Dell is one among the best brand that produces different Electronic Products but Specifically it is famous for producing Desktop and Laptop( what ever version it may be)
8 years back when I joined Engineering College in the Electronics and Instrumentation department, I got to learn the importance of laptops for the students. My financial condition was not that much good so that I could easily afford it, but it was utmost Beasley for me to have one as most of the projects had to be done in the LAptop. I made an appeal to Statebank of India located at my place. Luckily they acceped my request and finally they financed me. After doing a pretty good research by searching online and from friends word of mouth, I chose Dell as the brand and that time it used to have i3 processor.
Dell is very easy to use and offers a very good value of money we spend on it. I nearly hard that laptop for 6 years. The brand Dell gave 2 time free servicing to keep and I didn't have to some extra things because I remember it never produced hindrances to me.
Before 3 years I gifted that one to my brother who was very much in need and belonged to my Village also. For 2.6years I had to rely on my smart phones to do some tasks which have to done in a laptop.
3 months back I thought to buy a laptop and got to know that Dell is offering in EMI also.
So I google Every good online shopping sites to see the good offers. Finally I found their own official website providing in EMI as was a good offer too. This time I bought Dell Inspiring 3000 core i5 processor laptop.
Let Me be honest to give a small brief about my experiences of using this brand.
I have been continuously doing most of my works in this laptop but the system is still as smooth as the one when I bought it.
It never hangs, but it is not the it will not hang as electronic products has it's own life span.
i5 processor and windows 10 which I am using is very much pro-user or user Friendly.
I have started my own blogs, working on the spreadsheets of my Company and it's stupendous RAM always encourages me to try new things. I am not applepolishing about this brand but I think if it is benefiting our needs then it's my prerogative to suggest about it's good feature to others.
I have many friends who are using other brands but other than Apple series, I believe non of the electronics brand can provide such good service which Dell provides.
They also gave me extensible hard disk many other accessories. I have a warranty card of 1.5 years and the service centre of Dell can be easily located in the place where I belong to.
Everybody cannot afford Apple brand, which is very much expensive, so I am specially recommending Dell Inspiring 15 3000 i5 laptop to those who are wanting to buy a laptop within a range 30 to 38 Thousand. I believe no one will regret of spending the amount of above mentioned range if the brand is providing extremely good service . I like go rate it 5 stars but incomoarision to Apple, I think Dell deserves to be rated 4 if the later is rated 5 stars.
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