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10 Day MBA, The - Steven Silbiger Reviews

Why I read...10 Day MBA, The - Steven Silbiger???
Nov 09, 2016 08:02 PM4470 Views

When I was going to New Delhi From Mambai then I saw this book on a book stall at Mumbai.Iread this book completely, then I have realised that what a writer was!.The Ten-Day MBA includes the latest topics taught at America's top business schools, from corporate ethics and compliance to financial planning and real estate to leadership and negotiation. With more than 400, 000 copies sold around the world, this internationally acclaimed guide distills the lessons of the most popular business school courses taught at Harvard, Stanford, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Chicago, Northwestern, and the University of Virginia. Author Steven A. Silbiger delivers research straight from the notes of real MBA students attending these top programs today—giving you the tools you need to get ahead in business and in life.

Writter was city of knowledge.I think this book have lots of Qualities which really inspired me.

This book has to speak from an important original setting.

But a great book is one that is not trapped in its original setting.

This great book is well crafted.

This great book is one that provokes excellent discussion.

This great book is inexhaustible, so no reading of it is the final reading, and no discussion ever runs it dry.

This great book is time-tested.

It help readers solve problems or achieve goals. Readers don't buy meaningful books to be entertained, nor do writers write meaningful books as creative expression. Yet, in order to succeed, meaningful books must be well-written and reflect the author's empathy with the reader's goals.

It provide detailed, step-by-step, action plans for their readers. They describe what should be done, and when it should be done. Readers typically learn how to assess their present situation, and what steps to take to achieve the change they desire.

This forward-looking action orientation is at odds with books that just offer impressions, observations, or a generalized "philosophy." It's one thing to describe and discuss problems like the shrinkage of the Middle Class in America, quite another to show Middle Class readers how to profit from the changes taking place and protect themselves in the future.

Although not written primarily for entertainment, the best meaningful books are written as carefully and as engagingly as the best fiction. Meaningful books frequently include anecdotes and case studies that are as compelling as anything found in the fiction department.

By reading this book I was feeling that I am student of MBA and sitting in my university.

I hope that you will read this book clearly and with keen interest.

Thanks for bearing me!

Tirupati India
10 Day MBA book
Oct 30, 2016 07:29 AM6655 Views

I am interest in dooing Mba .That's why I made this book for reading about Mba .When I am Reading this book I get very interested about books.This author's had a good tallent .His writting style is very good . The way of writting is very interesting to Read.Is is easy to read and uderstand. I suggest to everyone to buy this book to know about MBA.When compare to other books it is very interestto reading.This author had a good thought provoking Ideas.I suggest to this author to change the tilte like Quick MBA.

Nashik India
Most Wanted Book's
Sep 15, 2016 07:28 PM4994 Views

Gives the peruses a decent working information of administration ideas, instruments, and equations. This ought to be required perusing for any new representative, paying little mind to industry or ability. Methodology is the most exciting course in the MBA educational programs on the grounds that it allows you to give all your new abilities something to do. I will suggest you to go for this book blindly.


10 Day MBA, The - Steven Silbiger
babugorivaleMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
10 Day MBA
Sep 08, 2016 11:25 PM7067 Views

It was a magnificent quick diagram of MBA studies. I recommend this book to everyone who needs to move nearer to perceiving how business capacities. I might need to incorporate progressively this book is a verifiable prerequisite read for those of you who up'til now picking whether to take a MBA degree or not.

Here Steven depicts the 10 major things that you'll learn on MBA classes. General this book is exceptionally useful for the individuals who are not ready to take choices in their own or expert life. Perused this book and get the information of life how it functions.

Just read
Sep 03, 2016 05:55 AM7518 Views

I was travelling with my friends we are going to sikim. suddenly I saw a book stall we stopped there and bought it. (honestly because it was cheaper than others). in starting I was getting bored but was surprised with the contents as I go reading further. This book covers the essence of a MBA at the world’s top universities like Harvard and Stanford. My verdict is go for it. You will be surprised by the information that it provides. There is so much information thrown at you that retention is at a minimum.

Purnia (Purnea), India India
Good book
Aug 19, 2016 02:06 PM5406 Views

It was a great quick overview of MBA studies. I recommend this book to everyone who wants to get closer to understanding how business works.The best business book I have ever read! This book covers the essence of a MBA atthe world's top universities like Harvard and Stanford.

It's a great overview of a lot of important topics covered in an MBA program. You do not need an MBA to read or understand this book.

Mysore, Karnataka India
Must read for anyone (everyone is a manager )
Jul 30, 2016 10:58 PM5515 Views

I was travelling and was bored saw this book in station store baugh't it.(honestly because it was cheaper than others).but was surprised with the contents.

since I was a former student of MBA .This book was like encyclopedia of MBA

everything I studied about was there in this book with an simple narration!

