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Amway Nutrilite Cal Mag D Reviews

ReviewForMeMouthShut Verified Member
Belpahar India
Nutrilite Cal Mag D, The Magic Product For Bone
Jul 14, 2023 05:28 PM1376 Views

Frequent Fractures, leg pain, back pain, tiredness, and other joint pain are signs of weakened bones. One of its most common causes is the deficiency of Vitamin D, which is widely prevalent in India. An adequate Vitamin D supply can help alleviate this condition. Vitamin D is mainly for adults to support weakened bones.

One Vitamin D tablets equivalent to 64 boiled Eggs

Each Tablet gives a safe and effective daily dose of Vitamin D to support Weakened Bones.

No artificial colours, flavors or preservatives.

it promotes halthy bone structure and remineralization.

contain Vitamin D3 and K2 and a patented blend of quercetin aand licorice.

one can take 1 tablet daily with meal as directed by physician

Treasure of vitamins
Nov 30, 2018 01:47 PM23204 Views (via Android App)

Nutrilite is one of the superb product of Amway , which energies body and make the bone strong fast as compared to the other similar products available in market . The product is compactable as per the price but invest of the money is not going to dump , I Suggest everyone which have any problem in bones and the patients of epilapcy because this product is used in my house for these purposes as sugested by the physician. The result of this product came out is unbelievable it really works . Now from those days I and my family suggest those types of people for better result in their health related issues.

Nutrilite tablets result is much better than as of the suppliment powder it is my own experience which I want to share. Its all nutrients and other vitamins and minerals are so perfect composition. But I will say one thing that don't take it without the advice of docters.

I really appreciate this product . It's result is awesome.

Raipur Chattisgarh India
Sep 01, 2018 05:32 PM24177 Views (via Android App)

As we all know amay is always best when it comes in health. so one of the amway product is AMWAY NUTRILITE CAL MAG D. CAL MAG D is a perfect combination of vitamin D, magnesium & calcium you need for strong bones and strong muscles & nerve activities. they may help to strengthen your bones and muscles structure. provides good calcium & magnesium requirements. vitamin D is an essential components in bone health. precautions: one tablet should be taken two times a day with your meal. try it for better results


Amway Nutrilite Cal Mag D
guptadolly555MouthShut Verified Member
Delhi India
Amway nutrilite cal mag d calcium tablet
Aug 26, 2018 01:31 PM23828 Views (via Android App)

For staying healthy we all need a balanced diet as well as a.balanced intake of all essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

When I talk of vitamins then among all vitamin D is the most required as it provides bone health and that in turns maintains the body structure by strengthening the skeletal system

There are so many sources of calcium like eggs sunrays etc.

With the advancement in age calcium from bones starts dissolving into blood and hence weakening the bones ( more in women) and then calcium needs to be supplemented from outside in form of medicines.

There are so many medicines in market and one among these is amway nutrilite cal mag d.

I was looking for a best source of calcium for my mother and then got to know about amway though it was costly but then also I thought of ordering it considering the fact that my mother's health is my top priority and when it comes to well being of family then miney matters a little.

When my mother started consuming the calcium initial one week she could not say anything but after a months usage she could notice less weakness and improved bone strength.

Now its almost 2 years she is still consuming the same medicine without a fail and she herself has recommended it so many people.

It will cost you 750 for 90 tablets but its worth.

As it is 6 times as effective as single tablets available in market.

This is the best calcium in market.

kapoornupur05MouthShut Verified Member
Ghaziabad India
Good product for health
Nov 30, 2017 03:13 PM28313 Views

My mother is using Amway Nutrilite Cal Mag D from last 1 year. This is a awesome product for health. Its ingredients are perfect combination of Calcium, Magnesium & Vitamin D for strong bones & Strong muscles also it does not have any side effects. Its packaging is also very good. Each capsules flavors is also good it does not have any bad smell. It makes our body energetic & strong.

manan101017MouthShut Verified Member
India India
Best Food supplements
Oct 15, 2017 09:16 PM28788 Views (via Android App)

Hallo friends , today I share my experience with Amway Nutrilite Cal Mad tablets .

Personally I use it from last 2 years .

Its really good for your Health even in my family most of members are taking this.

After age of 30 every one face joint pain and weak born problem.

That supliment are fullfil that requriment.

