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APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Reviews

KTU the ultimate cash grabbing scheme
Apr 23, 2024 01:22 AM281 Views (via Mobile)

All they want is your money and sit simply. They are the worst university in kerala hands down. In almost all perspectives they have disappointed students. I came to study btech but now I wanna somehow finish this course and escape this damned university once and for all

Kanpur India
Sep 05, 2021 12:38 AM813 Views (via Android App)

This is a average academic records of university and it has very costly fees to take admission and extra bonus to take admission easily by procedural but very expensive packages of course fees and very less assistence of jobs, jobs are seeking by candidate till date who are complete these course overhere.

p162_261MouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Jul 25, 2021 05:43 PM816 Views

My son is studying B-Tech course under APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University. As per the new order from April, 2020; supplementary exams are to be conducted by the university on the respective semesters. Even semester supply only on even semesters and odd semester supply only on odd semesters. The decision is totally unfair as it affects the future of the students. The students who are in third year may face difficulties in attending placement. For instance if the final year student may have only a single supply in odd semester and cleared all other semesters, he/she may lose almost a year and if they have received a replacement considering only one supply; they will lose their job too. Now reducing the chances of clearing supplementary exams is very unfair considering the rule was being made only last year. We propose to cancel that order or conduct all semester exams at least for the final year students to avoid their miss out a year.


APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Jul 25, 2021 05:10 PM895 Views (via Mobile)

Never consider this university for your studies. They will ruin ur career.

Its better to go for k

etmubeen09MouthShut Verified Member
Kolathur India
Jun 21, 2020 10:42 AM1263 Views (via iOS App)

I am studying B Tech degree course under this university. This university has a vast syllabus that the students cannot afford. The number of working days is insufficient to complete the syllabus. The examination and valuation systems has many problems. They conduct the exams without sufficient gaps between the exams. The pass percentage of the first batch of this university is about 36.41% .

Worst university... don't even know the curriculum
Jun 20, 2020 01:56 PM1164 Views (via Mobile)

It is just a wastage of four years studying in this university... Don't even think about placements... atleast try to achieve btech degree

KTU is the worst no doubt
Jun 11, 2020 10:54 PM2522 Views

This university's main purpose is to make money from the students by making them fail in exam by giving them an impossibly vast syllabus and giving them a very short time to learn. Once the students start failing in subjects, then the cash starts flowing into ktu in terms of revaluation, backpaper exams, etc To be honest with you it's just a business and they have not many concerns for the students. Many strikes have been done by the students against KTU but still they are never going to change. They also get payed for the university transfer of students from KTU to Anna, because of how tough the syllabus is. Please don't join KTU, trust me on this or you'll 4 years and maybe more if you don't learn the necessary skills yourself, because KTU syllabus is never gonna teach you a thing, it's like a 2 years syllabus crunched together into a single.

ddst198MouthShut Verified Member
Kozhikode India
NOT BAD but needs improvement
Feb 05, 2020 09:52 PM843 Views (via Android App)

The university was established on 2015 to bring all the engineering colleges in kerala under a single university.

The university was established with a motive to increase the value of engineering students.This universty is located at thiruvanathapuram ( CET campus) .

But as though their idea of bringing up this university was great but they completely failed in making a consistant structure through out these year.

SawanmolwaMouthShut Verified Member
Indore India
Focuses on acedimics
Apr 13, 2019 09:10 PM1188 Views (via Android App)

My friend ashish is doing ITI in this college one day I ask him that should I came with you he tell me offcoure I ask him is their are gatekeepers or not he said we will manage brother than I went with him in that college what I exprience their is the infracture of this university is average its an old university nit much greanirg their another thing is they are consistently focuses on acedimics and in acedimics this old patgern of teachig no importance to practicals are given by them not a chance of extracurricular activities only acedimics and they take countinously exams without a break they are making machines and the university fee is very high as compare to the quality they are providing overall its an average university and I will never suggest this university to anyone


Sawan molwa


ITI student and an entrepreneur

BaziluuuMouthShut Verified Member
Kothamangalam India
Sep 11, 2018 09:20 PM1438 Views (via Android App)

Iam a student in this university. And there are many problems in this university.

The exam paper valuation of this university is very bad. In my 2nd semester I failed in a subject and I sent it for revaluation, I got B+ in that subject. The valuation is according to their wish.

There is no importance to practical. This university is only focusing on theories and practical sections are less.

The only advantage of this university is that the exam results are published quickly.

Worst in all
Aug 22, 2018 12:14 PM1095 Views (via Android App)

Guys I want to share my personal experience about this university.i have the worst experience.As recently I am study PG from this 2nd semester result announced on 14th August and the challenge/scrutiny link had closed on 13th of august . seriously this university makes joke on us. Its administration work is very worst.i feel very bad to take addmission in this university.i suggest you all please don't take addmission in this university otherwise it may cost of your time, money and carrier.i hate this university.

The worst University
May 14, 2018 08:08 PM1224 Views (via Android App)

As I am a student of this university, I am completely disappointed. There is nothing good to this university. The complete management of this is a biggest failure.

The syllabus , valuation, the programming structure etc. all are very poor. Those who writes exam in good manner who fails , those who do not attempt the exam who passes!

