Hi Friends,
I firstly thought why should I write a review by spending my time, rather than work on my routine work. But thought this review will surely will be helpful for someone at somepoint of time, and started writing now.
All I want to share my WORST EXPERIENCE with ADIDAS - CHENNAI ALWARPET SHOWROOM(TTK ROAD). I happened to purchase(27-August-2015)(Amount Rs.6079/-) a sport shoe for doing gymworkout and running purpose, I went to this showroom just before closing time. I checked randomly and selected a shoe with the size of 7" instead of 8".
The next day, while I was walking on my treadmill, it was hell walking with the shoe. It was very tight and my pinky toe(last small finger/ last toe) was hurting badly due to the size difference.
The next day(28-August-2015), I went to the shop guys and asked to exchange the shoe size to 8". But they were not in a position to take my word, abruptly told there were no size with that shoe.
I asked him to give a coupon card for the value of shoe I bought, so that I will come back in two weeks and take the 8" at the time it is available. He said they could not give such coupons like that. Then I asked at least give a paper putting the value of the money and sign on it and keep the shoe with them, so whenever there is shoe with 8", asked him to phone, I would come and get. He abruptly denied for that too. I was helpless. I was at their showroom and they simply rejected my simple request, and tried to phone Mr. Devendra Bhatia(His mobile no.984006xxxx) after seeing the board at the showroom states "Complaints or feedback - please call to the Mr. Devendra Bhatia and the above mentioned number. I just called him at the showroom itself and explained abou it. To my surprise, he also denied all my request and asked me to buy Rs.10000/- shoe with 8". I was saying I could not afford that much money, all the money I had was around Rs.6500/-. But he keeps on disconnecting call. He diconnected the calls more that 6 times, and keep calling him for the 6 times and finally asked him why did he cut my calls as his number was displayed for feedback and complaints. He said the could only give 8" shoe with Rs.10000/-(Rs.9999/-) and disconnected the call again. I did want to go to police station at the time and give a proper complaint to take action against them, but my friend didn't want to go all the procedure and forget the WORST EXPERIENCE as it was nightmare.
I have the bills that I purchased, and shoe that made purchase without using, and picture of the reception guy and feedback/complaints board picture. But I am helpless. I really don't know whom to seek. Basically I am a middle class guy, I don't even have time to go to court and all as I have to work for my and my family needs. So I forgot the matter.
But I just want buyers/friends to WARN that BEAWARE (NEVER BUY) with the Adidas Showroom Alwarpet No 65 K G Complex Ground Floor, Ttk Road, Alwarpet, Chennai - 600018, Opposite Sankara Hall.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.