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7 Up Reviews

7 up added lemon flavour
Aug 19, 2024 02:02 PM 70 Views (via Mobile)

New 7 up with quantity of 250 ml is tastes as medicine. Like electrolyte. When it's cold also it gonna worthless. Lemon flavour added is written in the bottle but it's not refreshing type of drink now. Worthless.

Seven up drink
Jan 17, 2024 11:52 AM 161 Views (via Mobile)

I have bought a seven up which taste like muddy water how people drink this shitty drink don't know is this only problem of the drink I bought or generally this taste like this

Too much too Sweet
Sep 14, 2021 01:52 AM 593 Views

I am a fan of the 7 Up of my childhood. Then someone had the idea of changing the formula in the early 2000s from sugar to high fructose corn sweetener. But I don’t think the new sweetener could emulate the refreshing taste of 7 Up, so they added a lot more lime and lemon and now it tastes like Mountain Dew. I can’t think of a bar that uses it as a mixer any longer. Too bad, 7 and 7’s were good. Hate the product and now I drink Mexican Pepsi with real sugar or the Pepsi Real Sugar—not 7 Up.


7 Up
tvrfarhanMouthShut Verified Member
Thuvvur India
Unhealthy Drink and Bad for Diet
Jan 30, 2021 10:30 PM 932 Views (via Android App)

7up is one of tge higher carbohydrate drink. It have higher calories in it so it can't be good for healthy diet. The taste of the drink also not good. I bought one bottle 7up in last night. It tase was vey disappointed me . I think sprite is better than 7up, but sprite also not good for Diet. After drinking 7 up I don't feel any refreshments as they are showing on their advertisement. But the main thng is 7 up is the widely available and cheaper drink in the market, but unfortunately it is not better for health, it will may cause to form stones in your kidney, and may be it causes to for exess uric acid so don't consume much 7up or other soft drinks.

gireeshv461MouthShut Verified Member
Palakkad India
Good taste and refreshing drink
Jun 15, 2020 12:53 PM 1105 Views (via Android App)

7up is very refreshing and energising drink. It's having a great taste. The smell is also good. 7up is very useful to get rid of the exhaustion during the work. Can be used while travel also especially in summer to quench the thirst.

mfndMouthShut Verified Member
Vengara India
About the 7 up I have drunk
Oct 23, 2018 01:26 PM 1823 Views

Seven Up(7 up) is one of the most prolific soft drinks today, When we drink Seven Up we get 118 kcal energy per'serve'(serve= 250 ml of seven Up) Seven Up is that carbonated lemon flavoured water,

it is one of the Pepsico P ltd product, Seven Up is Yummy taste and it very very like every types of children

swapnilbb2017MouthShut Verified Member
Jalna India
Not Good For Diet...Also Bad Taste.
Sep 25, 2018 09:14 PM 2643 Views

I don;t like diet anythings so I obviously don;t like diet 7 up but isn't as bad as most diet drinks but I still wouldn't buy this product. The truth is I do not like diet sodas, I thinks they taste even sweeter than normal sodas. I don't like this at all. I thought the 7-UP diet Lemon Lime soda was going to be different compared to other diet sodas. Its a not refreshing and has a good flavor it doesn't taste artificial.

jacksonkindo33MouthShut Verified Member
Ranchi India
Refreshing drink
May 29, 2018 01:18 PM 1778 Views (via Android App)

7 up is a well known brand for its soft drink. There are many category of its such as normal, lemon and lemon masala and all three are good. I personally use this product twice a week and it is good. The quality of the 7 up is superb it thick sweet and refreshing what else you want in a drink and the most important thing that packaging is also good the labeling all the nutrition facts, manufacturing date expiry date all written in the botttle which is good. It is come in many bottles like 100 ml in glass bottle 750 ml, 1litre and 2 liters.

ideephanspurMouthShut Verified Member
Hanspur Bazar,Ghonja More,Gaighata,24 Pgs(N),West Bengal India
7 UP since 1929
Dec 20, 2017 07:53 AM 2411 Views (via Android App)

7UP is the product of Pepsico Inc which contains Carbonated water, sugar, acidity regulators & preservatives & added flavour. This drink is the best soft drink among others. Its colorless makes the customer happy. It is available in many types 200, 300, 600, 1250 & 2000 ml pet & glass bottles.The natural lemon flavour is very sweet & makes it more delicious

AjmalchmachMouthShut Verified Member
Mannarkkad India
7 up my favourite drink
Oct 05, 2017 04:52 PM 2526 Views (via Mobile)

Hai friends, I would like to share my opinion about 7 up. I used to drink 7 up for many years. I like to drink 7 up morethan any beverage drinks. Most of theother drinks are coloured and don't have good taste. I the case of 7 up, it contains an average amount sugar and CO2 gas.

After eating heavy meals I always drink 7 up. It gives a relaxation to my stomach. I didn't feel any kind of disturbance on drinking 7 up. I like 7 up very much.

vishnunaik813MouthShut Verified Member
Nallasopara India
Not a Better Drink
Aug 26, 2017 02:35 PM 3409 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends, today I will like to share my review on 7UP.Yesterday o bought a 7Up bottle from DMart on a discount.Packaging of the product was good.But the taste of the drink disappoints me, Sprite is far better then 7UP.After drinking 7UP I don't feel refreshed as I feel when I drink sprite sometimes.I don't like the taste of 7UP.Its a bad drink, the product quality is not upto the mark as I think it would have been tasted better.

amey2202MouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai, India India
Not a reliable drink...!!!
Aug 16, 2017 07:57 PM 3850 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends, I would like to share my experience and opinion about the 7 Up cold drink. This review is completely based on my personal experience.

