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All Out Machine Reviews

Devil for Mosquitoes !!!
Apr 07, 2015 12:34 AM 15983 Views

I still remember the old days when to escape from mosquitoes, there was just the alternative of sleeping in a mosquito net. After some years, came the mosquito coils that had to be burnt to drive away the mosquitoes.

This was an efficient way but left one breathing that pungent smell the whole nightlong.We slowly shifted to the use of mosquito mats that were to be placed in the specially designed heating element. The heated mat gave out a smell that drove away the mosquitoes.Finally came the mosquito repellent liquids to be used by attaching the chemical bottle below the heating cap.

I have been using All out for many years now and with complete satisfaction.I find the All out as an extremely effective product to drive away mosquitoes and have a good night’s sleep. I was always scared of mosquitoes disturbing my peaceful sleep, till I started the use of All out. The liquid also doesnot have a strong smell and is easy on the nostrils too.

Mosquitoes Nightmare..!!
Apr 07, 2015 12:05 AM 14248 Views

This has been used by my family since ages and no doubt in that as this is the best mosquito repellent in India. Many brands have come and gone but no was able to dethrone All out, All out is the king of all repellents.

Want a peaceful night without mosquitoes, then just turn on All out and be assured, no mosquito will disturb you will All out is there.

Mosquitoes nightmare
Apr 06, 2015 11:21 PM 10674 Views

I have seen this brand since I was a child. A complete solution for the mosquitoes issue. The machine and their formula is actually effective. Every time I feel mosquitoes I just close the door and switch on the machine. Within 15 min you can feel the difference.

Also very long lasting. Overall a very nice product.


All Out Machine
It's All In not All Out
Mar 30, 2015 08:21 PM 8405 Views (via Mobile)

As the name says All Out.I think they are making as the biggest fool. It's not a kind of All Out it is All In. Machine is made for killing mosquitoes  or letting the the mosquitoes let out of home but I think all these is shittt.Actually the machine is of no use. While purchasing we spend amount of the machine and then the refill gets over early even after days provided soo have to spend amount of the refilling. The literal waste of money in purchasing this. It's better to be without those machine which sinks smell after some interval.

Literal waste of money. I think we should never ever purchase machine for killing the mosquitoes which actually don't kill it. Not 1% also effective in killing mosquitoes.

It is not good for the consumers
Dec 14, 2014 07:11 PM 15125 Views

I have been using the  all out since 1 month but the liquid  your was given in advisement it working worth full 1 month but it was completed in 1 week. It not worth full.

So don't buy the allot .one refile come 7 nights only but that time the mosquBrianbalakumaran ARE DANCING IN THE ROOM. It is not working.

I am not satisfy with all out. I hate it. My time is west and my money is west.?

Seriously -ALL OUT :)
May 15, 2014 01:16 PM 21582 Views

I have used all kinds of things to keep mosquitoes away be it a cream or a coil. Even the card was not effective, nothing worked.

The coils always cause coughing sneezing and itching in the eyes and the card was so strong that I was somewhat unable to breathe but the mortein all out is superb.

It works so quickly and effectively. It causes no coughing sneezing etc. So thumbs up for All Out. Its highly recommended!

Chennai, Tamil Nadu India
Misread the Meaning of ALLOUT Says by the Producer
Mar 04, 2014 02:54 PM 26968 Views

I purchased All Out ultra refill pack from Rathna stores near Madipakkam Koot Road, Chennai.  I used it as per the instruction  on  the pack  itself. But the effect of the word  say as ALL OUT is  meaningless. The mosquitoes enjoying the smell and dancing around us watch its dance, hence  we are unable to sleep at night.

I need  some help where to complain about this kind of useless packing manufacturing by the companies.



Guwahati India
All Out made by All Out frauds
Feb 04, 2013 11:01 AM 11545 Views

Till yesterday I was buying 60 nights All Out refills. Now on buying not one but TWO 90 nights refills in bigger boxes, I found to my surprise that not only the bottles but the contents i.e. 40 ml. were identical to the 60 nights All Out refill. Only the box had been made bigger!

How can the same quantity serve for 90 nights now when it was enough for only 60 nights earlier? Has the vaporizer gone on a DIET?

Chennai India
The mosquitoes' friend
Jul 13, 2012 06:44 PM 14446 Views

Either the mosquitoes in my house are super powerful and resistant and belong to some superior alien breed or All Out really deserves this review. I am thinking its the latter.The first few days of using a brand new All out machine, there is good sleep and effective riddance of the mosquitoes. From the second week onwards, well, I think it gets near useless.

Proof - All the terrible sleepless nights

I am telling you... the mosquitoes are going to love this brand! It could have as well been water within that thing. I plug this thing on and the pests are 'All Out' to have great fun, at the expense of my blood.

This should not be ALL OUT , this should be ALL IN
May 01, 2012 11:46 PM 13345 Views

I have been using the All Out liquid for last few months but its effectiveness is disappointing. It has no effect on mosquitoes, they play near the machine and the frog can't catch a single blood eater. It used to be a lower grade product so they upgraded it to All Out Total but this new product is also a total failure. Please do not fool us with this kind of product. We expect a change and an effective solution.

