It appears the new Sony VAIO NR laptop will be arriving soon based on a spec sheet leaked from a German website. It’s a pretty basic 15.4" screen laptop with Core 2 Duo processor and integrated graphics. The curvy design makes a mostly run-of-the-mill machine look a little more interesting though.
The VAIO NR will come in two colors, the lower spec machine in a silver finish with the higher spec machine in a darker charcoal grey/black finish. The European low-end silver model of the NR will be model number VGN-NR11SS with the following specs:
Intel Core 2 Duo T5250 Processor(1.5GHz, 2MB Cache, 667MHz FSB)
Intel X3100 graphics
15.4" WXGA X-Black LCD(glossy display, X-Black= XBrite in North America)
200GB HD
802.11 a/b/g wireless
Ports: 4 USB, FireWire, VGA out, headphones, microphone
Slots: Memory Stick, SD card, ExpressCard 34mm
he specs for the NR11Z/T will be as follows:
Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 Processor(2GHz, 2MB Cache, 800MHz FSB)
Intel X3100 graphics
15.4" WXGA X-Black LCD(glossy display, X-Black= XBrite in North America)
200GB HD
802.11 a/b/g wireless
Ports: 4 USB, FireWire, VGA out, headphones, microphone
Slots: Memory Stick, SD card, ExpressCard 34mm
Overall this looks to be a budget version of the existing Sony VAIO FZ series without such things as the instant-on media, no dedicated graphics and a more rounded looking design. Nothing terribly exciting, and no word on pricing or when to expect the VAIO NR on shelves. We’d guess sometime this fall and based on specs a price starting at$899 or so.
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