Let me start by saying I only bought this Mac because my previous Mac which was a white 2010 Macbook stopped working cause I dropped coffee over it. Not my fault blame the house fly! no seriously.
Anyways I reckon this is the best deal you would get in India be it online or buying it in a brick and motor store. And I really appreciate the seller for shipping it quickly and Amazon for delivering it so, plus their customer service is really good.
Now for the Mac, my previous Mac lasted for a good 4 years and that to it was a refurbished one I never once thought of replacing it with a new one till that fateful day, so you can guess the quality of an Apple product. All I can say is this, if you have the money to buy a Mac and your confused whether to buy a Mac or a Windows Laptop I would say Apple Mac, cause -
1) Its simple you only have 2 choices in Apple laptop range so it makes your decision very simple so no going to each and every manufacture to see the specifications and price and feature they provide plus the materials a Mac is made of is astonishing. Plus you have a back lit keyboard and an back lit apple symbol, which I personally think is cool.
2) People say that for the same price you could get a much much better Windows laptop, however the Mac all round performs much better vis-a-vie with a Windows laptop with the same specs that because apple makes the software that powers its machines.
3) Mac OSX is a better operating system compared to Windows 8. Windows 7 is a solid operating system but 8 really is bad. While Apple made some tweaks to make the OSX that much better to use. And you get more apps standard in a Mac then you would with Windows. Plus no annoying virus and trojan things or what have you, so you don't waste time and money buying anti virus softwares.
4) If your confused about buying a Mac or Windows then don't worry, its simple buy a Mac and you can double boot it to windows ie. you can boot your Mac to run Windows as well. Or you can virtual boot windows, how cool is that!
5) you really get what you pay for in an Apple product, I am so used to their quality now that I am writing this review on the day I received the Mac, because I know what ever I buy from Apple will work like a peach.
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