This phone is launched in the year is very low budget phone with impressive features and attractive function .it work very fast.
now I come to its features everything are very good like sound and music
I am using this phone I bought it online in 12000
it is of best quality of this amount.
as now I come to its features as I usually listen to music and watching movies it has melody sound which make you fan of it has very clearly of sound while talking to some.
it is an operating system android phone so it is user friendly anyone can easily handell it.
and if you are new it will not take time to learn how control it
it is very easy operate
it is very stylish phone and attractive look with different color that make features .
Screen size 5.50-inch
internal memory 16 GB ram 2GB.
back camera 13.1 megapixel front camera 2.2 megapixel
battery 2330 mAh
it is giving the most features then any other brand at this amount
if you looking for buy mobile phone then I suggest you it
Thank you!
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