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AIDS Awareness Tips

Illinois United States of America
HIV testing
Feb 02, 2010 08:40 AM 9870 Views

STD testing in Local STD Testing Labs can be confidential upon the request of the patient. Their accredited STD specialists are concerned people who would want to help those who seek help. These sites offer testing, treatment and even counselling.

You can have your self tested and still keep things in private whatever the result is. Once result is obtained, you can either take treatment or have counselling for those who need advice and guidance. One can confirm his or her doubts of being infected with STD. STD should be detected early in order for it to be treated right away and avoid further damage to one’s health. Yes, your privacy is important but you should always keep in mind that your health is the one at stake.

Take the test at the Local STD Testing Labs and better know what action to take before it gets too late.

Sep 24, 2008 11:46 AM 9971 Views

The following is the first part of a 4-part review of a set of short films made by 4 of the best directors India can boast of, in a bid to spread awareness about AIDS among the people.These are 4 20-minute films which are available for free viewing on

Under the auspices of Mirabai films and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the AIDS'Jaago' Project presents four short dramatic films by cutting-edge Indian directors Mira Nair, Vishal Bharadwaj, Farhan Akhtar and Santosh Sivan that aim to dismantle myths and misconceptions about HIV/AIDS.


Dir.: Vishal Bharadwaj

Cast: Sidhhartha(of Rang De Basanti fame)

Ayesha Takia

Pawan Malhotra

Pankaj Kapur

BB starts off in a mysterious fashion, with Arjun Dutt(Siddhartha) following Pawan Malhotra everywhere, right upto the building he lives in. Pawan Malhotra smells something fishy and confronts him. From then on begins the story of Arjun, how he was leading a happy, marital life before he is diagnosed with HIV. How this one revelation changes his life forever, as he just leaves everything, out of the blue. How another discovery again turns the course of his life forms the rest of the plot.

Vishal Bharadwaj nicely builds it up like a thriller in the initial 3 minutes. The sequences leading up to Arjun's diagnosis and the reason which he initially believes that led to his state are very engaging and seem very real and probable, especially when viewed from the urban perspective. However, what happens thereafter, with Arjun just running away from everything because of the lack of enough strength to face his wife, and the sequences thereafter leave you a bit puzzled. What actually happened there? is what you think. Even Pankaj Kapur's character is an enigma. But, things become clear in the concluding minutes when Arjun discovers something which shocks him and how that changes his life.

Short films are the arena where directors get the chance to prove their mettle. In a 3-hour movie, the director has all the time in the world to come to the point and then drill it in the psyche of the viewer( though in no way is that an easy job), but in a 20 minute feature, the contraint of time restrains a build-up. Vishal Bharadwaj, for once, moves away from his literary adaptations which has been his fetish for his last 3 films, and puts it in an urban setting. Except for the portions where Arjun leaves home and wanders around befuddled, virtually in drunken stupor, which confuses the viewer, he is in form yet again this time. The way he drives home the point in the last few minutes, gives hope, like the light at the end of the tunnel, even though that light is from the fire which burns on a candle which is about to melt down, informing the viewers that AIDS does not mean a'dead end' to the road of life.

Performance-wise, the spotlight is on Siddhartha who delivers a very honest performance. See him in the scenes where he realizes the blunder he has committed and the expressions of guilt and sadness on his face, when he lacks the guts to face his wife, and you realize that Rang De Basanti was not a fluke. Hopefully, we see more of him in Hindi cinema.

Pawan Malhotra comes up with another dependable performance, especially in the last few minutes. Ayesha Takia and Pankaj Kapur are adequate in their parts. Pankaj Kapur, I feel, was wasted in his part, though his character still had that spark which he has shown in the performances in his earlier films with Vishal Bharadwaj.

Overall, a good film which does drive home the point and also clears some misconceptions about HIV and AIDS.

My Rating:

Watch it here:

AIDS - Don't Rely on Junk Mails - Read This Once..
May 08, 2008 04:28 PM 10973 Views

Jaise AIDS choone se nahi phailta waise yeh Pani Poori ya sui(needle) chubhane se bhi nahi phailta.yakin na ho to padhkar dekh lijiye.

My Dear Friends!

It is a common saying that "Prevention is better then Cure" but in case of AIDS/HIV its always said that"Knowledge is its best Prevention".

Its always good to be well informed about AIDS/HIV.

There was a story on junk or forwarded mails some times back in which it is said that a boy got infected by HIV virus by eating pani-puri.And there have also been rumors where people are affected by the HIV virus when they got pricked by an HIV infected needle while traveling on a bus or in theaters, which is all rubbish.

So please read along and put your attention os some important issues!

We all must have seen this below mentioned mail floating across group emails & its our moral responsibility to correct all misconceptions regarding HIV /AIDS.

I have got this information through my friend and it is provided by the Brand Manager / Product Manager handling anti HIV/AIDS portfolio(called as Antiretroviral Drugs) in Ranbaxy.He is explaining this as he is educated enough to comment on this.

Please read following points carefully & don't send emails related to Medical ailments without having complete knowledge about it(even partial knowledge could be grossly dangerous).

  • HIV(virus) requires ONLY Blood or Semen as medium to transmit from one body to another.

  • HIV can not transmit even through Saliva(mucous) i.e . even if HIV-infected patient coughs or smooches and another person is exposed to his sputum(cough) or saliva, the virus still can not transmit because concentration of virus particles in sputum is almost NIL & exposure to air anyway kills virus in fraction of seconds.

  • In case an HIV-infected person gets an injury(like the cut in below mentioned story) and he is bleeding, the virus can transmit to another person only if another person has a cut/wound in his body & that too when blood from both person comes in contact with each other(this is also very very rare unless bleeding is very high) and not otherwise.

  • HIV can never survive in any other liquid medium also other than blood or semen(& please for God sake . never in Pani Puri wala pani)

  • Even if one drinks an HIV infected blood(or semen) of someone(ingest through Gastro Intestinal track), the virus can not survive in the acidic pH of stomach. Highest extent of acidity is 0(practically not possible) so imagine 1 as pH which is in our stomach.(This pH can burn your own finger in less than a second if you dip in that acid).

  • Exposure of less than 1 second in AIR KILLS the HIV virus(hence story of needle pricks in Cinema theatres is a crap). Even if blood from a wound(of infected person) dries up(blood clot), the virus dies and can not infect anyone else

  • HIV transmission is ONLY an INFECTION i.e. entrance of virus in one's body. It DOES NOT MEAN AIDS.

  • An HIV-infected person(after entrance of virus) can progress to a condition of AIDS only after 8 to 10 YEARS(not in 15 days as in the Pani Puri story)

  • It is not HIV(virus) that kills a human.the virus attacks immune cells(cells that fight against foreign pathogens/antigens) and hence a person's ability to fight against infections & diseases slowly diminishes and person ultimately dies of a disease which could be as simple as TB

  • Most importantly, HIV is no longer a dreadful disease. it is "CHRONIC MANAGEABLE DISEASE" just like Diabetes or Hypertension.

