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Ayur Herbal Moisturizer Reviews

Kothamangalam India
Favourite Moisturizer Ever
Aug 20, 2021 05:22 PM2515 Views (via Mobile)

Aayur Herbal Moisturizer is my all-time favourite Moisturizer. It nourishes my dry skin and keeps it moisturised. It contains only natural ingredients so it is very safe to use.

Love this
Mar 04, 2019 09:46 PM6744 Views (via Mobile)

For this price range I guess one should never complain. This product is simply amazing. Yes its not that great if you are comparing with pricey moisturizer but at this price I think its great. I love it. And the awesome thing is its not tested on animals. So for me this product is a 10/10

ashwin24augMouthShut Verified Member
pune India
Good moisturizer in Winter
Feb 06, 2018 10:18 PM6754 Views

Ayur Herbal Moisturizer is one of the good product from Ayur. If you have skin issues during winter season like dry skin then you can use this moisturizer to get rid of the dry skin. It keeps your skin smooth and away from dryness for almost 24 hours. Also it makes the skin smooth and soft. This moisturizer comes with good fragrance. It is really worth to use.

It is not necessary that only women need to use this. Men can also use who have oily or dry skin.

In a nutshell, Ayur Herbal Moisturizer is recommended to use.


Ayur Herbal Moisturizer
ankitasharma42996MouthShut Verified Member
Akola India
Ayur dryer
Jan 13, 2018 01:46 PM7645 Views (via Android App)

Yes the name suggest it should moisturized but it literally dry the skin.nor it stay for cannot use it when the winters are is not suggestable when you have severe winters.

As a for is fragrance is concern.they do not provide a wide range of variety with the gets bored with the only roses also blackens the skin making it literally inattractive.not so good.

anjali1607sharmaMouthShut Verified Member
Hari Har Peth In Front Of Police Chowki Near Sapta Shrungi Mata Mandir Akola. India
Ayur moisturizer
Jan 01, 2018 05:59 PM7101 Views (via Android App)

Hi guys ! Here I would like to share my views about Ayur herbals Natural skin glow moisturizer.This product is applicable for your face, Hand , Arms and legs too.And is pretty nice for all kinds of skin types whether it is oilly or dry It is maintained with a balanced ph.It helps retain moisturecontent to give a softvand supple skin.It makes a perfect make up base.And it is enriched with vitamin A , D and E . Thus it is an effective hand and body lotion. Its fragrance smells mild and cool

roysoniyaaMouthShut Verified Member
Kolkata India
Its a good product
Dec 19, 2017 01:43 PM6445 Views (via iOS App)

I would rate the product as three star because it is a light moisturizer. For heavy winter it doesnt work that great.


its light and best when used during summer

smells really good

doesnt give a sticky feeling at all


For winter it doesnt work that well.

your skin tends to get dry in few hours time and u need to re apply

oneandonlyomiMouthShut Verified Member
Chandigarh India
Good moisturizer
Dec 13, 2017 08:24 AM6541 Views (via Android App)

Ayur herbal moisturizer is a product truly meant for winters. It comes in a medium sized plastic bottle. Packing of the product is simple.Its cost is Rs.60. This is light pink in colour which I like the most. It has very mild fragrance. It contains wheat germ oil which is very good for skin. I habe been using this moisturizer for more than 9 yrs and im very happy with the product. It completely covers the skin with moisturizing shield removing dryness. Product quality is very good. One should really go for this.

Good product
Dec 04, 2017 05:11 PM6510 Views (via Android App)

Hii friends here I am going to share my views on this ayur herbal moisturizer this product is very good in my opinion .l uesd this product for my rough skin.ayur moisturizer is very good and soften the all types of the skin this product also remove the bad skin from the body and soft the skin my freinds also used this product mostly in winters .This ayur herbal moisturizer also used in makeup products to smooth the skin in short time . I personally say that this ia very good product.this is herbal product so small children can also use this product . Ayur moisturizer also raised the white skin tone . I used this moisturizer daily in my routine. So friends you can also used this without any waste the time . This product is very good in results . Thanku friends to read my personal veiws.

Good product
Nov 11, 2017 10:07 AM7178 Views (via Android App)

It is a good creme but makes the skin oily but acc to money investment it gives a good reward fot money. It has a good fragrence . But it remains on the face and does not get absorbed properly and as a result the fairness of the face becomes low we have to apply the creme immediately after bathing as after some time of bathing it doesnot get into work properly so we have to apply it properly . Ayur creme is good for them who have a dry skin . People can only apply it in winters so oily skinned people cannot apply it

Not for oily skin
Sep 05, 2017 12:51 PM8433 Views (via Android App)

Today, I will share my experience about this product.

The name suggests that it's made of herbal ingredients. When you apply it on the skin, the skin appears white as if it's made up of chalk powder and rose. Sometimes, it itches too. I don't recommend it to the people with sensitive skin.

The greasy texture of the cream makes the skin look oily. So people who have oily skin, stay away from this. Also, it has more water than the actual content, with a little bit of fragrance.

