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Arogyam Reviews

Not issue magazine
Jul 27, 2022 11:19 AM 332 Views (via Mobile)

Manoramma Arogyam., they won't send any magazine by post.Even if , send an enquiry , they won't need a health magazine by post..its better to go with other publisher's magazine..

Pampady India
Low Quality Magazine
Aug 08, 2009 02:16 PM 14320 Views

Manorama Arogyam's printing quality is good and it looks good in almost all issues. But when it comes to content quality it does not come anywhere near Mathrubhumi's Arogyamasika. Almost all the articles are in typical Manorama style. Authenticity and credibility of the articles are doubtable. There is a column by Dr. CR Soman on nutition in Manorama Arogyam. When compared to the articles on nutrition published in Mathrubhumi's arogyamasika, Dr. Soman's articles are really trash. Same is the quality of other articles.

Moreover, a tendency to imitate Mathrubhumi's Arogyamasika is seen. Whatever Mathrubhumi does will be copied by Manorma in the very next issue. Then, some of the articles look like advertisements and it seems that they are published merely to give publicity to doctors. Credibillity of many of the doctors writing in Manorama's Arogyam is doubtable.

Mangalam group too publish a health magazine, called Arogya Mangalam. It is better than Manorama. Both Manorama and Mangalam imitate Mathrubhumi, but Mangalam does it in a far far better way than Manorama. Among health magazines, Mathrubhumi's Arogyamasika has a very clear edge over all other family health magazines. No doubt in that.

Your Monthly Wellness Dose…
May 15, 2009 08:20 PM 13105 Views

Arogyam, a general health and wellness magazine in Malayalam, published by the Malayala Manorama, is very popular in its category. It helps the families keep up fit along and build a healthy life style. The magazine is praised for its richness of info and the quality of the content. In fact It is a wholesome dose of wellness capsule every month. I rate the magazine higly informative and easily readable.

Every volume focuss on a special theme or seasonal health issues and discuss it in detail in simple language with the help of colourful graphics and charts. The contributors are eminent doctors and/or personalities from the respective areas of medicine.

The magazine combines all existing systems of medicine like Modern medicine, Ayurvedha, Homeopathy etc…The content of the magazin encompass all aspects of mental and physical fitness.

Given the cost of consulting a doctor and the hospital expenses, the wealth of information the magazine rightly boast of is invaluable. It updates you on all aspects of medicines and all developments from medical field. The detailed and authoritative articles on assorted subjects make it a mine of information. It tells you about preventive measures and prescribe precautions.

Arogyam updates and advises you every month on health and general wellbeing. It is an excellent health guide that enlighten one on physical as well as mental wellbeing. It has a question and answer session plus advice columns. The magazine also carries introducatory writ ups on medical professions and medical education.

Doctors nowadays are all busy and as has happened with other professions unfortunately ethics in medical profession is also deteriorating. The growth in per capita income and a large number of highly health conscious people have assured most of the hospitals brisk business hours every day. In this scenario the attention an ordinary patient may get from a doctor in most cases is only a few seconds or few minutes! Within this short span of a few seconds the patient will not be able to explain all his problems!!

A personal survey I conducted showed most of the patients or the people who accompany them do not understand what is diagnosed or prescribed by the doctor. So they clear their doubts with the support staff in the hospital! And if it ever happens to be hospitalised, think of the cost! The bill will not be so easy for an ordinary person living on a tight budget, to pay. Leave appart the issue of care you get or the quality of treatment.

Unholy nexus between the some hospitals and labs/pharmacies outside makes you go through unwanted tests, X-ray, costly scanning, unnecessary medicines etc. Of course these tests are necessary for diagnosing in some cases, but in many other cases it is only a technique to fatten profit of the business.

Considering all these, we must say, prevention is better than cure. And to take preventive measures you have to be well informed. Health periodicals like Agrogyam can take up the role of your Health and Wellbeing Advisor. Mathrubhumi also publish a health magazine and they are the pioneer in this diection in Malayalam. Though helpful to the readers, Arogyam from Manorama has a clear edge when it comes to quality of article and readability.

Priced at Rs 15, Arogyam is a good buy. The worth of its content is much more than that. The layout of the magazine is excellent and the graphics and printing is nice. Often the Arogyam comes with a suppliment booklet and they occasionaly bring out special issues. Arogyam has no website of its own at the moment, but is spotted on newstands all over the world. I believe 'Health is Wealth' and 'Prevention is better than Cure'. So here is your gude towards that…




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