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C: The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt Reviews

sangeetha1222MouthShut Verified Member
Namakkal India
Very very good book
Apr 09, 2018 12:47 PM 1307 Views

Hi guys! Today I am share my experience on The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt. I have bought this book for college purpose, because I was studied computer science.

The complete reference C book is very very useful. I am reference this book, it help to create own C programme myself. The contents are briefly explained. This book cover many topics.

I knew some details:

Comprehensive coverage of the C language, including both C89 & the new features added by C99

Detailed explanations of each keyword, data type and operator,

In depth discussions of pointers, Disk I/O, and dynamic allocation

complete descriptions of the entire C function library

Descriptions of the new features restricted pointers, Boolean and complex data types, the in-line keyword, variable length arrays & the long data types

Real world algorithms and applications, such as stacks, queues, trees, sparse arrays and sorting.

Advice on porting and debugging.

So this reference book is very very useful. Low price.

I suggest you to all. thanks.

Bhupesh834MouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
Very good reference book.
Jan 25, 2017 12:20 AM 2416 Views

The complete reference is very popular technical book series among IT student and professionals.I already read this book as I am computer science student, i read it during college time and I can tell you this book is for every level of student.You can start to learn c by pick this book first time and if you will read this book through every topic and example then you will be reach at intermediate level and all depends on your practice.This book tech you through code example for every topics.So I recommend this book if you want to learn c.

s7228MouthShut Verified Member
Patna India
Best C programming book
Jun 17, 2015 09:13 PM 4684 Views

I am sharing my experience on “C :The Complete Reference” by Herbert Schildt who is world famous author of  programming languages.  “C : The complete reference”  is one of the best C Programming book for those who want to learn C  programming deeply.

The entire book is divided into six parts-Foundational C, The C99 Standard, The C Standard Library, Algorithms and Applications, Software Development Using C and A C Interpreter including chapters like An Overview of C, Expressions, Operators, Statements, Arrays and Strings, Pointers, Functions, Structures, Unions, Enumerations, and typedef, Console I/O, File I/O, The Preprocessor and Comments, C89 Vs. C99:

An Overview, New Built-in Data Types, Array Enhancements, Preprocessor Changes, Linking, Libraries, and Headers, I/O Functions, String and Character Functions, Mathematical Functions, Time, Date, and Localization Functions, Dynamic Allocation Functions etc  with their deep descriptions.  This book was written for those who are new in C or those who are familiar with C previous versions but Want to learn newly added features of C.

The main intention of this book is to provide you deep theoretical as well as Practical knowledge on C programming. Each chapter’s deals with simple and step by step procedure of programming with details explanations.  The complex topics like pointers that’s always create fear among students  is simply explain in this book. Overall it is the best book that can teach you history of c language, it’s uses, it’s features and all aspects related to C programming language and I like it.


C: The Complete Reference - Herbert Schildt

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