very first title shows Aks_menon123 does not recommend Canara Bank. Please don't misunderstand me, I have no ill filling with anybody but only sharing some thoughts.

Also sorry for other CANARA BANK employee, who cares, works hard etc.

1) I went for a computer loan....Did not get clear info from the bank

2) I decided to put an FD and take loan against it, nice idea.! ( I need this FD for some other purpose , that is why looking for a loan)

3) I told I would put the FD. Can I took a Loan on that and please provide me details of interests others?? (Their faces become more unpleasant and gaze like looking like an enemy, burglar, criminal and replied ''First you come with your money that time I will tell, no time now to calculate interest, Computer not working, does not have option, I HAVE TO DO IT MANUALLY!!!!!!!''.

4) I stared the FD. (Mistakes in FD receipt). I asked for correction (biggest mistake I have done - ASKING FOR CORRECTION - Who are you to correct us????, I have done the same mistake of asking for correction at the time of starting my Savings bank account).

5) Again, now I come with the money and stared FD, Can I get the Loan infor.........?????

6) They replied '' Why do want a loan?'''' Why can't you take this Money and buy the Computer''????

7) I stepped out.

Oh God, Again I need to go to this bank to get my ATM card (applied months back)or atleast to close the accounts.

Canara Bank: The worst Bank.
May 27, 2003 03:00 PM 3375 Views

I am honoured to award the Title of '' Worst Bank in India'' to Canara Bank. I congratulate them for keeping up their service quality to the worst possible level for such a long time.

I have had the opportunity (or misfortune!!) to visit and interact with the staff of this banks one major branch in Bangalore. I have been there three times during the last 30 days. I am still astonished to find almost all staff I interacted,from manager to clerk could maintain the same standards in customer interactions. If anyone wishes to do a research or write a case study about the ''Banking service, worst practices'' or similar subjects I recommend this branch as an excellent material.

''Customer is some one who disturbs you'' is the motto here. Don't try to go to a branch early morning (means 10:00 am!!), unless your work is depositing or withdrawal. You will be treated with a high dosage of advices, and would be pitilessly sent back to where you belong.

''We are the busiest people in India'' is written on their face. They hide their face behind those ugly black & white computer monitors. Many of the staff here seems to be suffering from serious hearing problems (?). So be prepared to repeat your requests two to three times so that it is correctly responded with. 95% of the time you will be told that you are asking the wrong person, some one else sitting in some other corner would be shown to you. You apologize for wasting his/ her valuable time and stroll towards the right guy.

You repeat your query here; don't be amazed to see an ''are you crazy? Who the hell told you that I am the person to deal with this?'' kind of look on his/ her face. If not you are lucky; you have got the right guy. You can clearly notice an itchy look on his/her face, you feel terrible that you disturbed his/her peace.

When will these people realize that the world has changed? I hold five bank accounts; three of them are with multi national banks. I will not dare to compare Canara bank with them. I know these uncles and aunties in canara bank cannot match those young, active, well-trained staff of these banks.

But this is one of those banks, which the common man of India still uses. They are generally patient and take the rough manners from these 'babus', not like me; a spoiled, demanding youngster. Because of them only this bank is making profits year after year. They deserve to be treated better. They have to adopt a better culture, not just ATM's and Debit cards of those banks.

chicago us
Please behave with the customers
Jan 03, 2003 06:21 AM 2646 Views

THis is my encounter with Canara Bank in vijayawada Ironcenter -1

The most hopeless services ever had . I got visa to US on educational loan provided by this bank

I was about leave and when I went to collect my loan I had a bitter experience which I will never forget in my life.

The manger of the bank and also Ranganayakulu made me run around the bank and they almost rejected to give loan .

plz behave or else no one will approach ur bank.

Some how they provided me loan but I will never go that bank and I advice all people to shut there account in canara bank which doesnot behave with the people.

I like to show the banking services provided in us to Ranganayakulu.

he will know the power of a customer.

bangalore India
Canara Clowns
Jan 01, 2003 02:07 PM 2426 Views

I was never interested in opening an account in this branch but due to a few bearucratic reasons I was forced to open an account (Canara Bank - Tumkur Road Branch). My,My!!!! Those clows have improved, they are even more funnier than before(about 10yrs back when I had gone to collect entrance application forms). I was not alone,but had a lot of costumers screaming at the staff of this particular branch. I didnt want to join the mela but now I repent for not having my share of fun.

The lady staff have been quite helpful though not very communicative(Is it prohibited to speak about other departments?) and they actually work with a smiling face. NICE. But there are three buffons sitting in the front. I shall add there names later,one of them is named Ramakrishna and two more sitting next to him. Idiots. Take pleasure to see a costumer walk up and down and many times to get a 15min job done. If the concerned authorities were to take this complaint seriously and fire them from work, kindly assure those idiots not to worry I have plans to open a grand circus and have them as my opening act.

Morons---The costumer is not the king and never wants to be, he just want to be treated like an human. This is one understaffed, underqualified and underdevelopved branch. Not that the others are any better.

columbus USA
Canara bank - learn how to behave
Sep 03, 2002 10:23 AM 3675 Views

Wish I would have read this site before stepping into Canara Bank.

Yes we all now being in US and coming from India, we tend to compare the services from here to back in home. I am one of the person who does'nt believe in comparison between these two great country,

well this is about my experience with canara bank, kuvempu nagar branch, Mysore India.

We wanted to establish our NRI account with them since the branch was near to our new home, my elderly father first opened an account and later I was suppose to open an NRI account,

during few visits to Bank, I found the manager was very rude and the staff were thinking they are doing a big favor,

I was really mad when he behaved with such a ruddiness with my father, he was asked to wait for a such a long time to get some information on NRI account, when the manager asked my father ''how much deposit you son is going to keep'' my father answered we currently have deposits in SBI which near to our old house, the manager says then why the hell you are here?

I can't believe a Mananger from a bank of such a reputation can really behave like a gunda on a street.

well all canara bank branch may not be like this, I really can't imagine in this competitive world how can this guys afford such worst staff

well now I am really happy with SBI and their personal branch, the staff is very sportive they have very nice branch, I am happy SBI banker,

so beware of cananra bank guys

A PSU with cherful staff!!
Mar 13, 2002 10:22 AM 2685 Views

I have recently moved to Bangalore and have opened an account with Canara Bank. I wish to record my appreciation of the service provided by this particular branch for it is not often that one comes across such service in a public sector undertaking. What has attracted me to their service is the fact that inspite of being understaffed (many staff have availed VRS in the past couple of months) and having to deal with many customers (the bank is always crowded) they repond to customers with patience and cheer. I am sure they have all been trained in customer relations. I wish we had similar staff in all our govrnment offices.


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