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Samsung SGH C100 User Reviews

neenuchavanMouthShut Verified Member
Mumbai India
Cool it!
Aug 18, 2015 10:56 AM5207 Views

Samsung C-100 is my first mobile phone. Everything when I saw this just fell into place: Screen, body, interface and importantly the price too.

Interface: Simply the best. Its one of the best interface I have ever seen, sleek and featurisitc. I bet you will like it

Body: Again a 4 star. Can be defined as silver, sleek and sexy.

Screen: The only phone which had 65K screen under 6000. No there was one more at 5K(bird's). But the phone was not good

Infrared: Its useless. The IrDa port cannot be used to transfer anything from and to any phone, even a samsung phone. It can be just used as a communication line between the computer and mobile.

Battery: Like most of the Samsung batteries is built in body. Though the battery life I got was ok. The sore point is the charging port, it is not only flimsy but suspectible to breakdown also.

Ringtones: The one that hurts the most. The ringtone though is very soft and good, provided you can hear it. Ya the volume of ringtone is so low that you can't hear it until you are sitting in some kind of lab where all that rules is silence. Its actually the worst part of this phone, you can't hear them and you can't do anything. I will tell you something. I love the inbuilt ringtones, they are the best. Esp. with syncronized LED(read below)

Multi party SMS: You cant send one sms to many people at a time. You need to recompose it everytime.


Message capacity: 50 in phone. Quite cool I will say

LED: You can choose from 7 colors, I have one new color for each day. The best time when the LED comes to play is when the phone rings. The syncronized LED color change just touches my heart.

Organizer: Very cool and nice. Although It misses some basic things, a countdown timer and stopwatch

Games: Very good. All my friends are addicted to it. Esp. Hamster Box. I myself have not been able to beat my friend's high score.


A very cool phone if you can live with the cons. I can

Samsung SGH C100 - My best buddy!
Apr 24, 2015 02:39 AM6034 Views

Samsung SGH C100 is one of the best mobile phones ever built by Samsung. I wish they could make mobiles like this one anymore. Those S6 and Edges and Notes cannot even stand in-front of it in terms of durability and longevity.

It was so durable that it got used and charged every single day for last 12 years and it is still working even today. Still gives a days worth of backup on one full charge.

Even its original charger is still there and perfectly working. Feature wise, it was the smart-phone equivalent 12 years ago. It was one of the first phones that introduced color screens in India. It was the next big thing.

It had polyphonic ringtones, 65K color screen, inbuilt java games. Operating it used to feel like operating a computer. Simply ahead of its time.

It was also decently priced, 7 thousand rupees had some value 12 years ago but it was totally worth it. We bought dozens of other mobile phones after it and they all dies but this one is still alive and kicking.

Verdict: You don't have to buy it, just know that such epic phones existed!

Chennai India
Display of Location
Nov 14, 2006 10:43 AM5219 Views

Hi all

I read all the 41 reviews and even I have similar perception about this mobile.

I am using Samsung C100 for more than 3 years and I have the same views about the features and usage. Compared to other mobiles its picture clarity is good.

To display the location where u r - select message----->Broadcast------> Receive------> select "Enable" & press OK. Now check whether the location or place is displayed below the Service provider name. If not repeat the above procedure twice r thrice and it will start displaying the location. I found this feature very recently...

I have not activated GPRS because airtel advised that they cannot activate directly unlike nokia handsets. So send me the procedure to do this.

Also advise me of how to upload/download images using the s/w?

Apart from regular usage is there any interesting features/options? I have not explored much!!

Have fun



Samsung SGH C100
hyderabad India
Wireless genius!!!!
Jul 10, 2005 09:18 PM5304 Views

Hi All,

I owned this master piece a year ago and from the day one it is my favorite gadget. This was my first mobile and will be with me forever.

I really made numerous efforts to choose an appropriate mobile which can full fill my budget and dreams.

And there was a tough competition between Sony T230 and Nokia 3530. Nokia and samsung are unable to reach amount of colors displayed and other features by the C100 . It is light, Slim and tall.

