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Artistry Reviews

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- India
Awesome skin product.........
Dec 25, 2017 08:46 PM33344 Views (via Android App)

I must say that it is an awesome product ever .it give an excellent result .it start work in 1week and I can feel it my skin look very nourishing and smoot .amazong proudct it also lighten my pimple spots and looks my skiny very fresh.i like it at top.amazing.everyone should use this genuinly.guys you will also like for sure.

A707045MouthShut Verified Member
Bachhwara India
Amway products are best but don't buy online
Dec 07, 2017 01:30 PM36072 Views

I am using artistry hydrating system last 10 days then I saw my skin became dry and itchiness the product.i bought from .flipkart gave me fraud then I consult my doctor he said to me your skin became dry and some chemical reaction he gave me some tablet use 10 days and says to me then my skin is itchiness free. so guyzz don't buy amway products from online .be careful.

banomantasha9MouthShut Verified Member
Jaipur India
Nov 14, 2017 09:01 PM12838 Views (via Android App)

Artistry is The World Best Brand. All the products of Artistry are world Class Product.

Artistry is one of The world top 5 largest skin product selling Brand.

Its Lolishing scrub Exfoliates our skin and Give it a Natural Glow by making us appealing.

It You want to look beautiful , then artistry is The Best option available for everyone.

The best thing about This Brand is That All the product Mught be CC cream or facial Kit or anything else It is 100% Chemical free .

Almost all The product contain some Amount of Chemical , But it is not so in The Case of Artistry .

There are many products available in Artistry Range such as

Balance Toner , Exfoliating Scrub , Hydrating Essential Toner , Cleaner,

Artistry is Marketed By AMWAY Almost all the products of Amway are World Class Products so is The Artistry.

Best Brand for skin Cosmetics Ever Exist.

Must Try It once.!


No.1 brand in world.
Mar 07, 2017 01:55 PM49141 Views

Artistry is started in 1969 which is sponsored by Amway corporation. Artistry is the brand which have pure ingredients which never side effects on anybody. Artistry products has no chemical mixture and it is dermatologically attested on labs which is very safe to use.

This brand give results in 1 week only If you cannot satisfaction than Amway gives you 30 day of satisfaction guarantee to return the product get your money back.


Artistry brand is very and in few days back it becomes the number one brand of beauty care.


Must try artistry Facial kit which is very reasonable and gives you quick results in hours after use.

Anti-wrinkle product is best which gives results in one week If you cannot get the result then retrurn to company.

thecajatinMouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
High price with high quality
Jan 30, 2017 02:19 PM19269 Views (via Android App)

I bough artistry for my mon cause she had some skin infactions on face and little spots are there. I bought small pack of Artistry that costs me in thousand of rupees. But really amazing results after applying few days it started to showing result.

Fregrance, quality, and resulta all are good even she is addicted to artistry.

I git very good result must recommend you to buy little coatly but value for money.

Artistry RockSssss
Jan 28, 2017 03:03 PM44116 Views

Artistry is one of the top brand of cosmetics products in the world. It provide many types of cosmetics products for men and women. It's products are totally safe without any kind of side effects. It only provides skin care products. the cost of its products were little high. But it is very effective. In india it mostly provides products for women. It products can't be purchased from markets It's products only available at amway corporations or it only sold by amway distributors.

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Artistry CTM-A must for your skin!!
Aug 06, 2016 08:25 PM52964 Views

I have been using Artistry balancing CTM for more than one and half year and have observed drastic change in my skin. Earlier, my skin was so dull that even wearing makeup could not help it to look better. But after using CTM, I have started noticing the glow, now my skin look younger, pretty fresh and glowing. Would recommend everyone to use to for a younger looking skin. The effect it leaves on your skin makes it absolutely worth having it in your skin care kit. I used 1 pack of CTM for 10 months.

It should be used twice a day; in the morning after face wash and before sleeping in night.

I am very excited to use Youth Extend range now which is especially formulated to fight against ageing. If anyone wishes more details or any product, feel free to get in touch with me at or whatsapp me 9999810530.

Not worth for price
Jul 01, 2016 10:23 PM64861 Views (via Mobile)

I personally never recommend artistry products to anyone.I am using cleanser, toner, moisture since more than 6 years as one of my family member is Amway agent. These products are too mild for Indian skin and does nothing as they said.

Anyone who really invests such a huge amount of money in only CTM expects a lot. But I can say these products are good for those having already good skin and they just wants to maintain it.

Artistry -magical product
Mar 02, 2016 12:42 PM57647 Views


I'm using artistry balancing product from more than one year and I got awesome results.

Most of people don't know exactly about there skin type due to which they got skin issue.

Market products are not natural products this is the reason when people stop using those product they got skin problems .

Problems: fine lines, wrinkles, skin discoloration etc

The structure of the skin can be divided into three main layers, the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous(hypodermis).