  • If there is anything you need to be careful from to prevent HIV is Unsafe sex, Blood transfusion(check before taking) / Blood donation(use sterilized needles only) and any blood contact during an accidentor so where amount of bleeding is very high.

*Please spread this message to avoid rumors and to educate people.

Thanks for reading.



Jul 25, 2006 09:15 PM 7153 Views

Somewhere b e t w e e n the procrastination.... and the homework..... and the incessant forwards..... and the friendships..... and the calls to each other complaining about crushes!!...... Somewhere b e t w e e n the phone calls to old friends..... And the "I miss you's" & the "I love you's"....... And the *"What are we doing tonight's?"..... And somewhere b e t w e e n all of the changing, growing... Somewhere b e t w e e n the classes........ And the skipping classes...... And the studying for tests....... And the p!retending to study for tests....... And the downright NOT studying for tests... I forgot.......... I forgot what collegeis all about.

I forgot what it meant to cry....... I forgot that* pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy........... And that pretending to be smart doesn't make you smart............ I forgot that you can't just forget the past in fear of the future.......... I forgot that you can't control falling in love........... And that you can't make yourself fall in love........... I learned that *I can love......... I learned that it's okay to mess up......... And it's okay to ask for help......... And it's okay to feel like crud.......... I learned it's okay to complain and whine to all your friends for a whole day........ I learned that sometimes the things you want most you just can't have. I learned that the greatest thing about college isn't the parties or the DRiNKiNG or thehook-ups... It's the friendships, which means taking chances........ I learned that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things which we most need to talk about.......... I learned that letters from friends are the most important thing. And that sending cards to your friends makes you feel better. But, basically, I just learned that my friends........ Both o l d and *new......... Are the most important people to me in the world. And without them, I wouldn't be who I am today..... So this is a thank you to all of my friends. . For always being there and I love you....hamesha

Jul 25, 2006 09:05 PM 4189 Views

AIDS - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

HIV( Human Immuno deficiency Virus or Human Iymphotropic Virus [ type III ]) the virus that causes AIDS - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome.destroys the human body cells in all means by destroying the ability to fight against diseases and infections in human body. The virus first destroys the human antibodies and creates it own antibodies in human body which eats the normal antibodies present in human cells and finally releasing the virus causing tremendous failure to the whole immunal system.

HIV - Discovered & Diagnosed

Long back in 1981 one of the men showing symptoms of a disease was first examined in states. The men was having an unusual type of infection in major parts of his body putting most of the doctors in confusion finally having a through check up the doctors found out that the person is having a severe reduction of a particular cell in his blood known to be the major part of the immunal system called cd4 cells often referred in medical science as T cells helps the human body to fight against infections. After days later again the same reduction of the particular T cells was found in some other few human bodies too, in different parts of the states, finally Africa & European countries. Finally in 1983 the researchers in many parts of these areas started research on this problem leading them after a 2 years time finally to measure the antibodies present in human bodies. This measurement in human antibodies lead the researchers to find out the hidden unknown death cause happened for most of the human bodies before as it was only known to the human kind after finishing this through research on this issue in 1985 & that was how the HIV was found out.

And later after years of time very recently it was clear to humans that the researchers found out that the virus was infected to human bodies via chimpanzees…the peoples of Africa usually have sex with chimpanzees which brought this virus to get activated strongly in human immuno system causing severe damage to human immuno cells.

HIV - Transmission

The HIV is transmitted in human body mostly by having unprotected sex, by having sex with an infected partner, via contact with infected blood, sharing on needles, syringes used for someone who carries the HIV virus etc. The virus mostly enters the body through the vgina, pnis, mouth through sexual contacts etc.

HIV - Symptoms

HIV the human immuno virus which destroys the human immuno system in all means is the most deadly virus known to the humans presently. If a person is infected by HIV the person doesn’t shows any symptoms at first as the person looks even 100% perfect in all means. The illness can show a small fever, headache, fatigue, enlarged lymp nodes etc for a very less time seems to be usual for human beings and it disappears after a week time.For most peoples the HIV infection will even takes minimum 3 months to show in blood test, sometimes even 6 months and in rare cases even 2 years to 5 years time & more as it depends on the immunal strength of the human body. Whatever time it takes to appear in blood test results or by symptoms once it gets affected means the virus is multiplying, infecting & killing the whole immune system cells in all means. The symptoms finally includes the lack of energy, loss of weight, frequent fevers, vision loss, . coughing, breath problems, fever, vomiting, extreme fatigue, night sweat, memory loss, skin problems etc.


After getting infected with HIV the person will develop AIDS within 10 year time maximum as it depends on body strength of the person. If the body is week mean the development of AIDS occurs within a very short time( within a year, 2years, 3 years etc).The last stage of infection of the virus that means fully when the virus kills the antibodies and make the whole immunal system week showing a lots of symptoms is known to be AIDS - the final stage of HIV developing to AIDS.

HIV - Tests to Find Out

The person is infected with HIV can be known easily via HIV blood test and via ELLISA test. The virus is infected or not can be known clearly via CD4 cell test, as the CD4 count in the blood is normally above 500 cells per cubic milliliter of blood for a normal person. If the person is infected with HIV means the CD4 count wont come 500 cells per cubic milliliter.


This review gives almost a clear picture regarding the most deadly virus/disease known to humans presently. I hope the members reading this review will be satisfied almost with the information’s I have given via this review regarding HIV/AIDS.

One Question Please
Jul 22, 2006 01:28 PM 3748 Views

AIDS is said to spread from unprotected sex. All other aspects(from mother to baby, from infected injections etc.) are subsidary. Primary source is unprotected sex.

Those HIV virus are said to come from some animals(chimanzee or I am not sure),  Probably some community(i think it should be from africa continent) used to have sex with animals and from there they got infected and then slowly, from humans from africa it spreaded to other continents.

However, if we look into the history, we may find some exception to this rule. Lord Krishna is said to have thousands of wives(16, 000 I guess). Now if AIDS spreads through sex primarly as a rt cause, then howcome he was not HIV positive? Its impractical to assume that he didnt have multiple sex relations, because he has 16000 ladies to choose from, and its also impractical to assume that all his wives were virgins, ( some of them or even most of them could be, but certainly not all of 16000 can be virgin). Still history didnt gave any such evidence that he was infected.

If we can solve this issuue out, then I guess, it can help us looking into AIDS much more versified way. May be sex is not the root cause, may be its something else.

Your comments and views are anxiously awaited.

