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Amway - Wilbur Cross Reviews

skubedMouthShut Verified Member
Navi Mumbai India
Best book to know about Amway
Jul 17, 2018 10:08 PM970 Views


If you are reading my review, means you might have read other few reviews as well,

So first please note, all the below review are for Amway and not about this book.

I could see none of the other reviewers have actually read this book.

This book is about the history of Amway. About the business opportunity for personal success and achievement.

This book shows us the path the founders of Amway have gone through for making this opportunity available globally.

This definite history of AMWAY delves deep into the heart and soul of the organization.

It is an inspirational, motivational chronicle of the company.

As a whole-its ideology, goals, beliefs, ethics and sense of values.

It is filled with uplifting stories of people around the world whose lives have been totally transformed by the AMWAY philosophy. And I am one of them.

senthilkumardrmMouthShut Verified Member
Hosur India
Amway Risk
Nov 20, 2017 06:04 PM1209 Views

Hai friends, it is difficult to understand, Amway most of you might have heard about it and some of you might have lost money in it, In india we have lot of products its a consumers paradise, It is here that amway tries to cheat you, join amway to get them cheaper and join amway to make passive income a concept they try to sell you, You go for the meeting they charge you some rupees for it,

In that meeting you are told that with little effort you cab be a millionare(fools dream) but most people fall for it.

so people allert and never joined.

Very selective prduct
May 21, 2017 05:55 PM2720 Views

This product is very useful helthy and selective product we used this product contains very good and very healthy I suggest to all to choose and use amway brand. Amway products are costly but its benefits was good and veery quickly when im using amway products I will avoid all category of daily life used products I only prefer AMWAY. I recommended to all of you please use amway and all ur family members and all your realatives friends to tell the benifits of AMWAY


Amway - Wilbur Cross
Don't recommend to join Amway business
Apr 10, 2017 08:32 PM1858 Views

I willn't recommend to join Amway business. First why people need to buy amway products.One of Amway distributor saying the products are very quality products and economical.

Here what is economical, 1 PASTE cost is Rs150. But if we go to normal colgate and pepsodent it will come around Rs20.

if amway paste is economical why they selling at rs150. for example if paste production cost is rs5 from company to it will come to distributor at rs10. From distributor to Wholesaler it will come to rs12. From Wholesaler to retailer it will come to rs14. From retailer to consumer it will come to 16-20 rs. So taxes and adds are hidden charges.So ultimely Rs5 paste when it is reaching to consumer it will become rs20.Here lot of people are benefiting But amway saying there is no middleman it will come directly to the customer by distributor.Then why the prices are high. why a piece of aloevera(Max rs2) they selling rs1000 in the form of tablets to the people.

Amway is not get quick rich
Jun 05, 2008 03:52 PM5222 Views

I have recently joined Amway , attended their meetings and sold a few products.But very soon I realised that if I want to make money I should probably introduce people with their products rather the Sign Up plan.People and friends accept the product demo than the plan.

They are even ready to try the new product but signing in and gathering people for a meeting is really awful.I have personally made up my mind not to tell my friends and neighbors about Amway but also continue using the products since the product quality is excellent.

I do not want to waste my time in convincing others about plans and asking them to join.But I am happy that I joined Amway MLM rather than joining any other MLM.Here at least the product quality is what I am looking forward to and my money does not go any filmstar who is eventually not using the product he is endorsing.I would pay a few hundreds more for quality product than pay the filmstars and cricketers who get all my hard earned money.

Apr 17, 2008 10:47 AM7162 Views

Updating on 18-Nov-08

This will be a big surprise to honest ABO (Lower Level).


A Suggestion to honest/Loyal ABOs : Pls go and check in the market (Chemists) before buying my words.


Updating on 01/09/08

After working for some time, and going thru the toughest part of my life, I myself decided to Quit this Amway. I have few reasons for this decision:-

  1. Even after a month, I was started getting pressure from different upliners for more joinings/PVs.

  2. A very strange suggestion from my upline where he suggested me not to invest my money in any other place and not to buy any big/expensive items at home.