Secunderabad India
Content of ml / Nights*
Aug 20, 2011 11:18 PM 13587 Views

I am KSRK from Sec-bad, we used to purchase 45 Nights, 60 Nights -- Liquid Vaporizer Refills Recently I hav purchased 90 Nights refill from SPENCER, But I dont understand, ...........

Please clarify this CALCULATIONS, How 45ml can work for 60 Nights & the same for 90 Nights.

45 ml- 90 Nights -Rs. 85.50/- Mfg date-01-04-2011, Batch No: U4JC009PB.

Net Content (in ml) No. of Nights* Price

35 ml 45 Nights Rs. 48.00/-

45 ml 60 Nights Rs. 60.00/-

45 ml 90 Nights Rs. 85.50/-

Please kindly clear my DOUBT.

Thank`s & Regards,

Mosquitos also like Refill pack to dance in room..
Apr 25, 2011 12:51 PM 12839 Views

Allout full pack is very effective. But the Refill pack is absolutely nonsense....

Even Mosquito like its refill pack to dance wance in room. Also the life of Allout refill pack is too less than what mentioned in the pack....

Mumbai India
Run away, insects
May 08, 2010 07:36 PM 10378 Views

It keeps away all sort of insects like ants, white ants, mosquitoes, house leopards, cockroaches etc. But because of it's smell all insects are killed, also disturb human health somewhere. Sneezing, headache, nausea and eye aching or eyes getting reddish due to medicine infection.

So we should take care if it. Cost is also a factor of the product. It should be at reasonable price for the common person and for more sale. It should easily available at reasonable price, and try to remove injurious part for human. Otherwise everywhere it is mention that keep away from human, children etc.

Imphal, Chandigarh, Bangalore India
All Out... Just like the Indian Cricket Team.
May 10, 2007 02:36 PM 13455 Views

Well, as you have probably seen from the above reviews, All Out just does not do what it claims, i.e. drive out/ kill mosquitoes. Let me share with you a little story...

When I first bought an All Out machine with refill, I loved it, for here was somethnig which didnt emit smoke (like a coil) and you didnt have to refill it every night (like replacing a mosquito mat). And it worked as well... sort of... mosquito bites reduced by nearly 80%. And the smell was'nt too bad either.

But then came the bad stuff... which is a lot, I must confess.

First things first, the '60' nights refill lasted max only about 40 nights, that too with the regualted (lab-rested) 8 hours usage per night. So in reality a 45-night refill lasts max 30 nights, so you are not really getting the value for money you deserve.

Secondly is the fact that the mosquitoes have become resistant to it... after about 6 months of usage I find mosquitoes happily flying around me, buzzing in my earing and biting me often at night (ouch!). I switch on the All Out and... voila! They STILL keep buzzing happily.

Thirdly is the quality control problem... I have tried 3 different refills, from 3 different shops, and none of them would work, as in I could not find any smell from them, so they wwer not vaporising. I thought it was a problem witht he machine, buy I tried it on 3 different machines (inclusing a new one) and they still did not vaporise. Also the machines seemed to die out in a year or so.

So there, I ahve said it, All Out does not do what it promises, so I have relied going back to mats, which work slightly better.

But if you want a solution to the mosquito problem, here are very few... you can keep a Netlon on your windows to prevent mosquitoes from coming into the house, perhaps use the very smelly Odomos, or my favourite (its also good exercise) use those Chinese made mosquito rakets which roast them to a crisp... trust me, the smell of a burnt mosquito really makes you happy , in a sadistic sort of way ;).

Jabalpur India
Apr 03, 2007 04:19 PM 9080 Views

I don`t know why all are writing that it`s works. But as for my home and town - Jabalpur (M.P.) it`s never works! Even all doors and windows always closed and with mosquito net, but still in rooms you can find thousands of mosquitos and other animals. Even you will clean a house as much as possible, but ...

Mosquitos still in our home! You can put 2-3 mashines in room, but they all together also will not work! Comes too much add on TV, but all is not truth. Also it`s smell could be harmful for children, especially for newborn (but not only for mosquitos).

My opinion - all who write here good opinions are from this company or just blind people. Sorry if it`s not so, but really I can`t see pluses from this device. It`s too much horrible.

Regards, H Kaur.

All Out and mosquito IN !!!!
Feb 23, 2007 09:58 PM 16487 Views

I recently moved from Lucknow to Bombay.  Having lived in the Middle East my entire life I had never seen a mosquito until I landed up in India and for the past 3 years have tried to combat them with 'All Out'.

It worked just fine in Lucknow but not a single day has gone by in the past three month of my arrival here in B'bay that I have not been bitten by mosquitoes.  On an average say 4 mosquitoes get into our bedroom daily and ‘All Out’ doesn’t seem to kill them.

Lets just side track for a moment. …Interestingly I have noticed that the mosquitoes in Bombay do not make that buzzing noise, so u can’t make out if they are near u and whack them.  Is it only me or have any of you also noticed that they don’t buzz? In Lucknow they do.  The Metro ones seem to be smart compared to their small town counterparts.

