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HTC Touch P3450 User Reviews

A great PDA
Dec 04, 2008 12:37 PM 3600 Views

HTC Touch is a great asset which is a good combination of a business phone and fun phone, giving all the featuures one could desire for in the indian context.

Its an absolute value for money with its good design and ease of use, the grip is not so good though, which keeps it susseptible to slipping off your palm.

The service though needs a real great push, which as of now is very lausy and unreliable. They have aonly one service centre in NCR and its already overloaded as its an outsourced agency, typically its response time and response quality remains questionable due to sheer monopoly.

The com;pany needs to look deeper into the battery quality of the product and also needs to upgrade the RAM, so that the speed of the phone can be enhanced thereby giving it a feel of a high class PDA.

Above all, its a phone which comes loaded with great features and there's no match for its cost of ownership.

Bangalore India
Great Phone - Recommended
Nov 29, 2008 08:29 PM 3186 Views

I have been using HTC Touch for many months now(and out of the typical honeymoon period) and I should say that I am still excited about it and still enjoying it.

This phone is a great value for money. You cannot get a Windows phone with such features with a lesser cost at the same quality. And with a good 1G memory that comes default with it, you can customize the phone with your favourite applications. Call clarity had so far been good and battery performace also is good. The processor is quite responsive.

Now, let me warn you about all those cons listed by people like'phone is slow', 'battery doesn't last enough' etc. HTC is a Windows phone and you have virtually infinite ways of using it and endless settings that you can make. For example, If you hog the phone with whole lot of applications running in background, you phone will be slow. Not only your phone, your highend desktop will also be slow. I feel you should be concious of what you are installing and what settings you make. Otherwise life may one day turn miserable for you.

I recommend this phone for those who want a Windows phone with all key features like GPRS, WiFI, Bluetooth, Camera. Have a look at the phone and you will not look at iPhone anymore. iPhone is just a craze that will die soon.

Don't Buy at all.
Nov 26, 2008 03:15 PM 3507 Views

I purchased a HTC Touch mobile 6 months back. It was defective from manufacture. The problem came to my view after 1 to 2 months.

The problem on my set is, whenever some one calls to me, it seems like ringing to the caller, but there is no Call, No alert and no missed call on this set. This problem occurs for 5 calls out of every 10. I submitted this set 3 times in the service center, but the problem is not resolved. I asked for a replacement, but the service center people are not replacing it with a new set, after having warranty. Service of service center is worst.

I have missed so many important calls due to this problem and I have missed many important interview calls, which became very much problematic for me. even if the service center people are not providing any stand by set during the servicing period.


HTC Touch P3450
Delhi India
A great phone to use
Nov 23, 2008 03:48 PM 2832 Views

Well dis phone is really a value 4 money phone. The best multimedia (touch screen)phone i have ever used dont get this much features in any phone at th cost of 14k bucks.

You have features like touch screen, wi-fi, gps which is just impossible to get in nokia or sony erricson phone. Touch screen really fabulous. A true package at such a low cost. 14k is a very less amount when u r goin 4 a phone like this one. Gr8 games are available online...

It also supports all kind of software as it is windows mobile..

One more thing windows interface is far far better then the symbian interface that you have been using till now

This much features would cost u around 20-22k in nokia and this phone is damn beautiful. The interface is user friendly as it is windows mobile..vry easy 2 use even 4 a first time user.

Simplest multimedia handset....n after sales service by htc is very gud

So don't think go for it

mumbai India
Dont buy
Nov 10, 2008 12:06 AM 2243 Views

I have been using it. Not value for money when there are such nice other options. Its only nice to look at but not good to use..very confusing and then as mentioned very good other options in nokia and motorola and some in samsung also now in same range. Htc only business phone one which came now looks good but I tell everybody not to buy this touch one.

Pathetic experience I got and friends got too. Try the nokia n 95 cool phone to use in same cost I think is not for rough fall once and it starts functioning badly.. And falling phones is regular now a days and why does one need windows interface on mobile phone its enough on computer. Games and all also not enough and it hangs so much why else woul the cost drop so much some months back it was for 17 thousand and now it is 12 tht is shocking htc company is only not good.

I am very unhappy with htc my money is wasted I think this time

Bangalore India
Value for money, HiFi Looks
Nov 01, 2008 09:08 PM 1853 Views

I bought this mobile in the month of January'08. Till now I never faced any problem with the mobile. It is worth buying this mobile.