  3. Forcing me to buy CDs and Tapes, which triggered my mind to think outside and look for other aspects as well.

  4. Meeting procedure and process : where participants are not allowed to ask any question? They just have to listen and follow.

  5. Suffering of kids because of this work and so called life time dreams and the path to fulfill those dreams.

  6. Unwanted encouragement of me and my family from upliners raised the doubts in my mind.

  7. And finally one-to-one meeting with an ex-Distributor who suffered a lot in the hands of upliners.

  8. AND most important, my own expences shoot up the highest possible level and ofcourse earnings I cannot think about. These expences would have continued for ages to come.

And my be few more reasons...

So with all those points, I informed my upline about discontinuing of my AD-ship. A whole bunch of uplines landed at my residence to councel me for my wrong decision. Wasted my 2 hours in that process and finally left my home.

Guys, I have just one suggestion.




---------------------------------------------Original ----------------------------------------------------

I have one strong reason to select the above said title , WELLNESS REVOLUTION IS HERE TO STAY FOR ATLEAST NEXT FEW YEARS TO COME, and AMWAY talks about wellness and its products (as I see on website) claims the same. Wellness Revolution is of Trillion$, so try to get your chunk out of that, may not be in millions, as pictures shown by Amway Distributors, but may be in few thousands. NOT BAD FOR A PART TIME WORK, which one wastes in front of TV set.


Now the question is whether Amway business if fraud or scam or good for people:- I don't think that an educated people, who seldom understand the financial benefits of market movements should comments on MLM. I have seen tupperware agents (another MLM company), and they are making good money by selling their products. So conceptually Amway-MLM has nothing wrong, the only thing is the distributors give wrong inputs to their prospects, which later feel cheated. Amway also claims that the are leaders in IDSA (India's Direct Selling Association).

One more importat point, now Max New York Life Insurance/ICICI Bank/LEE etc are tied up with AMWAY, so think about the potential.


As said in some other reviews, I used some of the products like Toothpaste/Waching Liquid/Utensils Cleaning and some supplements, I personally found them as very impressive. They officially provided the cost-per-use figures which is impressive comparing to what you buy in market. Its only what we say  in Hindi "SASTA ROYE BAAR BAAR, MEHENGA ROYE EK BAAR". And they are good/nonreactive on you hands/body.


Their education partners never asks/forces anybody to buy tapes/CDs/VCDs/books etc. Its your decision to buy some educations stuff (if you want to learn). Yes distributors themselves promote so much that it comes out as a big event.

On Personal front.

I work with an MNC in IT sector for last 11 years. After saying NO a lot of times in last 4-5 years,  i joined Amway (membership fee 995/-) just two months back and recd two cheques of 800+ bucks. So at initial level, I think its not bad. Lets see, how it goes in future.


Remember, Probability  of success will be there only if you try.  Failing in this biz would be better then not trying at all. Invest wisely.

Will update this again.

Bangalore India
Dont dream of becoming Millionaire
Oct 22, 2007 03:47 PM4664 Views

I am reading all the reviews. Few months back I joined Amway through a friend. First I noticed about Amway is the products that they offer. I didnt got a thought for a moment that I will become Millionaire soon. I liked it because they demonstrated with facts. For example, Liquid for Washing clothes. They took two tumblers filled with water and  in one filled Washing  powder of good brand that millions use in india and the other with Amway product.  They added a tea spoon of Turmeric in both the tumblers. The color in the tumbler which contained good brand washing powder changed.   The color of the Amway product didn't. The reason being our good brand contained CHALK POWDER which costs peanuts so it reacted with the TURMERIC. Whereas in Amway product it didnt.

Even the toothpaste someone has referred. I am a great fan of an Indian Auyurvedic Toothpaste. I really like it and use it on a daily basis. Of late I have started using Amway Toothpaste also which I found good. Just check the toothpaste that we see Ads on televison. I dont know how many people are aware that (all expect few) contain BONE ASH. You get FOAM while brushing it is because of this BONE ASH.

