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Reviewed Mr and Mrs Smith

The silver lining...

Aug 06, 2005 01:19 AM | 2075 Views
(Updated Aug 06, 2005 01:19 AM)

I would recommend everyone to see this movie. Only then can people understand what is truly meant by a 'pathetic' movie. STORY: I still wake up in the...Read more

Reviewed Motherhood Hospital - Banashankari - Bangalore

Worst nightmare for a new motherhood

By: nadellanagarjun05 Nov 18, 2024 03:08 PM | 1343 Views (posted via Mobile)
(Updated 11/18/2024)

My experience with Motherhood Banashankari in a nutshell was horrific and painful. Let me share the ratings dept wise. Doctor: Archana Ramesh, 5/5 ...Read more

Reviewed Love Actually

Nice, Actually

Dec 03, 2003 10:07 AM | 2996 Views
(Updated Dec 03, 2003 10:07 AM)

''...There's nothing you can know that isn't known. Nothing you can see that isn't shown. Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be. It's easy....Read more

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Reviewed Saaya - Bollywood


Aug 03, 2003 08:53 PM | 4495 Views
(Updated Aug 03, 2003 08:53 PM)

He: Restless, turbulent is my heart Soothing answers do I seek Oh my love, how could you part Leaving me so angry and weak . She: I have n...Read more

Mazhar Na...waz


Reviews: 191



Reviews: 147

Anshuman ...Maini


Reviews: 23

Harkirat ...Uberoi


Reviews: 63



Reviews: 112

Reviewed American Beauty


Jul 26, 2003 01:48 AM | 2994 Views
(Updated Jul 26, 2003 02:11 AM)

What makes a ''great film'' so good The raging talk of the neighborhood.. Is it the story, the cast, the fashion Or the talented director's vision ...Read more

Reviewed Louisiana

NEW ORLEANS - A Traveller's Experience

Jul 11, 2003 03:40 AM | 2953 Views
(Updated Jul 11, 2003 03:40 AM)

I have tried to outline my experience while visiting New Orleans in an effort to present a review of the city to the readers. In certain sections, I have...Read more

Reviewed Rockford

Rockford hits rock bottom

Jul 03, 2003 02:31 AM | 7095 Views
(Updated Jul 03, 2003 07:10 PM)

Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh with Nagesh, but what can you say about a movie which is amateurish at best. Lets see what went wrong - Story The story ...Read more

Reviewed Five Worst Indian Cricketers

The Pathetic Panchayat

Jul 02, 2003 01:31 AM | 20035 Views
(Updated Jul 12, 2003 12:55 AM)

Hmm..Its difficult to write a review like this without displeasing at least five individuals. I mean what makes a cricketer really bad - batsmen who forg...Read more

Reviewed Fire

Lukewarm at best...

Jun 28, 2003 02:31 AM | 5556 Views
(Updated Jun 28, 2003 02:31 AM)

I saw Fire about a year or so back - primarily motivated by the hype surrounding it and also to view Deepa Mehta's treatment of a taboo topic. I have cat...Read more

Reviewed K-19: The Widowmaker

Honor and Pride

Jun 21, 2003 04:22 AM | 2088 Views
(Updated Jun 21, 2003 04:22 AM)

I rented this movie sometime back, and was impressed with the screenplay and cinematography. The movie is a (supposed) real-life historical incident. 'Su...Read more

Reviewed New Delhi

A Puzzling City - personal experience

Jun 11, 2003 02:25 AM | 2752 Views
(Updated Jun 11, 2003 02:26 AM)

My apologies if this review sounds like a personal account instead of a travel guide, but having spent the majority of my school years in Delhi, I cannot he...Read more

Reviewed Pune

A Bachelor's Paradise...

Jun 11, 2003 01:34 AM | 2869 Views
(Updated Jun 11, 2003 01:35 AM) India, at least. That being said, let me elaborate. Pune is a culturally strong city and is, without doubt, the cultural capital of Maharashtra. At...Read more

Reviewed Jet Airways

Beware NRIs

Jun 11, 2003 12:59 AM | 2120 Views
(Updated Jun 11, 2003 12:59 AM)

If I was writing this review in 1999, I would have raved about Jet Airways, but after recently flying on Jet, I must admit that this is as good or as bad as...Read more

Reviewed Air India

Can be better

Jun 11, 2003 12:38 AM | 2138 Views
(Updated Jun 11, 2003 12:38 AM)

I must admit that I have flown Indian Airlines a handful of times (8 times). In most cases, my experience has been pleasant, but in comparison with other ai...Read more

Reviewed Cathay Pacific

Disappointment in midair

Jun 11, 2003 12:17 AM | 3812 Views
(Updated Jun 11, 2003 12:18 AM)

I seem to be one of the few people who have had a bad experience in Cathay Pacific. The good news is that my bad experience was related to food and comfort ...Read more

Reviewed Mr & Mrs Iyer

Simply Reflective

May 20, 2003 02:27 AM | 1722 Views
(Updated May 20, 2003 02:27 AM)

Its sure been a long time since Aparna directed her last movie. And it sure has been worth the wait. The movie itself is simple - revolving around a jour...Read more