Bonitto.in . is a normal site for shoping
I 'm happy for share my exprieyns for bonitto.in
I have a good expriens with Bonitto.in
Bointto.in is very bigest shoping site
I ussing this site for shoping since last 1 month
I bought a mobile last month on anbittable price
Shoppin deliverd her product in 4-5 day
So we can say that its so fast delivery
Many proudect for exampl- mobile, watch, deo, eletronic , and all other type proudect also avlible on this site
This site is very not safe for shoping
Bonitto.in also provid many paymnt mathed pay for shoping
For exm. Case on delivery, credit and debit card etc.
So I athis site for shoping
I think its normal site for shoping
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