To be frank I have joined another chain Marketing but I bought Insurance product from that. Let's judge and take a good decision. Again  i admit that I am not into AMWAY not to make money. I like the products and will continue to use as long as they maintain the quality.

Please react to my points.


Mar 03, 2007 12:20 PM4734 Views








hyderabad india
Amway - The Dream Merchants
Jan 03, 2007 08:37 AM4283 Views

They show you big dreams & rob with whatever money you have!

It is a great     MAYAZAL, very difficult to understand . Dont believe me just check following facts yourselves .

(1) Main income( upto 80%) of diamond's income come from sales of CDs, Cassetes & Seminat tickets . They never disclose it . A  CD costing Rs. 10/- is sold at Rs. 80/- . Rememebr This is their main business, not Amway products .

(2) Ask your upline to show proof of his anuual income( not one or two cheques)  from Amway(not from Britts)  . You will get evasive reply . Even no diamond will show, because it is very small .

(3) They will never show  you income above silver level in writing . Again, it is very small . Amway distributes only  app. 26-27% on distributors price . They cannot show you any written commitment of 60%( that they claim in business plan) .

(4) They claim their many products like toothpaste is concentrated, hence less quantity is required . Ask them to show anything in writing .

(5)  They  adopt mind controlling tricks, so you stop thinking independently .

Please visit website  & know more about this fraud .

Amway the great cheater
Nov 01, 2006 11:44 PM5172 Views

Dear friends,

Amway ----most of you might have heard about it and some of you might have lost money in it. Please read this and refer your friends to this and the other write ups in mouthshut before investing even a penny in this fraud business.

In india we have lots of products its a consumers paradise . there is value for money and overpriced products are sent where they belong to oblivion . it is here that amway tries to cheat you.

Their products are of neither superior quality (not inferior also some of them) and are priced exorbitantly. And when the intelligent consumer asks why so these amway intermediaries ABOs who are brainwashed people tell them they are very superior, join amway to get them cheaper , and join amway to make passive income a concept they try to sell you . They ask you to come for a meeting which will change your life forever.

You the intelligent person ask what is that meeting for is it amway meeting .They keep quiet.

You go for the meeting . They charge you some rupees for it . Think about how many firms charge a guest for a meeting . They are frrauds and they do so and give an explanation .

in that meeting you are told that with little effort you can be a millionare (fools dream ) but most people fall for it . they show you maybachs ..,luxury ships etc and you think after one or 2 years you can retire stupid.

some people fall for this and join. months go by . no maybachs no promised cheques each month they take you to these meetings (cult meetings). some people believe in it so much that they quit their job for selling a product which no one buys .

after an year maybe a cheque for 1000 rs but by that time you would have purchased products worth 50000 or more of products whicha re actually worth maybe 5000.

and you know any supermarket will give you discount of at least 10 percent if you buy that much .

so there also they cheat you.

The worst part is they compel you to attend their cult meetings where they teach that no money initially dont bother vultimately you become a Diamond ---monthly income in lakhs without doing anything.

So hear what these cheaters have to say even the devil should have its say and then ask them to give photocopies of at least 3 people last months cheques and how much they have donated to amway by buying their products.

rate my review please ---and pls add comments


ahmedabad india
Mar 26, 2006 07:22 PM10048 Views

Hello dears, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE IS BIGGER THAN BOOKS.I am writing this review not for disturbing anybody business or carrier as described by the up-lines but to clear the real fact.

Please carry-on your business with amway with the rule ''EVERYTHING GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD''. According to my opinion, AMWAY appoints BRITT WORLD WIDE as an authorised and official lier to attract people towards AMWAY business. Now a question must raise in your mind for this statement. But the answer is there.......!

Please lon-on to username; britt password; april (current month whatever going on at present) Go to OPEN MEETING find venue or location nearby you. Spend Rs. 20 from your pocket and attend a BWW meeting.