Artistry is a super premium range which works on your dermis layer which will improve you skin texture, exfoliation process etc.

If your skin is oily in T-Zone that means you have combination skin type type(ie-combination of oily and dry skin) in this case you may go for artistry balancing CTM .

CTM means  cleanser, toner and moisturizer. It should be used according to your skin type.

As skin is of 3 type:

i.e.- dry, oily and combination skin. T

Artistry CTM comes in two types i.e. balancing for oily and combination skin type

and hydrating for dry skin.

The cost is worth as the product goes more than 9 months.

Company also provides you 30 days money back guarantee if u r not satisfied.

I am also using the balancing CTM on my skin. I feel awesome results.

If you want more detail on how to use CTM and more about skin type you can write me on my email id-



I love Artistry
Aug 14, 2014 11:21 PM81457 Views

I love Artistry, all their products are amazing, you will see result in a few weeks. I have been working with this line for a year and still, if you want to try Artistry please visit my website:

You are not going to regret, it really works. If you are a woman 25 years or older try Artistry Youth Xtend™

I will be more than happy to work with you!

Luxury skin care
Oct 17, 2013 09:39 AM50160 Views

I love all artistry product, my skin looks better and better, have compliments all the time. My favorite is Youth Extend line, check my site yelenasavchuk.

I have 7 sisters and all of them love Artistry, same with my friends, at least one product they using from Artistry brand. Yes I become Amway distributor because of difference between retail and ibo price. Later I started doing business and so happy I did!

chandigarh India
Magical product
Oct 07, 2013 11:09 AM50848 Views

A CTM i.e cleanser, toner and moisturizer from artistry is a magical product. It shud be used according to ur skin type. that is dry, oily and combination skin. The CTM comes in two types i.e. balancing for oily and hydrating for dry.

The combination of balancing and hydrating can also be used according to ur skin. The cost is worth as the product goes for almost 6 months. The company also provides 30 days money back guarantee if u r not satisfied. Thats all. I am also using the hydrating CTM on my skin. I feel awesome results.

Waste of money
Oct 11, 2012 03:30 AM60736 Views

I am currently using artistry cleanser , toner and moisturizer. I got it on recommendation of one of my friend who is an amway agent and I will not recommend this product to anyone as it is highly overpriced and also doesn't have any noticable results.

I have been using the ctm kit from almost 1-1.5 months now. but suddenly my skin has started flaking. also I have started getting zits as well on my face. Only amway agents promote it and this product is not worth the hard earned money at all. So a big NO for it in future once I am done finishing what I have already bought.

bangalore India
Artistry products are mind blowing
Jul 15, 2012 07:25 PM51843 Views

All artistry products are excellent. I am n ABO agent.drop an email if you need any of the artistry or any Amway products ? Prices looks to be very costly, but when coming to effective usage it is not so expensive ..

'ARTISTRY essentials balancing toner' review
May 28, 2012 07:16 PM91194 Views

Let me be honest; in this part of the world (the mid-east) Artistry products are not much heard of. When it comes to individual women selling products through an agent, only Avon comes to mind, simply 'cause the latter is very much widespread around here. That being said, I have viewed the Amway ads on TV, whilst offering no visual response (I didn't understand the commercials due to some random people just praising the company; I had no clue as to what EXACTLY they sold or where they were available). My sis-in-law from the States was an Artistry salesperson and she recommended that my mum and me try out some of their products. She conducted a skin analysis test and convinced us to purchase the cleanser, toner, moisturizer, eye-cream and serum from the 'essentials oily skin-care' line (we got easily persuaded since one of the Artistry body washes smelled incredibly divine, which later got sold out). Each individual product has evoked mixed reactions in me, hence I felt it better to do a separate review on each one rather than confuse readers with my opinions on the whole skincare line.

Firstly the packaging is just the way I like it..............simple and elegant, quite similar to the manner in which Clinique designs their outer aspect of products (FYI- I hate Pond's products 'cause of their bulkiness and unnecessary modernistic designs. Their creams look like multi-faceted jewels on my vanity, but do nothing for my skin and also burn holes in my pocket). There's a Picassoesque flower design in pale green on the front (which stands for oily skincare; pale pink is for dry skincare), with very minimal information about the company given at the back. The instructions for usage though are given on the recyclable cardboard box which encases the actual toner bottle. All in all, if I were travelling with this product (which I have, several times) I could confidently assume that no spillage would take place.

The alcohol-free toner is waterlike in texture and feel, and easily wipes one's face clean with a cotton pad or ball. It does dry your face out, obviously since it is created for oily skin. Since I suffer from combination skin though, I need to immediately top it off with moisturizer so as to prevent the drier areas of my face from further losing its natural water-content. The toner has a slight flowery fragrance to it, which doesn't irritate me, especially since any moisturizer is capable of cutting the smell (sweet as it is) off.