You cannot even feel the weight of C100 in your pocket. It is tall enough to reach your mouth and you do not require to cover the receiver with your hand, and she is slimmest.

~~~~~~~~ :: Pros :: ~~~~~~~~

  1. 40 Polyphonic.

  2. Infrared connectivity.

  3. Great phone book

  4. Wow Organizer(I will have all my schedules in it)

  5. Cable connectivity.

  6. Good signal reception.

  7. Multiple color display LED.

  8. She is quite and beautiful when she is in Silent.

  9. Great display.

  10. Java, games and GPRS connectivity(which is live).

  11. Sexy Keypad.

~~~~~~~~ :: Cons :: ~~~~~~~~

  1. You cant send ringtones(This is an advantage in one way, kidding)

  2. You cannot transfer information to other phones using Infrared port.

  3. No support MMS.

  4. Slow software.

One the whole, you can trust this little beauty. No visits to dealer till the date.



Krishnam Raju Bhupathiraju


Don't Buy It
May 02, 2005 10:59 AM5892 Views

Samsung SGH C100

A year ago I was in search for a color phone, which suits my budget, 7000. There were 2 decent color phones- Samsung SGH C100 and Sony Ericsson T230. I was using Nokia 3310 and was bored of it. I was very impressed by the sleek design of the Samsung mobile and its 65k display is simply outstanding. I felt Sony Ericsson a bit slow when compared to Samsung and it has only 4096 colors and wallpapers look just bad. So I bought Samsung C100 for Rs-6250/- with bill and guarantee. It has 40 built in ring tones, which are very melodious. But I realized that I couldn’t hear the phone ringing even if it is set to max volume, especially while traveling and the vibration also not strong enough.

Let me tell u some good things about the phone….

The 65k TFT crisp display is something to write about. I have its optional data cable and all the wallpapers I had transferred from my pc to phone are just crystal clear. We can save a max of 25-35 wallpapers depending on the size. The phone accepts ring tones fro any other phones and we can save it. It has large phone book memory-500 contacts. Menus are easily accessible. The arranging of menus is also good. Message capacity is 50 (which is not enough for me). Java load time is super fast, unlike the other phones. GPRS functionality is excellent and fast. There are 4 games (2+2 java games), which I really like. Another big advantage is its weight-just 76 gms. Rather faster processor takes no time delay when loading messages or games unlike Nokia phones and Motorola phones. And the placing of keys is excellent for messaging though messaging is not fast as Nokia since cursor movement is very slow. One can read the screen even if the backlight is switched off. I love the slim and sleek design of this phone. Signal reception is excellent and voice reception also superb. And the side volume control button is useful (It can also be used as menu navigation keys. The four way scroll keys are customizable (but cannot set to access the phone book)


Misses MMS.

Low ring volume (especially the down loaded ring tones)

You cannot send a picture (black and white) though u can receive it.

Of course there is infrared, but you can only transfer pictures from pc to phone even the reverse is not possible. Phone book entries also cannot be transferred and you can’t transfer between two phone’s IR ports.

The inbuilt ring tones cannot be deleted

One can hardly read the screen when exposed to direct sunlight.

Battery life is just about 1 ½ days, must be better I think.

Misses reminder.

Hands free speaker is absent.

Send business card option is missing, which is really useful for me

Final Analysis

I don’t recommend this phone. I bought this one coz at that time Nokia 3100 was above my budget. Now Nokia 6610 costs about the same price of this one. Go for it….

Even the basic model of Nokia(3510i) has MMS. Samsung guys are u listening..?

Ok bye guys..

Have a wonderful day

Don’t Worry Always Be Happy..

Samsung SGH C100
Apr 21, 2005 12:11 AM4528 Views



I enjoy all the benefits and features bundled with this phone. I owned this pretty phone last august.

I can connect this to net by simply using GPRS.

I used the IR port in my Laptop to transfer tones and wallpapers.

Display is amazing although it has a small screen.

But I am too fed up with its ring tone volume. It is very low. How can I use this

without vibrator. No way to show off my newly downloaded ring tones to others.

Can anyone please tell me any solution to increase its ring volume?



Samsung C100
Apr 12, 2005 04:54 PM4493 Views

I have been using the concerned model for the past one year, and I agree to all the points posted in the other reviews, like excellent colour display and cool polyphonic ring tones. It comes at a price which no Nokia at its feature level can match.

