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Good support and guidance to employees
Jun 09, 2019 09:13 PM 195 Views

The culture is quite work oriented. Careful heed is paid to the fact that the company helps in promoting a learning culture which also provides growth to the top talent. For the freshers, good training and help is provided.

No innovation.
Jun 06, 2019 05:42 PM 295 Views

There is no room for any decision making and innovation. You just have to follow orders from managers who are not that creative and skilled.

Need to take feedback in consideration
Jun 04, 2019 09:14 AM 348 Views

It is seen that despite many of the employees who try their best to leave a decent level of appropriate feedback are not taken seriously to say the least, this should not be the case in general.


Very poor customer service
Aug 25, 2017 08:17 PM 1219 Views

I want to warn all those innocent small business owners/people who might be expecting a big online company like Aol to be providing customer support matching their Cred824entials. Aol Customer Support is so poor that they have no CUSTOMER CARE DEPARTMENT(i bet) only an automated voice response that says that all our customer care executives are busy attending other customers.

Aol Customer Support is so daring that even if you mark any senior in CC, they would never reply back. Aol Customer Care mail id web, and the renewal support mail id is NEVER EVER Faizabad

Aol Customer Care is just dysfunctional their helpline never helps, no one ever takes the call. U will always be in a Queue. no one will be there to answer your call

Your Aol account will expire and they will not give any intimation whatsoever. so that you buy it from them again at premium prices. now that your business card reads the mail id, you will do that, and end up aishwaryasingh23ing thousands after months. loosing critical time in business.

madhu22MouthShut Verified Member
Kandukur India
AOL is the first and best email provider
Apr 01, 2017 02:34 PM 1570 Views

AOL is the first the first email service provider on internet, and also it is the one best and certified email services provider. it also provides free and paid services but cost also low price. it provides dynamic, responsive beatifull email inboxes. and also their services are safe and secure. and its also provides beatifull and responsive email, webmail apps. its easy to handle their services and very confortble email inboxes. its supports protocols like POP3, SMTP, IMAP . and it provide unlimited email storrage capacity. and we link our other email accounts like gmail, yahoomail, accounts. and it also provides huge email domains like,,,, so friends better luck to use aol services. thanks to mouthshut. to giving this oportunity.

Consistent to be a true email always
Mar 18, 2017 05:11 PM 1945 Views

Truly a vintage and historical email client celebrating its 24th anniversary on the coming 21st of march as AOL was established in 1993. No one can imagine that era of begining of computing age. Quite interesting to think that age. The first contender of its genre. AOL, a free web based email service of American origin. AOL has experienced various phases os transformation with the advancement of technology. AOL initally provided a platform for interaction to the people all over the world. It can personalize your email address easily with unlimited storage capacity best in the class, with 25 mb of attachment limit. Spam filter Feature, Virus protection, customized folder location and all the other AOL specified services are there. Now more advanced email giants are in the market but AOL still a strong competitor with its DNA of its own kind.

Srinagar India mail doesn't receive mail!
Feb 28, 2011 03:08 PM 3121 Views looked short and sweet, so I grabbed an email ID. It was nice. I just didn't know that can't receive email from all domains. If your email is out there in the wild, you never will have any idea - who sent you an email and how many emails you missed.

How would you know if you didn't receive mail?

I had this account with a trading portal and months back I sent them a letter to associate my email with my account. No response. Months pass and no response. A week back I sent them an email through my gmail complaining about their service quality and again ask them to associate my mail ID with the trading account.

Within a day I receive a response. They tell me that they have associated my account with mail ID. I am glad. I go to the portal and click forgot password. I receive no mail, even though the site confirms it has been sent.

I go back to my gmail and write another email to the trading portal, they respond they have already associated it with my email. They have a copy to my mailbox as well. I just out of curiosty check mailbox and guess what: there is no email from them.

Appears doesn't receive mail from every domain and doesn't send to every domain.

I tried writing to but another surprise It doesn't exist! Can't email from my to or feedback team.

Stay put with the free email providers; might not be fany, but it receives and sends email, which apparently is a big deal.

AoL the best mail
Apr 21, 2008 08:02 PM 2402 Views

Aol is really best email portal i'm using it having photo album and best of online videos also. Well you can directly send the sms by adding your buddy's that is friend's or any of 's cell number can send sms also!!!!!!!!!!!! the photo gallery of particular celebrity that is the top most as you can also get Indian celebrities photos  on particularly inbdiamn portal,  on line music having best of  clarity

Mail checking and deleting from very nice systemic the messenger is also faster rather other mail aol has it self search engine inside mail box and by tying particular mail you will get faster reach to there at.

well I usually prefer to logging by using why so because it offer then mail box with black colour.  site is concern with lot of sub sites that will make interesting to web surfer or user

it also offer to user to watch trailer of latest movie and latest music online video that I have watches so wring here well after logging IN YOU will reach at the at worlds best page which is recommended by me

New Delhi India
AOL Mail... It S*cks!
Aug 01, 2007 10:43 PM 3434 Views

I saw these huge ads and billboards all over Delhi telling me that AOL had launched its India-centric portal. Since AOL is a key player in cyberspace, I signed on for a free email account. Believe me, it really, really, really sucks!

For starters, when you try to sign in at night, after 9 p.m., which is the time I usually am free enough to check personal mail, you can't even get into the mail section, forget about signing in. Click on Mail on the homepage, and nothing happens. The damned sign-in page just doesn't load!

The next big (and I mean BIG) headache is attachments. Errors messages guaranteed... nine times out of ten.

The majority of my friends who send me mail at AOL complain of unexplained bouncebacks. With such a proven track record for unreliability, why should anyone bother getting a new email ID when Yahoo, Gmail and even that old plodder, Hotmail, work so much better?

One more thing... regardless of the connection you are on (I am on broadband), you have to opt for the "Slow" Beta version... the so-called fast version never, ever opens/works. Big deal! I regret having landed myself with a new account... should have stayed with the tried and tested ones.

Indian version of AOL, Finally
May 01, 2007 06:34 PM 3137 Views

Finally, the indian version of AOL is arrived. the domain name is As I am a bit free these days, and saw the news that is launched. I just wanted to give it a try. Oh my, its quite good. Below are the features: The version of email comes with an unlimited space. The UI (User Interface) is quite friendly on eyes, and smooth appeal. The most important thing I like is that it has got an integrated calendar just like OUTLOOK, unlike yahoo or gmail where you will be directed to another page if you try to access the calendar.

Another important thing is that it has got two menus. First, the conventional left hand menu where you can navigate through different folders, with an additional link to access calendar. Second, the right hand side menu where you can select any of the three items, Contacts, TODOs and Events. Events can be created in the calendar by providing very simple information. Usability is quite good. Its relief for the users who has got used to OUTLOOK, but not able to find similar things in web emails. Below are the missed things, Gmail like organization of conversations is absent.

Its a bit slow compared to Gmail. But respectably fast and usable compared to yahoo mail beta, which is dramatically slow.



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