They do not allow you to talk to your guardians during the first month. They after the first month arrange for a phone call. You are completely isolated from the outside world. During my time of stay, there were totally 500 inmates. There were totally 6 phone lines and 2 did not work all the time. My parents had to continuously dial for 30 to 45 minutes to get the call through. Your doctor, psychiatrist or guardians seek rehabilitation because you are significantly not manageable and control able or you are terribly un-social able and have earned a very bad name in the family, social circles or society. You are deemed mentally sick and not fit for an intelligent talk or reasonable speech and understanding and you land there because people are fed up with you. These points can justify rehabilitation or confinement under medical supervision. But a lot of doctors themselves claim that patients are delusional, superstitious, have bad habits, addictions and have obsessive-compulsive behaviors. The society is also advised to take a scientific approach and non-superstitious stand on patients with mental disorders. All this is reasonable but they do nothing on education and awareness in the patients. During my stay there met and talked to some software professionals who were patients admitted there. Now I realize they had a complex and sophisticated understanding of their professional skills(programming languages, business practices and nuances of information technology work) but now I realize( After my discharge I looked for jobs and I got an opportunity to teach life skills and soft skills in a women’s college, more than what I could realize through reading books on these subjects I could self-decipher and self-explore much more on these subjects with personal effort) they lacked basic skills and knowledge of psychology, philosophy, critical thinking, sociology, interpersonal skills, life skills and soft skills. It could have been a breeze for them to do certificate programs on these subjects besides their 4 months or 5 months stay in rehabilitation home would have been practically rewarding. Despite a nameplate placed in the auditorium “reel therapy” there was nothing of it shown and brought to the knowledge of patients. If these patients can realize healthy rewards why would they want to punish themselves with bad habits and addiction? Why where they deemed not to realize this simple point of knowledge?
For a better understanding suppose a normal and healthy person is admitted there on experimental basis without proper reason communicated to him or her, made to endure confinement and isolation, take psychiatric tablets, made to waste time unproductively and deemed unfit for reason, rational behavior, unintelligible to talk to and takes bad food and totally deemed unfit for privacy, responsibility, life duties and if they are made to endure restricted communication with the outside world almost 80% of these people will develop unhygienic behavior, depression, paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar disorder. In 4 to 5 months’ time would have developed a psychiatric condition and apt to be given recognition to be a psychiatric patient. When this can happen to a normal person imagine what could happen to a truly disturbed person.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.