I was disappointed cause I couldn't get hold of this book before.!

every thing explained in an orderly manner.!

Everyone should read this at least once in their lifetime.

Best books i have come through
Jul 20, 2016 02:37 PM7522 Views

This is one of the most informative books I have come accross, easy to read and understand, language used is simple, it will clear your many concepts about management and where it should be used. My verdict is go for it. You will be surprised by the information that it provides. It will take you hand by hand on some of the concepts of management. The Ten-Day MBA includes the latest topics taught at top business schools, from corporate ethics to financial planning and real estate to leadership and negotiation.

With more than 0.4 million copies sold around the world, this internationally acclaimed guide instills the lessons of the most popular business school courses taught atsome of the top business schools areound the world. A. Silbiger delivers research straight from the notes of real MBA students attending these top programs today—giving you the tools you need to get ahead in business and in life.

Abhi6776MouthShut Verified Member
Ahmedabad India
Knowledge About financial
Jul 05, 2016 06:02 PM7661 Views

A redesigned manual for acing MBA language, hypothesis, and abilities. Highlights sections on money, promoting, bookkeeping, methodology, quantitative investigation, operations, financial aspects, hierarchical conduct, and morals, all updated to mirror the contemporary corporate society and monetary climate.Courses are taught in a MBA program in a way that feels like you are attempting to drink from a flame hydrant. There is so much data tossed at you that maintenance is at any rate. You needn't bother with a MBA to peruse or comprehend this book. Composed for a wide gathering of people with contrasting scholarly backgrounds.It was an awesome snappy review of MBA studies. I prescribe this book to everybody who needs to inspire nearer to seeing how business functions.

Best book in the world
Jul 04, 2016 04:00 PM7462 Views

This book is a great reference source. Courses are taught in an MBA program in a way that feels like you are trying to drink from a fire hydrant. There is so much information thrown at you that retention is at a minimum. You do not need an MBA to read or understand this book. Written for a broad audience with differing academic backgrounds.It was a great quick overview of MBA studies. I recommend this book to everyone who wants to get closer to understanding how business works.

Allahabad, India India
What made you read this book
Jun 30, 2016 08:48 PM7025 Views

A very interesting and inexpensive book about business-related concepts.

I found it surprisingly easy to read, even if at first glance this is a book beyond my “comfort zone”(IT, data warehouses, etc.). A few references in the book are U.S. specifics(like laws) but you can easily map them to your country with little work.

PGood book for beginners to get an overall view of an MBA. It has given an overall.perceptive of MBA. However, I do feel they would have more practical examples than theory.

vijet1997MouthShut Verified Member
Sirsi India
A helpful book
Jun 30, 2016 04:27 PM7125 Views

10 day MBA is one one of those helpful books that make us better both at work and at home. it may also help us communicate more confidently and therefore more efficient with our business partners and colleges, guests on private parties, museum visitors, and tourist group members, this book is very good and this book give us to very good knowledge.

Reading of thiis book make us to a very good persons.this was avery good book, this was averygood book .this was avery good book this book was a very good book this book was a veryyyyyyyy gooooood booooook.

Depicts present scenario of Business World
Jun 28, 2016 03:20 AM6088 Views

A updated guide to mastering MBA jargon, theory, and skills. Features chapters on finance, marketing, accounting, strategy, quantitative analysis, operations, economics, organisational behaviour, and ethics.

All revised to reflect the contemporary corporate culture and economic climate.Courses are taught in an MBA program in a way that feels like you are trying to drink from a fire hydrant. There is so much information thrown at you that retention is at a minimum.

You do not need an MBA to read or understand this book. Written for a broad audience with differing academic backgrounds.It was a great quick overview of MBA studies. I recommend this book to everyone who wants to get closer to understanding how business works.

Muzaffargarh Pakistan
Very imformative book
Jun 27, 2016 08:22 PM7838 Views

The 10-Day MBA: A Step by Step Guide to Mastering the Skills Taught in Top Business Schools is written by Steven Silbiger. It is an important business recommendation condensing the business education of popular business schools into one book.

The book has a number of classifications, which are encountered upon during the preparation for an MBA course, such as marketing, accountancy, behaviour in an organization, analysing quantity, and the various strategies in the field of economics, operation, and finance.

On the last day, the author has presented a chain of mini MBA courses, like public speaking, negotiation, and international business. This best-selling book has all the latest facts and information in the world of business and individual finance. The latest edition of the book also has new additions to mini MBA courses such as investing in property, business literature, and coaching when it comes to leadership and planning financially. This book can be a great helping hand for those who wish to pursue an MBA degree.