  1. I bought this mobile for my Dairy of Tasks, Alerts and Document reading.

  2. The touch feature I like the most in this mobile. I faced difficulty in using the touch feature at the starting... for 2-3 weeks, but once I got used to it, I'm feeling discomfort with normal keypad mobiles. It's very sleek and handy.

  3. The WiFi feature I like most because it has given me the browsing feature while connecting to our local and Airport WiFi networks.

  4. The camera capturing speed is very slow. The multimedia features are not that much good when compared with the current day multimedia rich mobiles which are fast going now a days. But this is a PDA mobile... so I didn't expect much regd. multimedia features.

It is especially for the executives and officials not for college goers and normal users.

HTC Touch
Oct 12, 2008 01:28 PM 4099 Views

I recently bought a new HTC Touch in India. It’s a cool windows mobile with lot of good features in it. But Battery standby is very disappointing, you may have to charge almost everyday. Touch FLO technology is good, you can reach contacts, messages, bluetooth etc by swiping on the screen. It is very handy & user friendly. It has a 2 MP camera, which is fair enough.

The Phone overall appearance and performance is good. You can edit/create/modify word & excel in the phone which is really useful for professionals who want to maintain important documents in their mobile. It easily sync’s with your computer and you can also take backup of your data vice versa. It comes along with a headset and 1 GB card. For those who want to try out windows mobile, i.e. a change from Symbion OS, can sure go for HTC Touch. This is a good PDA phone for the price. I may not be able to comment anything about the service of HTC, as I’m yet to experience the same.

CheckList before you buy HTC phones
Aug 05, 2008 05:14 PM 7354 Views

I won't write the complete story about the features it has.But I'll concentrate on the fetures it should have had but are absent it HTC 3452.

Within 2 months after I took the phone (I purcahsed the phone in Jan 08 from chroma, vashi, navi mumbai) the charger was not working properly, my handsfree wasmalfunction (only one side sound was audible), USB cable was loose due to which PC didn't detected my phone.

Servicing-  If your phone needs a servicing or a part replacement then you are in a HELL.

my experince -

*1. Phone display damage -

*            My phones's display got damage once, I gave my phone in service centre (RT outsourcing , Vikhroli , Mumbai) they told it will take one week.

Along with that I also told them that my charger is not proper, may be there is a problem with charger or connector on the phone.They said ok we'll check the phone connector.

No one called me from the service centre (which they promised), I followedup and collected my phone.I tried calling up atleast 25 times and then once they picked up the call.

I got my phone after the display change.It was working fine, else of the charger problem.Now they asked me to keep the charger with them, which I would have expected them to take when I came there first time.

  1. Charger problem. -*

Now I was told that I would get the charger in 3 days.I calledup after 3 days they said that they  haven't received the replacement which was expected from thaiwan.This process repeated for about two weeks and after me following up with HTC servce centre and call centre , atlast after two weeks I got the charger back.

*3. Handsfree problem -

*I gave my handsfree for replacment last satruday (02-Aug-08) and was expected to recieve it on Wednesday.I had just called them on tuesday to get the status.The person who pickedup the call said that "We have not recieved the replacment and its expected in next 10 days".

I don't have any other option then waiting and watching. ;-(

Servicing is very unprofessional and not up to the mark.Many people who came for servicing were unhappy with the servicing.Female sitting at the reception throws so much of attitude as if they have distributed the phones for free.

I have even wrote to HTC regarding this, But the failed to reply back.

*Feature and performance expected

1.** According to the spec's on paper the phone seems to be very prowerful and fast.But its just on paper.Phone is really very very slow.

2. IE explorer opens only one site at a time.There is no multiple tab option.

3.Time is displayed in 24 hrs format, there is not 12 hrs format.(eg: displays 19:00 for 7 pm)

4.Typing messages or anything is very difficult.

5. To send sms to multiple ppl you need to add one person at a time.Can't add multiple no.'s from contact list.

6. MediaPlayer doesn't allows positioning on songs in Playlist.

7. Can't select and send multiple files over bluetooth.

8. Sometimes mail attachements are not send with the mail.

9.Can't use handsfree while charging, since both has connect to a single connector.

