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Near DPS, Jhajjar Road, Lowakhurd, Bahadurgarh 124507, HR


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AKIDO College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh Reviews

Delhi India
Have you ever been to hell? Welcome to this colleg
Oct 28, 2018 01:14 AM 849 Views (via Mobile)

I don't know how do I explain my 4 years of HELL aka thiscollege. First of all this college is in the middle of fields with no shops around, no playground, no mobile signals and most importantly no good students. They have no proper labs, makeshift classrooms with pass out wannabe teachers who are under paid and given salary just more than the salary of sweepers. First of all let's see there modus operandi. They will get your contact no. By visiting your nearby schools and call you. Those callers are not any marketing professionals but are the same wannabe pass out teachers. They will call you and give you a free college tour with cab. They will flaunt there labs, teachers and fake reputation. They will show you ferrari model which is imported from outside and say this is made by our students which is absolute lie. There is a library which has no syllabus books. Mind it they charged me 5000rs intitaly but never refunded it after 4 years for the same library.You will never feel the college like environment ever. You will be restricted most of the times and you will feel like stucked in a jail in no mans land LITERALLY.In hostels sometimes they dont provide food either, students go to nearby villages to eat maggie and other stuffs. Don't believe there is any kind of management there. They all fake and traps. Real boss of this college is Mr. Prikshit katiyal. He is a rich son of some class A officer in haryana whose main aim is to establish big empire and suck money from the poor.College is started in 2011. In my times he never paid salary of cab drivers and once all drivers beat mr. Parikshit at 7pm in the night and we all were stuck till 9pm in the college. Imagine 100s of students stranded in no where in the fields of haryana. That night was horrible for all of us.After that situation aggravated further and there was total anarchy in the managment who forced students to pay as much as possible or they will not release admit cards. They also played with my future. I want to share one incident when the semester exam time were near and Mr. Katiyal increased cab price by 2000rs and asked to pay within 2 days. Some of us were not able to pay due to financial problems. On the day of examination he denied release of admit card. We literally begged for the same. After 1 hour of examination he gave us admit card and we finished our exam in 2 hours instead of 3 hrs. We all got a back log in the same paper. Somehow we cleared the subject in the upcoming examination but you can see the level of cheapness and money minded who can play with student future for the sake of money. After the exam got over we called our parents, but he clearly told us that I don't care for your future. And that was on record. I bow my heads down of choosing this college. I deny every single moment of this college. There is parday fresher's party, no games at all, no proper canteen, no music, no paper transport, no college feeling. It were 4 years of torturous days of my life. All our friends belive the same. Students like me who did not scored good enough think this is good college for them but don't make this mistake. You can do good courses available in delhi itself. Go find out but don't take admissions in this college. They will make your life hell. I wish best of luck and again remind you to not take admissions in this crooky institution.

avisheksadhuMouthShut Verified Member
Worst university of haryana
May 25, 2017 07:36 PM 1868 Views (via Android App)

Akido college of engineering, bahadurgarh is the worst college of the was affilated with maharshi dayanand university which is india's toughest university.outerlook or design of this college ks quite good & attractive but reallity of this college is very bad.labs are in this college is in very bad condition, most of instrument in labs does not work admission time this college shows student a F1 car model which is actually does nlt work.classroom are normal & quite clean but not the best for study.this college have wifi which was also don't work properly.most of the book from sylllabus was not aviable in library.faculty of this college is the worst except mechanical department.this college only want management faculty disturb student for fest day or no sports day happend in this management made rules like school no student freedom.

I suggest every student to think twice before takeing admission in this college.


AKIDO College of Engineering - Bahadurgarh

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