Jalandhar, India India
Jun 26, 2016 04:49 PM6136 Views

The 10-Day MBA is an essential business reference, summarising a top business school education in one easy-to-read volume. Steven Silbiger devotes a concise chapter to each discipline you will encounter on an MBA course - Marketing, Ethics, Accounting, Organisational Behaviour, Quantitative

Analysis, Finance, Operations, Economics, and Strategy. On Day 10 the author gives a series of MBA mini courses on research, public speaking, negotiating, international business, and more. This third edition of Steven Silbiger's bestselling book has the latest facts, figures, and trends, as well as information on ethics in business post-Enron and personal finance.

All-new mini-courses in property investment, business writing, leadership coaching, and financial planning have also been added. Prospective MBAs can use The 10-Day MBA to decide if they want to pursue a degree; those about to enter business school can use it to get a BIG head start on the competition; and those without the time and money can get the equivalent of an MBA education at 99 percent off the list price. Ull love it go for it.have a nice day.

10Day MBA
Jun 20, 2016 09:56 AM8120 Views

This book is a must read for those of you who still deciding whether to take a MBA degree or not. here Steven describe the 10 main thing that you'll learn on MBA classes. don't expect something deep inside this book. all the chapter in this book only talk about a topic in general.

Overall this book is excellent there is a lot of diagram and real world case study. so it will be easy to read.Suitable for those wanting to pursue a MBA or even graduates who want to review what they have learnt  in the past paced two year MBA course.

Populoar book
Jun 19, 2016 12:24 PM8137 Views

The Ten-Day MBA is really astoundingly interesting book that consolidates the latest topics that taught at to a great degree America's top business universities, it covers subject from corporate ethics and consistence to budgetary masterminding besides land to a great degree power and exchange

I have my MBA and this book is a wonderful reference source. Courses are taught in a MBA program in a way that feels like you are endeavoring to drink from a fire hydrant. There is so much information hurled at you that upkeep is at any rate. You needn't trouble with a MBA to examine or understand this book. Made for a wide group with shifting academic backgrounds.

Gives the analyzes a superior than normal working information of association considerations, instruments, and conditions. This ought to be required investigating for any new illustrative, paying little identity to industry or ability.My friend prescribed me to scrutinize this book as she discovered this is astoundingly captivating book, and to a great degree instructive. On of the considerable book I have examined till now, I have never scrutinized such a nice book till now, phenomenally the expectation in it as in this is to a great degree intriguing book.So acknowledge everyone.

Dera Ismail Khan Pakistan
10 Day MBA, The - Steven Silbiger
Jun 03, 2016 02:58 PM6485 Views

The Ten-Day MBA is really very interesting book that includes the new topics that taught at very America’s top business schools, it covers topic from corporate ethics and compliance to financial planning and also real estate to very leadership and negotiation

I have my MBA and this book is a great information  source. Courses are taught in an MBA program in a way that feels like you are trying to drink from a fire so easy. There is so much information thrown at you that retention is at a minimum. You do not need an MBA to read or understand this book. Written for a broad audience with differing academic backgrounds.Gives the peruses a decent working information of administration ideas, instruments, and equations. This ought to be required perusing for any new representative, paying little mind to industry or ability.My friend suggested me to read this book as she found that this is very interesting book, and very informative. On of the good book I have read till now, I have never read such a very good book till now, specially the suspense in it as in this is very interesting book.So enjoy everyone. I love this book.

Wonderful Book
Jun 02, 2016 10:46 AM6045 Views

The Ten-Day MBA is really very interesting book that includes the latest topics that taught at very America’s top business schools, it covers topic from corporate ethics and compliance to financial planning and also real estate to very leadership and negotiation

I have my MBA and this book is a great reference source. Courses are taught in an MBA program in a way that feels like you are trying to drink from a fire hydrant. There is so much information thrown at you that retention is at a minimum. You do not need an MBA to read or understand this book. Written for a broad audience with differing academic backgrounds.Gives the peruses a decent working information of administration ideas, instruments, and equations.

This ought to be required perusing for any new representative, paying little mind to industry or ability.My friend suggested me to read this book as she found that this is very interesting book, and very informative. On of the good book I have read till now, I have never read such a very good book till now, specially the suspense in it as in this is very interesting book.So enjoy everyone.

Anantapur India
10 day mba best chance
Jun 01, 2016 08:09 PM6460 Views

Day MBA is a very good book’s in this time in India.Many students are learning MBA course.

I think this students are helped from this book. It is not writing hard is writing with easy word.Here we get some knowledge about MBA. who are not learning MBA but try to learn mba this guys  Gives the peruses a decent working information of administration ideas, instruments, and equations.

This ought to be required perusing for any new representative, paying little mind to industry or ability. Methodology is the most exciting course in the MBA educational programs on the grounds.The Ten-Day MBA is really very interesting book that includes the latest topics that taught at very America’s top business schools, it covers topic from corporate ethics and compliance to financial planning and also real estate to very leadership and negotiation. Approx 400, 000 copies sold around you.


10 Day MBA, The - Steven Silbiger

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