But its ring volume is pathetic. If u plan to use the phone for alarm purposes as well, then its time for u to get an alarm clock...b'cause this won't wake u up. Also, the ring tone and the vibrator cannot go on simultaneously. It is either only ring or only vibrator or three vibrator and then showing off all the latest ring tones while keeping the vibrator on (u'll have to..because u wont make out a call if it is only on ringtone...pathetic sound again..) is not possible.

Apart from this, the phone is very user friendly...and it looks damn cool...ppl like to play games on it as you'll have to get used to charge your cell pretty often.



Lovely phone & best part is IR
Mar 20, 2005 09:04 PM4504 Views

I bought this phone at Rs.7600 from the grey market in september 2003, at a time when nobody had even heard that there was such a phone, and I truly truly love this phone.

Samsung c100 is a lovely phone, I had this model for 9months before I dropped it and lost it. The display and polyphonic speaker is the best in the market, and no nokia can ever its display. In all a very good phone for the basic phone user. For the advanced user it has no MMS, you cannot copy anything phone to phone with its IR, only PC-to-Phone copying is allowed. One more drawback is that the address book does not support notes nor addresses. You can only store phone number and email addresses.

Best part of the PHone is IR, with easy GPRS software available from the samsung website, you can copy cool wallpapers from your PC as well as MIDI (mmf) format ringtones and if the IR part is used properly, this phone is total value for money.

Economical GPRS handset
Feb 16, 2005 12:00 AM5130 Views


Prior to this, I had Nokia 3310,Motorola T190,Ericsson T10,

Ericcsion GA628 and GH628,Philips Genie, and Nokia 5110.

All the earlier models were GSM type, which is just basic cell phone.

Finally I decided to plunge to GPRS handsets.GPRS stands for General packet

Radio Service.With this I can access to unlimited connection to WAP

sites on my cell phone.I also can get internet connection by connecting the datacable from cell to laptop/PC.

Airtel is providing GPRS feature, and since I travel a lot so with SAMSUNG C100 I get the most economical colour handset with GPRS to net connectivity.

There is Java games, and more games can be uploaded.Also polyphonic rintones.

I have not yet tried downloading, so I cannot comment much on it.

Wallpapers can be uploaded.So in my cell I have my face as my wallpapaer.

Overall the cell is sleek, and slim and easy to use features.Voice/Sound

Quality is excellent, and battery back-up time is also excellent.

If u r looking for a GPRS handset which is trendy and economical, I suggest go for SAMSUNG C100....

Gurgaon india
Sleek slim c100
Dec 28, 2004 05:25 PM4928 Views

Hi Readers...

This super light smart sleek phone is really worth using. I've been using this phone from dec 2003 and I must say I am quite impressed by its performance. The phone comes with a 65k color display which outbeats other variations in the market available in the same price range. The wallpapers loaded in the set are also good. The tones are also very very sweet. Real polyphonic I must say...unlike nokia 6610 the wallpapers and menu displays are animated and are really techno.

Keys are very soft and are swift also. One thing that I like most about it is that we can shif to silent mode and vice versa and lock the phone very smartly by using shortcut keys available. There is a 4 - way coutomizable key which is very useful. One can easily set the functions wanted like calender, inbox etc etc using this key.

Moreover the phone is java enabled ,gprs active light and slim. And the looks ..its really cool dut to its crome finish. After one year of usage now too the phone looks new.

I am pretty satisfied with the phone..but I think it 'd be a more satisfied customer if the ringtones 'd have been a bit louder and of course the battery life. It's not too sufficient for high users..also if we want to enable some sort of services like gprs, mms etc we've to set them manually unlike nokia in which they can be transfered as a message..,.

Still I think it is the best buy in the price range...

Alleppey India
Nice phone in an affordable price
Dec 01, 2004 04:44 PM4680 Views

So this is the first time in mouth shut for a product review.. Went through almost all the reviews of mouthshut on cellphones, which helped me a lot in purchasing my Samsung C100 phone..

It was purchased 6 months back and then the cost was 6400 ... Now I think the rates are slashed upto 5500-5800.... Any how, a decent and good looking phone with great features..