10. Battery drains very very quickly.

Noida/Greater Noida India
Beware: Pathetic Service
Jul 26, 2008 05:56 PM 6411 Views

I had a HTC Touch Handset , purchased on 2007 , Nov.Recently this handset was behaving erratically , so I have called HTC Service Call Centre. Call Centre Executive , promply responded and asked me to hard reset the handset, I did the hard reset ( I lost all the data ) it worked for a day , then the problem statrted again

Now the Executive to told to visit service center and gave a  call id. I promply sent my office boy to service centre 4th July , 2007. Some engineer took the handset and spoke to me saying that the handset has software issue , The service engineer did something and gave the hanset back to the boy and informed him that the battery is discharged , charge the battery handset will work fine

He brought the hanset, when I checked the handset was dead , charged the battery , handset was getting extremely heated , just to check the battery I opened the backcover ,

I got a shock of a life , to see that the some of the hanset was components has come out on my hand. Spoken to every one from call center to service , even   to HTC India Service  Head's, Tiwan HTC. Till today the handset is the same condition.

Just thinking of going legal. A Highly dissatified customer


HTC Touch - The Touchy love continues
Jul 15, 2008 02:00 PM 5449 Views

Love at first sight! Yes I am a device freak so I fall in love often. The first time I saw this device, I was in love with it.

Design & Aesthetics: she's cute and sexy. This is how a Phone should look like, wide bodied yet slim. And it is a symmetrically shaped baby with kool curves. I love to fondle ;) Well, it got that bad habit of attracting dirt and finger prints. So better keep of the urge to touch/ fondle, Use stylus !

Like any cute baby, it is a lil' down on her IQ with jus a 201 Mhz brain. Yes, some times it take time to understand my touch, yet the eagerness to get my job done is always there. Yes it is complicated like a beautiful chik, but once u understand, itz such a wonderful one. The 128 megs of RAM makes up for slower processor, hey its faster than O2 XDA. Unlike O2 it never hangs !

It has got Bluetooth A2DP which means, you can connect your stereo bluetooth devices and enjoy music streamed from Touch. The memory slot supports SDHC micro SD cards. ie It can take cards of

upto 32 gigs if memory. Dont jump off ur seats, as of now the highest

capacity micro SD card available is of 8 GB. I have a 2 GB card which is good enough to hold my entire music collection. Did I forget to mention that HTC Touch ships with a 1 GB card? The music playback is great over my Sony Ericson bluetooth headset. Part of the credit goes to Sony's good ear buds. Video play back is okay, the default media player plays only Windows video (WMV files). Never mind, Divx Players are outta there. I dont care as most of my video collection is WMV.

Camera is 2 MP one, pretty decent but without flash. Camera phones are always a compromise, yes Nokia N Series and Sony Cybershot I mean you. Memories should be captured in the best possible way and you got Canon to do that for you. For average Joe Touch's camera is pretty good for day shots.

Some things I wud have loved with this beauty are 3G and GPS, then

Diamond and Raphel are outta there in the market. It got WiFi with good

reception. I often browse using my Touch when I am lazy enough to

switch on my PC. The EDGE / GPRS connectivity is as good as your

provider can offer.

There are hell lotsa software available in the market and so are the games. The bundles games are okay. But best part is that u can run your custom software unlike iPhone (Where you need Steve's permission). I even managed to write one application that control my AC via a mini USB infrared module.

PS: Yes men do change loyalities often, I often gaze at iPhone 3G with  some  interest.  But  HTC  touch  still  rule my heart !

Melbourne Australia
More than just talking!
Jul 10, 2008 10:19 AM 2911 Views

Been a while that I've jotted down a review. I actually did miss the website and made a point today when I woke up to write a review that could help. I guess I will trying to help someone who is on a lookout for a good phone or should I say 'PDA'.

I have been using my HTC PDA  for about 7 months now. This phone has most features that a good PDA should have. Apart from the stylish design and contemporary look, it even works extremely well as a business phone. The phone will take care of all your important messages and reminders. The messaging system is great once you get your fingers set on the stylus and the in-built keyboard. It also has the capability of receiving your emails through Wi-Fi. The camera is good quality but no where close to N95. This doesnt bother me as I would rather use my SLR to do that. I would surely recommend the phone is someone is look for a good PDA with windows applications, using emails on regular basis or even reading limited content on the Internet.

