I am sharing my experience on “C :The Complete Reference” by Herbert Schildt who is world famous author of programming languages. “C : The complete reference” is one of the best C Programming book for those who want to learn C programming deeply.
The entire book is divided into six parts-Foundational C, The C99 Standard, The C Standard Library, Algorithms and Applications, Software Development Using C and A C Interpreter including chapters like An Overview of C, Expressions, Operators, Statements, Arrays and Strings, Pointers, Functions, Structures, Unions, Enumerations, and typedef, Console I/O, File I/O, The Preprocessor and Comments, C89 Vs. C99:
An Overview, New Built-in Data Types, Array Enhancements, Preprocessor Changes, Linking, Libraries, and Headers, I/O Functions, String and Character Functions, Mathematical Functions, Time, Date, and Localization Functions, Dynamic Allocation Functions etc with their deep descriptions. This book was written for those who are new in C or those who are familiar with C previous versions but Want to learn newly added features of C.
The main intention of this book is to provide you deep theoretical as well as Practical knowledge on C programming. Each chapter’s deals with simple and step by step procedure of programming with details explanations. The complex topics like pointers that’s always create fear among students is simply explain in this book. Overall it is the best book that can teach you history of c language, it’s uses, it’s features and all aspects related to C programming language and I like it.
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