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Berhampur University Reviews

binodchamp1143MouthShut Verified Member
Odisha India
Not up to the level.
Mar 09, 2018 10:08 AM1496 Views (via Android App)

I did my Master of commerce from berhampur university. It has its own entrance examination during that period.Its a UGC recognised university, known as bhanjabihar.Now we discuss about placement.There is no campus throughout the year that is very bad about the campus. So that many students are jobless.Now comes the hostel facility.The wrost hostel facility in berhampur university.There are 5mens and 3women hostels , not maintain neat and clean.Now comes the examination pattern.There is the semester wise examination and one good thing about the university and well qualified lectures.And the final conclusion is average not bad and not good also. Thank you. .

Not up to the level.
Mar 06, 2018 10:10 PM1595 Views (via Android App)

I did my master of commerce and bussiness administration from berhampur univercsity.It has its own entrance examination during that period.Its a UGC recognised University, know as bhanjabihar.Now we discuss about placement.There is no campus throughout the year that is the very bad about the campus. So that many students are jobless.Now comes the hostel facility.The wrost hostel facility in berhampur university.There are 5mens and 3women hostels.Not maintain neat and clean.Now comes the examination patter.There is the semester wise examination and one good thing about the university is well qualified lectures.And the final conclusion is average not bad and not good also.THANK YOU.

Best university
Apr 10, 2017 10:31 AM2492 Views (via Android App)

The berhampur university is one of the most top university around the india. It is the most top university amoung all of odisha. I proud very much because I m the student of thid university.

I will cimplete my final year in this year. But there are so many defects in this college. As its exam system and result system. However its exam result is very late but after all it is the best university as my openeon. So there are manycolleges which belongs in this university. Out of which the gov. College koraput is one of the best college under berhanpur university. I am very greatfull for studied in this university.


Berhampur University
Very bad university.
Nov 27, 2016 07:01 AM2932 Views (via Android App)

I have joined in distance in BU in 23/9/2016.

Joining fee rs 30705 for three years.but it didn't provide even a course of changed its course but didn't update yet now.teachers are very bad.they don't respond.if you compare other universities like utkal university, ignou, they provide study materials & their joining fee also less as comper to friends don't spoil your future.never join in this university.

b2moneyMouthShut Verified Member
dhenkanal India
One of the great university of orissa!
Feb 04, 2016 11:00 AM3434 Views (via Android App)

Berhampur university is quite familiar and an old university of South Orissa, situated just few kilometers away from Berhampur railway station. It provides a no. of course starting from intermediate course to post graduate courses. Along with all type of bachelor degree courses with honours, MCA, master of law and some more distance courses are also provided by this university.

A no. of friends after completing graduating from dhenkanal autonomous college were admitted to this university. Some of friends also joined BSc courses after+ 2. I had heard all process regarding admissions, administration and scholastic and co- scholastic activities during their studies. Admission process was quite simple as it selected the students only by career-mark basis and also admission fees were also quite payable by every scholars.

The institutions have sufficient infrastructure availed for smooth running of institutions. Sufficient classrooms as well as laboratories are also available. Main importance of this institution that it has well skilled and adequate no. of teaching and non-teaching staffs. All staffs are quite cooperative and friendly in nature.

All academic programs are nicely structured and all are carried out systematic way providing a lot of practical knowledge and help us to gain experience. But one thing that can not be noticed i.e discipline and strict rules & regulations. There are too much violation among students union groups.

But this university can not achieve to such extent that I have capacity. The students are lack of showing performance about their careers and or any achievement that is due to less attention towards students. Academic activities are properly designed but implementation of those are quite poor. The assignments, study materials, academic books are available sufficiently in its large library.

It examination pattern is quite systematic and awards much more marks than other university. That's why in case of career marks their students are always ahead from other university.

Alongwith all scholastic activities annual function, annual sports, different seminars, farewells and welcome programs carry out nicely by this institutions. All the administration and management works are properly done by respective authorities.

But it has to make perfection in certain directions such that there must increase the demand to join to this institutions as follows;

( 1) should provide more quality of learning and give much more attention towards students progress

( 2) It does not provide too much scope to its scholars

( 3) the organization of academic and other programs must flexible

( 4) it has to make a little development in its atmospheric conditions and must take necessary steps towards cleanliness of environment

But certain points impressed me very much

( 1) This institutions quite helpful for science students as no. skilled professors are found to train them

( 2) marking scheme is superb

( 3) it has very good hostel accomodation as separate hostels available for ugc and pg students and also for girls

In comparison other university like sambalpur university, utkal university it could not have such priority because lack of strict rules and regulations. They have a lot of potentially than it. So students put it as last choice their option.

Ovearally I recommend all of you to join to this university because of it has potentiality to nurture talents. Have a nice day.

Oldest university...
Aug 26, 2015 02:04 AM5060 Views

Berhampur university is the largest University of southern was established in the year 1967 as it is located in Bhanja Bihar.

It is one of the Oldest and largest Universities of Odisha like Utkal university and Sambalpur University.

There are all types of courses are offered by this University.Apart from that it offers self financial courses and Distance education.

Recently my sister and one of my cousin joining in this university under distance education system.The admission is very simple.It is not require to attend the classed if you are learning under distance Education.You can give your nearest town's college for exam centre if that is comes under Berhampur University.