I am glad HTC has scored an ACE with this phone and and I am hoping that they would churning out great phones in the future too. Actually, their new 'Diamond' phone doesnt look too bad and could be the next phone on my wishlist. :p

I will limit my review now as I need to get to work now. If any of yous have any more questions abt this phone, feel free to write in the comments section and I will attend to it.

Cheers Yash

HTC -High Tech Cellphone :-)
Jun 25, 2008 10:55 PM 3057 Views

I got dis AMAAZZZING PHONE RECENTLY gifted to me by my Fiance....I was DAMN HAPPY to have this GADGET (I wont call it a phone) from long time.....I was amazed by the looks of this gadget....Features now what should I say.......look below :

I don't want to do copy paste......

Now what do you think....I was really amazed by its bluetooth...You can actually share the memory card of the other person, you can view , share all the files on the phone and if its 2 TOUCH TOGETHER than U can do MUCH MORE THINGS ......Now lets move to CAMERA -2 megapixel without Flash....NO WORRIES ....PICTURES ARE QUITE EXCELLENT....I was using SE -W700I nad trust pictures during the day;ight and outdoors are GREAT....Friends there is no point of having a flash in ur Phone coz TRUST me you cannot click pictures in the dark with a TINY FLASH ..if u wanna do that please get urself a GOOD DIGITAL CAMERA ......Now GPRS/EDGE/WI-FI......Whhhoooooofffffff....I am getting short of words...THEY ARE QUITE GOOD....though u cannot use normal GPRS which is free of cost like Vodafone live ....You need to use the Vodafone Net services to get online services but friends if you get that u can turn this BIGGER GADGET, U can also use GPS as well though u need to go bit far for this...One thing I find lacking in dis that it is not 3G and FM is also missing.....Hmmmmmm ....but its AUDIO QUALITY is SUPERB if u r using the headphones.....u don't need to buy IPOD if u get this BEAUTY wats left to discuss....Guys go and GET THIS GADGET to know EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS BEAUTY to and to FEEL IT.....

TAKE CARE !!!! CHOW !!!!!

Ohhh....I almost forgot to mention that we also one Motorola L2 free along with a Paid extended warranty from Hotspot.....Guys it is advisable to have the extended warranty as it will save lot of headache from Water getting into ur phone, Scrathes, broken screen, any other misfortune which can happen to any of us......Arre wat abt TOUCHFLO :-) I will only use one word AMMMMAAAAAZZZZIIIIINNNNGGGGGGGG .........

Bye !!!!!

mumbai India
Value for money
Jun 18, 2008 12:18 PM 2813 Views

Let your fingers guide you with the HTC Touch™, the world's first phone to feature intuitive touch screen technology.

Featuring an easy-to-use touch screen and simple user interface, the HTC Touch with TouchFLO™ makes quick dialing, navigation and selection a breeze. Stylish, smart and versatile, it opens up a world of media, communication and social interaction.

Surf the Web with Internet Explorer®, send and receive email from accounts like Hotmail® and Yahoo!®. Chat on Messenger and send photos to your own Web space through Windows Live™.

Optimized for entertainment, the HTC Touch lets you enjoy your favorite music and movie clips through the integrated media suite. You also have the versatility to upload, store and share your media files with microSD™ removable memory.

HTC Touch: Elves are moody!
Jun 16, 2008 03:26 PM 5373 Views

This is my first review here. Fingers Crossed

Almost one and a half years of Nokia 6630 usage and a broken screen later, I decided to go for a mobile platform different from the usual Nokia + Symbian combination. A little research revealed that an entirely different and a powerful mobile platform also existed, called as Windows Mobile which allowed the use of a Touchscreen to interact with the device.

I was sold! :D Sometimes, lady luck does favour me. I was discussing mobile devices with a friend (lets call her S...And yes, she's a geek, just like me) and she told me that HTC had launched their newest offering, The HTC Touch (Codename Elf, hence the title), in India, for INR 19900. I had initially set my eyes on the Dopod D600 PDA which was

available for INR 19999 at that time. You can very well imagine how

happy I was! Went straight to the authorized HTC dealer and bought it

just 2 days after it was launched. Happy and proud, I went home and

inserted a Vodafone SIM Card. It was only then I realised how conniving

some people can really be. The (T)ouch was asking for an "Unlock Code".