Friends Amway are changing their products name for some legal reasoning.Now that supliment comes in Alfalfa calcium plus .90 tablet printed price is 720/- But you can buy it from Healthkart .com they and sold it in 691/- including shipping charges.

That supliment have no artificial colours and flovered.

Friends remember that is a supliment so your regular diet are required with that.

amzz11MouthShut Verified Member
Amway the company with all comfort,CAL MAG D
Sep 09, 2017 12:03 AM28974 Views (via Android App)

Hello friend s,

Listen carefully, I am a nutritionist, as well as a amway oner or ABO.

Cal mag D now it changed in alfa alfa Cal d.

It flouver very good. Packeging nicely done by amway. Calcium is necessary for all human being. It maintain our bone health, manecium need to improve our bone and mucel , body not absurve cal and mag without vit D .so it is the combination of all great product.

alokrajsoni35MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Squandering People !
Jul 25, 2017 09:02 PM30622 Views

I've much experience of almost all kinds of products by Amway. There are some products which are proper to be used. But products like Nutralite cal mag D is just an attempt to squander people. The price is too high. Just for few tablets, Amway challenges people for their good health.

The fact is who would like to get into this. No one will like to indulge in an act where people just have to eat away tablets unnecessarily for better health. Instead, people can go for good food.

The flavor is pathetic and the packaging is just basic.

TheIndianFiveMouthShut Verified Member
Gurgaon India
Amway, products are not affordable price
Jun 26, 2017 02:35 PM33396 Views

Hello everyone, Amway is a multi-level marketing/direct selling company that sells a variety of products that ranges from healthy, beauty, home care and personal care products. guys, I worked with it last 2012. before joined it one executive visited my home, he was describing me about Amway literature and its some products. he showed us some demos. finally, I joined Amway, participate its product-specific training and purchased its nutrilite, nutrilite daily, cal mag, protein, etc. we used its product daily but did not feel effect. Atleast its products prices are very high. After this, I decided to check for these products and found out its products are affordable for higher group of people but not affordable for the middle class families.

dharimadhviMouthShut Verified Member
Naraingarh India
Good for ladies after 35
Jun 11, 2017 12:48 AM30107 Views (via Android App)

Amway is most trusted brand and their product cal mag D tablet are really good for we know after the age of 35 there is deficiency of calcium in ladies so this tablet fullfill that deficiency in ladies.also it is also good for sugar patient because bones of sugar patient becomes very weak so it is also usefull for them.both my mom and dad daily take this tablet .as we know calcium is good for bone .one thing that the probuct of amway is superb we can do blindly faith on their product and my family use their product in regular and I see many pisitive result of their product

Cal Mag D by Nutrilite
May 23, 2017 07:42 PM29837 Views (via Android App)

Hey friends ,

It is a trusted product by Amway

From Nutrilite range

Its tablets packing consists of 30 , 60 and 120 tablets

It gives calcium and magnisium

And fulfill its deficiency

It gives calcium which gives strong bones

Magnesium is the another Biomolecule which is essential for body development

So buy it from online store and trusted Amway Business Owners

So buy it, use it and share it .!

hmehra18MouthShut Verified Member
New Delhi India
A good organic and natural supplement
May 15, 2017 02:00 PM30909 Views

Amway Nutrilite Cal Mag D is one of the best product I have used from this company.

It provides a right quantity of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D which is very important for bone health. These days when most of the people are suffering from joints pain and a major disease called Osteoporosis, it is advisable to take this supplement on a daily basis. It is also beneficial for muscles and nerve activity. The best part it provids the absorbable cal, mag and vitamin D making it more efficient. One can also get these things from other sources as well but if the body is not able to absorb the ingredients then it is good for nothing. It is advisable for people who are above 30 years, this is the period when bones lose calcium and the bone density also reduces.

I have personally recommended this product to my relatives who were suffering from various bone health problems mostly Osteoporosis. Now, most of them are using this product on a daily basis and are living a healthy life. If one take this product with regular exercise then he will never face any bone related problems. The serving of this product is 1 tablet after meal three times a day.

The flavor of the product is very good and so is the packaging. One can easily understand the Ingredients of the product and the product comes in three packs of 60, 90, 120 & 180 tablets. To save money I always order the 180 pack.