Now a host will invite a speaker to show you a business plan. You can ask as many questions as u like. Some of them which you can ask....

(1) What is BWW? Is BWW a profit making company?

Speaker's answer; It is a supporting system to help AMWAY distributors.

Your question: Can you give me balance sheet and profil and loss account for the last year?

Speaker's answer: I will personally meet u after the meeting.

(2) Are all the facts and figures are really correct?

Speaker's answer; We cant speak more than facts from BWW dyes.

Your question; Can I record all your facts and figure in an audio tape so that I can challange you in legal court.

Speaker's answer; I will personally meet u after the meeting

(3) The persons comming on the stage are really qualifying SILVER/GOLD/PLATINUM..ETC....ETC... every month or done once with pull and false excitement. Can you able to show me the last month qualifying letter along with photocopy of commission cheque of all these persons who are comming on the stage for recognization.

Speaker's answer; We just sponser people having positive attitude.

Your question; To identify facts and reality is negativeness or positiveness.

Speaker's answer; I will personally meet u after the meeting

(4) Is AMWAY a direct selling company or tradiotional way?

Speaker's answer; Definately direct selling.

Your question; Products are manufacturED by SURVOTTAM CARE / NAISA INDUSTRIES ....ETC....ETC than purchased by AMWAY and sold to C&F agents (i.e. POLAD TRADERS AHMEDABAD) at every location and than purchased by you. Now tell me how it is a direct selling company. Is amway a manufacturer or itself an AGENT?

Speaker's answer; I will personally meet u after the meeting.

So BEWARE!!!! RAISE THE CURTAIN FIRST BEFORE JOINING AMWAY & mind well, EVERYTHING GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD.I think this is sufficent for my 1st lession. Please give your valuable comments and wait for 2nd lession within some time.

Jan 09, 2006 08:01 AM4952 Views

People normally do not take Direct marketing seriously in India and infact make jokes about Amway and those people who represent this very huge marketing company. Let's be positive. For one thing, Amway is one of the most successful company at what they do. For another thing, they are instrumental in moving products and also helping people understand the concepts of business, marketing and also the value of wealth. Yes Amway aligns itself with very innovative salespersons who may also sell tools, have seminars, forums, conventions and encourage their people to read motivational literature espousing the values of wealth and family and conservative ethics. So what. This book you are considering reading is the story of the company that started this entire multilevel marketing revolution. Great , but nothing new and how relevant is this to India ? We all know for a fact that in India every city has thousands of Housewives who sell something within their community, be it sarees or garments or even masala powders from their house. This level of marketing skill already exists within the community. Perhaps All that is missing is a leadership which can consolidate such activity and bring it to a multi level selling & make it a organized profitable venture and lo you may have an Indian AMWAY in the making. I think there are many unsung Amway's in India which need to be written about. This could be more relevant then 'Amway' & more inspiring to the Indian context.

Sep 08, 2005 02:48 AM3668 Views

Well Sundeep,

whatever anyone says, it was a good effort by u to bring some precise and accurate information to people.

People usually ask anyone or everyone about it and then decide. they do not realise that they are asking those people who never were doing it !!

Some say that they were in the business etc etc. Then why did they fail ?? Did they try to talk to any one successful guy before quitting and ask what can be changed...what is the mistake I might be doing....can you help me??

tHEY did not do the little things that are required to build the business so they failed.

some ppl are there who actually understand the thing and then think and often decide that they cannot do it. Those people are much better than the others who hardly know how things work

Collect information from the right sources and then decide....

Don't ask a university drop .....about how to Top in the exam.

Aug 25, 2005 03:38 PM4412 Views

Déjà vu (pronounced /'de???? 'vu?/ (help·info); French /de?a vy/ (help·info) "already seen"; also called paramnesia, from Greek pa?a para, "near" + µ??µ? mneme, "memory") is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously (an individual feels as though an event has already happened or has repeated itself). The term was coined by a French psychic researcher, Émile Boirac (1851–1917) in his book L'Avenir des sciences psychiques (The Future of Psychic Sciences), which expanded upon an essay he wrote while an undergraduate. The experience of déjà vu is usually accompanied by a compelling sense of familiarity, and also a sense of "eeriness", "strangeness", or "weirdness". The "previous" experience is most frequently attributed to a dream, although in some cases there is a firm sense that the experience "genuinely happened" in the past.