A phone call to the dealer revealed that the Touch was meant to be used

only on the Airtel Network. Yes, I was disappointed. However, my

Bangalore number, the one which I used the most, was thankfully from

Airtel. So, Open Flap > SIM Insert > Power ON followed. It

worked! Yay! :D

The first boot required me to set the screen

orientation. The Network Wizard follwed automatically after that and

configured GPRS and MMS settings on its own. HTC has done an excellent

job of sprucing up the standard Windows Mobile interface. The all black

interface looked pretty cool. I had already read a few reviews over at

(Mobile-Burn, Mobile-Review, Engadget etc) and could see why all of

them were whining about the processor. The phone is indeed a teensy-bit

sluggish, but pretty much OK for my needs.

The Touch is a Bluetooth and Wi-Fi

enabled PDA. Setting it up to synchronize contacts, calendar, e-mail

and tasks with my laptop via bluetooth was pretty much straightforward,

once they were paired (I prefer notusing the USB cable). I was

pleasantly surprised to see that the PDA could use my computer's

broadband connection via activesync automatically! I couldn't

configure Wi-Fi internet on the Touch using my Home Router. However, I

did get a chance to try out Wi-Fi at the Bangalore Airport. Works great

but eats up a lotof battery!

EDGE is also supported.

Called up Airtel and got the "Your phone is too advanced for WAP

Internet. Please subscribe to Mobile Office" hogwash. For the record,

Mobile Office is Rs 20/day and pretty much useless if you use your GPRS

connection only on the phone. Also, WAP does work on the Touch! :D

HTC has been generous enough to provide a 1GB microSD card

with the device. As the Touch is SDHC compatible, I can also use an 8GB

card with it. However, 1GB is sufficient for my needs :-).

I was able to configure my mail2web hosted exchange account with the Touch and can say that Direct Push e-mail works flawlessly, but unfortunately it tends to eat up a lotof battery juice.


PDA is beiing marketted as a "Touch" based phone i.e I am supposed to

use my fingers on the screen. Unfortunately, I'm a terrible OCD, and

this device is a fingerprint magnet (both screen and the

rubberised body). You can now very well imagine how most of my time

goes cleaning this darn thing :D It's the stylus way for me..Thats for


Sound quality is average through the loudspeaker, which ismono. However, a stereo headset has been supplied with the phone and is pretty good.

Now comes the Camera.2 Megapixels without autofocus and flash. Photo quality is above average, enough for my needs.

A word of caution: The PDA has to be restarted once in 2 days. For some

weird reason, if this is not done, it just "hangs". Also, it's a little

moody. Sometimes when I am supposed to receive a call, no notification

is shown. However, the calling party assumes that I am not picking up

the phone. Similar problem with SMSes. One out of 15 don't show up.

Yup... No notification either! I have learnt to live with this, just

like I have learnt to live Miss S's never ending supply of Tech News

(and celebrity gossip ;-) )

I guess that about sums it up. I hope my first review was Okay. Comments?

(Eeeek! Just found a finger print on my Touch. Clean Mode: ON)

A Class Phone with scope for lot of improvement
Jun 02, 2008 10:06 AM 3229 Views

HTC Touch is a simple, elegant, light windows phone with all basic phone, PDA and touch phone features. I will NOT compare HTC ‘Touch’ with iPod.

First thing that flattered in this phone was the standard Windows Mobile 6.0 smooth and responsive User Interface. The touch screen is 2.8 inches big, crisp, intuitive and easy to use. The transcriber UI would let me write not just letters, but words and even sentences before it converts that to text. And in most cases understands my entire sentences with NO single mistake. Of course it took few days for me and the phone to come to that understanding.

Calendar, To Do Lists, Clock, Camera, Audio Recorder are all same as other windows phones. While you type word during SMS, email or what ever mostly it guesses the words you intend to type and lists them out. This pretty cool intuitive UI element uses some memory to store what you typed recently and shows the recent ones first. This phone has so many such simple touches (‘Touch’!?) that really touches you in its day to day use.

The phone is slim, compact and absolutely weightless (including the battery).

The WiFi is 802.11g and so easy to set up and use. I use the Bluetooth every day to synch my Calendar, Contacts and Tasks. Easy!