Samridhi22MouthShut Verified Member
Noida India
Amway nutrilite cal capsules
Apr 02, 2017 01:42 PM30617 Views (via Android App)

Amway is an international brand that has a vast range of products from home care , health , beauty etc.amway products are top of the line and very expensive.basically amway is a usa based company that does direct selling rather than retailing.The calcium supplements are really good and definitely a must in ur daily routine .The price is nearly rs 1300 for one bottle but thats just the price of staying can have one tab a day with water.However there are much affordable variants availae but if you can afford it then definitely go for amway.

Incredible result
Mar 12, 2017 06:13 AM31753 Views (via Android App)

It is used to provide calcium to our bones generally after 40 our bone starts loosing its calcium nd there is need to be fit nd maintain our bones which is essential nd its does not have sideeffect to our body everyone above 12 yrs of age can consume it no bittery taste just a white colured circle shaped dont have any taste easy to consume too

Essential for new mothers
Feb 11, 2017 11:09 PM31634 Views (via Android App)

After delivery I felt so weak inside when came back to normal routine after rest. It was a symbol that I needed something to get back to daily routine. Then one of my friends who deal in Amway products told me about it, is been 3 months now, I am all well and feel dil stamina and energy inside

. It's not a medicine but a supplement which can be taken anytime. Only thing to make sure is that you don't consumer any daily product for 2 or 3 hours after it. It contains vitamin D which helps in absorption of calcium in bones.

For strong Bone life use it twice a day
Oct 30, 2016 11:05 PM34331 Views (via Android App)

Friends nutrilites cal mag D Amway's top five product which sold by it in India.

My grandmother is suffering from body pain means ( jodo ka dard) since last decade.

My friends father recommended it to my grandmother , twice a day taking it, after using within one month result is very amazing and unbeliable.

Truly I believed it will very helpful for those who have bone pain and have want muscular body this product really helpful for them.

It's calcium and magnesium is not synthetic so have no side effect.

Please use it.

Awesome essentials supplemenyt
Jun 24, 2016 05:00 PM27187 Views

Nutrilite is world’s number 1 food supplement company. It has so many other products than Cal Mag D. Nutrilite Cal Mag D is the perfect combination of calcium, magnesium & vitamin D you need for strong bones, strong muscles & nerve activity.

I had got calcium deficiency and some nerve issue in my thigh and I happened to meet one of good friend who suggested me this product. I took for 15 days it really worked like magic.

Cal Mag D is very effective in reducing back pain problem, knee pain, etc. Nutrilite Cal Mag D does not contain any chemicals, so there are no side effects. Magnesium(Mag) and vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium in the body.

Anyone more than 12 years of age can take this supplement.  We must put our parents and grand parents on Nutrilite Cal mag D to help them to maintain their health.

Cal mag D benifits
Jun 15, 2016 11:36 PM26727 Views (via iOS App)

Nutritive cal mag d is a unique combination of calcium magnesium and vitamin D which helps support bone mineral density.

While magnesium plays an important role in regulating calcium levels in bones vitamin D is required for promoting calcium absorption from the gut. Its very good health and am using daily its so so good I love this friends u can also have and be healthy.

ashutoshroy007MouthShut Verified Member
Patna India
Product is good but very expensive
Jan 19, 2016 06:07 PM32156 Views (via Android App)

I bought this as of doctor prescription, 90 tablets cost me for Rs720. A tablet everyday is prescribed to me by the doctor.

Although product seems satisfying but costly, seems these products is only for Rich people.

Apart from Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D each tablet also contains Fat, Carbohydrates.

Green circle on the box suggesting that these tablet is made up of veg elements.But customer support of Amway is very bad and unsatisfactory.

okiamvarunMouthShut Verified Member
allahabad India
For strong bones
Nov 29, 2015 03:27 AM52247 Views

Most of us know well that bones are the major part of body structure.If we have no bones there is no hope to get stand .Bones are the part of body that make us able to a structure

And calcium is the ingredent in bones that give them colour{white} and strongness.We cant imagine bones without calcium.

Lack of calcium causes weakness of bones and osteoporosis.

I am fan of ca lmag because it helped me to get out of fractures.back pain and injuries .because being a player I get that often but I don't worry about that because I have confidence that I would be fine earlier than my fellow players.

I have used many calcium tablets but I did not get any other effective as cal mag.

WHO SHOULD TAKE: ladies and working men age 12.And I would like to suggest that if you are player or aged 30 you should start to avoid future problem.

Dont recommend the children below 12.

DOSES: Take it three times a day to after meal.

Stay Healthy GUD LUCK>


Amway Nutrilite Cal Mag D

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