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B.LAB Hair Regrowth Serum Reviews

madhursharanMouthShut Verified Member
Jalgaon,Maharashtra India
Apr 28, 2018 09:20 PM 2054 Views (via iOS App)

This is a very bad product and my user experience was pathetic, it always made my hair look greasy and oily all the time while I was never even able to set my hair properly due to this.

the worse part about the product is that despite of all these issues that you will dodge and actually accept it, but there is still now sign of increment in the volume of the hair neither the silkyness at all.

Rohtak Haryana India
Oct 09, 2017 10:12 AM 2749 Views (via Android App)

B.lab hair regrowth serum is best for regrowing hair mine friend has hair fall problem .he waste a lots of rs and time by taking medicine and all other dr.recomanded medical treatment fot his hair but failed but some one recommend this serum b.lab it was magically action actually worked like a magic .he is very happy now .

LizamahmedMouthShut Verified Member
Karwar India
B Lab hair regrowth serum is hairfall product
Aug 26, 2017 01:31 PM 2972 Views (via iOS App)

Hi friends iam using this hair regrowth serum from one and a half month and inwas facing lot of issue I saw that my hair was oily by the time I did not used and oil on my hair and I was so dissappointed with this product my head scalp was damaging and I was loosing my hair after 15 days and this was not acceptable I thought it was a good product now ever I will not buy this again and I will never recommend this to you friends tou buy this type of products it did not showed any result but was a disadvantage for my hair and my hair also became white by using this product on my head scalp please dont buy this product


B.LAB Hair Regrowth Serum

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