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- India
I don't like bigg boss
Mar 22, 2018 05:04 PM 1405 Views (via Android App)

According to me it is the most useless reality show. All the members of this show keep on fighting and slaging to each other. That's why I don't like this. My desire is to stop this show for always.

According to me to watch this show is the wastage of time and nothing else.

People who watch this show regularly is a mad person in this world. There are no any bigger mad like them.

So I request the colours channel please stop telecast this reality show.

In place of this please telecast any other reality show.

Sector 65 India
Big boss
Oct 16, 2017 04:51 PM 1762 Views (via Android App)

The only and only hit the because salman khan handle this show but inthe time for big boss season 11  and I like this fight on this national T V and India has saw the actress like Heena khan over acting ki dukan. I don' t like heena khan because he is very clever.

BBut salman khan I love you bhai jaan and we love you from my family sir.  plz don' t think any time to leave this show plz sir.

Chandigarh India
Super Dramatic
Sep 24, 2017 09:31 AM 1997 Views (via Android App)

This is one of drama show I would seen and their is nothing is so enjoyable but I don't think so you have to waste your time one watching this show.

This show gets trp only because of the anchor that is non other than everybuddys favrite SALMAN KHAN.

the parformers into the sho are doing activities like they dont live in the world they think always like they are superstars but actually everone much better knows about them


Bigg Boss Season 10
Telangana India
House of Entertainment
Sep 12, 2017 05:45 PM 1864 Views (via Android App)

My most favrt reality show. I wont leave this show without watching a single day.i even watch un shown scenes of biggboss.Every season of this show is more entertaining every year.And season 10 was a very special as for the first time common people also got chance to be a part of biggboss house.As because of commeners the house became more entertaining.In starting I use to like the silly things of Swamy Om, it was more entertaining.But when he crossed his limits I really salute biggboss's decision to through him out of the house for priyanka aswell.

I liked lopa mudra's character as she use to take stand for herself and her style of speaking. I liked bani's attitude. I use to enjoye bani's and lopa's fights.It was very hard for me to choose my favrt contestent as many were my favrt. I even liked Maneer's character and happy that he got the trophy of biggboss season 10.

Salman is the bestest host ever I hv seen on any other show.He manage the fights in between celebreties very well.

mk9893656029MouthShut Verified Member
Mp India
Aug 24, 2017 02:40 PM 2070 Views (via Android App)

BIgg Boss is one of the most entertaining reality show on colors tv This season is much better than other seasons because in this season candidates are comman man as well as celebriry .In this show all participating people live in the big boss house for 2 months they all can many task for survive in the show if your are find something entertainment must watch this season of Bigg Boss with your friends and family .

Salman khan is the host of the show as a host he doing very well .

I love Bigg Boss

Thank you

Awesome Season 10
Jul 13, 2017 08:11 AM 3329 Views (via Android App)

Bigg boss season 10 its very awesome season of all bigg boss seaaon, because First time in bigg boss history bigg boss open his house for normal public. His first time in bigg boss house 7 celebrities and 8 commoners in the house.many interested character in bigg boss season 10 like swami om, priyanka jaaga muisa, manveer gujjar, manu punjabi, bani-j, gaurav chopra many people's in the house.

But many time swami om create his cheap activities in the bb house. And finaly last day of season 10 2nd runrap Bani-j( the celebrity) and 1st and winner of bigg boss season 10 manveer gujjar( the commoners) .this season is very awsome season of all bigg boss seasons. And finaly bigg boss 11 its come for another interesting character and many celebrities.

