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8 Ball Pool Reviews

Piece of crap
10 days ago38 Views (via Mobile)

This game is frickin rigid so bad ........ was just playing and made a clean shot and what happens, they give the other player the ball in hand and of course he won. Trust me th

Fun plus Ridiculous
Dec 17, 2024 04:44 AM212 Views

It's cool to play however what makes me laugh is, There's all theses people that have seen one video online that shows ONE stupid way to break down at the corner and they all think they're SO cool like look at me! And the funnier part is they're like pink or higher level, And they hit all the balls in the first go around, But when they get to the last ball and can't get that one in. They block you or won't shoot at it. I feel like, well. If you're as good as you THINK you are, shoot the dang ball and win!

Nov 12, 2024 07:32 PM362 Views (via Mobile)

All bots

They give u matches to play against level 122 , 167, 88, when ur level is 26

Then they have app problem

U guys are those mentioned above. U give us opponent who already have higher records and who already have won a lot but u do mot allow others to win. Its completely fixed. U guys get good amount of money from bots. Does it make sense that u r forcefully making us compete who are already winner since the beginning of the match. .


8 Ball Pool
Game For Fun
Nov 11, 2024 06:29 PM293 Views

8 ball pool is a online multiplayer game. There are multiple options to play this game. It is a free to play game and you are able to play with your friends. It doesnt give a real feeling of playing pool as the camera angle for the game is from above. There is also a tracing line for when hitting the ball. The game is in 2D. Provided by a good source of internet you may experience a great time.

8 ball pool cheat apps
Oct 23, 2024 05:32 AM367 Views (via Mobile)

I've been playing the game for years an 7 out of 10 have a cheat app with crazy shots it makes know sense why even play the game. They have to put a stop to it I have over a billion coins from playing the loyal way. But this is the world we live in .

How is that a Fpul
Oct 16, 2024 04:02 AM394 Views (via Mobile)

Why why why? I pot a ball, the white doesn't go down but it's a foul shot? All I did was pot the correct ball? Something seriously amiss here

I am playing for a long time and facing this issue
Sep 16, 2024 11:56 AM611 Views (via Mobile)

I really love the game while playing for so many years, but Its really embarrassing and disappointing currently, I don’t know why it is not a fowl when the other player just touches the ball slowly so that the opponent is just stuck like cannot take a shot, Is it not a fowl play ? just to win the game, how it is not wrong. It has happened with me for several times now that the system does not give a fowl to the opponent, Why the Game makers are not taking any action or improvising their games system that it is unable to catch the fowl by the players. You guys need to upgrade yourself now.

Aug 22, 2024 09:23 PM669 Views (via Mobile)

I have uninstalled and reinstalled 5 times studying the hacks and scams Miniclip use. Players moan about cheats Miniclip are the biggest cheat. It is unbelievable and near on impossible how the balls react. I could go on for days about what I've seen but I won't. Just the game I just played I played a shot on the black left hand corner one of there balls covered opposite corner pocket so no chance of a scratch. Played the easy shot not hard at all cue ball hit there ball potting it the cue ball rolled away then spun back into same pocket the easy black rattled in the pocket came out and curved into the same pocket as the other 2 balls. I no it sounds sad but I'm going to get a set up for recording .And hopefully help out the people that Miniclip has scammed out of real cash they need shutting down.

Good casual game
Aug 02, 2024 12:04 PM636 Views

This is a good game to play on off time. Fun game. No need to play seriously.

can play solo or with others

Yes, its a SCAM
Jun 30, 2024 10:16 AM891 Views (via Mobile)

Everytime i purchase a Pool Pass, i keep winning mostly, made even from 100 coins to 2 milion coins in a hour

But once i stop paying anything, almost all games are a lost, but also things like that when im breaking no balls go in or the 8 ball goes into a hole on a weird way idk but the game doesnt look legit, everyone will notice this after playing a while

Jun 30, 2024 06:23 AM782 Views (via Mobile)

My account is 445 740 460 8 I had hundred and fifty million coins. when I log out yesterday. Now I log back in the game and a hundred and fifty million coins gone aka disappear. I did noting wrong. I work hard for those coins. I dId or not cheat or what ever going on. Im being acaused of. WARNING ??, this can happen to you. The owners and the hackers is working together, the FBI should look into this.