PS: As doctors advice, its always good to have protected sex, so use condoms, and though no one advivce this but I still think one should be faithful, this can help in decreasing the chances of infection(if sex is the only cause, I am still not convinced thogh)

AIDS Awareness
Mar 08, 2006 11:23 AM 3919 Views

Last Week I got a Mail from my friend which is as follows

A 10yrs  old boy had eaten panipuri about 15days ago and fell sick,

later when he had  his health check done doctors diagnosed that he had  AIDS.

His parents  couldn't believe it...?

Then the entire  family under went a checkup none of them was

suffering from that. The doctors  checked with the boy if he had eaten out?

And the boy says he had panipuri  one evening. The hospital team went

there to check. They found the panipuri  seller had a cut on his finger while cutting

the onions, and his blood had  spread in the food. When they had his

blood checked... the guy was suffering  from AIDS but he himself was not


Please take care while u  eat from road side panipuri wallas or

roadside vendors. kindly forward this  message to your friends and make them aware too.

Then I went to meet my family doctor about this matter.

So he given me a perfect answer for this

which is like this

I think this is not real because....AIDS wont spread like the the way we can find in the following mesg......

I will tell u y.....just consider a mosquitoes .....which bites u after biting a HIV affected  person....!!!!!

Do u think u are affected by HIV......? No, absolutely no....because the HIV virus will die with in that short period of time.....and moreover .....HIV or AIDS can

spread only by Blood transfer from one person 2 other, from mother to child and from Sexxxxxxxx...

Even though u eat pani puri which is contaminated from HIV infected blood.....that blood will undergo our body's metabolic functionality and will be

broken down in to proteins and etc......I will tell u on more stunning instance.....

In villages we can find some people drinking snake's venom (poison)....offcource in smaller quantities....but they wont die.....because....        the venom is like normal organic material which will be decomposed in to proteins by our digestive system..........this is not magic....

Venom will be dangerous only when it mixes directly with blood which will affect our nervous, respiratory and other systems.

I hope this Could be a Good Awareness for us

I think this is quite informative ......if u r not aware ....otherwise plz ignore...... I just want to share my knowledge.....



... The scourge ...
May 13, 2005 12:43 AM 3251 Views

Another 30 minutes till midnight and I'll use the time to write a handful of rhymes on this VIRUS that has bludgeoned its way into the BIGGEST KILLERS OF MANKIND list...

Note: If you are sensitive to this kind of subject or strong words... please dont read. If you have an open mind, then please do read...


The Human Immuno Virus,

the dreaded HIV

its origins, they escape us

its damage, plain to see

They think it was late seventies

when infections began

one by one, then in plenties

they spread in a short span

The human race was not aware

of this deadly threat within

no bodies taken, doth it spare

the virus fought to win

One day they found an ailing man

who shared a love for male

they used all means, the best they can

but it was to no avail

This was believed to be the first

to raise the AIDS alarm

the virus, out to slake a thirst

to cause a lot of harm

and soon more people did succumb

and many more fell prey

they suffered pain that made them numb

it grew each passing day

and homosexuality

was branded as the source

increasing sensitivity

to this form of intrcourse

the theory was so very flawed

for HIV can spread

in ways that you would think quite odd

until you wake up dead


A virus weak and powerless

thats HIV for you

destroyed in five seconds or less

its weaker than the flu

but when it gets in human flesh

our blood begins to turn

defences strong like wire mesh

the virus starts to burn

and breed it does within the walls

destroying our big fences

and soon we waken to the calls

our body lost defences

A weakened body then falls prey

to anything that comes by

catch a cold, a sneeze or spray

and you shall surely die


*a needle shared

a partner shared

a bottle of blood transfused

a thoughtless act

a lack of fact

a hypodermic reused

they're all a source

for this deadly force

to spread, to propagate

they grow inside

and claim your hide

no way to eradicate*


Taboo, stigma, a social curse

the fingers point, when health turns worse

so many known ones isolate

and life turns oh so desolate

the pain the virus brings seem pale

compared to pain of mind derailed

for people fail to comprehend

that AIDS is not a passing trend

this scourge is here and we should fight

destroy the source with all our might


Give love to those unlucky souls

who lost their body and mind

how hard to live when your controls

all to the virus, bind    (poetic license used here)


Back to prose...

Thoughts on AIDS

I know an old lady near my house who had cancer 22 years ago. She was past the early stages too. Nature therapy, clean living and a positive mind is all it took for her to survive. She's still alive, a sweet 70 plus lady with a smile on her face.

The HIV virus can take many years to give way to the dreaded AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome). With the right kind of treatment and lifestyle, one can restrict the HIV virus from causing full blown AIDS (a condition where your body is totally without defences).

MAGIC Johnson, the famous basket ball is a survivor of this dreaded disease. Although the virus never leaves the body, it can be kept under control for as long as possible, depending on the persons mindset and the right combination of medication and clean living. Magic Johnson is now a spokesperson for AIDS Awareness.

In India

The Second Largest mass of humanity on earth is also becoming the breeding ground for this deadly disease. The educated feign ignorance and the ignorant need education. Unless there is a huge movement in the country to shackle this rampant virus, we're in deep trouble.

On that note I end this review.


Accepting HIV
Jan 17, 2005 11:31 PM 3553 Views

Review: what would be your first reaction when a near dear friend of your's tells you he is HIV positive?! Take an unintentional step backwards!maybe later, when u get over the initial shock you would like to talk to him but why was the first step taken behind(mentally or physically?)

The main reason here is we haven't yet accepted the fact that anyone I mean just about anyone is at a risk of being infected. We keep thinking that'comeon we havent done anything wrong -nothing can happen to us' but so hadn't ur friend who could have got infected when he got his appendix operated or when he got a TT injection when he had a small cut.

I have seen a 15days old child who got infected when her umbilical cord was cut in the hospital at the time of her delivery. Both her parents are not infected.A woman could get infected by her husband, a child by his mother . yes, awareness is neccessary, govt is doing its job by advertisements and campaigns .But what about the people already infected? ACCEPT THEM AS A PART OF THE SOCIETY INSTEAD OF SHUNNING THEM.

I have met a person witha positive status detected 12 yrs back . with the support of his family friends, with a positive attitude, and a responsible human being, he is living a full life . there is no permanent cure as yet but if detected early the person can be guided well and given his rights .

Today it is a guiding principle that an employer should not turn down an application purely on grounds of HIV positive status. Certain corporations like the tatas have a policy towards employees who are HIV infected. These people are not discriminated but given human treatment and also medical treatment .getting professional counselling enables the person to cope with fear anger stress and make decisions related to life post HIV.

The person should not hide his status from those near to him for fear of rejection fear of loneliness etc. This disease spreads to the innocent due to this. But for this he should have faith in society that they wont shun him.

The world shatters in a matter of few seconds, a shoulder to cry on, is needed. Know the facts of how it spreads, be cautious but if destiny prevails know your rights. Your right is to live and help other people live happily. Everyone is going to die sometime but why welcome hell on earth.