The experience of déjà vu seems to be very common; in formal studies 70% of people report having experienced it at least once. References to the experience of déjà vu are also found in literature of the past, indicating it is not a new phenomenon. It has been extremely difficult to invoke the déjà vu experience in laboratory settings, therefore making it a subject of few empirical studies. Recently, researchers have found ways to recreate this sensation using hypnosis

How do I delete this review?

For thick skinned people
Jun 06, 2003 12:09 AM4666 Views

This is a review of Amway company, and the prospect of achieving success by being an Amway agent (distributor). I have not joined Amway, but have been targeted for recruitment at least five times by ''friends'' (now ex-friends) and even attended their meetings.

First about their recruitment method, which tells a lot of the thick skin you need to have in this business.

My first experience was when an accquaintance who never bothered to keep in touch with me, suddenly called me up and said he is involved in a great new business venture with a multi-million dollar company, and wether I wanted to work with him. During the the 15 minute phone chat he was vague about what this business was about and then he fixes a time to come and explain it to me. He comes along with another person, his ''mentor'' he says (which by now I know is his ''upline'', his driving force) and asks me questions which seem part of a well rehearsed routine. Like, what are my major goals in life, wether I want to make more money, wether I am happy with my 9-5 job and dont want to retire early? Then he plays a cassette he brought with him, and theres a guy talking eloquently about how bad it is to have a regular 9-5 job, to work under someone day after day and probably be paid less than what you are worth, when you can start your own business.

The guy then takes a paper and pen and draws circles and networks and talks an hour and towards the end tells me the outline of how to make an alternate financial career through network marketing, as a side business with no more than 10 hours a week. Basically I have to pay Rs 4400 to become an Amway agent and then buy all my consumer/household goods only from Amway and I will get a commission from them (they say that as Amway sells directly to you, without shops, it is at factory cost and cheap). Then you have to recruit many people (downline) to work under you and you get a cut of out of all their purchases. They are your meal tickets. If the volume of purchases of your downlines exceed a particular level, then extra commissions kick in for you.

Hearing all this, I suspect that the volume of purchases for my household is too small to generate significant kickbacks. To generate the same salary that I get from my professional job, on a reliable basis from Amway, I must have several dozens of ''downlines'' making significant family purchases month after month - without dropping out . This is rather like jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

At this point seeing my hesistancy the guy's mentor next asks me something which makes me sit up. He wants a list of all my friends and relatives and their phone numbers! I refuse politely and say that I cannot put my family bonds at risk. The main target of Amway agents recruitment drive seems to be family and friends who will join up out of courtesy. Apparently this is also what the Amway motivation tapes tell him to so.

My opinion about Amway business is: a) It suits those people who can aggressively recruit many others to join as downlines and see to it that they purchase regularly b) It suits generally those who are not very capable or confident to excel in their professional jobs c) It is not something you can simply do in your spare time and make money as the recruiters claim d) Amway products are generally good quality but not cheap as they claim and you need to change your lifestyle to suit the Amway way (like always buying only Amway products) f) you will end up hurting many relationships by pushing Amway on to close friends and relatives g) according to internet articles regarding Amway in the USA, vast majority of Amway agents end up either losing money or making near zero profit and eventually drop out. But not before they purchased lots of Amway consumer products and motivation cassettes and made Amway's day.

Amway and the dynamics of the Indian market
Sep 13, 2002 01:39 PM4564 Views

Why is Amway successful in the west?

Why are people disillusioned about it in India?

The answer lies in the market dynamics.

The behavior of the Indian consumer is quite different from that of his / her US counterpart.

