ASUS VivoBook S15 S510UN-BQ139T Build quality: Build quality is excellent, you will feel the premium look.
Asus is known for quality products always.
About performance, it's like a grinding machine. You give anything it will crush in seconds.
The display is awesome. ASUS VivoBook S15 S510UN-BQ139T weight is very less.
Working smoothly with a double boot. ASUS VivoBook S15 S510UN-BQ139T Well balanced between looks and performance. Initially, it was taking a lot of time for booting up but after removing bloatware, that can be better. Perfect looks and performance. Weight is very much satisfactory. I've to use adobe illustrator and photoshop with ease. Basic works like MS Office etc would be a cake walk for it.
Not very satisfied with the keyboard.
The way the keys presses, it just doesn't feel right. Except for the keyboard, it is well balanced between beauty and the beast.
Light Weight
ASUS VivoBook S15 S510UN-BQ139T Battery charges fast.
Keyboard experience is not satisfactory.
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