La La Land Heavenistan
Wife Or Sleeping Pill - Part II
Dec 27, 2004 01:48 PM 3936 Views

*Warning: The content of this review may not be suitable for all age groups. Parental guidance recommended.


In my previous review, I tried to bring out the bitter reality of marital rape in front of everyone. If you think it can?t get worse than that, you are very wrong indeed. An even worse scenario is when a HIV positive husband forcibly haves sex with his wife, infects her and also pulls her with him in the dark valley of AIDS. I wonder how much different is this from Satti Pratha! Before we discuss this in detail, I?d like you to read about a few such incidents. This will give you a more clear idea about how things actually are, around the globe.

In 1997, when Rebecca Samanya?s husband found out he was HIV-positive, he killed himself, but not before he raped her one last time. Samanya, a Muganda, is thirty-six. She was the first of three wives, all of whom are HIV-positive. Her husband also had a girlfriend who was HIV-positive. Samanya?s husband would force her to have sex so that she could bear children.?He would say that I have two kids so he should have more. . . . I had sex with him. If I was in the home what would I do? I tried to tell him I don?t want to but he would fight. . . . He used to force me to have sex through our marriage. His aunt [a nurse] told us to use condoms. He refused. I tried to persuade him but he refused.

He beat me because I didn?t want to have sex with him. He broke my finger.? She recalled the night he died:?It was a while since we had sex because he was at my co-wife?s place. He came back and spent the night. He had come with his poison. I laid my bed down on the floor. He raped me and afterwards left the house and poisoned himself.? Samanya found out she was HIV-positive when she had a miscarriage. Her in-laws blamed her for her husband?s death and threw her out of the marital home. She now lives alone and supports herself as a gardener.

(Human Rights Watch interview with Rebecca Samanya, Luwero, December 18, 2002.)

I was commonly the one who was beaten. He would beat me to the point that he was too ashamed to take me to the doctor. He forced me to have sex with him and beat me if I refused. This went for every [wife]. Even when he was HIV-positive he still wanted sex. He refused to use a condom. He said he cannot eat sweets with the paper [wrapper] on.

(Interview with Sules Kiliesa, Tororo, December 16, 2002.)

In 1994, Namaganda?s HIV-positive husband forced her to have unprotected sex with him until he became bedridden. He routinely beat her viciously, and, on one occasion, attacked her so violently that he bit off half of her left ear. Then, while he lay dying of AIDS too weak to beat her, he ordered his younger brother to beat her instead. Namaganda is now HIV-positive.

(Human Rights Watch interview with Hadija Namaganda, Iganga, January 11, 2003)

He never forced me into sex. He would beat me for other things but not sex. . . . There were other times I had sex with him when I didn?t want to. I would just do it. What could I do? It?s the Banyankore tradition. . . . In our tradition the men don?t physically force you but they don?t need to. It is the honor of your parents. I have never used a condom. It?s taboo. I am HIV-positive. I don?t know where it came from. My first husband died. He died of AIDS.

(Human Rights Watch interview with Masturah Tibegwya, Luwero, December 18, 2002.)

These are just few of countless cases I came across while going through the Human Rights Report. Some of them were so sadist that I couldn?t dare to mention them here. For a moment I just couldn?t believe all this could be true!

Due to their reluctance against using condoms, they not only make their wives HIV positive but pregnant too and then even the newborns are HIV positive. So in way they are destroying so many lives just for their own pleasure and to satisfy their chauvinist ego.

Not only this, some men force their wives to sleep around with other men, get into prostitution or anal rape them which yet again increases their chances of becoming HIV positive. They ask them to sleep around with other men since some sadistic people get relief in gross activities like three-some, wife swapping, gang rape etc. Encouraging wives to get into prostitution is more a case with the poor families.

Coming to anal sex now. I guess you would already know that risk of AIDS is at its maximum during anal sex. That's probably because the sensitive lining of the rectum is likely to tear during intercourse, allowing AIDS-infected blood or semen to pass directly into a sex partner's bloodstream. And since usually Anal Sex is more enjoyable for the males they don?t hesitate in having it forcefully, not caring either about the partner?s pain or this dreaded disease.

The above-mentioned incidents and the increasing number of female HIV patients again prove my point of wives being used as a substitute for sleeping pills. Husbands don?t treat them much more than a commodity or a sex-slave.

Husbands should not force their wives into sex. It is very inhuman, unromantic and totally unhealthy to force a woman into sex. Sometimes I wonder how men can rape the women they profess to love and stare into the very same eyes - which are now filled with hurt, betrayal and mistrust - and carry on with their lives as if it never happened. Sometimes I wonder how did the most intellectual of species on the planet turn so animalistic - worse than the animals themselves.

A person - married or otherwise - is under no obligation to be a sexual toy of another person. Rape is still rape and a no is still a no even though that man is your husband. It is just like asking a woman who has been beaten to a pulp by her hubby this:'Would you consider that you have been abused by your man?'

If a person who promised to take care of you, to protect you, to keep your interest ahead of his and to spend seven lives with you can do such a reprehensible act, then how can we blame the strangers, for the increasing sex crimes! First our own houses need to be cleaned. After all, charity begins at home!

© Tanmay Singh, 2004

Aids and HIV - eyeopener to eyesopen review
Nov 17, 2004 05:42 PM 4218 Views

Review : I was SHOCKED to see a review on aids stating that there is no relation between HIVand AIDS. And more so how did MS allowed such a review to be published. Its wriiten in 2002 and I don't how many people might have read it and got fooled.

HIV is virus . Human Immuno Virus ........ and Aids is the last stage of infection from hiv Person infected with hiv doesnot have aids just at the onset. Contrary to popular belief. Aquired Immuno defficiency Syndrome-a fatal illnes caused by retrivirus hiv, which destroys the immunesystem of the body making the victim vulnerable to a host of life threatening oppurtunistic infections, neurological disorders or unusual malignancies

the review states that doctors give azt toa aids pt. And its a killer drug.Firstly AZT is Zidovudine. And its an Antiretroviral drug. Its not a killer .Azt does not cure the patient , but it increases the life span of the patient and decreases viral titre and there is general sense of well bieng among cannot kill the virus so post exposure use is useless.

The review also that people with tb, malaria give postive test. Firstly testing in india is voluntary. even if the patient gives negative the patient is not free from the disease.This is because aids has a window period of six weeks -6mnths within which no antibodies are detected though infection is present. A person has to go through 3 tests to be declared positive And acc to national aids control policy 2002. there is pre an post test counselling.

