I had been Using Nokias (6600 the latest) for the past 4 years or so. As time went by, I wasn't really satisfied with their performance, looks and features. One major grouse I had (and still do have) was that they never provide all the features in one phone…either the Radio or Infrared or Bluetooth is always missing. Marketing gimmick or not…you decide.
This forced me to look elsewhere and Sony Ericsson caught my attention! Their phones offered the complete package.
When I saw the S700i, I instantly liked it. It looked awesome and had all the additional features (Calendar/MP3s/Bluetooth/Infrared/Radio/Memory Card/GPRS) along with the conventional ones. A great 1.3 MP Camera that offered the “Landscape Mode” only enhanced its aura.
The apprehension about the User Interface always remained though…switching from Nokia to SE...would it be OK? But once I tried the phone I was convinced beyond a doubt that I was moving to greener pastures! The Interface is as good as, if not better than, Nokia.
The phone is a sheer joy to use…the Camera is the best I have ever seen and Nokia can only dream of coming close to it. The Quality of the Pictures is superb even after transferring them to the Computer. The MP3 & Radio sound great. I found the browser to have a limited functionality as it didn’t open some sites like CNN, BBC. But if you are not interested in GPRS, what the hell!
The keys & joystick are great and so is the 262K crisp Display.
The Media Player is superb with its Preset/Manual Equalizer options while playing MP3s.
Although I had a little teething trouble with the Swivel Action, I quickly got used to it and it’s not an issue any more with me being able to open/close the phone with one hand.
One major plus is that the S/w of this phone is robust and never crashes (unlike Nokia)!
Synchronizing the Contacts and Reminders with Outlook is as smooth as silk.
The only limitations I found were as below:
You can only add 10 Notes.
The Memory Card can be upgraded to 128 MB tops.
The browser is not that great.
The phone is slightly sluggish at times, but it's not something that troubles.
No Real Player.
Other than the above, I don’t see any drawbacks.
The phone is a definite buy.
As of today, 29th August 2005, it would make your pockets lighter by approximately Rs. 16,000/- in the case of a new one or Rs. 13,500/- for a second hand.
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