Bigg Boss,Bigg Boss,Bigg Boss
Jun 06, 2017 11:55 AM 3346 Views (via Android App)

Bigg Boss is the show that is telecasted on colors .It is the entertainment show that is telecasting in colors . In this show there will the contestants who are famous in the television . They all live in the biggboss house for about two months. There will be some tasks for the contestants that they should perform them and earn something

It will be live show they telecast what they do all the time. Different characters will be there in one house. This is one of the good entertainment show . Salmankhan is the host of the show . He done so good in the show

Bigg boss is the real boss of all reality shows..
Apr 02, 2017 10:48 PM 4224 Views (via Android App)

I miss the show badly, guys these years I had been avoiding this show, but this year I saw first few episodes n I m now biggest fan of it.must say salman has put life in it.n the house is the livewire.105 days without family fone n friends is no easy job at all.adjusting with all members inside the house, controling anger, to be wise n polite doing n try to do all tasks greatly to survive week by week, weekly nominations, phew there is obviously too much lying with this show.this year most of them were good.mannu, mona, manveer, the dhongi baba, bani, gaurav.miss u allllllll

rutujsakhareMouthShut Verified Member
Wardha India
The fighting house
Feb 24, 2017 05:54 PM 4150 Views (via Android App)

Big boss season 10 is indian reality show broadcasted on colors tv channel.

Each year big boss house take so many cast from various struglling and some performing casts.

The anchor that is salman khan is very experience and now a bit of egoist perform very bad in show. People like him as a person not his acting.

Participants in this show make fuss with other contentstant and always try to fight one another to win show. This shows the internal vuglarity of these participants.

Well this show got huge audience because is sell fights and people likes fights.

The camera are fit everywhere in the big boss house but effect of the camera is not that good.

Bigg boss
Feb 21, 2017 03:55 PM 4658 Views (via Android App)

Omg what a drama.I don't know what people want to proove by coming, watching and making these kind of reallty shows.what was entertaining in this show.Every member of the house doing cheap things to win this show. They are abusing one another and fighting.When they done everything they start crying to fulfil their votebank.what rubbish is this.Is it necessary to show all cheap activities on national television.I suggest all my friends not to watch this kind of shows.we watch these kind of shows so that they bring a new sason again and again.Stop these kind of entertainment.Do not waste your time and peace of your mind.

Best season of bigg boss is bb10
Feb 21, 2017 01:44 PM 5185 Views (via Android App)

It is the best season ever in bigg boss history and this season is also very popular as compare to last seasons, the good thing about this season is that in this season commoners are also contestant of this season. In this season commenors are very entertainer and they are playing openly with out any hesitation whereas the celebrities are playing with their quanta they are showing their real personality. This is the first season in which the peoples are supporting to our favourite contestant so much and also promoting to our favourite contestants on social media sites. This time peoples are voting too much with different-different ways ( online as well online also) . This is too interesting peoples are participating in live pols it is a great experience for the peoples.

Manveer gurjar is the right person for the winner of this show.

I like this too much

rahul_rose0506MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi, India India
Bigg Boss... very poplar show. ....
Feb 20, 2017 03:37 PM 4407 Views

Hello Friend I am a big big fan of a bigg boss me all the session regular and mast bindass many people different personality modals, actors, actress many moor, but whiten week Avery time fight and any task all the people beavers change. same problem ghar ka bazat but any parson not complete the task and bigg boss cated the ghar ka bazat . and next day Avery man planing the man and woman ghar se behar karna hai, woting finsh and come the room aver man clear fy mujhy kisne wot kara but not conform. I am waiting bigg boss session 11 . very excited

Pakistan Dadu Pakistan
I loved this serial...
Feb 13, 2017 03:12 PM 4098 Views (via Android App)

When we watched the big bosssss we enjoyed most much. Bcoz This serial is fuuny.

This show is awosome I never seen any show like this.this show is totaly real and all contestent are also real bigg boss give them intersting task and a lot of funny. Nd ky actess do task and they fight cry and give 100% in task after task who are nomated on saturday or sunday any one is evicted from nominated people by public vote and who go to end and win the bigg boss 10 is manveer gujar and he is my best person in the house I like vry much becuse he show him real he dont cheat with any one and all india support him and give vote to win bigg boss

aksurya_77MouthShut Verified Member
Distt.- Udham Singh Nagar India
Its too Much
Feb 10, 2017 01:26 AM 4832 Views

This saga cum sop has become a habitual offender in showing all kind of absurd ideas just to be relevant and keep the charts rolling.

Most of the cast now seems to be overdoing the task handed over to them. It's no more a reality show as it claims to be. For me it is a rehearsed show from the day one and most of them are working overtime to be in business.

