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B612 Reviews

Cutting amount by google
25 days ago50+ Views (via Mobile)

Why cutt my amount please return back my amount i didn't use any app please return back amount otherwise i will b complain in police

Cocoa Effect
Dec 09, 2024 03:50 PM125 Views (via Mobile)

I an unable to use or download Cocoa Makeup effect on B612 Camera

Kindly Resolve the issue as soon as possible .

I will be very thankfull for your prompt reply and resolution please

Unable to download Cocoa makeup effect
Dec 15, 2023 09:01 PM381 Views (via Mobile)

I am unable to download or use Cocoa Makeup effect in camera

You are requested to please help and resolve the issue

I am uploading the screenshot of issue which I am facing

I will be great full for your kind response


Camera B612
Feb 17, 2021 11:25 PM4161 Views (via Android App)

Camera B612 app is really useful to use.

I have used this app for atleast 4 months resultant it has interesting filters and we can easily download those filters which we like to choose. But the camera quality should improve a little more. Its difficult to make such changes. Features are good

But a little more improvement is required.

Improvement in camera quality. I would like to give only 4 stars to it.

I recommend people to use B612 camera.

Very useful app
Jan 06, 2021 10:38 PM4228 Views (via Android App)

I have used this app for years! I think this is the only app that I have used for years and though different phones too. I think B612 takes good pictures it is wonderful I would recommend it to anybody and I often do. I would like to add that it is lagging behind a little bit when I move around and photos and videos. I'm sure they'll fix it so it's no big deal! Thanks for being my favorite app ever. Till now also Iam using it

B612 camera
Dec 02, 2020 07:43 AM4332 Views (via Android App)

This ap is too good that we can make picture too beautiful and and cannot thought this is mine . Every body want to make selfies so I prefer b612 camera to make selfies

B612:Image filiterating software.
Nov 21, 2020 09:37 AM4360 Views (via Android App)

This app is very conducive to filterate the image, I mean if anyone among you have to modify any pictures in terms of filter, it is mind blowing app.This application is also used to blur a portion of image and also to make every part of image filterize.

It means that the main importance of B612 is to filterate.

[It's slowly running while switching to camera>it is little glitch of it, but this flaw will be soon eliminated by developers.]

This app contains approximately 600 filters which really decorate a picture.

You can get this app( in smartphone) on Google Play Store, Apple app Store or other 3rd party appstores.

It has about 537m+ downloads on Google Play Store, and it's rating is also nice that 4.5+ .

If you guys are in exploration of the same thing, you should definitely choose B612.

It is my winsome recommendation to install this app for image modifying purpose.

Oct 08, 2020 10:38 AM5603 Views (via Mobile)

This app is not working properly in my phone

The camera is moving very slowly

I can't make any video properlly

And can't click any photos properlly

Rather this app is best for filters

Sep 23, 2020 02:33 PM4344 Views (via Android App)

This app is so good even I am using the b612 since 2-3 years. I have also noticed the app in everyones mobile. The most interesting thing about the app is its fillter. I never seen this type of filters before using the aap. I only post the picture of this b612 on my social media accounts. Even I also seen many small childs using this app for fun and entertainment. This app contain more then 200-300 fillters. You can get every type of filters here like funny, sketch. Ect. At last I suggest this app for everyone thank you

Aug 23, 2020 10:42 AM4524 Views (via Android App)

For my point of view it is best camera I know it is not better then snapchat but it is user friendly and I really love B612 if you have no snapchat then use this

AdnanWadekarMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Best Selfi App
Jun 21, 2020 12:25 PM4684 Views

Hello everyone

Today I am going to share my experience about the B612 application which is an camera filter app, this app is available for free on google play store.I have been using this app for more the 4 years now and I am still using the same.The filter on this apps are amazing and gives u one of the best experience to take selfie as well as take normal pictures.There as more then 1000+ filter available on this app which can be easily changed with just a swipe towards the right.

The Filter are very easy to use and has got various funny filters also like you can make your or your friends face like a cat or add funny symbols on the persons face also u can add sun glasses, Earnings etc and what not.

The app gets regular update and is very easy to use if you are using a camera which is not that great with the help of B612 u can easily make it a decent camera with help of its filter.

