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Anne of Green Gables - Lucy Montgomery Reviews

Detroit United States of America
Best Book in the World!
Aug 02, 2008 09:00 PM 1009 Views

Anne of Green Gables, published in the year 1908 and written by Lucy Maud Montgomery, is a great read not only for kids, but adults as well. I first got hooked on Anne of Green Gables when I was 12 years old, and was extremely sad when it ended, but then someone told me there were more books in the series. Imagine my excitement!

All the books in the series were really well written, and I never tire of reading them over and over again. Even though I'm an adult now and am into other sorts of books, Anne of Green Gables will never lose its charm for me. Although it was written for children, I believe any aged person can read it and enjoy it.

It's about a 11 year old orphan girl, Anne Shirley, who thinks of herself as ugly, having bright red hair and freckles all over her face. She is adopted by accident by an aged brother and sister (Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert) who live in a house called Green Gables, and ordered a boy from the orphanage.

They make a decision to keep her and find that as the years pass by, her vivid imagination and knack of words make them feel like she had been with them always. Just like she stole their heart, Anne of Green Gables will steal our heart as page after page goes by. Meet Diana Barry, Anne's "Bosom" friend, Gilbert Blythe, her class rival who also has a secret crush on her, Rachel Lynde, the town's busybody, and Miss Stacey, the perfect teacher and Anne's role model.

The book is a duration of five years, and as each year goes by, we see Anne mature and flourish as she receives her first ever pretty puffed sleeves dress, saves a baby's life, ties first in her class with Gilbert Blythe, wins a scholarship to one of the best colleges in Canada, and learns courage after the death of Matthew Cuthbert. Anne of Green Gables is a spellbinding book that one can never tire of.

The Sullivan movies were good, but the books were better. The first movie was actually very close to the book, but the 2nd and 3rd movies were very off, the 3rd one more so. The second one based its story on Anne of Avonlea, Anne of the Island, and Anne of Windy Poplars, but it changed a lot of the plot, and renamed lots of the characters, except for Anne, Diana, and Gilbert.

The 3rd movie, called Anne of Green Gables: the continuing story, was very off. It wasn't even consistent with the 2nd movie, let alone the rest of the books! But as an Anne fan, I think it was still really good. It's about how Anne's husband, Gilbert Blythe, goes to figt in WW1, and Anne goes looking for him when he gets lost in the enemy lines. A person who looks for the books in the movie won't like it that much, but a person like me, who just looks for Anne and her spunky spirit, will love it. The movies overall were different from the books, but they were still taken really well.However, nothing can beat the books! They are lovable, exciting, adventurous, and most of all, they have Anne!

mississauga Canada
Jul 04, 2005 09:11 AM 1378 Views

I love this book ever since I was little. The first time I read it I couldn't put it down. After that I started reading the second, then third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth. And then I one day took a trip to P.E.I to see the setting of Anne Of Green gables. Im a big fan of Anne Of Green Gables. I would reccomend reading this book. I have just started reading the series again and I'm not getting tired of reading the series. I am now on Anne of Windy Poplars. I am also buying the Emily Of New Moon series because Lucy Maud Montgomery is such and amazing authour.


Cons: Nothing, this book is great!

Rating: I would rate this book five out of five because it couldn't have been more perfect! I would also suggest reading Anne Of Avonlea, Anne Of the island, Anne of Inglside, Anne Of windy Poplars, Annes House Of Dreams, Rainbow Valley, Rilla Of Inglside and basically the whole series. I would also reccomend Emily Of New Moon Series.

Cochin India
My All Time Favourite
May 17, 2005 10:37 PM 1427 Views

Some years ago, while on a ''book shopping'' trip with my sis, I picked up a book not knowing I would be so addicted to it that the coming years would see me running from one store/library to the other, searching for the rest of the series. I must confess I found the first part (read first chapter) a bit boring but thankfully I read on. For classic lovers, this would prove a hearty and tasty book to relish.

Plot: -

''The ageing brother sister couple of Marilla and Mathew Cuthbert who live at green gables in the village of Avonlea decide to adopt a boy from a known orphanage but they send a girl-Anne Shirley by mistake. The red haired Anne (spelled with an -e if you please, as she would have said) captures the affection of quiet old Mathew who doesn’t have the heart to send her back. His crispy and practical sister Marilla though initially shows displeasure, relents eventually. Soon the constant never ending chatter of Anne adds charm not only to the life of the couple but to the whole of the sleepy town of Avonlea.''

Its impossible not to fall in love with the Avonlea folk, from the gossiping but good natured Mrs Rachael Lynde, Quiet old Mathew, stern Marilla to the dimpling Diana Barry (Anne's closest friend), and Gilbert Blythe (Marilla's old flame's son). Like any cherishable classic, the book gives you its share of laughter & joy, along with a bit of sorrow.