What's going on there? It's purely disappointed.

Jan 20, 2018 02:02 PM1303 Views (via Mobile)

Clean and green surrounding easy access to Public transport. Highly experienced and cooperative faculty. They use innovate and easy teaching method. College has active placement cell. Many reputed companies are affiliated with the College. This college has given numerous person to be successful in their lives what they have dreamed off. They have achieved their aims and what they dreamed off in their past. No of person have been placed abroad and lots are helping to grow India. Ragging free campus, modern amenities. 24/7 high speed wi-fi facility

Very good university
Jan 15, 2018 11:22 AM1620 Views (via Android App)

AKTU is a wonderful college .Clean and green surrounding easy access to Public transport. Highly experienced and cooperative faculty. They use innovate and easy teaching method. College has active placement cell. Many reputed companies are affiliated with the College. This college has given numerous person to be successful in their lives what they have dreamed off. They have achieved their aims and what they dreamed off in their past. No of person have been placed abroad and lots are helping to grow India. Ragging free campus, modern amenities. 24/7 high speed wi-fi facility

Ajnas_MapromMouthShut Verified Member
Edavannappara India
APJ abdul kalam technological university.
Jan 13, 2018 04:51 PM1424 Views (via Android App)

Iam studying professional btech course under this university. This university is trying to pull big stone by a small ant. This university's shedule is very conjusted. They are conducting many exams without any gap in between the exams. They are not giving any relaxation to the student. Also they are not promoting any extra curricular activities. They are not even giving gap between semester exam. Also this university not considering any duty leave. In this university to write exam we need at least 75% attendance in every subject. The University will consider medical leave twice in 8 semester. So friends iam not suggesting this to anyone .

Kollam India
APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
Jan 06, 2018 10:38 PM1710 Views (via Android App)

Engineering in India has become like an extension of their higher secondary education after grade 12th.More or less, around 90% of PCM students opt for engineering.

Me, myself being an average student had to struggle a lot to get a seat in one of the best colleges in the state, under Abdul Kalam technological university.I joined the college in August 2017.

The rat race started from day one itself.

While studying in this university, I don't get enough time to do other things beyond academics.There are special classes even in Sundays.In some other days the classes starts at 8: 00 am and ends at 5: 00 pm.we do not get enough time to attend the gym or do other activities.Moreover there are no duty leaves in KTU.The academic system is really complicated.An average student struggle really hard to keep up with this system. From my personal experience I don't recommend KTU to my juniors.Do not waste your precious four years.Join some premier institutes such as IITs or NITs or else do some course other than engineering.

mauryasrajMouthShut Verified Member
Lucknow India
Worst possible university
Dec 13, 2017 08:44 PM1600 Views (via Android App)

I am a 2016 passout from AKTU and I have got to tell you that its the last place where you should take admission. The private colleges affiliated with AKTU charge hefty fee but the education system is very unstructured and uncertain. This university is playing with the future of students and the name of Abdul Kalam is being smugged here. Please avoid getting admission in any college affiliated with AKTU.

anirudh123456MouthShut Verified Member
Warangal India
Better to join another one other than this
Dec 08, 2017 03:28 PM1336 Views (via Android App)

Hi friends I want to share about APJ Abdul Kalam University that they will not want to work properly as per rule extra curricular activities for than in every month and they are also in the limitations and they were forced to do 6000 to 8000 rupees will you pick the place where the administration was because if you're done student helpline No 1 used to enquire about something no extra cultural programmes organised by University like other college cultural function main competitors also the placements are also very less live result will be benefit with this university official Sonar and syllabus and short time will not help students

the pattern which was given such that 40% marks in the models of 5 and 6th it also helps in developing the overall percentage of the person the Batting of the university is there are many private colleges in U P for the students but still they are permitted with All legal rights

programs which are arrival in the academic year was raised least one

armaan4all123MouthShut Verified Member
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh India
Don't waste your father's hard earned money
Dec 05, 2017 09:37 PM1784 Views (via Android App)

Hello everyone, I am sharing my personal experience after completing from abdul kalam technical university.

In 2009 I got admitted to a private college of UPTU( that time it was called UPTU) me and my fellow mates were very excited that now for sure we are going to study something very practical about engineering, but as time passes by we were only getting theoretical garbage dumped into out minds.

Year after year we were not even getting practical classes done just because uptu only concentrates on theory papers.

Finally the day came when we finished out final year and still jobless, college was unable to place even a single student of our batch.

And were forced to do 6000-8000rs. job at some private firm.

This was not it as the real problem was about to showcase itself, in that job also we were not able to prove ourself worthful just because the bookish knowledge was not sufficient and were dumb viewers for more than an year.

So my friends please do technical graduation from some reputed university like iit's or nit's just because this kind of graduation is considered worse than diploma.

They Don't have any plan
Nov 21, 2017 11:24 PM1611 Views

Now im doing S3 M.Tech and I got supply in S1 still now these guys don't even think about supplementary. Shame on them . When do I gona complete my course. They are spoiling the name of a great man ??????????????????.

At first dey where talking about punctuality dey will strictly folow the calander and all, everything is jus a bull shit??????. Is ther any problem with there admostration. Don't even know about a proper planing


APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

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