Morhy Richards Induction cook top
I am intending to buy the induction top.
So my recent visit to market gave me some facts which I would like to share with users.
Major brands available in the market are
4)morphy richards
recently I purchased pretige cooktop for my friend, Its not even two weeks, so I would consider it to early to comment\review the same.
all the brands are available in the range of Rs.3000 to Rs 4500
and all barnds except morphy richards come with one year warrenty
MR comes with Two years warenty.
Standard package Includes kadai and induction cook top unit.
Since this kinds of products are electronically controlled by PCB, skilled people are not so easily available for its repairs.
therefore one must look for longest warrenty period so it becomes liabilty of company to repair free of cost withien the said period in the event of breakdown
In our country we see frequent voltage fluctuation due to poor standards of electricity distribution, so this induction top are easily affected by such fluctuations as they dont have any inbuilt protection and leads to failure of costliest part of the induction top which in electronically controlled PCB.
so If possible one can use stabiliser of upto 2KVA rationg for 2000Watts induction top, Its not a compulsion though.
- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.