Amway is successful in the west as their business model eliminates middlemen and advertising and pushes that money into making the representatives (or the links in the chain) rich. To bring in volumes, the products are sold in highly concentrated form so when you buy a bottle of dishwash, you are actually buying the equivalent of (prob.) a couple of crates of ''normal'' dishwash. So it works out to be cheaper. Therefore it makes sense to buy Amway.

Now, let us come to the Indian scenario. India is a country where majority of the people (unlike the US) prefer buying in small quantities even though the per unit cost may be high. Ever wondered why shampoos available in 5 ml sachets are extremely popular, while you find bottles above 500 ml only in really big supermarkets? The Indian consumer is not receptive to the logic ''You spend 10 times now for a product that will last 10 times more''. He thinks more short term (like till his next bath ;-) ). So people in India don’t join Amway for its product quality. The social consciousness of the Indian psyche has also not developed to the level where he / she is highly environmental-conscious either. (Give the option (already being done in some supermarkets) of taking a free polythene bag or pay a rupee more for a paper carry bag, 90% of the people prefer a polythene bag. “Environment? Duh!'')

So there is only one logical reason for people to join Amway. -Lure of easy money.

This is where things go wrong.

People who hear that you can just make some people join, let them work for you and then sit back and earn big money and join eagerly are by definition people who are looking for earning money without the effort.

So when it dawns on them that you have to WORK for earning like that, they feel disillusioned. The word of mouth publicity given for this disillusionment is pretty high. (''A satisfied customer tells a friend, but a dissatisfied one tells ten'' - goes the age-old marketing adage)

So a person who joins Amway at this point finds himself surrounded by people who have heard very bad opinions about it or people who have already joined it and are (currently) disillusioned.

Either way, he ends up frustrated....

A cautious approach is needed
Jul 22, 2001 11:24 PM6587 Views

Not as long as my usual opinion/reviews, but none the less, just as important.

Amway is a business, the people who run this business are there to make money.

The methods they use are borderline criminal, and also break many peoples hearts.

They tend to pick on people who need extra money and then this is how it breaks down.

Some of theses “Upline” as they call the sponsors who got you into the business can give you some great advice about motivating yourself, motivating others and relatively how to live in a more positive environment.

These are the best things you get out of Amway.

Then they will tell you things like throw away all your non-Amway items, and even if you do not like the Amway products you must use them, otherwise how do you expect to sell them to other people.

The concept of Amway is slightly dubious, but the actual products them selves are quite good.

If you get involved with Amway, make sure that you are with people you know, and never let them make you do things you do not want.

I remember an upline of mine telling me to find almost £100 when I was broke to go to a function nearly 200 miles away.

I nearly left then, as I felt very pressured.

The functions they do are very motivating and also geared towards you buying more products for yourself.

The stories they tell you often contradict the earlier stories they told, so you are not quite sure how true they are.

People who have made it big tend to be businessmen who were quite confident, got in to it very early, and worked at “other things” within the Amway business that made them money.

You never find out what they are until you are at a certain level.

Amway is not a get rich quick scheme, nor is it a get people in and sit back scheme.

It is a sales process that involves a lot of time investment and constantly getting people in.

Good luck if you try Amway.

Just take it cautiously.


Another voice heard from....
Jul 22, 2001 10:19 AM4156 Views

I too will preceed my opinion/review by saying this is not about the book, but about Amway itself.

Unless you have a multitude of friends and co-workers that you can sponser, and who want to become Amway representitives, DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT become an Amway rep. to earn money.

Many years ago, my (ex) husband decided we needed a little extra income.(don't we all?) So, he signed us up to become Amway reps. We tried all the products. And yes, they all seemed to be exactly what they were represented as being. They all worked fine. The prices weren't bad either.

Okay, we'll give it a shot.

We pitchedAmway to all our friends, relatives and co-workers. And, lo and behold, we made sales, lots of sales. And we bought products that we needed as well. We had the cost of our products deducted from our sales income.

