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Bhakshak - Surendra Mohan Pathak Reviews

ashutosh_littleMouthShut Verified Member
Basti India
Read only if the aforesaid words intrigues
Feb 25, 2016 05:28 PM 1979 Views

In the event that you are voyaging through train/other medium and have enthusiasm for perusing a normal serious story(It to some degree such as extreme) that you try this boo out. Railroad book shop merchants all the time endorse Bhakshak by Surendra M Pathak. I found this is a normal read with characters not being upto mark(Sunil Chakraborty, chirag and the neighbor danger).

The book is fundamentally about neighborly clash and a claim that the neighbor is running an arrangement to murder and is making a procedure to get off a will nearby.

I didnt locate the entire plot that persuading particularly with the dairy animals and the will part. On the off chance that you have experienced the book Mawali'(from the same author), you will locate a couple similarities(specially regarding silliness). The snide dialogs despite the fact that have been very much conveyed in words.

It's a book of charge, envy and somewhat about family struggle .

Perused just if the aforementioned words interests and you locate some extraordinary words/dialogs in hindi all the more captivating in composing.

MkretiMouthShut Verified Member
Ghaziabad India
It's possibly "shak" in Bhakshak
Sep 25, 2015 03:09 PM 1840 Views

If you are traveling via train/other medium and have interest in reading an average intense story(It somewhat like intense) that you give this boo a try. Railway book store vendors quite often prescribe Bhakshak by Surendra M Pathak. I found this is an average read with characters not being upto mark(Sunil Chakraborty, chirag and the neighbour threat).

The book is basically about neighborly conflict and an allegation that the neighbor is running a plan to kill and is making a strategy to move off a will alongside.

I didnt find the whole plot that convincing especially with the cow and the will part. If you have gone through the book Mawali'(from the same writer), you will find a few similarities(specially in terms of humor). The sarcastic dialogues although have been well delivered in words.

It's a book of allegation, jealousy and a little about family conflict .

Read only if the aforesaid words intrigues and you find some intense words/dialogues in hindi more intriguing in writing.

Feb 09, 2015 01:46 PM 6124 Views

So, few days back, I have completed one more Surendra Mohan Pathak's novel named "Bhakshak" which I will rate an average fare. I read it quite fast because I was deprived of reading Hindi from quite few days, so when I got the chance I lunged at it.

So Bhakshak basically means a predator, someone who hunt someone, so is the story. It is 114th novel in Sunil Series and overall 257th from SMP. Sunil Chakraborty is a Blast reporter, and works on the cases without being ever assigned one, he just got involved as they came, has a good friend in Youth Club Owner Ramakant, One day a guy named Chirag Kasniwal met him and ask him about rules related to will/testament. He also told them that he is very much in fear, that someone will kill him, someone maybe from his neighbour's house, and that his neighbour Nandan Rathi is a crooked man and he owns a cow who always moos and moos, and this happens intentionally, his neighbour wants him to get annoyed, and he is planning to kill him. And he wants to write his will in favour of his neighbour's wife. Why he wants to do that, is there any connection between him and his neighbour is his wife, and whether in real his neighbour wants to kill him or it is just his imagination? To know this you have to read the novel.

So the premise looks good, and I bought it after reading the synopsis which look promising, and the story is developed nicely over 304 pages including SMP's foreword. Even the climax and end is good. The suspense maintained is okay. But there are certain incidents which are taken with a free hand, and 304 pages are long, it could be tightly handled instead of wasting some pages over loose talking, plus those incidents and happenings came too easily for out protagonists. Well it may be used to build the characters and it is a special style intended for Sunil's & Ramakant's characters. Plus I will count this story on lower scale as some other books I've read from SMP. The readability is okay, include many one liner dialogiesThis book of mine was published in 2006, and it cost me only Rs.30, and its being published by Raja Pocket Books.

If you're an avid reader, you can opt out for this book, and try other Hindi novels from SMP first. For me I will say, I'll try to read all novels by SMP. I tried other HIndi authors, but was not impressed because of 2 reasons - first their books are generally comes in series, I wanted to read only standalone novels, plus they are not that capable of writing stories as SMP does, maybe SMP copies, but still I wanted to read him only as of now(I am not counting classic HIndi writers, they're league ahead, this only includes fiction hindi pocket book writers, and excluding Devki Nandan Khatri as well, coz I loved Chandrakanta). So I will rate this novel on 2.5/5 but if you wanted t o read, it will give a good timepass.


Jai Raam ji ki:)


Bhakshak - Surendra Mohan Pathak

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