I suppose I am too small a person to comment on a known writer's writing style. What I can say is L.M.Montgomary has the charm to make even middle-aged ladies' gossip sound really interesting. Every character in the book is well sketched and you feel like you have always known them (if you know what I mean).

Similar books that I have read include, ''Pollyanna'', ''Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm.'' etc the former has been made into a movie and Pollyanna is famous as the little glad girl. But neither of them can match Anne.

''Anne of Green Gables'' is followed by 7 more titles: -

  1. Anne of Avonlea

  2. Anne of the Island

4.Anne of windy poplars

5.Anne's House of Dreams

6.Anne of Ingleside

7.Rainbow Valley

  1. Rilla of Ingleside.

The 5th book sees Anne married, the next one 15 years past. The last 2 books has little of Anne and more of her children. ''Rilla of Ingleside'' is more about the effects of WWI on the country. The first 3 books are the best of the 8.


Anne of Green Gables - Lucy Montgomery
Mar 12, 2003 04:48 AM 2131 Views

I read this book about six years ago, but it was so good I still remember it. An instant classic--this book doesn't need my stamp of approval. It's impossible to read this book and not fall in love with the world Anne inhabits, and with Anne herself. The characters of Avonlea--from the bossy nosy neighbor to Diana, from Marilla to her shy elderly brother Matthew and the sensible Jane--are completely realistic. It feels like you've known these people for years. It breaks your heart when the book ends and you have to leave them. Fortunately there is a whole series of books that follow Anne through college, marriage, and having kids. Unfortunately, the married version of Anne is completely different from the way she used to be. So don't read any books after ''Anne of the Island''. Even though this series is addictive.

Jul 22, 2002 10:33 AM 4608 Views

I bet you thought that Anne of was a fictional girl in Lucy Maud Montgomery's book ''Anne of Green Gables''?


Please note the spelling of Ann at the beginning of this review is correct. In the early part of the 1800 Ann Shirley Parents are both killed. She has no Relatives so she goes from one Foster Home to another. She is a very unhappy Child until she is adopted by the Cuthbert Family. They lived on a Farm, (near Green Gables, on Prince Edward Island, (one of the 10 Provinces of Canada). They had one Son named, Matthew. They decided to adopt a boy, (around the same age as Matthew), to be a companion and to help him with the work on the Farm. It is not clear why the Adoption Agency does not send them a boy but sends them Ann. Matthew is sent to the Train Station to pick up his new Brother. When he sees Ann, (she is 11 years old), he knows that his Parents won't want her. He is a kind boy who doesn't want to upset Anne so he takes her home with him. The Cuthberts decide to let her stay for a while. Ann is so excited with her new Family she can't stop talking. Her constant noise bothers all of the Cutherts until one day they realize Ann has become precious to them. Matthew's Mother, (Marilla), decides she will bring her up as a hard working Christian. They try to over look her ''chattering'' and help her learn and work along side of them. Matthew is a quiet boy but he and Anne become good friends.

One day Ann tells Marilla she want to change her name to Cordelia. Marilla tells Ann that she has a wonderful name and doesn't need to change it. Ann convinces her to allow her to add an ''e'' to the end of her name and she becomes Anne. Anne is always getting into trouble. For example she breaks the slate, (that she writes on with chalk to take notes at School), over the head of Gilbert Blythe. A Traveling Salesman passes through Green Gables and sells her a liquid to use on her hair. She goes home and uses it. I bet you guessed it, her red hair turns green! We follow Anne through he life until she finishes School. I borrow this Book from the Library so I could write this review. I found I was laughing and crying all over again as I read about Anne. This ends my tale, as I never tell the end of a story. *Do not let your Child read this Book alone as there is something that happens at the end that might up set them.


''Lucy Maud Montgomery was born in Clifton, Prince Edward Island. She lived in P.E.I. until she met and married Reverent Ewen Macdonald. They moved to Leaskdal and then Norval, (both are towns in Ontario). She died in Toronto, (in 1942), and is buried in Cavendish, P.E.I. Before she passed away she wrote about 11 Books and many short stories. There are 4 other ''Anne'' books: Anne of Avonlea, (a story of Anne's time a College), Anne of the Island, (when she finishes College) and Anne's House of Dreams, (that tells about her getting Married and having a Family of her own).''

MY THOUGHTS: The book has been translated into more that 15 languages. Anne Of Green Gables is still a wonderful book for Girls 9-12 years old and I highly recommend it. There are many web sites dedicated to her but the official one is the Provinces at:



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