Common test employed are screening and confirmatory. Most widely used test is Elisa--- simple , inexpensive but there are a number of wrong diagnosis. Some who do not have infection are given positive ant vice versa Confirmatory tests like Western Blot are employed commonly.and even absolute cd4 Actually nobody can force you into a test

What virus does is affects the immunity of the body .Thus it makes us more susceptible to infections like tb, candiosis, herpes...etc These infections are called oppurtunistic infections.and death is due to uncontroled or untreartable infection.

Aids is spread throuh sxual contact - anal vginal.

Blood contact- blood transfusion, needle sharing...

Mother to child - this happens only in1/3 rd of the child born to hiv +tv mothers.

Though there is no proof that hiv can spread from mother to child from milk feeding it is avoided. But in India as the incidence and prevelance of malnutrition is high. It is rather not advisable to stop feeding mother's milk if the economic conditions are not very good.

There are drugs like nevirapine which can prevent spread from mother to child. Post exposure treatment is also present, and is effective if started within hours of exposure.This is used for health workers against accidental exposure.

chennai india
Aug 25, 2004 03:52 PM 3492 Views

Could someone or something switch us off? Could it possibly be true that our world is just a computer program, or a hologram, or a dream? Although it's about the weirdest thing you could think of, there are some tantalizing clues this might indeed be the case. The stuff we call 'reality' simply isn?t very real after all.

Welcome to the outskirts of reality. Welcome to the place where theoretical physics and philosophy meet, and where religion and science loose their meaning. Better fasten your mental seatbelts. What we?re about to tell you is just too weird. Too mind-boggling. And quite disturbing, really.

Here we go: the place we call reality may not be real at all. It may look real, and feel real, and smell real. But if you know where to look, and you look real close, you can see the cracks. Just like a Hollywood actor that suddenly realizes he's not surrounded by real buildings -- but by props made of cardboard paper.

If that sounds like lame science fiction; I agree. Indeed, we?ve all seen The Matrix. But could such a thing be conceivable? Could it be true? Are we really here?

Perhaps the simulation is getting boring, and the guy running the program is about to switch it off. We?d see some kind of huge ?game over?-sign, and that would be it. One moment, we?re here. And the next ? we aren?t.

If you?re easily disturbed, or prone to paranoia, better stop reading now. You may not like the answers to questions like these. What you are about to read may change the way you see things -- forever.

Why is the Universe Fine-Tuned?

First, there?s a very, VERY weird thing about the place we live in ? something so weird and profound it sends shivers down your spine. For in fact, the Universe seems to be ?fine-tuned? to make life possible!

It has to do with the stuff most people find boring in school: the laws of physics. Ultimately, all of these laws are founded upon the ?physical constants?. Such as the force of gravity, the ?strong force? that glues atomic nuclei together and the electromagnetic force, the driving hand behind stuff like lightning and computers. But why do these fundamental ?presets? have the values they have? Why aren't they a little bigger, or smaller?

The British cosmologist Fred Hoyle was the first to realise this is no coincidence. A very peculiar thing about the fundamental constants is that they appear to have exactly the right values. If they were slightly smaller or bigger, atoms, stars, planets and people simply wouldn?t exist!

Aw Go Away!!!!!!
Jan 21, 2004 11:16 AM 3469 Views


All readers and writers at MouthShut must be reasonably well aware of the HIV virus and AIDS. There is no point in repeating known facts about T Cells, the Virus, prevention and precautions.

What triggered me to write this review are cases of acquaintances who have turned HIV positive, despite their education, background and all the knowledge available to them  about the risks factors.


Indian media started to high light the HIV virus and Aids late eighties and early nineties. The stories published were celebrity specific, Rock Hudson and Arthur Ashe. I asked a cousin who is a Doctor, MD Medicine about HIV. He dismissed it as a disease, which was USA specific and stated that a few NGOs in India were merely capitalizing on a new scare. He was referring to Dr Giladia of Mumbai who became some kind of celebrity in the early Nineties.

A few years down the line I checked again with this doctor cousin. This time round he was eyes wide open and stated that HIV is for real and that in his private practice, he shooed away patients to Govt. hospitals.

In 1994, I had a college going son. I was Commanding a Naval NCC Unit. Without wasting time I launched an AIDS awareness program for some 500 College students, who were all NCC cadets, over a period of 3 months in consultation with local NGOs and the Armed Forces Medical College, Pune.

YEAR 2002-2004

More than 10 years has since passed and most educated Indians are now reasonably well aware of the HIV menace. Yet year 2002 to 2004, I was shocked to learn that a few  people who I knew personally had allowed themselves to get infected with the HIV virus.

All these acquaintances are:

  1. Very well educated and positioned well in jobs. Two are MBA’s from premier institutes with high paying jobs in the finance sector.

  2. Fully aware of the risks involved and ways in which HIV strikes.

  3. Fully aware of the consequences.

  4. The victims I know are from both sexes.

Shockingly, they risked it all and threw precautions to the wind and with it have caused their families to suffer psychological traumas of the worst kind.

Fortunately there are good support systems available today, both within the family and outside.


Given the liberal environment in which young people live in, especially in the Metro cities, is there a case for mandatory HIV testing before marriage?

I have asked this question to a couple of my friends who have children of marriageable ages. All agree in principle that this should be the case, but all said that they would not raise this issue as it could trigger severe negative emotions! So parents, despite being knowledgeable are willing to risk it all! When I try to probe further and argue, most folks including my Doctor friends just wish to put this issue on the back burner and implore me to talk about Golf or something more positive.

The Indian social structure has yet to evolve sufficiently. Till then, HIV is going to devastate many more lives and families given the compulsions of behaving correctly and avoiding unpleasant testing procedures.

Comments welcome!

Mysore India
''AIDS'' The Modern plague
Jun 24, 2002 01:20 PM 4977 Views


  • Acquired immuno deficiency  syndrome.

The name refers to that HIV which severely damages the patients disease fighting ability.

Aids was first detected in 1981 in united states but researches have traced cases to as early as 1959.Millions of AIDS case have been diagnosed world wide.


AIDS is caused by two viruses that belong to a  group called RETRO VIRUSES.HIV is one of the virus that belong to this group.

HIV infects white blood cells including T-HELPER cells and MACROPHAGES, that play key roles in functioning of the immune system. The virus Also inserts its genes into our cell's reproductive system and uses it to produce more HIV's.


HIV can be present in the body from 2 to 12 years or more without producing any sign of illness. An Infected person can transmit the virus to another person whether or not symptoms are present.

People infected form HIV eventually develop symptoms that also may be caused by less serious conditions. With HIV infection the symptoms are prolonged and often more severe.They include enlarged lymp glands, tiredness, fever, loss of appetite and          weight, diarrhoea, yeast infections of the mouth and v*gina and night sweats.

In many patients, The virus infects the brain and nervous systems and causes memory disorders and co-ordination problems.

The leading cause of death of AIDS patients is PNEUMOCYSTIS CARINII PNEUMONIA which infects OESOPHAGUS and causes severe pain when swallowing and results in weight loss and dehydration.

