Before Joining BM.
I could not read English well.
I could not speak English well.
I was very scared of English.
I can not speak on public place.
I feel very embarrassed because I can not speak in English
During the Course.
I learned basic grammar.
I learned how to make sentences.
I learned tents.
I learned how to pronounce the typical words.
I learned lot of activities during the course - - mirror practice - making newspaper - the way of thinking - team leader - making sentences
My Acheivments.
I am won the public speech compition held by the BM ENGLISH SPEAKING to the month of August 2017
After the Course.
I could read English well.
I could speak English well.
I am very good in English.
I can give the speech in English.
If someone speaks in English then I can understand.
I can give a speech on any topic in On the Spot.
Final I do not feel afraid to talk in English.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.