The only tag of the show is Mr Khan and Mr Khan only. Just minus Mr Khan from the show and you will get a zero in terms of viewership and rating.

Plot is repetitive with failed & fake sounding alterations from previous versions.

The audience participation is just an eye wash its just a trick to fool the poor viewers. The winner, looser, villains & heroes, everything is fixed. At least it seems to me.

They spent good amount on set, camera, shoot etc as they never are short of money due to the ads got in the name of Mr Khan.(Two stars for Mr Khan only)

Not like so much
Feb 07, 2017 02:00 PM 4432 Views (via Android App)

I watched big show on 2010 . I also entertained this year but now 4 years the show was not good as before because I dont like the concept of show and abuasive language of show . sometimes I didnot understand whats doing in this house . not entertaing fully faltu serial I have ever seen . I suggest dont watch thi show .

kapoorrohan15MouthShut Verified Member
Amritsar, Punjab India
Not worth of giving time to serial this season ..
Feb 05, 2017 09:33 PM 4520 Views (via Mobile)

I would like to share my views today serial big boss season 10 . This time such serial totally waste of time nothing interesting thing happened . The participants are totally mad they are quarreling each other cheap matter silly things, put chilly powder and throw vegetables on each other . The participant swami are making totally disgusted comments on girl participants .I love to see show only because of salman khan is there in Saturday and Sunday and do so much nice hosting . Participants just came there for make their popularity . Nothing entertainmemt got this tym . so not like to show .

Worst show ever
Feb 05, 2017 03:06 PM 4097 Views (via Android App)

Hey guys today we will talk about popular reality show that is big boss. The show has reached upto tenth season but still I don't understood why people watch this show.

I have not watch single show of big boss but still knows that swami is mad. 50 % population of India watch it only because of salman khan that also on Saturday and Sunday.

And rest of the day is watched by people who don't have time. This show is full of madness celebrity come they fight among each other one of them become popular and wins the show that's it.

For showing this all they took 3 to 4 months.

I am telling you don't watch it you know I have saved 100 days of me for not watching this show.


bulbulmalhotra666MouthShut Verified Member
Ratlam India
Bigg boss 10 the worst season
Feb 05, 2017 11:48 AM 3052 Views (via iOS App)

I like the show because of salman khan hosting this reality show but this season called the worst season of bigg boss I dont like swami om because they misbehave with everyone in this serial and priyana jagga muise also creates some nonsense when they talk about manu mother for her death seems to be the cheap and there mother of two whats she teaching too them in this serial swami om creates very nonsense as they do in the bigg boss house in the dustbin they spoil urine to bani and rohan so disgusting and priyanaka talk with salman with ego attitude I dont like .

nirajkhinchi4MouthShut Verified Member
Kuchaman City India
Worst Season of BB
Feb 02, 2017 03:02 PM 2621 Views (via Android App)

Bigg Boss 10 is the worst season of Bigg Boss. First time there was commoners and celebrities. It was nice Concept . In this session there was comma and celebrity and different between them is clearly seen by us . The eviction of some contestant was not on the basis of votes like Gaurav Chopra And Rahul Dev . I was big fan of Gaurav and Bani friendship but after Gaurav evicted Bani was very disappointed and very lonely . we seen some fights on social media about Bani fans and other house mate fans. In the end there was 4 finalist Bani Lopamudra Manveer Gurjar Manu Punjabi. After this Manu Punjabi and Lopamudra was evicted and the 2 finalist are Manveer and Bani J . We can see all social media sites that show that Bani get more votes in comparison Manveer . But Bigg Boss announced that Manveer is the winner of Bigg Boss 10. So I think it was worst season of Bigg Boss that's my opinion.


Sudhirsoni99MouthShut Verified Member
Rajnagar India
Big loss
Feb 01, 2017 01:17 PM 2049 Views (via Android App)

I Like salman khan but not that show big boss . This is not a reallity show but it is all planned and scripted . They only show the star power with lots of controversies and all negative things. Tv programs like this make people's mind negative .

It does not have any reality even the tasks are so fake . They choose one person from starting to end and make thier TRP by creating some controversial and at last hat person wins the show .

Salman is good but not big boss


Bigg Boss Season 10