Where to start?
I just saw my college name appearing on MS homepage, with warm memories and to the steps to my success, SPCE college holds great importance in my life. I went back into my college time and there is too much to tell about my college, I shall try to write best about it. I dont know where to start..
SPCE (Sardar Patel College Of Engg), the best education center for engineering studies in Maharashtra state. The college resides in Munshi Nagar of Andheri West Mumbai, the entire campus Munshi Nagar is out of the city life. Peaceful campus, trees and plants keep atmosphere much clean and healthy. When tired of studies, a walk around in campus makes us fresh. Campus has all kinds of students, right from chidrens of school to the post graduate students. You will get variety of people in the campus and some or other best friend to hangout all the time. You are never alone in SPCE campus even in midnight, some or other is always there at help for you.
SPCE college offers engineering course in various branches, Information Technology, Computer Science, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering. SPCE students need no extra tutions or crash courses if they attend the classes with even little interest since highly experienced but deciplined professors come to teach. Ofcourse new generation has problem, these professors are strict and deciplined and new students can not accomodate with them. But now I am at business, I understand how greatly India needs decipline so they are just right. Umm.. I have hardly attended 20% classes in my whole college life :), but professors didnt mind as long as I was passing with good numbers. No one forces you to attend lectures as long as you are good at studies and good at each other.
SPCE has good staff, cool minded people, no big punishments for students, I have never heard in my college life anyone getting suspended or anyone getting fired. This is because quality of students studying and the staff and professors controlling the students. Hitches are always there, minor problems, but with coopration of students in each other and with staff, SPCE maintains to have no blacklist, no accidents or any bad incidents appearing in the media.
The most concern of every students while taking admission is attendence. Dont worry buddies, attendence is never problem in SPCE as long as you be good and you get good result. Importance of attendence is to make sure that students learn the course and pass with good marks, but if students can do that without attendence then no one has problem with it. Our professors never minded if we didnt attend lectures, well some are exceptions for whom attendence is mandetory.
Here comes best part of SPCE college, students at SPCE are the best. Because
1) They are well behaved
2) Educated
3) Honest
4) Supportive to each other
5) Group work
I have got many friends in the college, I learned a lot from them, a lot from the college and thats why today I am doing successful business here in India. For new students, ragging is not great issue here, in SPCE I have heardly seen any ragging. Ofcourse old students do make fun of new students, but only to certain acceptable funnly level. No personal abusements in SPCE. In my 4 year of course, I have not seen any fights between students in college. I was afraid before joining the college, but as it passed away, I enjoyed so much that I miss every moment now.
Lets come to extra curricular activity called SPACE. SPACE is organized entirely by students, SPACE is as big as some MBA project. Students gather funds from college, from advertisements, from sponsers. Students organize events, contests and shows. Right from Arts to modern computer science quizs and from singing to fashion show.. SPACE has atleast something for everybody's interest. I was first volunteer in SPACE, then organizer of computer quiz and then coordinator of technical events and fashion show advertisements and sponser's promotions. Working with other students, it gave me feel of a big organization. We worked day and night to fight the challenges coming in new technology adopted in the annual function. Me and my friend were first able to setup computerized quiz amongs all colleges in mumbai, it was best moment of my life.
Engineering is the application of theories to the practical life. SPCE has best labs to perform practical experiments conveniently. They are equipped with latest technology equipments. When I was there in college, we had older instruements but I understand as being a new college, its difficult to get funds. Still SPCE maintained the quality of education with less funds. I specially thank Vijay Patel (Computer Lab Incharge) and also Gurav Sir(Computer Lab Incharge) both of them have helped me to learn programming. They arranged all sort of softwares and hardwares for me wherever they can reach. Still we all remember our Vijay Patel sir.
Semester Journals:
As part of engineering course, students are required to prepare semester journals including of assignments and practical report. This is compulsury and everyone have to take it seriously, but as I said no one is ever alone in SPCE, everything is very easy to do. I remember, I used to write programs for my friends and my friends used to write my assignments (Barter Exchange !!). Infact my half of engineering is completed by my friends, LOL.
Exams are part of course and conducted by college on behalf of university. Exams are strict, SPCE is to develop yourself and not to cheat and fraud. Thats why SPCE do not allow any cheating in exams, however professors give warning at first attempt and try to help you to learn what is right.
Development of Myself:
I Akash Kava, entered SPCE in Civil branch as I had less %, I enjoyed with Civil branch friends. I worked hard in my first year and I got transfer into computer branch. I was wellknown by first year since I was good programmer and I think I am still !!
When I entered college, I was an ordinary student and didnt know anything about software. After I came out of college, I established my business in software industry. I became expert in almost all languages in computer programming and credit goes to a cooperative effort by all friends in my class with zeal of learning something new always.
My classmates appriciated my every success and supported me whenever I needed. And today whatever I am, I am because of SPCE, because of my classmates.
Me and Vishal Patil (my classmate) own NeuroSpeech Technologies company, we make voice related softwares. We also provide SMS services in india through SMSJunction's premium services. And we will be establishing more business points in near future.
NeuroSpeech Technologies India
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