Great store with quality items. Sells great trainers for football, basketball, atheletics, rugby and cycling. Although the trainers are expensive, they will improve your performances in the sport you play in.
Also sells nice zip jumpers for the winter. The material on the jumper is used to keep you really warm, especially in the December time when its really cold. There's also a variety of colours that you can choose for these jumpers in different terms, which is very good. Especially if you are a stylistic person. And finally, the jumpers last very long in good condition.
Staff members gave me a good time, and a good experience when I was there. They communicated with me very well, showed me different offers, gave me plenty of time to choose before purchasing anything and was very postive and energetic with me.
The presenation of the store was good. The shelfs were clean, the mirros were nice and shiny, the tills were clear, the clothes on shelfs were folded properly, the floor was clean.
There were also addias posters on every floor of different athletes, who were sponsered by Adidas. The colours on the were black and white, which suits with Adidas.

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