People with HIV are specially vulnerable to * tuberclulosis* because of their damaged immune system.


They are mainly three ways  through which HIV is transmitted

  1. sxual Intrcourse.

  2. Direct contact with infected blood.

  3. Transmission from an infected women to her feutus or baby

The most common way of becoming infected is through intimate sexual contact with an HIV infected person.HIV

is transmitted through all forms of sxual intrcourse including genital, anal and oral sex.


Almost every nation in the world is infected by HIV AIDS.

The largest number of HIV infected people live in Africa, India And South East Asia.


To prevent transmission of AIDS virus intimate sxual contact with anyone who is or might be infected with the virus must be avoided.

Drug users should never use hypordermic needles.

HIV infected mothers should not breast feed thier infants (ie those who are infected post delivery.)

Use a condom.

Know About Aids
Jun 20, 2002 10:49 AM 4543 Views

AIDS-Acquired immuno deficiency syndrome is the late stage of infection with the HIV.AIDS can take around 7-10 years to develop after infection with HIV.HIV is transmitted through semen and vaginal fluids, infected blood and blood products, infected mother to her baby-before birth, during birth or through breast milk.

Causes of AIDS:-

1.Infected Blood, 2.Infected needles, 3.Multiple partners.

HIV is not spread by:-

  1. Drinking water or eating food from the same utensils-cups, glasses, plates, used by infected person.

2.Sharing toilets.

3.Shaking hands, hugging or kissing.

4.Donating blood.

5.Working with people who are HIV infected.

6.Swimming in pools used by people with HIV/AIDS.

7.Through mosquito bite.

8.Socialising or casually living with people with


How to avoid AIDS

1.Use Condoms, 2.Use disposable Syringes, 3.Avoid Multiple Partners.

Diagnosis:-HIV infection is diagnosed on the basis of blood tests using 3 different ELISA/Rapid tests using different antigen preparation. Western Blot test is used for confirmation of diagnosis of indeterminate ELISA tests.

Process of Infection:- The AIDS virus causes a weakness of the immune system.When it infects the body, it prefers to attack certain cells of our defense system.These cells are called Helper T cells which are a fundamental part of our immune system.The AIDS virus almost fully specializes on these white blood cells since these helper T cells have CD4 molecules on the surface to which the AIDS virus binds.

The AIDS virus, to put it simply, consists of genetic information on the inside and a protective outer shell of proteins and glycoproteins.Since viruses use the host cell's resources for reproduction, they don't need to contribute much themselves.That's why they are much smaller than the host cells, e.g. helper T cells.In the host cell's nucleus, there are more than 100, 000 times as much genetic information stored than under the protein shell of the AIDS virus. However, there is no way for the host cell to stop the virus once the cells has been infected.

* FAQs Q.How can children and young people be protected from HIV?

Ans:-** Children and adolescents have the right to know how to avoid HIV infection before they become sexually active.As some young people will have sex at an early age, they should know about condoms and where they are available.Parents and schools share the responsibility of ensuring that children understand how to avoid HIV infection, and learn the art of tolerance, compassion and non-discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV/AIDS.

Q.How does a mother transmit HIV to her unborn child? Ans:-An HIV infected mother can infect the child in her womb through her blood.The baby is more at risk if the mother has been recently infected or is in a later stage of AIDS.Transmission can also occur at the time of birth when the baby is exposed to the mother's blood and to some extent transmission can occur trough breast milk.Transmission from an infected mother to her baby occurs in about 30% of cases.

* Q.Can injections transmit HIV infection?

Ans:-**Yes.If the injecting equipment is contaminated with blood containing HIV.Avoid injections unless absolutely necessary.If you must have an injection, make sure the needle and syringe come straight from a sterile package or have veen sterilised properly;a needle and syringe that has been cleaned and then boiled for 20 minutes is ready for reuse.Finally, if you inject drugs, of whatever kind, never use anyone else's injecting equipment.

* Q.Is it safe to work with HIV infected people?

Ans:-**Yes.Most workers face no risk of getting the virus while doing their work.If they have the virus themselves, they are not a risk to others during the course of their work.

* Q.What about working every day in close physical contact with an infected person?

Ans:-**There are no risks involved.You may share the same telephone with other people in your office or work side by side in a crowded factory with other HIV infected persons, even share the same cup of tea, but this will not expose you to the risk of contracting the infection.Being in contact with dirt and sweat will also not give you the infection.

This review should serve as an eye opener for all the mouthshut members who are looking for some info on aids.

For further detailed information, please visit the website. wherein you'll get the complete information about AIDS.

The Last Crusade?
May 13, 2002 09:19 PM 3574 Views

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is called AIDS for short.There is no cure for this dreaded disease.Nobody knows how AIDS came to be.However it became prominent after an yellow fever epidemic in the late seventies.There are three ways in which this disease spreads:

1.By conjugation between same-sex or heterosexual partners.

2.By usage of an infected syringe during blood transfusion.

3.From mother to child she is carrying.

Those that contact the disease may undergo the Elisa test.However HIV positives through elisa test may be only carriers.They may not suffer from the disease.Apart from the three ways mentioned AIDS does not spread in any other way.It is okay to use towels, combs and clothes of AIDS patients without fear of contagion.AIDS-affected people need special care as their immune system is weaker than others.They are badly affected by even common fever.

(My info is from TV programmes on AIDS.)

AIDS-Prevent It
May 13, 2002 03:41 PM 5062 Views

How AIDS Works

AIDS is the short form of ''Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome''.AIDS itself is not a disease but it gives an open invitation to all types of diseases by attacking our immune system(disease fighting capacity of our body).This crash of our immune system is caused by the HIV(Human Immune Virus) which attacks our immune system by destroying the White Blood Cells(WBC's) making our body incapable of fighting any diseases and infections.The HIV virus manipulates itself through course of time and hence it cannot be targeted and hence still exact cure has not been found.AIDS is caused by 2 types of HIV viruses belonging to a group called retroviruses.The HIV virus attaches itself to certain molecules of WBC's after which enters into the cells Genes and then into the cells reproductive system and the virus uses this types of cells to produce more HIV.Once this process is set in motion it repeats itself and cannot be stopped

The Situation of the disease in the World and India

AIDS was first diagnosed in 1981 among homosexuals in New York and Los Angeles in U.S.A., but AIDS today has become pandemic and its cases are occurring all over the world.In India the first evidence of AIDS came from Tamil Nadu in 1986.The survey of National AIDS Control Organization(NACO) has estimated that there are about 3.5 million people living with AIDS in India and the figure is ever increasing.South Africa has the  most number of AIDS cases today but India is only second and is fast catching up.All the states in country have reported HIV and Mumbai has the highest number of AIDS infected persons in the country

