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Amway - Wilbur Cross Reviews

A different Approach
Jul 19, 2001 09:24 PM 8169 Views

Actually I have joined this business. I joined it this month beginning and do find it has certain profits.. I feel pros and cons of any business are natural and should be known about. To start of with I shall try my best to explain what this business is exactly like... So here it goes...

AMWAY business has begun since 1959. It is a fortune 22 company among the private concerns. They have about 374 patented products. There are many products available via AMWAY. This is termed as co-branded products. Actually in US all except meat, milk, fish, wheat and alcohol are available via AMWAY. Even when you do fill petrol in your vehicle you can gain something called points which help you to get cash. I shall explain about that in detail below. In India this business came 3 years back. Indians have rights to distribute only 42 products as of yet. These are the patented products of AMWAY. The number of products that indians can distribute is on the rise every month. This is done so that people who join Amway late i.e for people like me who have joined this month. This can be better understood by getting in touch with an AMWAY distributor.

The products are superb no doubt about that... but some people do find it costly.. well about the cost I shall give a small analysis of a product... For eg take a product called Car Wash... It costs about 202 Indian Rupees. This is expensive if the person just has a lok at the bottle of the product but actually You can use it for any vehicle but not at greasy engine parts of the vehicle. At the same time you can even use the same product for a minimum of 90 washes. i.e. each wash costs a maximum of 2.5 indian rupees. So the product is actually not very costly.

Now about how to do the business... There are actually three ways of earning or saving out here...

1.DAP :- Dealer Accessible Price



1.The Dealers get the goods at 20% discount rates... So a saving as I had said earlier the goods are not as expensive as thought.

2.You can sell the products if you want and still make the 20% money. Here comes in the concept of Point Values(PV) wrt Business Values(BV) wrt the sales you make. The category of AMWAYS returning you money is something like this :

PV %returned to retailer

50 3

100 6

400 9

and it goes on till 21% for 10000 PV. After this the whole business gets really exciting where in you can start earning a permanent income of Rs.16,000 Indian rupees even if you do give up doing AMWAY retailing.

3.The above scheme also comes here but you dont have to sell products here just show people the business and if their dreams are huge and they love to follow up with the business let them do so. You start following somewhat like doing a smart business and to describe in short the business is like the McDonalds business got its way to be world wide famous.

Well I feel there is a hell lot more to add to the above but it will take a lot more pages to explain.. If anyone is really interested you can go ahead and attend a seminar of the AMWAY which is there in almost all parts of India(of which I know).

The AMWAY business scheme is sponsored by many different types of distributors who have gained a hell lot of money out of this... The scheme I have joined is by BRITT WORLDWIDE.... The scheme joining fee is Rs.4400... Here I have been studying many people for nearly past two months...Most of them I do know have got success by doing about 15% business by retail and rest by Sponsoring someone else into the chain. This is also known as Networking as I had pointed out above...

This all I do point out not to encourage you to join the business but to make people aware of the facts and not just go by mere opinion or thoughts or feedbacks from others...

I hope I have put the above at least to understand in simple terms because the best of this business can be explained only by attending meetings or else by having a one to one talk which is called as STP(Showing The Plan). One thing is for sure it is not a get rich scheme but it is a make urself rich scheme. One main thing I forgot to put in is that you can leave the AMWAY business as and when you do like within the first three months of joining and you will get your money back. Thats how its even written in the brouchers of the company..

If you ask me initially it is better to join this if you love to meet people and make friends. But stay out of it if you do not have dreams to achieve.

No way !!!
Jul 19, 2001 01:05 PM 5340 Views

Well this review is not about the book but about the business. The question was raised about the business in this category. Here is my take on the business regarding the enquiry about whether this gentleman should join the business.

Amway... well this was a fad sometimes back. Everyone who I knew had someone or the other doing the Amway thing. I almost got dragged into this too but well they caught me on a day when my senses were on full alert :) and I saw through their publicity campaign.

Positive Aspects

Well the positive thing is that the products of Amway itself are very good. They last a long long long long time. I mean they have some cleaner which lasts for a year. Reason is that it is in highly concentrate form. These products are environment friendly. Mind you thats the only thing which is good about Amway.

And yes if you do business the Amway way, you could win some of the money but thats some risk you have to take.

Yes the sales representatives do a good job at convincing people.:)

Negative Aspects

I must say that many of us are very gullible when it comes to money and specially when you hear big money pouring through the Amway representative's lips. Well for example they dont talk below the million dollar word. Many of my senior colleagues are into this loop and well they are regretting their decision every time I meet them.

The next thing is that the registration fee is very high, something about 4000/- odd rupees. I donot know whether it has increased now. At least thats what they quoted to me last year. You have to re-register after some period of time.

When it comes to selling the product, you are stuck. As in Badly Stuck. Well in a market where the most expensive and quality washing powder ranges to 85/- odd rupees and the highest price one has to dole out when buying a dish washing gel or powder comes 50/- odd rupees ( less than that).... why will anyone go for the same range of product which costs you about 300/- to 400/- odd rupees and above ?

Yes if you can convince someone, you will get the money .. but then the product lasts so long that it will only be after a long long time the customer comes back to you for more and you have to continue with your search for new customers which is a pain as very few customers are willing to pay that much for these products... no matter how good or how environmental friendly it is... at least in India.

The business module looks very attractive when it is presented to you ... but to reach there you have to work harder than any other direct marketing guy ... at gaining customers and then making new members... making new members would set off a chain where the members make so many more members and you will be profited.... provided.... they also do business.. then as the representative puts it you dont have to sell.. you can sit and earn money... dont be misled.. you got to sell products to reach the points they define. And to sell the products you have to buy the products with your own money and then who knows whether it will be sold .. if it is not .. you are stuck with the product.

The next thing which I did not like about this service is that the representatives come on too strong... Well good for them but it turns one off if one is forced to do something without thinking it over.

Many people have given up their normal business and jobs to go for this and profited because they have found the key to exclusive customers or created a good enough chain so that they dont have to sell the products.

I had done quite a lot of research by talking to Amway direct marketing people who are into this business and believe me none of them are happy because they dont have the time nor the energy to go about selling and then making members.

You will also be invited to Amway conventions and the tickets are not free.... it costs quite a lot..

My suggestion

Stay away from this. Try your hand with Herbal Life or Avon. It will be of much profit to you.

And beware of smooth talkers and big figures. They will make it very convincing by bring in people who have made a success out of it.. but mind you this is only because they have dedicated their whole life for this and because they have got very good contacts...

Yes another tip... if you are outside India, you might make something out of this but definitely not in India...

If you still think its good try it out but be careful. You will dole out more money than you will earn.


Amway - Wilbur Cross

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