Though doubted a bit due to its lengthy appearance, but after considering several aspects like colours, usability, slim body, cute look etc.. I owned this cell phone .. The special feature of this cell is it's resolution only.. I think no other cell phone with 64K u get with its present price..

Though the ring tones are melodious, the volume is very low and some times difficult to hear in the traffic.. my 2 yr old son likes its ring tones and dances hearing the ring tones... For him only purchased this phone.. as it contains the voices of cat, horse.. and the CAT music is the one he really likes most ...

Though bundled with so many features, it lacks the features like stop watch, timer etc. I don't understand why they omitted this feature, as a basic phone even contains such features... and some times I think how could I cut its 1cm portion from the top ......But still I love this phone..

VALUE FOR MONEY....conditions apply
Nov 25, 2004 04:21 PM6929 Views


I was looking for a mobile phone with a budget of 6000 Rs a few months back and ended up buying Samsung SGH C 100 as this was the only color mobile available within this miniscule budget in july / august 2004. I have used it for a little over three months till date.

Looks :

Very slim and sleekmobile phone that has one of the best looks I have seen. It comes with a small strap that is very handy.

Size and Weight :

The phone is 111 mm x 45 mm, making it slightly lengthier than Nokia 8250

Weighing only 76 gramswith standard battery, it is like a feather to handle and fits neatly into shirt or trouser pocket

Positive aspects :

  • The first major factor is the price. At less than 6000 Rs, this is a value for money option.

  • This was the only phone I could find less than 6K Rs with Dual Band, WAP, GPRS and 65000 UFB (Ultra Fine and Bright) LCD color display options.

These options + the price make this an irresistible combination.

  • A large memory of 500 phonebook entries and 50 SMSes, which is a good deal.

  • Four assignable short cut keys, which can be used to suit your need.

  • Good collection of wallpapers with graphics options and calendar / time options are available.

  • Nice to hear Polyphonic (40) ring tones with possibility of downloading further from the web

  • Sub menus providing info are available (eg. When the cursor is on ring tone, a message is displayed with current ring tone instead of entering into Ring tones and finding out)

  • One touch Silentmode feature

  • Many game options are available with possibility to download further from the web.

  • Organizer with recurring alarm and one time alarm feature

Negative aspects

  • Battery life is terrible. For my personal usage, one charge was lasting 24 hours only. I then changed settings so as to avoid backlight, background after a minute, signal light… and still could not get to 2 full days of usage. (compare it to the 3 days I was getting with my Sony T200 when new). This is a major disappointment.

Mainly driven by this reason, has to pass on this phone to my wife whose usage is not as frequent as mine.

  • The phone book cannotbe reached with a one touch feature. It is a two step process, which is not a good idea. (Tried to have phone book as a short cut key without success)

  • My old phone (Sony Ericsson T200) used to display the name of the place that you are currently in (if you are in Worli range in Mumbai, the phone used to say WORLI). I have not been able to setup the C100 to do this. It just displays AIRTEL

  • T9 text editor needs you to get trained to suit it. It also does not let you add words to the dictionary making this feature not so user friendly.

  • Finding a way to store incoming calls in the phonebook was really difficult for me.

  • It also comes with an Infra Red port which helps you to connect with computers, but I have not been able to use this feature.

  • MMS is not possible

  • Everytime you press the Silent on or off function key, it takes a few seconds to activate / deactivate.

Conclusion :

My experience with this phone has been one of mixed feelings.

At the same time I cannot say it is a bad choice.

It does have few negative aspects (like the battery) but is a Real Value for Money option especially considering the options you get for the price you pay.

Please share your thoughts.

pudukkottai india
A cool phone to buy
Oct 28, 2004 06:47 PM4816 Views

Hi guyzzz....

My first mobile was motorola c350i and I was very much dissappointed about that phone.

And this samsung c100 made me feel relieved from that dissappointment, coz the phone is really great!

First of all the mobile has gotta cute silver colour...

Then the most best thing about this phone is the magnificiant colour display..

The pictures r crystal clear.

And the next best feature of this phone is the tones.

The polyphonic tones really rocks.

The tone ''violin sonata'' is really pleasant to hear.

And the volume is high enough to hear it even under heavy traffic.

Even the vibrator is good.

Then the phone is really light weight,slim n sleek.

The keypads r cute.