Causes of Spreading of AIDS

AIDS is the most deadly of all sexually transmitted disease.Researchers have identified 3 main ways in which HIV is transmitted, they are

  1. Sxual Intrcourse

  2. Direct Contact with Infected Blood

  3. Transmission from an infected woman to her fetus or baby

However the most common way of getting infected is through unprotected sexual contact.Some other causes of AIDS are

  1. Injecting drugs in body through infected needles

  2. Blood transfusion, Blood donation or Organ transplant from an infected person to a healthy person

  3. Health Care workers may get infected if they come in direct contact with infected blood.

  4. An infected mother may transplant disease to her child by breast-feeding.

  5. Prostitutes can contract AIDS through drug abuse of infected partners

There is a common myth that AIDS can be spread by mosquitoes but all causes other than listed above are misconceptions are unnecessarily isolate the infected person

Detection of Symptoms of AIDS

It is difficult to tell whether a person has AIDS or not because a person behaves normally.But now tests like the ''Elayza Blood Test'' can reveal the presence of HIV.But positive result does not mean that a person has full blown AIDS it just means that a person has produced antibodies against HIV but these antibodies are not effective in fighting AIDS.Low fever, headache, perspiration at night, weight loss, persistent diarrhea and cough are some of the symptoms of AIDS.

I have no personal experience about AIDS or I don’t know any of my relatives having AIDS and what makes that situation of AIDS more grim that that social reaction in developing countries to this disease is awful.AIDS is the most forbidden subject to speak in public in India and if a person is infected he does not reveal in fear of getting isolated. Although many medicines have come which may extend a life of an infected person there is no proven cure for AIDS till date so in the case of AIDS we have to go back to the old saying ''PREVENTION IS THE BEST CURE''

May 04, 2002 09:02 PM 5068 Views

EYESOPEN wrote a review that 'AIDS: THE BIGGEST SCAM OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY'. He write very well and the review can be found at:

I will let you read the review for yourself, as I'm not going to repeat it. I am not sure if he really believed this or if he was 'pulling our legs'. If it was the later it was not a nice thing to do. Many of us have had someone we love, a member or our family or a friend died of AIDS.


The first case of AIDS that was diagnosed was a Steward who worked for a Canadian Airline. He was 'gay' and had unprotected sex while he was in Africa.

The first real case was diagnosed after that was really the first case of AIDS. It was an 18 year old man who died right after WWII and had never had sex and never left his port town in England. He had donated blood. When he died his Doctor did not know why and kept the inside organs stored until the word came years later that the Steward had died. He sent the young man’s liver to Atlanta to be tested and that is how everyone learned about him.

The famous movie star was a victim of AIDS. He was looking for a cure across the World. One of the places he went was a clinic in Paris. He was told that there was no known cure for AIDS. As he was leaving the clinic the media was waiting for him. News flashed spread across the World and that is when we all 'learned' about the virus called AIDS.

At that time most of us shrugged and thought 'I'll never know anyone with AIDS', (it was also the time when most 'gays' hadn't 'come out'.

Elizabeth Taylor, (the actress), was the first famous person I remember to start raising money to find a cure for AIDS. She did this because her daughter-in-law had contacted AIDS.

Doctors did believe that HIV was the first stage of AIDS but now they believe, (as 'eyesopen' said 'they are two different diseases').

It is true that HIV and AIDS are 2 different diseases you can go from HIV to AIDS. Not always but most of the time.


'Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) is a life-threatening lung infection that can affect people with weakened immune systems, such as those infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. More than three-quarters of all people with HIV disease will develop PCP if they do not receive treatment to prevent it. PCP is caused by a tiny parasite that can infect the eyes, ears, skin, liver and other organs. The parasite remains in the body for life and it can cause disease at any time if the immune system becomes severely damaged, (i.e. when you have come in contact with the virus of HIV).'


A Doctor will notice their patient has become tired have a dry cough and have difficulty when you breathe. If you are HIV-positive or have AIDS you won't have the energy to do the things you used to do. If you go to your Doctor a blood test will them him/her if your blood count has changed.

Most people don't go to their Doctor when they are tired and so the virus grows. We all know that you can't take anything to get rid on any virus, (i.e. the Flu), and so the first time a person that has been infected will go to their Doctor is when they develop Pneumonia. When the Doctor sees that it is a 'Childhood type of Pneumonia' they won't need the blood test to tell them their patient has AIDS.


Most of the people I loved who died from AIDS were 'gay' and one was a 'drug user',  (and contacted it from sharing dirty needles).

My friend died of AIDS at 70. He contacted HIV from a blood transfusion after an operation.


There are no cures from either diseases but a 'cocktail' of a variety of medicines can help keep HIV in 'check'. People with AIDS know they are on their last path of life.


I don't like the fact that the United States being blamed for 'big conspiracy'.

I know that everyone with HIV does not go on to have AIDS. I

also know the same virus cases many allergies and the people that have them don't get HIV.

The one thing I know is that people that have/had AIDS had the HIV virus first.


AIDS: The Biggest Scam of the Twentieth century
May 04, 2002 02:05 PM 7768 Views

The story of AIDS is the story of the biggest scam perpetuated on mankind in the twentieth century. The medical profession has told us that AIDS is caused by HIV. This is one of the biggest lie perpetuated in the world. HIV is a simple, harmless virus which doesn't cause anything. It is a very weak virus, that is not capable of damaging the immune system. There are basically two types of virus, one is the main or pilot virus which can change the nature of the cell, steering it towards disease, the other is ;passenger; virus, which lives off the cell, but never affects the cell to the extent of causing any disease. HIV is a passenger virus and as such incapable of causing AIDS.

The person who had originally announced that HIV caused AIDS, Dr. Robert Gallo, has been accused of professional misconduct and his test has been exposed as fraudulent. Dr.Gallos partner has admitted ''HIV is not capable of causing the destruction of the immune system which is seen in people with Aids''. Nearly 500 scientists across the world agree with him. (Source of information: Dr Robert E Wilner, author of the book 'The Deadly Deception. The Proof That Sx And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause Aids')

So how is AIDS caused? Believe it or not, but through the treatment provided by the pharma companies for AIDS. The most famous treatment is a drug called AZT. AZT was originally developed as an anti-cancer drug to be used in chemotherapy, but it was found to be too toxic even for that! AZT's effect in the ''treatment'' of cancer was to kill cells - simple as that - not just to kill cancer cells , but to kill all cells, cancerous and healthy.

So what does AZT do? It destroys the immune system, causing AIDS. AIDS is simply the breakdown of the immune system, for which there are numerous causes, none of them passed on through sex. The AIDS game works in this manner:

  1. Once you are diagnosed as HIV positive, fear sets in. In panic, you ask for treatment, even though you haven’t developed AIDS. Then AZT does the trick, destroying your immune system. The toxic cell-killing drugs destroy your body, resulting in death.