I added a 2GB SD Card that provides ample space for music, emails, pictures, personal files and downloaded applications. Since it is a windows phone, the usage model is extensible. You could buy a personal financial planner, medical records, full screen keyboard, music composer, and endless applications.

Now let us come to the flaws.

The phone’s time zone for some reason (battery down) now and then resets to the manufacturing default, which is Europe!

The speaker is in the bottom and hence you need to place up side down when you rest it on table to let the speaker do its job.

Even if you do so the speaker volume is so feeble, be it ring volume, speaker for music, wake up alarms.

The battery backup is just ok. Must have been at least double of what it is for the price we pay, and kind of features and appeal it has.

All in all, HTC Touch is A Class product with scope for significant improvements. I look forward for revised versions addressing the flaws.

Pros and Cons
May 26, 2008 05:14 PM 3691 Views

I purchased my HTC Touch 2 months ago and I would dive straight into Pros and Cons

Cons First


1) Dialling the numbers is a bit cumbersome. I use the stylus for dialling numbers. Using fingers on touch keypad is not very convenient. Also I somehow end up redialling the last dialled number more than once

2) On screen keyboard is very small. Can't use fingers

3) My experiencing with battery backup not very good. Does not last more than a day

4) Stylus is small - difficul tto grip

6) The surface is prone to getting scratches if you are not careful

7) Performance goes slow if multiple applications are opened

8) My experience with Java widgets was not very good. After a while they seem to stop working . One exception to this is the google search widget which gets installed on the home page and is quite useful

9) Camera is not particularly good but then it is not meant to be


1) Push email feature - sync with MS outlook is the most I use

2) GPRS works well

3) Surfing is good but for websites which are optimized for mobile phones

4) Good storage memory

5) MP3 player quality is good

6) It is easy enough to install programs

7) Writing mails and SMS is convenient due to display area

8) TouchFlo is good to access quick contacts and music etc.

Features not used

1) Wi-Fi

2) Video Player

3) Streaming

Truly value for money and more
May 26, 2008 04:01 PM 3045 Views

I bought the HTC Touch 64MB RAM version for my dad in August last year.  Ever since he has been exploring newer possibilities and getting so much more done with his phone.  Initially I thought it looked kinda crapy or too simple but was sure it would serve the purpose for my dad's emailing on-the-go.  Soon after purchase I kept discovering amazing possibilities with that phone myself.

Now, our family at large own a whopping total of 5 phones from HTC 4 of them being the HTC Touch!  It is truly a value for money phone.  It should cost about 16k now.  Let me give you a quick round-up of its practicality:

  1. If you are a audiophile and want to replace your iPod, this would be the best replacement. Let me tell you how that would work.  Buy an 8 GB Micro SDHC card, online shld cost abt Rs.3600.  Buy the htc audio converter cable that come as an accessory from HTC or online from  Now pick-up your favorite pair of earphones that you believe to be the best, v-moda duo works well for me as it has an in-line mic and answer button.  Now convert all you favorite music to WMA Pro 9/10 format at 48 bit rate and there you have it.  I currently have about 2800 songs on my HTC Touch complete with album art work and loads of nifty WMP features apart from what comes with the phone.  I also got SRS WoW software installed on it that actually comes with the O2 ATOM LIFE.  That improves the sound quality so much and you also have the true bass boost option!

  2. If you have GPRS connectivity this phone will be invaluable especially if you rely much on the internet, email, etc.  You can setup multiple accounts to chk email including gmail.  There is also a yahoo y2go app that works like a charm.  You can also do your icici banking using iMobile app.  Google maps is also a free download, so never get lost!  It will also show you your current location by the tower closest to you.  Weather updates etc. It is truly amazing

3. Games galore, I've got virtual pool that is the next best thing to actually playing the game, 100 times better than yahoo pool.  There is Age of empires besides others.

  1. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the pictures taken by the 2MP camera.  Although it lacks flash, auto focus and the newer image stabilizer and stuff, it is much better than even the SE W850i.  Pictures indoors are also pretty good.

5. The host of applications available for WM 5, 6 are never ending.  You can keep customizing your phone to the limit.  And when you feel bored by some apps, just uninstall and put in something else more interesting.

  1. For those of you who love to download torrents, there is also an app called wmtorrent that runs on the phone.  You do not need a PC or laptop to continue your downloading!

