Yes, it is scripted. Not completely but partially. Had it not been scripted, irritating people like Dimpi and Karishma will not stay till end. No sane person in proper frame of mind would ever vote to save someone so annoying like Dimpi.But why bother so much about whether BigBoss is scripted or real, it has all the ingredients of an entertainment show. And frankly speaking, people who watch shows like BigBoss do not expect a lot of intellectual satisfaction out of it.
But BigBoss is much better than IPL and so many NEWS interview shows like Karan Thapar's Devils advocate( Discontinued), AajTak's Seedhi baat etc. where viewers are kept in a disillusionment that everything is happening in real time but it is just some actors performing their roles on stage.
At least while watching BigBoss, I never have questions regarding human psychology and behaviour that why some girl suddenly started loving some guy who she hated till yesterday:)Yes, like most TV series, it is scripted. People don't open their mouths because the people behind the show are very powerful people with connections to the underworld.
Apart from this, they stoop to levels of withholding payments to stop participants from opening their mouths.
They had Imam Siddiqui beaten up when he caused a ruckus in the house. Salman Khan is among these goons. He has publicly said "Stay in your limits! I'll come inside and to Imam, as though he's a superior human being just by virtue of being a bigger star. For what? For simply saying "Timeout". He even went on to publicly shame Imam for begging him for some work.
If you're still a fan of this loser, you deserve to be one. He probably thinks of you in the same manner. All superstars probably do, beneath their obviously fake charade.
yes I do think it is scripted. they are creating a trend by letting a daily soap actress win the show from last three seasons everytime.
it's all pre decided for instance Imaam Siddiqui was brought into the show only for gaining TRPs and was later awarded with 10 lakh rupees for "special contribution towards the season ". I mean what the*was that.what sort of award was it.every participant contributed in his/her own way. wih course of time Imaam evolved as the public favourite yet he lost.
it clearly shows there are some loop holes in the transparency of the show!
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