Since 'All Out' doesn’t do its job I get up at about 2 am daily, pick up a duster, put on the light and start smashing them all over the wall.

All over my wall you will find little red dots.  After my hubby goes to work I take a cotton bud and some soap and wash them off.  Its become a daily ritual.  What else can I do?  I cannot help it. I cover my self right up to my mouth can’t cover my nose so they even bite my forehead and nose and eyelids.  I don’t get good sleep anymore and my husband’s sleep is also disturbed because I put on the lights and start cursing as I aim for the Mosquitoes.

Last night was the final straw,  I went and took the 'All Out' from the guest room and put that also in our room for double action.

I don’t know if it worked but I do know that I killed two of them on my hand and then drifted off to sleep and don’t really know if I got bitten any more.

Right now I’m sitting and looking at the ‘ All Out’ apparatus just hoping that it will do its job tonight. :o(

dammam saudi arabia
All out machine-great way to send ur sleep in
Nov 07, 2005 08:37 PM 8993 Views

This time when we went on vacation, my mom in law had this new all out machine which was great and it really did help in keeping the mosquitoes away,f it has a got tiny bulb with it which acts like a night lamp. so whenever NRI's got to go to India, forget about the mosqutio problem. when its time to sleep just plug it in, and sleep peacefully, parents usually worry about kids, since they are the ones most in danger when they go to India about mosquitoes biting, but now no ne ed to worry,its not too expensive tough I don't remember the exact price now, but it is affordable, I am sure by everyone. I advise everyone to use this machine since it is safe and has no odour at all, just remember to take it off when not in use. don't throw it here and there since most things depened on how you manage them, keep it somewhere safe, and away from kids, enjoy a peacefull sleep, pray to God before sleeping and thank him enormously for all the wonders he has created for his servants including ther amazing all out machine.

The mosquito song
Dec 09, 2004 07:05 PM 13010 Views

This is a story of fear, greed and misery. All Mine. So we refer to me in the third person. The fear About a month back, S was writing up a chapter for a book – purely boring stuff, I assure you. Something about viruses. Specifically, the kind that are carried by mosquitoes and cause horrible diseases like Dengue, Yellow fever and encephalitis. She read so much about the whole thing that she turned really paranoid. (Does that ever happen to you ?) The greed So, she rushed to the market to stock up on all the All-out refills that she could safely buy without other people thinking she was plain crazy. ________________________________________________________ All out liquid vaporizers are a blessing to any Indian household. Marketed by Karamchand Appliances, a small company, the name has become synonymous with liquid mosquito repellants. Before they were launched, we had either foul-smelling creams, smoke emitting agarbattis or foul-smelling sprays to fend off mosquitoes. To add insult to injury, they’re all pretty ineffective. Enter the Allout vaporizer backed by Japanese Technology. It has a small refill that can be fitted into a “pluggy”. The pluggy remains while the refill can be changed in a month or so. In a country and climate beset by mosquitoes, pluggies became an instant hit. __________________________________________________________ As S ordered the refills, the shopkeeper handed her eight Good Knight refills. “ I’d prefer All-Out”, she said. “Out of stock” called out the shop boy from the interior. “Take these” the shopkeeper persuaded S “ They’re just as good. What’s more, it’s a 45-night refill for the same price as a 30 night All-out one.” She’s persuaded. Biiiig mistake. The misery There’s a buzzzzzzz in her ear. Hey, it’s the mosquitoe’s song – I wanna know, Please show me, The idiot who brought, A Good Knight refill Take my antenna Come into my world Where there are loads of Mosquitoes like me. (Sing it to the tune of “Strangers like me” – Phil Collins.) As she sits up and turns on the lights, there they are - singing happily by the dozens with the Good Knight burning merrily in the background. Do they care that I’ve burnt up Rs. 60 to get these ? No! I should’ve stuck to All Out.

All in--not All out!!
Sep 16, 2004 01:37 PM 8174 Views

I am really surprised on reading all these reviews wherein people are satisfied with these vaporizers.

I must be the only person who does not feel the effect and benefit of these useless things. I kept one in the kids room and the other in my room. I went by the instructions of keeping the windows open prior to switching the machine on, then closing,etc. It just does not work, we are attacked by mosquitoes bigger than the ''o'' in the mouthshut logo.

The only thing that works are the various sprays, but they are not good for health.

I guess the mosquitoes in my area are immune to these things,vaporisers and mats just dont work, only sprays.

My two machines are in their sockets and now never switched on. Anyone wants them?

So much money is spent on just another advertising gimmick that does not work.

For that matter even the application creams/lotions do not work.

Night Knight
Sep 15, 2004 09:19 PM 8555 Views

After using so many mosquito repellents & getting the unsatisfactory result,I

switched on ALL OUT brand as per TV advertisements & plugged it with a

feeling that it is going to give the same result as came across in past with other

brands but to my utter surprise, I could have a sound sleep with no mosquto

problem ever since I started using mosquto repellent.Now I am regularly using

it with excellent result & my mosquito net is resting in box.



All Out Machine