Well, the first month our purchases just about equaled our sales. All right, next month we'll be gung ho and make money, cause we don't need anything more, we bought what we needed......

Oh Oh, so did everyone else we knew!

We spoke to other reps who informed us that the only way to make money was to get other people sponsored. Sign up everyone to be reps and earn a percentage of what they sell too.(And a percentage of what the people they sign up too.)

We tried it. We got a couple of people to sign on. But, all the people we knew, also knew these people and where would their allegience be? Who would they buy from?

Well, they bought from no one! As they became reps, the bought their own products, at discounted prices, for themselves(and family members too).

And the circle goes on and on and on. So, as I said in the beginning, if you don't have a multitude of friends and co-workers, willing to become reps(so you can earn from their sales), and if you aren't able to knock on doors selling the product, you can never earn enough to make it worthwhile.

These type of sales are called pyramid sales, the people on top of the pyramid will always be the winners! They will wind up getting a percentage of what everyone earns, because they were the number 1 person, they sponsored 2, who sponsored 4, who sponsored 8, and so on.

So if you're looking to earn extra money, you'd be better off getting a second real job!

Hope this helped! =)

Ye Olde Amway
Jul 22, 2001 02:51 AM4443 Views

Amway has been around for many, many years in the US. At one time I was in the business of selling Amway.

Yes there is money to be made but as with any business it requires a good 2 year period to build up so if you are thinking of doing this please don't quit your regular job.

You must stay on top of things with meetings and the newest products and stock samples to show people. The main thing is you need to sponsor people in to make any real money.

Selling the products is fine but because of the price many will not buy it or if they do the stuff lasts so long you won't do a resale that often.

Some of the products are great and some are really bad. The pearl dish drops for example, a small bottle costs as much as 2 large of a name brand which are a bigger size and the Amway version does not cut grease and makes hardly any suds so you can go through a bottle much too quickly.

I always disliked the presentations and trying to get other people in and I would never recommend a product I didn't like myself.

I do however belong to a company that is connected with many partner companies and Amway is one of them so I still use some of the products.

However it is still MLM no matter how you look at it and the only way to really benefit is to get others to join. I joined Quixtar about 4 months ago and still have not sponsored anyone in so am at the point of just giving up on these types of programs and looking else where for income.

Not the best time to join
Jul 21, 2001 11:07 AM4003 Views

This review is in response to the query and this is also not specific to Amway but to any of the Multi level marketing companies.

One has to check for some real credible aspects in a multilevel company.

  1. Is it an international operator. In a sense, is it having its operations abroad, and if it is, then how many years since it is existing. you may find these kind of companies in every town, which are locally operated. Stay away from these.

  2. What are the products that are being sold. I have noticed that, typically in these kind of companies, selling of product is not the key, but building up of a chain is.

  3. How long is it operating in your city or town.

Now coming to Amway, I believe that this is a very good company, which has very good products. Believe me, these products are worth using. They have a very good establishment, and are very credible organization. you go to any of their offices and you will notice that.

As in any other Multi level Company, building a chain is important. And Amway was and is very successful in India. Why these companies do emphasise on building chain and not selling is that, when a member joins, he has to pay and purchase package of products. And when you build your chain, then automatically, you are also selling products. And its a bonus, if you intend to only purchase a product.

As every one might know that Amway is pretty old company in India, say 4 years since it came into India. This holds a key in earning money. Since earning money is totally dependant on the vertical chain you build, it is not really feasible to join now and build vertical chains. So, your earning potential is low. But, had any one joined this company 3 years back, they are earning like anything. SO, THIS IS NOT A GOOD TIME TO JOIN, unless, Amway is not present in your town or city.

One cn be advised to checkout for other credible companies, but not so evident in public to earn more.

If you are joining Amway, please do a small research, as to how many Amway members are present in you locality or in your acquintence who are not members of Amway. If you believe, that it is relatively less, then you can probably think to join. In any case, if there are members of Amway in your surroundings, they might have already done business in that area.


Amway - Wilbur Cross

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