Hello Mobile Users!!
This is my first mobile phone, and I have gone for it because of its sleek look, and excellent feature set. As it is my first mobile, I can not compare it with any other cell phone. Hence, my feedback may be uni-directinal. I have purchased the phone in Aug-2003, and still using the same. I tried to comprehend the highs and lows that I have seen with this phone.
Advantages or The times I felt that I have purchased the best phone
# Sleek, Easily fits in to your pocket
# Excellent display clarity (65K color display, and 128x97 picture resolution)
# IrDA port for easy interface with a PC or Laptop
# Polyphonic Ringtones, excellent sound (Eventhough vibration is less, sufficient because of its thickness)
# Helpful Organizer
Disadvantages or The times I felt that C100 is not worth of the money that I have put
# The next day I have purchased, it hanged. I have to physically take out the battery, and put it back to use it again. Some times, the phone will be operational, but no calls will be accepted. I have to switch off the phone and power it again to use normally.
# POOR SERVICE., I have puchased the cell phone in the local market (hyderabad) for Rs 9,500/- with bill & stamped warranty papers. When I have gone to a Samsung Authorized Service Sentre for a very dangerous problem (which I have mentioned below), they told that the cell that I have purchased is not officially shipped to India, and they can't give any warranty. I was shocked to hear this. I couldn't do anything except leaving the Service Centre!
# DANGEROUS PROBLEM, Don't know whether it exists with the new phones. But, this is the problem that I have faced. I have purchased a USB-IrDA connector, and using the same dowloaded lots of pictures into the cell phone. I felt very happy to see my own picture on the phone as a wall paper. As the memory in the cell phone is limited (around 300K shared memory), the phone can't hold more than some pictures.
The phone doesn't contain any eye to warn if the user is downloading more pictures/ringtones than that is supported by the phone memory. If the user does the same, then the phone can't be used even to enter a PHONEBOOK entry. You have to use it as Read-only device. Never put more than 40+ pictures, 20+ ringtones. My suggestion is NOT TO DOWNLOAD .ABM files (animation images) which occupy lots of space. I had to use SIM card memory to store new phone numbers. The good/bad thing is, the problem got cured itslef after some 40 days.
# The phone (almost in all certianity) hangs when you are frequently moving between Covered/Un-covered regions.
# NO VIBRATION faicility is provided with ALARAM.
# No profiles can be set, like low ring volumes in office, and high ring volumes while travelling outside.
# ANOTHER BIGGEST PROBLEM!!!, Right now I don't have my cell with me, and it is with Service centre. Two days back, I have faced another biggest problem. I have travelled around 6hrs in an AC train, only to find my cell phone in OFF condition. When I plugged the phone to mains for charging, it STOPPED CHARGING, with a message ''PAUSE BY TEMPERATURE''. I couldn't do anything other than rushing to the nearest Service Centre. They have told that it has to be sent to Delhi , as it can not be repaired here at Hyderabad.
Nevertheless, I had enjoyed some plesant moments with my phone (when it functioned properly!). I am not against to Samsung or any of its products, the above written are my own experiences with the Samsung SGH C100 that I am using.
Hope it helps others!

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