  2. If you are infected by malaria, TB or any other virus that damages your immune system and if you test HIV positive, doctors immediately declare you AIDS patient and instead of treating for that particular virus, put you on AIDS drugs which are incapable of curing AIDS, but instead speed it up.

If you don’t believe me, consider this – Millions of HIV positive people never developed AIDS. Ten years ago WHO and other organizations gave us an alarming picture that millions of HIV patients will develop AIDS and India would be the world’s # 1 country with AIDS cases. At last count, the number of HIV positive in the entire country is just around 3.8 million (even this figure is disputed by Indian Govt, which claims that only 17000 people in India have AIDS), out of which less than 1 percent actually have developed it. (source:

Since these facts will be disputed by doctors, I searched the web for documentary evidence that HIV causes AIDS. Ironically I found more results, which claimed that HIV doesn’t cause it. At one website, which attacked the AIDS denialists for spreading misleading information, this is what was written “And while scientists do not completely understand the precise mechanism by which HIV causes AIDS, one thing cannot be disputed: HIV is found in all people with AIDS -- and AIDS is not found in people who do not have HIV”.

I could not control my laughter at this ridiculous supposition. It agrees that scientists have not understood how HIV causes AIDS, yet it accepts it on the basis of a stupid argument that since HIV is found in all people with AIDS, HIV causes AIDS.

This is so childish. Let me explain – What is AIDS? AIDS is defined as a disease when the immunity of the body breaks down, due to lower CD4 cell count. There are so many diseases which result in breakdown of immune system and consequent lower CD4 count. But when the tests shows presence of HIV antibodies, the disease is classified as AIDS. So it is natural that all AIDS cases will have HIV infection, but that doesn’t mean that AIDS is caused by HIV antibodies.

There is no scientific proof that HIV causes AIDS. If you still don’t believe me read the statement by Dr.Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1993 at:

Suggested Research:

So what is the mystery, the real story behind the myths built around AIDS?

In my last review on Immunizations, I included a quotation of a former president of WB which indicated that they have created plans to depopulate the world, through FAMINES & SICKNESS. That could be one reason, the other being the billions of dollars granted by governments of the world towards AIDS research, billions of dollars in profit for drug companies like Glaxo who have developed killer AZT medicines and billions of dollars doled to NGO’s for AIDS awareness campaigns.

AIDS was probably created by American govt for the above mentioned purposes. The mindset of the evil rulers can be gauged by a top-secret document National Security Memorandum (NSSM 200) authored in the early seventies by then US National Security Adviser, Dr. Henry Kissinger. This document, hitherto marked as top secret, was quietly de-classified in 1990 and lodged in the US National Archives. It is a chilling, cynical document.

''De-population should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards the Third World. Reduction of the rate of population in these States [Third World nations] is a matter of vital US national security.'' Why? Simply because ''The US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.''

There is incredibly huge amount of material on net, which proves how organizations like WHO have been taken over by Pharma companies (** and how AIDS has been invented * *  It would be impossible to include all of it in this limited space. So I will include several URL’s for anyone interested in understanding the THE BIGGEST CON GAME PLAYED ON MANKIND. m

Final Word

Human spirit is the biggest and the strongest force in the world. Thousands of patients have come out alive of highly advanced state of cancer without undergoing conventional chemotherapy treatment. A positive mind and a strong immune system can counter the most powerful of diseases. Do not fall for the lies of the medical industry and concentrate on strengthening your body and your immune system.

Ahmednagar India
AIDS ( part of a community )
Mar 25, 2002 05:52 PM 3891 Views

Let us find ourselves to be very Lucky to be Born in Human Society, Lets thank god who made us Human who can think, Who can Take Decisions, Who can cry and who can Love someone, and one who can share his/her feelings with one another. Today we all are heading towards 21st century having well equipped Things which has changed human life, which has changed typewriter in to a Computer, which has changed Phones in to cellular, Which has changed Oil lams in to Bulbs and tubes. This all is possible only after the handwork done by the humans and the technology created by the humans.

The Scientific Difference between Human and Animal is only that a Human can Think and Work, He can create Ideas, bring new things to life .the most best part of Today’s technology are the Medicines Which has been a major part of the New technology in Today’s Era. The disease names Flue (Common Cold) which is just a cold and a Friend for Days used to Kill people in Old days and where Typhoid use to be the dangerous Disease Caused to human life. But today with the help of medicines Human can not only fight against these Disease but has taken out the disease from human community, but still there are so many disease which are coming Up and Growing up With alarming Rate in Human society for e.g.: Cancer, TB, Migraine, Heart Problems, Aids, but the most Dangerous Disease according to WHO Survey (World health organisation) Is the AIDS. AIDS is the Disease, which Spreads in Human Being ten times faster than animals and has no cure just we have to Wait till Death comes. AIDS is not the disease which Spreads through Insects or say it has any Contagious virus, Aids is The Virus which comes in Human Body only through blood and it can come in different ways like when u use a Used Syringe, Blood Transmitted containing HIV Virus, or Having Sex with a person who is Already Having HIV Virus in his/her Blood. Well Aids that can really turn a human Life into a never-ending Nightmare can be saved.

We can protect ourselves from AIDS but there is only one cure, which is PREVENTION. So for this we must be aware and must be very careful on what we do. We have formed a community of people who are suffering from Aids and also been Very Successful people in life. But What we do if we find anyone who is With HIV virus we neglect that person and try to stay away from him , But we should not do this because aids is not a contagious Disease it wont transmit in ur body. We must Encourage these people and make them live happily till the time they leave, according to doctors Survey a aids patient can Live up to 30 yrs (depending on his Body) without any problem is he Properly follow the Doctor Given treatment and also Government is charging no Tax On Aids Medicines. We must equally treat those people by giving proper support, proper knowledge and proper care.

The maximum number of People suffering from Aids is being found in The Areas where people are less educated or not at all educated. Different human Welfare org have also been started to work on this project like Giving Knowledge to People abt AIDS, Television shows, Advertisements and also giving Free knowledge. These social programmes are carried by many well known groups like Rotary, Lions Club, People welfare Club, CRY and many more which are non Profit institutions who work for Community. But not only in Non Educated areas but aids is also found to be growing more in Teenagers who have no knowledge of what they are doing and what it can lead to so proper knowledge should be given to them at early stage of their life where they can Know how it is and not only us But all the Parents those who Children’s must Teach their children’s how to be secured from this Virus and what precautions can be taken because parents are the First Teachers of Child and they can make them understand well .

Recent Questions and Answers on AIDS Awareness


How was the very first HIV victim infected? Is AIDS caused by a monkey biting or scratching you?

Jan 14, 2004

By: ee00224

Answers: 0


Just 4 reviews including mine on this serious topic.Write and make people aware of this disease

May 13, 2002

By: swanand

Answers: 0