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Approaching the Qur'an - Michael Sells Reviews

Quran with Understanding
Mar 14, 2017 03:00 PM 1489 Views

Reading Quran to understand the life concept is most important and Quran will help you in every matter of life.Amazing , beautiful , scientific and perfect knowledge of God.Take out from ignorance and provide a path of life . Teach us how to behave others, How deals with matters , how spend time with your friends, family people of society.The Quran in its present form is generally considered by academic scholars to record the words spoken by Muhammad because the search for variants has not yielded any differences of great significance. Who follow provide him guidance

Pune & Mumbai India
Approaching the Qur'an by Michael Sells - Review
Apr 09, 2010 06:39 PM 3139 Views

What is your religion?

“Hinduism” as per records but if you ask me about my faith that would be something with which I am yet to be blessed with. I have devoted all these years trying to understand the various facets of religion and arrived at a conclusion that there is no need to convert to another religion. I love to read, understand and appreciate the discipline or the order that the religious philosophy or rituals that might bring to mankind. In short, I am having a liberal attitude regarding religion. I found only a thin layer of difference between fundamentalism and being agonistic (Good old Huxley might have meant something good). Hence, I keep the doors of my mind open to all religions and the spiritual / philosophic dimension of the same always gained my attention.

Approach towards Islam / Prejudices

I always wanted to get to know more about Islam and there are several reasons for the same. Main being, I came across the conversation between Non Islams where in Islam is considered to be something like a catastrophe. I am not excluding myself from this syndrome and let me state this straight that Islam Bashing is one of the most entertaining session among majority to “secular souls”. Particularly in India, this happens because of the age old rivalry with Pakistan or we try to arrive at conclusion based on the traits of the person belonging to this tradition. In short, the qualification on a nation or a set of individuals became the rationale behind your opinion on a religion as a whole. Wrong – At least, I believe this is one religion which advocates the factor of “peace” . Again, our attention will be diverted to the actions of fundamentalists and not the essence of religion.

Get to know better

No one ever stopped me to gain more knowledge regarding the religion. Normally, I rely on books but again with Islam, I always feel that learning Arabic will always help because translation to other languages might not be perfect. Here, I came across Michael Sell’s Approaching Qur’an, recommended by a renowned Muslim scholar.

This is a phenomenal effort as he could expound the various dimensions of the “Suras” (revelations) with detailed description of the cultural / historic relevance of the same that enriches the reader. In short, this is not the clinical translation but a conscientious effort to educate and enrich the reader to appreciate the essence of the religion. Let me present the gist of my learning.

About the religion

Like all other major religions across the globe, Islam also emphasize on the “Absloute” being. Out of various schools of thought, the one which gives due emphasis to Montheism (Existence of only a Single God) is what is being widely practiced. This is being signified by the work Tawhid (Declaring a singular form of Supreme Power).

There is the concept of Tawhid ar-Rububiyya which signifies that quality of supreme God which is responsible for creation and sustenance. In Hinduism (Vedic Religion), the same concept is mentioned as Srishti & Sthithi but they have two form of God that governs this function Viz. Brahma and Vishnu.

What will you call God? This is being mentioned as al-asma wa as-sifat (The names and attributes) which is being expounded with 99 names which many of us will be familiar with. To quote a few – Al Aziz (The Mighty), Al Qawiyy (The powerful) etc. Allah is the generic term that signifies God. In Bhagawad Gita you will find more visible attribute of God like among Veda he is Sama Veda etc.

And now, there is a code of conduct for you which is Ibada – which is offering your worship to God. Might be there are set norms and rituals but again, I love to treat this in a wider meaning – Lead a righteous life.

In short, the word Islam itself means “Surrender or submission to God”

Six Articles of Faith in Islam are

God, having no specific incarnation or human qualities but it is something which you cannot fathom through normal human faculties but yet experience the supreme through your righteous living

Angels, signifies those who execute the command of God. For example, there is an Angel who is the gatekeeper of paradise (metaphorically your conscience that ensures sanity check on your actions / thoughts),

Prophets, and here you have Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and many more who were messengers of God

Scriptures , the major being Qur’an and various schools of thoughts emphasize the importance of scriptures expounded by various prophets which is the base of all Abrahamic relgions

Qadar , signifies the belief in “absolute”. Almighty measured out everything right from the life span and course of action. Various phrases like Insha Allah (if God wills) and Masha Allah (What God willed) signifies the same.

Judgment Day , this is where the divine judgment is being arrived based on the sum total of deeds performed by each entity. Good and evil will get their due

Five Pillars / Practices in Islam

Shahadah, which is the authentication of faith performed by Muslims as a part of daily prayers. In Arabic it is “Ashhadu an laa ilaha ill'Allah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasul Allah”which means “I testify my faith in the singular form of supreme power of God and Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of God”

Salat ,is the daily prayer with discipline (five times a day) facing Mecca


Bloomfield Hills USA
Dont Judge a book by its cover
Aug 27, 2002 08:00 PM 3421 Views

This IS the book at the heart of the huge controversy at the Univ of North Carolina (my alma mater!). If some of these people bothered to even read the introduction of the book, they would see that Sells' makes it unmistakably clear that he is not advocating islam over any other religion nor is he promoting the quran. His quest is clearly stated, he wishes to provide a book for non-arabs and non-muslims to understand the quran, its meaning as well as its intricate ''sound vision''. This book is also for Muslims who wish to find a way to discuss the quran with their non-muslim friends. The book seems to be an introduction to islam also, as it includes various pictures and descriptions illustrating the main principles of islam. It also clears up many misconceptions, which was helpful to myself even, a practicing muslim. His actual translations and commentaries are true gems. He selected the first revelations, so the initial revelations that dealt with a call to spirituality. He did not include verses that were revealed later on during the Prophet's role as a leader of a community. He states very clearly that his reasons for doing so are because one has to understand more fully the contextual scope of these revelations, a job that extends beyond his own goals and objectives for this book. His commentary is beautiful, and describes the context as well as various interpretations by Muslim Scholars. Even comes with a CD which readers can read along with using Sells' transliterations towards the end of the book.


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