All Artistry products are on the pricey side, with this toner itself costing around $14.20 (Rs. 791.37) for 200 ml. For this very reason alone I prefer the Olay and Garnier toners, since they don't dry my skin out and cost about half-the-price as the Amway one. Furthermore, I find it much more comfortable and easier to purchase my skincare items from the local store, rather than ordering them online or from a catalogue (especially since Amway/Artistry isn't available here).

Finally, would I wholeheartedly recommend this product to a friend? Well, if you like experimenting with beauty & skincare, and usually purchase department-store items, then this Artistrytoner wouldn't hurt you. Although, if you prefer drugstore skincare brands, then this definitely is not required for you since Olay, Garnier, Neutrogena and even Asian brands like Belo and YongChin produce toners which work just as good, if not better than Artistry's.

Final grade- B+

Rasayani, India India
Wanna buy art
Feb 22, 2012 02:09 PM52025 Views

I'm a amway agent. if anybody want any artistry product contact me I'll provide free shipping........................................................................

bangalore India
Best product for all - Artistry
Aug 08, 2011 04:19 PM54015 Views

Aritistry is the one of the best product bcz its changed so many of friends skin and their life as well. as I am skin and nutritiant consultant we are supporting many people to get the real skin through artistry. it has hydro lipi matrix and it will take protect from the sun UV rays and improving for generating new cells. naturrally generating humactant by birth it will help to give the barrier for skin.

if you have any further clasification, feel free to contact. S N Rajesh working in a private company and my mobile number is +919620065554. Building business in a big time.

Cypress United States of America
Perfect for daily skincare
Mar 13, 2011 02:58 AM53059 Views

My skin is sensitive and can accept only good ones. Artistry is acting excellent on my skin , cleanser , toner and moisturizer really gets acquainted with the  skin to improve smoothness and makes it supple. The skin is getting healthy day by day.

I have used other products like Oriflame which had scrubbing and moisturizing for the basic routine, the product is good but not as excellent as Artistry because the instruction for scrub states not to use it daily but I wanted a good routine which cleanses deeply  and smoothen the skin or am sure to get rashes.

I stopped applying make up  once I started using this product as I donot have to hide any blemishes. You must receive the instruction from the distributor who sells and follow exactly for good results.The product lasts for atleast 6 months if you used it right. I heard that there are other products for specific issues like acne, ageing etc . The one I used was basic , other products should also be as good as this.. I mean excellent ..

Please Avoid
Jul 16, 2010 05:44 PM57046 Views

After 2 years of research ( i.e. googling ) I finally gave it a shot. Was really impressed by its review.' I stay in Mumbai, India. Me and my friend bought this product from Amway Andheri, East Branch.


I have little oily skin with 1-2 breakout that goes in 2-3 days.

My friend have very dry skin


Spend on their cleanser ( Rs 1.2 K )+ toner ( Rs 1.2 K )+ moisturizer ( Rs 1.6 K )+ eye cream ( Rs 600+ ) + some matt effect product ( Rs 2 K ) plus some random products to earn points and be their distributor.

I religiously followed their instruction for 1 month.. Nothing changed... No improvement.. NOTHING!!!

Especially had very bad experience with its eye cream..

My GOD!!! in 2 weeks I saw wrinkles over my left eyes and its grew very dry with white patches. :( I have pictures also to prove it.. :( I stopped using eye cream but continued with other 4 products..

Result -> More breakouts... My face texture worsen..

Scary it was.. I immediately stopped using it and am feeling lot better now.. :)

Am back to my AQUASOFT soap + Ranbaxy Sun Screen Gel + Clindamycin Gel ( 1ce or 2ce a week )... My skin is back to normal...


She took all things for dry skin plus some tablets... She got some dark patched on her chin.. Apart from dry feeling in spite of using their moisturizer... She stooped it too...


Please DO NOT spend your hard earned money on such CRAP products... If you have any issue just pay visit to your dermotologist...

P.S :- This product do not deserve even 1 star...

Artistry Essentials Balancing Cleanser
Mar 01, 2010 06:46 AM52801 Views

I strongly reecommend this products. While buying beauty products we must take care by consulting a good trainer in artistry. I had a personnal experience in this i had already recommended this products for those who want to look younger.there is a process in using such kind of beauty care products.cleanses, clarifies, and exfoliates skin to a balanced finish. It contains patented exfoliation technology. Oil-free cleanser controls shine all day. It adjusts for continuous oil control.


•exfoliate: gentle foaming cleanser featuring oat extract re-balances and purifies skin • oat based cleansing ingredient to gently remove excess sebum, dirt and debris, without stripping the skin •clears & clarifies oily skin visibly and to the touch • balancing matrix equalizes surface oil and hydration levels



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