The java utility is good 4 games.

Then regarding the gprs utility.We gotta connect to the pc by an irda port n the irda reception of the mobile is good. But theres a small problem.the problem is this ''when u use the irda with the charger connected to the phone the phone gets over heated n turns off on its own''.

And the next disadvantage is the phone don't have a speaker phone

Except these two dissadvantage all other features r really good.

The battery is excellent.has gotta long standby n talk time.

And then the most important thing to mention is the price

The phone is priced in 6-7 thousand range n its the best phone to buy at this budget when compared to other phones in motorola n sony erisson,nokia....

All I can tell is this phone is simply superb

OK folks...have a nice time.....byeeeeeeeee

kochi indien
A real mobile
Oct 18, 2004 12:27 AM4326 Views

I was using nokia mobile. It was too old and I planned to buy a new one. I thought to go for a colour screen and polyphonic tones. I went through some reviews in mouthshut.

Ignoring the cons I decided to buy samsung sgh c 100. After three weeks use I have only good marks to give this product. As the brand name and the product number cites it can give 100 marks. To write some good remarks:

-excellent net work reeption

-amazing voice clarity even the whispering sound can be heard

-40 tones to select

-battery back up for 3 days

-very slow heating while in use

-the service light indicator is a good help

-light weight

-affordable price rs.5750/-

-easy to use menu

-we can select the short cuts function key

-wants colour? go for it.

If you are searching to buy a mobile and that too a coloured one, I recommend this product and u can really proud to own this.

Its a steal rather than buy!!
Oct 05, 2004 10:40 PM4333 Views

Hi everyone

>>I bought this cell just 3 months b4,and so far so good. Really impresses everyone

>>The first thing to say abt this phone is the clarity of the display(65k colors), has to be said the best that can be given by any mobile.

>>Also it is the slimmest phone available(it looks slimmer than the new samsung slim).weight is just 76gm

>>It comes with 40 polyphonic tones;all of them are gr8

>>The calendar facility and the to do list facilities are good along with lot of organizer options like the calculator, alarm

>>Call Diverting, Barring and waiting options are also available

>>It has 500 phone book memory and 50 sms memory(in phone)

>>IR port is present in C100 which can be used to connect with ur system and exchange data

>>Look wise X100 may be the better one(b'coz of the black color frame); but c100 is not far beyond

>>c100 does not have MMS service which X100 has,but it can be accessed only after enabling the GPRS :-(

>>Though we cannot send ring tones(from most samsung mobiles), we can receive ring tones from other mobiles(but not in X100)

>>If u want to go for a mobile in the range of 6000(with bill), this is the best choice. Nokia and other models in this range are not so good(infact very bad to say the least)

>>Only drawback I can say is the battery life; 2 days max for me (for normal usage) but nokia phones battery life is more than 3 days

guragaon india
Its real tough
Oct 01, 2004 06:06 PM4488 Views

If u guys blive that u got this mobile for color and graphic, and lotza a feature.... but I blive that its the most toughest phone I have ever came across. I don't know if u guys gonna blive me, one this phone of mine fell from 2nd floor to...... u know what could have happened. but none of phones part was apart and it was even working fine. :) bliv me its a real value for price and the reception also good. another feature abt this phn is if sumone calls u up. its screen goes blank for a longer duration call by saving the battery and increasin the talktime isn't it great, all I know its perfect.

well now this site ppl say that mine review is too small so I need to add some more point to it,,,,, I mean I ahave many,,, it have 500 phn book memory with 50 sms storing capacity, u can download a lotz no. of polyphonic ring tone from pc with the software comes along with it or you can download it from

costumer support for samsung is awesome I might say that making a stronger point to own this product.

Add color to life
Sep 25, 2004 09:33 PM4002 Views

I have been a cell phone user for a long time ..tried loads of 'em but was never too happy until I got my hands on this beauty..though I would admit that Nokia do have a edge over samsung but this cell is otherwise.

Its my 5 th mobile n finally the one which is worth its price n`s got amazin clarity with those 65K colors and other amazin the polyphonic sound which can sometimes be irritating can download stuff`s via GPRS or IRDA which I do regularly and yes amazin games as well..the other features too r worthy like the organizer and and alarm settings..