  2. Office mobile gives you the flexibility to view and modify word, excel docs and also view ppts.

8. Those of you who like radio, there is always internet radio. Works pretty well with gprs too, but if you plan to use that a lot pls get an unlimited gprs plan.

  1. Bluetooth A2DP

  2. WiFi

  3. IM+ is an app that allows you to connect to yahoo messenger, msn, google talk besides others all at the same time. Stay connected with family and friends all the time 24/7

To sum up, I thought I needed to buy a personal laptop, but turns out I really dont feel the need for one now.  I just bought an external HDD 500GB and thats it!

Try it you will appreciate its features for the low price.  (Caution: If you hate technology or are afraid of it, pls stay away from this phone!)

My HTC Touch after 5 months use --> Trash !!!!
Apr 28, 2008 02:22 PM 3907 Views

Hi All,

I bought an HTC Touch P3450, 5 months back. The first week it was.WooHoo!.and showing it off to my friends.Really cool device maaan.

But then you always learn the irritating(but daily used) features as the days go by.

The following features are working bad(in the midst of other good features).

But anyways buyers are not worried about good features!

The problem is with both the phone and the Windows mobile Operating system( the latest one)

1) Switching between calls -

When I am talking to my friend A and when my friend B calls, a message appears to hold and switch to other call. When I try to press the software button. I cannot because the phone is in HANGED STATE. Sometimes the current call gets dropped and I lose both the calls.**Scary!

*2) Built-in Camera -

The inbuilt camera performance is very poor. When I enter the camera mode, sometimes it HANG, and sometimes I get no User Interface response.:(

Camera picture quality is between POOR to AVERAGE.

3) Notes:

I always wanted my Notes to be sorted by DATE. And whenever I set the sort to "Sort by Date" it never sets. Everytime I open the notes its in a alphabetical sort. And there is **no way to change the defaults.

4) Lock feature -

Sometimes after pressing the Lock "software" button. the screen is not refreshed and it hangs. You have to then press the Sleep button and wake it up by pressing it one more time, to actually get the feedback that it has Locked.

5) Numeric Pad - Dialling -

When I want to make a call, I have to use the software Numeric keypad for dialling the number.

The response time is very slow compared to the normal keys on regular mobiles. Sometimes the phone mutes itself and when I press the Numeric Keypad I do not get any sound of Keys. So I have the feedback that the phone is hanged. I have to restart the phone to get it working.

6) Sound of the Media Player -

The quality of sound I get out of the mediaplayer is pathetically bad.PERIOD

My for some better product or version from HTC rather than buying HTC Touch. Or look for another Pocket PC.

Anyway I have to live with this HTC Touch model for another year or two.and I am stuck!

Buyers please make an informed decision.


HTC Touch sucks
Apr 23, 2008 05:31 PM 2872 Views

I bought this new set with a lot of enthusiasm but all fizzed out within 4 days.

People call me and get a ringtone but I don't notice anything on the phone.

it doesn't even show a missed call.

It changes the timezone and so the time as and when it likes.

Goes into silent mode on it's own

The speaker phone is at best scrappy and I'm unable to

send any files thru Bluetooth.

Camera at 2 MP is worse than my IPAQ's 1.2 MP.

Well I thought the IPAQ that I owned earliar was bad but this one

beats it all ends up.

A phone with a lot of non working features. if you want all the troubles in one phone

go for the Touch.

Even the dealer gives only 24 hours warranty after that you have to go to the

customer service centre . which itself is hard to find.

mumbai India
What a Phone
Apr 20, 2008 01:31 PM 1864 Views

Well I checked the reviews here on mouthshut and the phones really a beauty ...its got all features of a pda and the best part I like avt the phone is it is so light unlike other pda phone ...the wifi works perfectly...good to read documents and an amazing battery time as well over all I rate is as a worth buy.

Only things that are not so good are the ease of use which I think shd be fine after using it fore  while and also the speakers of the phone both the listening and the music player are not so effectively placed on the phone so that's lil inconvenient some times otherwise its a class apart phone in the business phones category..the touch flow technology is also quite helpful to access shortcuts in no time. The price for the phone has also got reduced so for the number of features provided and the performance of the phone there cant be a better buy in the phone cum PDA category.

There is no fm radio sorry forgot to mention


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