"There were dangers, of course, but only the usual ones, and mild enough – injury from a fall, getting lost, a violent change of weather, night. Managing these would restore him to a sense of control. Soon human meaning would be bleached from the rocks, the landscape would assume its beauty and draw him in; the unimaginable age of the mountains and the fine mesh of living things that lay across them would remind him that he was a part of this order and insignificant within it, and he would be set free."
I always get something to learn from the authors I have read so for. If Paulo Coehlo shows me how to write about day to day life with a touch of spirituality and presence of God in every line, then Ruskin shows me how to involve love of nature in you writing and how to portray emotions of common people. And now Ian McEwan is here to teach me how to write things meticulously, how to take care of every aspect of the surroundings so that the reader feels like he himself is present there with the characters, had same feeling while reading “Lord of the Rings” too.
Author :
Ian McEwan has written no. of novels (Atonement is the one, most people are familiar with) and almost every second of his novel has got nominated for Bookers prize and Amsterdam is the one that has won Booker Prize. But if you ask me, it fell a little short of my expectations (4 out of 5), for me its more of a discovery of author than the book. Amsterdam was born on 1998 and has a life of 193 pages. Well story could have got covered in under 100 pages but it’s the style of authors writing so meticulously and interestingly that you don’t loose interest in sections with one page for each moment.
Story :
The subject here is new, alteast for me. The story is London based and begins at the funeral of the central character of the story, Molly Lane. Out of all the major people present there, mostly her lovers, few are of distinction in her life and she has played a beautiful part in their life so they are very emotionally attached to her. Clive Linely, Vernon Halliday, Julian Garmony and Geroge Lane are the chief lovers and characters here.
Clive Linely is a well known musician and is at the verge of writing the symphony of millennium.
Vernon Halliday, editor of a newspaper ‘The Judge’, has a news that can change the fortune of the paper and Vernon himself.
Julian Garmony, a very successful politician, currently foreign minister and so called future prime minister of UK.
George Lane, Molly’s husband, so everyone hates him. A stakeholder in Vernon’s paper and a good acquaintance.
Apart from being Molly’s lover, Clive and Vernon are very good friends. (may be bocz’, molly belonged to them at different periods of time). They starts thinking of their own death and life and make a pact with each other that if ever one of them will fall ill like Molly, the other will kill him. There Lonliness and self talk is put into words marveluosly. Great..
No one wants that Julian should become a PM, bcoz his policies and viewpoint is not good for countries progress (a Molly’s lover, another reason). So when a chance come Vernon plans to destroy Julian through his paper and a help from George. Clive, however, differ in his viewpoint of the situation and is more interested in completing his symhony then getting involve in some controversy(its clive’s part of the story that I really liked, how a musician composes a creation, the difficulties he faces and joy of doing something innovative.. my God only a musician can understand.. if you have something to do with music. You will surely love his part. .for others .. it can be skipped without affecting the story.).
What happens after that, whether Clive is able to create the symphony of millennium the way it should be, how he gets his inspiration.
Whether Vernon succeeds in is mission of saving the newspaper and destroying Julian.
What defenses Julian has against Vernon to save his political carrier and social life.
and George what role he has to play in this three.. Read it yourself..
Believe me you will not be able to guess whats gonna (you wont even think that something will happen..the way of writing is such, straight) happen till the end and by the last chapter you will feel .. Ohh my God.. what is this… how it can be so.. it should be like that.. but its someone else’s story, you cant change.. :).
The way writer has written about newpaper world and music in particular, he either has great knowledge of them or he has done a good amount of home work beforehand. Wonderfull.. Music I had some idea.. but newspaper side I got a great deal of learning form this book.
My Pick :
"He knew from experience that the best he can do was relax, step back, while remaining alert and receptive. He would hve to take a long walk in the country, or even a series of long walks. He needed mountains, big skies. The lake district, perhaps. The best ideas cought him by surprise at the end of twenty miles, when his mind was elsewhere."
"There will come a day when nothing will remain of Vernon, what would remain of Clive is his music. Work – quiet, determined, triumphant work, then – would be a kind of revenge."
Wtih this beautiful thought about music let me end this review.. Comments are always welcome..
Take care and keep Writing and Smiling
Vikky Gural
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.