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Rs. 99,900 (Launch price)


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Apple MacBook Pro ME865HNA Reviews

Editor's Choice Apple Macbook Pro!!!!
Apr 02, 2017 08:21 AM 2293 Views

The Mac Book Pro is Greatest Art of Engineering its not Comparable to other Laptops

Easy To Access And Use_,

Yes Its very Thin Laptop Of the Year Present By Apple That's Why Its Easy To Got Access It Anywhere

Quality & Durability- Don't Get Doubt on This Laptop About Quality Its Adjustable And Strong

Value For Money_ You Obviously know that Apple Beat There Maximum Money IN R & D That's Why Its Little Big Costly Product But For Master One its has been an Master Piece Of Engineering

Service & Support_ Everyone Know That and I also Believe The Best Service & Support are Provided By Apple

In My Country I don't Knows Other contry But on India is Best

Most Creative Company's product Apple MacBook Pro
Mar 31, 2017 10:04 PM 3208 Views

All over the world everyone know that Apple is so much creative and advanced company. Apple MacBook Pro gives so much in built services that makes it easier to use and manage. Its lighter weight and slim body makes it easier to carry.

Its durability is also good. It is almost expensive so that middle -class peoples can't be easily afford this, whether it is expensive but it is good in the performance . If someone want to do some higher or more technical work so this is the good product for them.

13' Macbook pro review
Mar 31, 2017 07:58 PM 2651 Views

The current MacBook Pro design is nearly three years old now, but it looks and feels as fresh as the day Apple first unveiled it. It’s remarkably thin and light considering it uses “full-power” processors, as opposed to the low-voltage ones used in the MacBook Air, upcoming 12-inch MacBook, and potential rivals such as the Dell XPS 13 2015.

It weighs just 1.58kg – a shade over 200g heavier than the MacBook Air – and is 18mm thick. It’s not wafer thin by modern standards, but it has a smaller footprint than a MacBook Air. It’s a good 1cm narrower and shallower than the Air, so it’s handier in confined spaces like planes and trains


Apple MacBook Pro ME865HNA
Its the best laptop ever made by apple.
Mar 29, 2017 07:04 PM 3210 Views

It is very easy to use making it one of the best reasons to buy.

The 13 inch screen is extremely sharp the ppi is very impressive.

The price is a bit high apple should lower it a bit now but the product is worth it.

Apple is known to provide the best service possible,it sometimes replaces the product in case of some major fault.

I am using this product since last 2 years but it works same as new.

The browsing experience is the best it catches wifi from a very far distance to compared to other similar laptops of this range and the best part is that it gets in updating with the latest ios.

The battery lasts for 3 to 4 hours easily

In a lot of Respects
Mar 28, 2017 07:52 PM 3467 Views (via Android App)

THIS WAS MY VERY FIRST MAC . I have been a PC user all my life and had wanted to try converting to a Mac for years. I've only had this Apple Macbook Pro for a week, but let me tell you that on day one I fell in love with it. Yes, it does have a different feel from the PCs I have had ( HP, Toshiba, Acer) , but it was a good difference from the first time I put my fingers to the keyboard and began typing. The screen display is absolutely amazing and totally blows me away. I absolutely love the programs that come with it; how the Mac itself functions, the appearance and quality of the Mac. Everything about it is pure joy and I am 100% delighted with my purchase. As far as the Mac vs. PC debate - by day two I was sold out to Macs. While I had been use to a 17-inch screen display, the 13.3-inch screen display of this Mac took zero time to get use to . plenty big enough for work and play purposes.

The laptop is still new to me and i'm still discovering things about it daily.

nivasonthejoobMouthShut Verified Member
Hyderabad India
Apple MacBook Pro - The beauty
Mar 28, 2017 05:14 PM 3316 Views

As known to the world APPLE is always a beauty to hold, whether it is a laptop or any device. Apple Mac book Pro is a very good laptop once again from Apple.

Ease of Use and the specific features like Touchbar above the keyboard are very nice, but require technical geek.

Configuration of the Mac is powerful with 316GB RAM, 256 GB HDD, with 3.6GHz processor.

