Dear Friends!
I am pretty much wondred to see that there are no reviews on this! really wondered. Let me take the rotten pleasure of describing these guys.
- Quality of Network
The availablity of the network is a significant one and it is almost availbale in the whole of tamilnadu and also in major highways. The loss in coverage is very very minimal and also in par with that of the BSNL's super strong coverage.
Aircel launched with a bang and a real smart decision of going in with multiple switching stations to reduce congestion. But today the network is so so so badly choked that you will not be able to make or receive calls during peak hours. even SMS doesnt go! thats the most sorry state of the network now. The most wonderful things is that the company claims that they are doing a network upgradation is happening for the past four months. Most comic!!!
- Helpdesk.
In simple words.............WOODEN DESK
This is were these guys are out standing. I am giving you a sample price sheet of it's prepaid plan. You can actually take a note of their post paid plan with it.
Entry Cost : 299/- Talktime:Rs75/- Validity:30days
Recharge : 300rs Talktime:Rs200/- Validity:30days
Recharge : 500rs Talktime:Rs400/- Validity:45days
Call Charges:
To Any local Fixed or WLL : Rs 3 PM
To Any GSM in India : Rs 2 PM
SMS : Free
No Call waiting
No Call Hold
No 32K Sim
No email Connectivity
No Roam
If you are looking at a phone which is cheap in all aspects.................Go's your fate!

- Thank You! We appreciate your effort.