Whenever I use to feel thirsty I use to drink soft drinks / cold drinks wherever available. 7 Up was the only drink which was available in a large quantity, which was very famous and cheap also. But whenever I use to drink 7 Up, immediately the next day I use to face some kind of cold or fever, sometimes. I don't know if this happens with everyone or only with me but this was very annoying. After some time of drinking this soft drink something weird happens in the nose which is the most annoying thing ever.

The packaging of this drink is also not very special as it has a bright green colour, and the taste of this side drink is just like sweet soda + water.

9014179828abMouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
7up cool drink
Aug 16, 2017 07:39 PM 2610 Views (via Android App)

7up the refreshing clear drink with a natural lemon and lime flavor was created in 1929 for advertising in 1929 to position the brand as a cool drink for youngsters. you can buy 7up bottle 2ltr from zopnow. zopnow provides free home delivery for all soft drinks. lemon flavor 600ml bottle grocery & gourmet foods.

eperumalrajMouthShut Verified Member
Karur India
The Worst Drink
Aug 02, 2017 04:50 PM 2937 Views

Hi friends, Im Raj, Now I share my review about 7UP,

I Drinked it  many times, its taste is not good, it tastes like water,

7UP product quality is very very poor in my side,

Because it has too many acid ingredients thats the matter,

The Chemical ingreidient in this drink is very dangerous to healts,

These are the some ingreidients like High fructose corn syrup,

Sodium benzotate, Sodium citrate, Malic acid,

Nutrition recent center report told, You drinked 7up after 20 mins your body

Blood sugar spikes from the HFCS there is a burst of insulin in the body, The lever converts

the sugar into fat, so dont drink it

Now coming to package: its not good for using plastic,

It violates health problem as I told before, There are natural fruit stores in the market so

my kind request dont drink 7UP, Thats all, Thank You.

7 UP- Not recomended
Jul 25, 2017 08:21 PM 2945 Views (via Android App)

Hello friends, This time am going with a Hard drink which we call it as soft drink.I will directly move to the bad quality because it doesn't have any of the good one.On my experience and my small study aginst this I have found that it have 7 bad quality like its name( 7 Up) 1-Long term use of these soft drink cause CANCER2-By its preservatives and chemicals it cause tumor3-Third is the asthama problems4-weaken kidney5-Hypertension6-Damaged blood vessels7-Last but not the least it effects Liver also Wheather we know all these things we use this regularly.In my opinion I will not reccomemd or promote this Drink.

7up is good coldrink
Jul 12, 2017 11:30 AM 3230 Views (via Android App)

7up is the best energetic cold drink we can say because it has good minerals and it makes up active in summer and it also controls the acidity and if we are in wamiting situation it controls the wamiting and the 6 up can makes up energetic if we are week to run or swim after meals the 7 up is good for digation and it is available all over India and also branded one and it sales more than the other beverages and it is good product

Hate that cold drink
Jun 01, 2017 05:37 PM 4088 Views (via Android App)

When we compare with other cold drinks like coke , mazza , mountain dew , 7 up didnt stand anywhere . Its taste very unusal , may be the component from which it is made up of was in excessive amount . The cold drinks doesnt taste so good that we can try 7 up over the my fav. Coke . So the product quality is very poor for me . But when we talk about the packaging the bottle was okay but the sticker around the bottle was very boring . It has no attraction power that attract the customer. I think its time to change it .

srinivasv78MouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Not like Sprite and tasty
Apr 21, 2017 03:48 PM 3616 Views (via Android App)

7 up means a cool drink. It is looking like Sprite. But the taste is totally different, not like sprites. With Sprite were feel cool and refreshed. But the 7 up not such kind. The cost also similar. It is available in butler as well mini glass container. And the taste is over all same. But glass container have some what nice taste compared with the high quantity bottle. And ice we open the bottle, the taste is varies from time to time. I mean if we open the bottle, after some time there taste will totally varies. We feel like other beverage. But it is 7 up only. Buy u always Sprite only. When I go to outside I used to take Sprite only. At any circumstances I drink sprites only. I don't recommend 7 up or any other brands. And I will give 6.5/10 to 7 up beverage. It is a lie quality brand. And thank you for listening my experience with beverages.

Lakshmi Chowk ,Near M.I.T Gate No-1,Brahmpura,Muzaffarpur,Bihar India
Soothing taste
Apr 09, 2017 08:48 PM 5556 Views (via Android App)

Seven up is a lemon flavoured soft drink.It has very soothing taste and addition of lemon flavour is just awsome.Here are some intresting facts about this stuff: -

  1. It contains natutal flavouring substances.

  2. It also contains some acidity regulator which is quiet good.

  3. Other than that it contains carbonated water ( soda) and sugar ( 11g per 100 g)

  4. Nutritional facts: - per 100ml approx

  5. Energy- 46 kcal

  6. Carbohydrate- 11.4 g

  7. Total fat- 0g

  8. Satutated fat- 0g

  9. Trans fat- 0g

  10. Protein- 0g

It's quiet good in taste and recommended for all.

ronladdsouzaMouthShut Verified Member
Gulbaraga India
Does not ease thirst
Mar 08, 2017 04:50 PM 5498 Views

First of all drinking water is always better then drinking any beverages, And instead of drinking 7 up its better not to drink anything, this seven up drink does not ease, satisfy our thirst.i do not ask any one to drink this beverage drink as it contains some things that are really effect full to our health, really a very low quality drink, its similar to sprite but named it in a other name, not recommendable beverage .


7 Up

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