You can set alarms like daily or just a one time..also the reception is good ..the only major drawback that find is that it stops responding at times or simply hangs..

Finally a word on its looks surely is one slim, mean machine able to deliver the goods go ahead n try this fully loaded stuff (as the promo`s call it)..

All in all a cool phone worthy to its skin .. :))

Love at first sight...
Sep 24, 2004 10:35 AM4349 Views

Well, I have been proud owner of Samsung C-100 for more than 6 months now. I have trashed my old motorola mobile to get this new one. I bought it at 8000/-, but now it is cheaper and is available for around (or less than) 6000 Rs.

This model has caught my attention at the first sight. This has lots of nice features packed in it.. Following is the summary


  1. Lightweight: Its so light, that you dont realize in which pocket you have kept it.

Yes, I am not exaggerating.

  1. Decent Interface: I find the looks and keys layout best in this, there is ample

space between keys and easy to use.

  1. Brilliant colors: ITs resolution is very high (64K colors), and the still pictures and

animated wallpapers look amazing.

  1. Sound clarity: Voice is very clear, at least as compared to my old motorola.

  2. Nice ring tones: It has vast collection of polyphonic ring tones. If frequently use it

to catch attention of my 7 month old daughter, and she enjoys ;)

  1. WAP/GPRS/IR Port etc etc

Well.. there are no major limitations, but I am not happy with following

  1. Response time: While browsing through menus, at times (most of the times) it takes about 1-2 seconds to display a screen. This is too much time and is annoying.

  2. Using IR port is not easy.. you have to install some s/w etc etc. I have still not used it because its not easy....

  3. Battery life: Well it gives backup of 2 - 2.5 days if you dont use games etc, other wise it does not have good battery life. (less than corresponding nokia models)

At at the end.... This is beautiful mobile, but many people use covers and kills the looks... Dont cover it.... let the beautiful body be exposed to public...



Chennai India
A good entry level phone
Sep 06, 2004 12:22 PM6868 Views

I bought the Samsung SGH-C100 about three weeks back for a price of 6K. It's a pretty good phone and I'll list out the good features that I found in it.

  • Bright 65K Colour display

  • 40 polyphony ringtones

  • Comfortable keypad design

  • IR Port for connecting to a PC or laptop

  • Excellent reception quality

  • Beautiful backgrounds

  • Customizable navigation keys

  • Large phonebook memory (500 entries)

  • Large SMS memory (50 SMSes)

  • Calender for 32 years (1996-2027)

  • Rapid switching between normal and silent modes.

  • Daily alarm

  • Downloadable wallpapers, games, and ringtones

  • WAP browser & GPRS

Some of the cons I found were:

  1. Samsung does not provide the EasyGPRS software for communicating with the phone in the sales package. Although it is free, you have to download it from their website. It's a pretty hefty 40 MB, but worth it in the end.

  2. Although the EasyGPRS help says that you can copy phonebook entries, SMSes, and schedule entries between your phone and computer, I was able to do it only for phonebook entries. I am able to enter SMSes and Schedule entries from the computer, but I cannot copy them to my computer for backup purposes.

  3. Nokia phones have a feature that whenever you press the up or down key, it automatically goes to the phonebook. That would have been a nice feature, but Samsung chose to allow phonebook entry only via the Names soft key. But on the bright side, almost any of the other menu functionalities can be saved as a shortcut on the nav keys.

  4. You cannot view To Do entries in the EasyGPRS software.

  5. You cannot view Picture Messages & Ringtones in the PC. Instead, they are shown as Smart Messages to be viewed in phone only.

  6. The T9 does not allow new words to be added. You have to manually enter these words using the standard input. Also the system is slightly different from the Nokia and takes some time to get used to.

  7. You cannot set a downloaded tone as your SMS tone unlike in Nokia phones.

  8. The tone volume is not too high and you may not be able to hear it in a noisy environment. Also vibration is on the weak side and you may not be able to feel it through thick clothing.

  9. Battery life is not too long and you may need to carry your charger with you at all times to recharge the battery. Also charging time is about 3 1/2 hours to completely charge a drained battery. Charging time also increases if you use the phone during charging.

