May 13, 2005 12:43 AM
Response Received
Another 30 minutes till midnight and I'll use the time to write a handful of rhymes on this VIRUS that has bludgeoned its way into the BIGGEST KILLERS OF MANKIND list...
Note: If you are sensitive to this kind of subject or strong words... please dont read. If you have an open mind, then please do read...
The Human Immuno Virus,
the dreaded HIV
its origins, they escape us
its damage, plain to see
They think it was late seventies
when infections began
one by one, then in plenties
they spread in a short span
The human race was not aware
of this deadly threat within
no bodies taken, doth it spare
the virus fought to win
One day they found an ailing man
who shared a love for male
they used all means, the best they can
but it was to no avail
This was believed to be the first
to raise the AIDS alarm
the virus, out to slake a thirst
to cause a lot of harm
and soon more people did succumb
and many more fell prey
they suffered pain that made them numb
it grew each passing day
and homosexuality
was branded as the source
increasing sensitivity
to this form of intrcourse
the theory was so very flawed
for HIV can spread
in ways that you would think quite odd
until you wake up dead
A virus weak and powerless
thats HIV for you
destroyed in five seconds or less
its weaker than the flu
but when it gets in human flesh
our blood begins to turn
defences strong like wire mesh
the virus starts to burn
and breed it does within the walls
destroying our big fences
and soon we waken to the calls
our body lost defences
A weakened body then falls prey
to anything that comes by
catch a cold, a sneeze or spray
and you shall surely die
*a needle shared
a partner shared
a bottle of blood transfused
a thoughtless act
a lack of fact
a hypodermic reused
they're all a source
for this deadly force
to spread, to propagate
they grow inside
and claim your hide
no way to eradicate*
Taboo, stigma, a social curse
the fingers point, when health turns worse
so many known ones isolate
and life turns oh so desolate
the pain the virus brings seem pale
compared to pain of mind derailed
for people fail to comprehend
that AIDS is not a passing trend
this scourge is here and we should fight
destroy the source with all our might
Give love to those unlucky souls
who lost their body and mind
how hard to live when your controls
all to the virus, bind (poetic license used here)
Back to prose...
Thoughts on AIDS
I know an old lady near my house who had cancer 22 years ago. She was past the early stages too. Nature therapy, clean living and a positive mind is all it took for her to survive. She's still alive, a sweet 70 plus lady with a smile on her face.
The HIV virus can take many years to give way to the dreaded AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome). With the right kind of treatment and lifestyle, one can restrict the HIV virus from causing full blown AIDS (a condition where your body is totally without defences).
MAGIC Johnson, the famous basket ball is a survivor of this dreaded disease. Although the virus never leaves the body, it can be kept under control for as long as possible, depending on the persons mindset and the right combination of medication and clean living. Magic Johnson is now a spokesperson for AIDS Awareness.
In India
The Second Largest mass of humanity on earth is also becoming the breeding ground for this deadly disease. The educated feign ignorance and the ignorant need education. Unless there is a huge movement in the country to shackle this rampant virus, we're in deep trouble.
On that note I end this review.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.