Jun 21, 2024 02:03 PM781 Views (via Mobile)

Mini clip are pathetic, they never help with issues and allow cheats to roam the tables stealing everyone's coins

The worst cheating game ever
Jun 14, 2024 03:13 AM830 Views (via Mobile)

It is so bad I have 37 million coins and everyday they have ghost players making impossible shots from foreign locations.this is a rip off I have played for a while not a fair game at all

Most Dishonest Game
Jun 09, 2024 11:32 AM801 Views (via Mobile)

This game used to be honest and gimmick free. One standard cue for every player until greed got in the way and they introduced these childish and moronic cues. They started rigging the daily spin to small amounts. I accumulated 100 spins and the maximum I got was 500 coins occasionally with the rest between 50 and 250 coins. If they are willing to manipulate the spin you know they manipulate game play. That is why I have never paid a cent to use it. You can tell how rigged it is when you put english or backspin and the cue ball and nothing happens or it makes a wierd turn and scratches.

Jun 04, 2024 02:44 PM817 Views (via Mobile)

Hello dear 8ball pool.? I am 8 Ball lover I really like this plateform but I hate hackers now every Time hackers coming on my screen am thinking you don't have security I see too three days my problem not solve I dalet 8ball pool thanku My unique ide 1931861253 AWAIS GAMING YT I hope you understand so plz solv my problem..????

Don’t play if you don’t want to spend money
May 25, 2024 05:48 PM885 Views

This app is geared to suck you into playing and then once you’ve played for awhile your bombarded with ads to spend money. The worst is buying expensive cues. If you don’t they have you play against people who have no idea on how to plat real pool but have paid the app for an expensive cue. They can badly miss a shot, hit numerous other balls and almost always pocket one of their balls. When it’s your turn you make all your shots and either get hooked on the 8 ball or scratch after sinking the 8 ball. I have played real pool for over 50 years and the absurd things I see while plying a game on this app are laughable. The physics and math of real pool don’t exist in this app. Also they have an emoji page that people use to distract and frustrate you. Adults playing what could be a wonderful game to pass time and help eye/hand coordination acting like 12 year old girls. Grow up people. Lastly, this game doesn’t even follow the rule book when it comes to real 8 ball pool. The web designers of this game should be shoot. By the way through shear skill, determination and persistence without buying one of their expensive cues I managed to accumulate over 3M coins but I’m done with this one sided, money grabbing app??

To many Bots & cheaters
May 01, 2024 04:42 PM1004 Views (via Mobile)

The game is well made, but playing and losing permanently against bots and cheaters made me uninstall the game. I have no intention to continue.

Apr 12, 2024 02:33 PM1092 Views (via Mobile)

I lost 250M coins in total because of cheaters. I met cheaters almost every game and every tie i played. I think Miniclip is behind all this because i reported so many cheaters and they still not get ban (i met the same cheaters on the later day) the game is good but the cheaters. So if want to purchase something in this game DON'T because it's a scam you will lose all your coins soon because of cheaters you will waste your money.

Lifes to short
Apr 12, 2024 05:18 AM1192 Views (via Mobile)

Very additive game but very rarely make it to higher levels. If you do make it to a higher stage some players dont even aim the que. The ball just gets potted after every shot and if you look closely you can clearly see no aim. Dont loose hours of sleep and end up with poor health. Another thing is the images and characters get creepy as well. Lots of people have photos of kids up. A young child wouldn't want to see an angry snowman with sharp teeth laughing printed on a pool table.

This game is a scam with 95% cheating ????????????
Jan 21, 2024 08:46 AM1672 Views

This game is a scam with 95% of players cheating. IF YOU WANT TO PLAY DO NOT PAY A PENNY NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO PROGRESS, YOU WILL JUST GET SCAMMED ESPECIALLY FROM ASIAN COUNTRIES [ I DONT MEAN ANY OFFENCE BUT YOU ARE ALL CHEATERS ON THIS GAME]. And if you still want to play but not pay you are just wasting your time so you still get scammed. MUCH BETTER FREE POOL GAMES OUT THERE.



8 Ball Pool

Recent Questions and Answers on 8 Ball Pool


Y'all going to do something about the cheats again , you got rid of them a few weeks ago . TIME TO DO IT AGAIN. JUST PLAYED 6 CHEATS IN A ROW.

Mar 14, 2023

By: tonhump

Answers: 0


So I'm shooting old rules still where two shots are question is this:I am on the black ball and my opponent still has one colour ball left on the is his turn to shoot so he sinks his colour ball and sinks the cue ball at the same I have two shots on the black or one

Sep 05, 2022

By: byrondavids87

Answers: 1


If one of the opponent''s ball is pocketed first before your ball drops (on the same shot) does the player continue, or does the opponent then take over playing?

Jan 01, 2020

By: drheck08

Answers: 1