  10. You cannot set a downloaded tone as your alarm tone.

  11. It takes a few seconds to unlock the keypad

  12. Ringtones need to be in a special format called MMF. However, there is a free MIDI to MMF convertor available on the internet.

  13. There is no MMS facility.

  14. You need to manually enter the conversion rate in foreign currency per local currency (not Rs per $, only $ per Rs) every time you do a currency conversion.


  1. You can tell the phone to automatically dim the display after some interval (predefined intervals only). Same for auto keypad lock.

  2. The service light flashes whenever you receive a message or call. So if you are in a noisy environment, you don't have to see the display, instead you just have to see the service light if there is any message or call.

  3. You can receive monophonic ringtones from Nokia phones. However, the received tone is slightly fast.

  4. The calculator allows you to enter an entire expression, with parantheses and evaluate it at the end.

  5. You can store a lot of tones and wallpapers. I don't know the exact number, but I had 40 downloaded tones at one point of time.

All in all, I would definitely recommend this as a good entry level phone, although I would like some features to be added.

Good Feature Set , Bad Quality
Aug 27, 2004 06:48 PM6695 Views

Hello Mobile Users!!

This is my first mobile phone, and I have gone for it because of its sleek look, and excellent feature set. As it is my first mobile, I can not compare it with any other cell phone. Hence, my feedback may be uni-directinal. I have purchased the phone in Aug-2003, and still using the same. I tried to comprehend the highs and lows that I have seen with this phone.

Advantages or The times I felt that I have purchased the best phone

# Sleek, Easily fits in to your pocket

# Excellent display clarity (65K color display, and 128x97 picture resolution)

# IrDA port for easy interface with a PC or Laptop

# Polyphonic Ringtones, excellent sound (Eventhough vibration is less, sufficient because of its thickness)

# Helpful Organizer

Disadvantages or The times I felt that C100 is not worth of the money that I have put

# The next day I have purchased, it hanged. I have to physically take out the battery, and put it back to use it again. Some times, the phone will be operational, but no calls will be accepted. I have to switch off the phone and power it again to use normally.

# POOR SERVICE., I have puchased the cell phone in the local market (hyderabad) for Rs 9,500/- with bill & stamped warranty papers. When I have gone to a Samsung Authorized Service Sentre for a very dangerous problem (which I have mentioned below), they told that the cell that I have purchased is not officially shipped to India, and they can't give any warranty. I was shocked to hear this. I couldn't do anything except leaving the Service Centre!

# DANGEROUS PROBLEM, Don't know whether it exists with the new phones. But, this is the problem that I have faced. I have purchased a USB-IrDA connector, and using the same dowloaded lots of pictures into the cell phone. I felt very happy to see my own picture on the phone as a wall paper. As the memory in the cell phone is limited (around 300K shared memory), the phone can't hold more than some pictures.

The phone doesn't contain any eye to warn if the user is downloading more pictures/ringtones than that is supported by the phone memory. If the user does the same, then the phone can't be used even to enter a PHONEBOOK entry. You have to use it as Read-only device. Never put more than 40+ pictures, 20+ ringtones. My suggestion is NOT TO DOWNLOAD .ABM files (animation images) which occupy lots of space. I had to use SIM card memory to store new phone numbers. The good/bad thing is, the problem got cured itslef after some 40 days.

# The phone (almost in all certianity) hangs when you are frequently moving between Covered/Un-covered regions.

# NO VIBRATION faicility is provided with ALARAM.

# No profiles can be set, like low ring volumes in office, and high ring volumes while travelling outside.

# ANOTHER BIGGEST PROBLEM!!!, Right now I don't have my cell with me, and it is with Service centre. Two days back, I have faced another biggest problem. I have travelled around 6hrs in an AC train, only to find my cell phone in OFF condition. When I plugged the phone to mains for charging, it STOPPED CHARGING, with a message ''PAUSE BY TEMPERATURE''. I couldn't do anything other than rushing to the nearest Service Centre. They have told that it has to be sent to Delhi , as it can not be repaired here at Hyderabad.

Nevertheless, I had enjoyed some plesant moments with my phone (when it functioned properly!). I am not against to Samsung or any of its products, the above written are my own experiences with the Samsung SGH C100 that I am using.

Hope it helps others!



Samsung SGH C100

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