Overall, I think that the only positive point in this is it's fragrance. Please research thoroughly beef purchasing.

nagesh1213MouthShut Verified Member
Budaun India
Not good
May 06, 2017 09:41 PM10203 Views (via Android App)

Hi friends, Today I am sharing my personal experience with you about the Ayur Herbal Moisturizer.i have been used this lotion in this last winter but I am not satisfy from this company lotion.I do not like this because it is not effective for the body.After use this lotion make oily skin and it is makes skin some dark slowly slowly if you use everyday.I have used all winter but I get no good result from this.Its fregrance not so good and I do not like this.This product is not value for money because it is expensive compare than patanjali bady lotion.This is not good product.I do not recommend this.My experience was bad about that.Thank you.!

Poor Quality
Mar 30, 2017 07:20 PM7747 Views

Ayur moisturizer has very poor quality the company believes in big quantity and poor quality, you spend about 280 to 300 on a 500 ml bottle but the 500 ml quantity is equal to 100 ml or 50 ml of other moisturizers in other words you end up actually paying more and you get cheap quality product and more over the cream has a tendency to darken your skin and because of its greasy quality it attracts dust particles to your skin not at all a good product even if your looking for cost effective products .

nishadtanya64MouthShut Verified Member
Bhilai India
Perfect moisturizer
Feb 23, 2017 09:43 PM7493 Views (via Android App)

I started using this moiturizer 4 years ago . this moisturizer is the best moiturizer . I had a oily skin type . I used to massage my face by this moisturizer and some amout of water for 10 min very well and left it overnight when I wake up and see my face it was glowing actually . you can also try my method and get a glowy skin . I would suggest everyone to try this once . also many of people have different skin types so the result may differ . I love it's fragrance also it a herbal moiturizer so I think I will be good for everyone .

Thankyou so much .

Have a nice day .

Don't forget to rate the review .

dhanyageo331MouthShut Verified Member
Kannur India
Not so good for very dry and oily skin
Jan 28, 2017 09:31 AM8587 Views

Ayur herbal Moisturizer is not so good for very dry and very oil skins. it is good for normal skin.This is herbal product which not contain chemicals.So that I can say that this is very good for the normal skin. This cream contains wheat germ oil, Turmeric and olive oil. these are helping us for the nourishment that helps for natural complexion. It contains olive oil that is not good for very oily skin. So I am not recommending this to the oil skins.But it is not that much good very dry skin. This product is very good for the normal skin. Smell of this product is very good and light. We can get this with affordable price.It is really valuable for only normal skin peoples.

Not good for dry skin
Nov 23, 2016 06:54 PM12460 Views (via Android App)

My skin is very dry specially in winters so I always try new creams and lotion which remove my dryness and give me soft and beautiful skin .As ayur is very old brand I try this herbal moisturiser it contains wheatgerm oil, turmeric extract, olive oil and rose water.And vitamin A, D, E also.After seeing this I was of the opinion that it is good for my dry skin but I was wrong when I apply it on my face I feel very good that time but after sometime again I feel dryness on my face.It smell is good, colour of the lotion is pink.But I dont think so it is good for dry skin.This ayur moisturiser is not at all good in winters specially.

Does the job perfectly
Sep 26, 2016 08:59 AM10363 Views (via iOS App)

Ayur is a brand that deals with all herbal related products. Ayur herbal moisturizer is one of them. I have one of them and I think that it foes its job perfectly. The consistancy is a bit flowy in a good way as the skin absorbs the moisturizer very nicely and completely. The smell of the product is not good but not bad either its kindof ok! : ). It comes in a bottle packaging which is nice. The bottle comes in various sizes so its travell friendly. It retains the moisture in your skin and gives a healthy glow and soft skin. And it can also be used as a perfect makeup base which I really like about the product. Its great for winter. The product is enriched with vitamins A, D and E which is healty for your skin. Coming to it's price the price starts of from rs 50/100gm which is quite cheap for its good quality ! In all I can say that I'm not a big fan of it but yes its a nice product and I do recommend it. You can give it a try

GOWNIWARINIKITHAMouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Mar 09, 2016 03:55 PM8851 Views

It is not the best moisturizer, I have used this moisture for 5 months continuously it protects skin for only 2-3 hours again the skin comes to dry.We have to apply 2-3 times daily for protecting the skin.

I dint see any result by applying this location of course it consists of herbal products but the cream is so watery so it cont stay more time on skin.  I think this would be better by applying on summer then in winter.In my opinion better to check this moisture before going to buy,

even my family members are also changed this moisture because of no use.

Ayur Moisturizer is the Best moisturizer
Mar 01, 2016 12:08 PM10454 Views

Hi friends, I would like to share my personal experience about Ayur Moisturizer. I have been using this product for the past 4 years. Its totally herbal product, which gives natural glow to our skin. It avoids our skin from dryness. Specially, it is very useful in winter season.

It contains wheatgerm oil, cucumber, olive oil, turmeric extracts and rose water. And It is enriched with Vitamins A, D and E. These contents help to our skin to get a soft and supple skin. When Compared  to other products it is very cheep in price.

According to my opinion it is one of the best moisturizers at affordable price.

Thank you.


Ayur Herbal Moisturizer

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