Anyone can attend this university starting from intermediate to upto Doctorate.This University is comes under UGC.It is also get a NAAC-B Certificate. If you are staying in Southern Odisha or you are from Southern odisha you may join in this University.Because this is a famous University of Ganjam district, Odisha.

Berhampur University : A Place For Solace
May 19, 2003 11:50 PM4625 Views

Berhampur university is situated about twelve kms far from Berhampur city, the fourth biggest town of Orissa and five kms away from Gopalpur-On-the-sea, the place which could be located in Orissa's tourism guide as a hot-spot.The place is quite calm, serene and enjoyable, far from the hustles and bustles of the city. These things are quite conspicuous as well as advantages of this university. I have spent two valuable years in this university and was quite happy with my situation. Like most of the students,I was also not having a career planning, which is prevalent over there. The reason behind what I wrote is that there you can hardly find a guy, who is really aspiring for something seriously. Actually, I do not want blame students only. Because there are many factors responsible for poor performance by the university students in different entrance examinations and interviews.Lack of vision of adminstration for university is a main factor. University does not enforce strict rules and regulations for the betterment of the examination patterns and course syllabus etc; also it does not encourage to create a research oriented environment, which is imperative for a university to grow. University should also recruit professors on the basis of strict academic career, and preference should be given to the person who is having a degree from a recognized university in india or from abroad.Professors should also inspire the students with more agog. In fact,they can play an important role for the betterment of the student by assigning them different study oriented tasks. Since, most of the students coming to this university are from vernacular medium, they are least exposed to different career opportunities. Whereas, the Utkal University, one of the premier universities of Orissa is enjoying the advantage, thanks to the privileged 'capital-city' aura. It is very disheartening that very good students from this university are unable to reach to their deserved places merely due to lack of proper guidance and exposure, except a few exceptions. Most of the students here are in a state of confusion and complacent!! I wish them all the best for their future endeavours. I hope that the university authorities and the Government would take proper initiatives for improving its curriculum. I may sound little harsh in my blog; but, nonetheless, there is a huge scope for this university to grow to a world class institution, considering its geographical location and quality of students those take admission in this university.

My university
Mar 06, 2003 10:00 AM3658 Views

Berhampur,situated not far away from the scenic beach of Gopalpur is a place of dreams.a place where knowledge is cultivated preserved and honoured.Day will come when people will really recognise the long deserved place my university in the listing of world`s most prefered universities.

We are strong in some points like exam scheduling,paper evaluation and faculty.But also need to increase in some other aspects like making the courses more practical,stressing more on extra curricular activities,providing more flexibility to students in choosing courses,management of records etc.apart from all these it should present itself to the world in a more technosavy manor.let us hope it will achieve the long standing goal of making orissa a land of high class scientists,pharmacists,doctors,profs and above all a land where bread and butter will be available to each and all without much fight.

It has a great future
Jan 12, 2003 07:11 AM5174 Views

Berhampur University is in the Ganjam District of Orissa. Its campus is named as Bhanja Vihar in memory of Kabi Samrat Upendra Bhanja, the famous poet of Orissa, who is known for his equally famous Chandas, which when sung, can keep you engaged for hours and hours without boring you. The famous Odissi Dance often follows Upendra Bhanja'sChhandas. Guru Raghunath Panigrahi, husband of the late Sanjukta Panigrahi, sings Chaandas from Upendra Bhanja. My friend Rajat Kar is an acknowledged authority on Upendra Bhanja

When one goes to Berhampur, either by road, or by rail, you pass through the beautiful Chilika Lake. The Konarak Express, leaving Bhubaneswar in the afternoon at 2 is the best train to watch and enjoy the beauty of Chilika; and it is better if you are in Second Class Sleeper, because, in the AC 2-Tier or 3-Tier, you can't see properly and the question of taking pictures does not arise.

Berhampur University is the only University in Orissa which has a Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. The late Chintamani Mahapatra, who was more interested in Theosophy than Journalism, was the Reader and Head of this Department, which unfortunately did not and has not grown. I say this from my personal knowledge, because I am a Member of the Academic Council for Journalism and Mass Communication. The present head of the Department is Professor Dasarathi Mishra, whose Ph. D Thesis is on Advertising, which is a mere narrative without reflecting the practical aspects of Advertising, whose practitioner has to be strong in language, and equally strong in Arts and Esthetics. The other lecturers are below average in terms of qualifications and experience. One of them is a former student of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication, New Delhi. The Department does not have any equipment worth the name to teach Electronic Journalism. The reason is simple. They don't have money to buy and instal the capital intensive equipment.

My friend Professor Bibhuti Deo was the Vice-Chancellor of this University, when he had invited me as one of the members of the Selection Committee to select some faculty members for the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. The present Vice-Chancellor is Professor Surya Narayan Behera, who was the Director of the Institute of Physics at Bhubaneswasr. I hope, he will do something for the Department. The son of a colleague of mine at Angul, after passing out from Berhampur with a Bachelor in Journalism and Mass Communication Degree did not get a job in any newspaper or media organisation in Orissa. Now he teachers in a High School. About the Master's Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, the less said the better.

Berrhampur University should have study and research facilities for doing research on Upendra Bhanja and it should have a Department of Marine Sciences, as in Cochin, to draw its resources from Chilika. It has a great future, Its students, faculty, the University Administration, the Government and people, and its dynamic Chancellor can make it or mar it.

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