So I would recommend everyone to download install and enjoy lovely selfies with your friends and family

surverohit80MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Review on B612
May 22, 2020 03:55 PM7596 Views (via Mobile)

I am sharing my personal experience about this apk. I used this apk for capturing a good photo with an amazing filters. But what I got depressed about this apk was the all the filters are leaking. And the beautiful filters also was killed real pixel of the image. When I downloaded my capture pitchers from it so

Mar 11, 2020 06:11 AM8538 Views (via Mobile)

Please add the futures of allowing our mobile songs to the videos . The rest of the things are very good

sumansardar2013MouthShut Verified Member
Gobardanga India
Nice camera editing app
Jan 20, 2020 09:39 PM4852 Views (via Android App)

Extremely beautiful photos can be taken with these apps, but the photos can be edited nicely and there are various editing side in these apps through which we can make the image more beautiful.

Kasaragod, Kerala India
Awesom app
Feb 05, 2019 06:02 PM5734 Views (via Mobile)

Hello friends.. I want to share my experience about B612.

Many people using so many different apps for camera, editing, video editor etc. But i suggest one app for all your needs.... That is B612. Through this app we can make gif, funny videos, effective photos, videos with music etc..

One app for all... That is B612.

About 100 million peoples are downloded this appi. This information indicate the value of B612..

Thank you for read my rivew

The B612
Oct 19, 2018 01:25 PM6182 Views (via Android App)

Hi guys I using this app from last 4 months and how was my experience now I am sharing with you.

This is a camera app. We can capture our photo and selfies with helps of this app. It's have many features and functions for interesting selfie and photo. There are many types of filters in this app which helps to edit our photo and a beauty pluse. This app also helps use to make collage. It have some animated stamps and optimization functions.

The photo quality of this in my experience is not better than sweet selfie app but it's features and functions are really very good.

It is very easy to use and simple to understand it features and functions. It's layout and design is very nice.

Allover it is very useful for all selfie lovers.

Dexter999MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Sep 09, 2018 04:15 PM18540 Views

So basically this is one of the apps where you can give effects to your photos or you can choose different types of filters according to your need. But this one is not the best, there are lots of apps like this which are better and has nice features and functions.

Talking about its layout and design, it is simple and unattractive. Not the worst but bad. It is pretty simple to use so any beginner can easily click photos using it.

It's previous version was better but as soon as I updated now it runs a bit slow and most of the time it hangs.

So I won't suggest you not to install this app, definitely you can give it a try but remember do not update it.

mohitbhatia80000MouthShut Verified Member
Varanasi India
Worst App, tooo much accuracy problem
Sep 07, 2018 10:22 PM13130 Views (via Android App)

I used this app for 29 days, I really didn't like this type of application because this app have too much accuracy problem. Like- this app has bluring feature, but when you blur an image it's blur background and in more cases it blur some part of face with background after that look of that image became too boring & it's have some more features like adding glasses, caps, swapping face but all feature has accuracy problem.

So, I didn't recommended this app to all of you.

Interesting camera app
Jul 18, 2018 05:21 PM15833 Views (via Android App)

B612 is a great app to capture the photo. I have been using this app for 4 months. I use the b612 app to take photos of my photo or other. With the help of this app you can also enhance the beauty of your photo. If you do not have a dslr camera or any other mobile that has a dslr photograph, then you can use this app. With this app you can take photo like dslr. In this app you can take a photo while bluring your background. This app has more features as well as bluring. In this app you can reduce the size of your cheeks. If you do not have glasses, then you can take photos with glasses. In this app, you can also change the colour of your eyes. In this app, the app can take photographs and look like zombie. You have to download all these things from the net. This app is available on the play store. This app size is 60 mb.

yash512MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi,Delhi India
B612 (edit your picture)
Jul 14, 2018 03:51 PM6455 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends now I am going to review on B612.which is an amazing photo editing app.

Last week a friend suggested me to try it .i also used it and was having a great hs some great filters like-vegenta , blur, bright, natural, landscapeetc.

Also you can add up musics and make a slide show video.

And too much edited looks .as you can see in my photos below.



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Failed to connect (port 443) 15000ms Error cone when skip or login.? What it mean?

Nov 27, 2018

By: syedasanam67

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Can you still chat and talk in B612? If so, can someone tell me or explain how to do it or find the chat bar. Please, thank you.

Jun 24, 2018

By: anikarm12

Answers: 1