Slim and thin, with 1.37 Kg of weight for the 13" model. High end graphics and a delight to watch vedeos and photos and perform any high end tasks with ease.

However, I will say it is the Audi of the Laptops with a Price around Rs.86, 000/-, So I know people want performance but, I am sure only specific people would love to buy this high end Laptop.

I am loving using this laptop because I do not own this, but I received it to test my applications.

Generally Macs do not break, but in case there are only few service centers. Thanks for reading this review

Apple MacBook Pro
Mar 27, 2017 02:46 PM 2458 Views (via Android App)

-Ease of Use- Apple itself is known for its ease of use. The newly added launch bar made it more easy to interact with it.

-Quality and durability- The lately released mac book air is much dufable than this newly released pro. Anyways this is not that less. Its fine too.

-Value for money- Ofcouse the price is high. But no other laptops got these features. This is well reputed brand so it is affordable for its features.

-Service and support- Since its an apple device you cant find many service outlets. But once you are able to reach them. They really do good service for your product

Best among all MacBook series
Mar 27, 2017 01:24 AM 2160 Views

I had bought this MacBook around one year before from PayTm.This is the best laptop I have ever used.

I have not faced any battery issue yet(even after one year).Battery is giving 6 hours backup.I have not faced any heating issue or slowness while working.I do lots of my editing/development work on mac it is working fine for me.Yes I have paid higher amount for this mac but now I can say I am happy with it.Best part of this mac is its fastness.You can do multi task in single time without facing any slowness.Quality is also awesome.Laptop body is mettalic so you will not face any issue related with scratches.For service and support you can take help from apple online live chat for any small issue related with software or setting.You can go to authorized service centre for major issues.

Suitable latop
Mar 22, 2017 10:38 PM 2492 Views

Apple MacBook pro MD101H average suitable laptop, intel core I5 processer 5th generation, smooth use small size screen 13.2. inc and desing colour was so nice available in only one colour that is silver only.8gb ram and service was so incretiale and price of the laptop was so good, OS operative and other service was i28 sd card intel hd graphic 600 speed are 1.6 turbo bust 2.7 ghz, ram frequency is 1600z and dual micro phone streo spearker hd led blaclick and the muti touch track paid so it suitale laptop for, average income person

Apple book
Mar 22, 2017 06:38 PM 2234 Views

It is very good. plz try it I also try it for b   etter working and processing.if your's camputer

or laptop is being hang per second a day leave them and try the apple best one . it's company is famous all over the world for it's beeter quality and durability . it's price range is very moderiate . you can buy it no help you to change the world such as internet and wifi does not hang liake other companies's laptop.

Hyderabad, India India
Apple laptop
Mar 22, 2017 05:01 PM 2733 Views (via iOS App)

Let's get into the Macbook Pro it is fine good and I like this computer and its working function a very good and I love I buy it is BTS in 6 balls we were a bird of the first time and it is was released and I like the gold colour in it and also I like the name and also I like the front camera it is fine good and it is very class and I like the video call to calling to my father and I like the games released to place and it is very fast and the RAM is very fine good and its never stops I install many movies games songs

Best-selling laptop of the year
Mar 21, 2017 04:19 AM 2414 Views (via Android App)

There's lots to like about the new MacBook Pro: its slimmed-down design, brighter screen, improved audio, faster graphics and disk speeds. But by doing things like removing full-sized USB ports, the memory card reader and even the Function row, Apple seems to forgotten how many of us actually work. An even better

Just go for it
Mar 20, 2017 09:35 PM 3309 Views

Anything from apple, I just love it. I know this is a bit expensive but worth to pay that amount. The looks make you feel the worth. The 13 inch Mac screen looks crisp which makes it look beautiful and handy. The most important thing is that I have never faced any issues in terms of battery or not working/hanged. Picture quality is just amazing, you wont find such an amazing bright and clear picture in any other system.

With intel core i5 processor you can imagine the speed. what else should I say? Please check it online for more features. I will highly recommend this.

smart697MouthShut Verified Member
Bhadrachalam India
Apple MacBook Pro
Mar 17, 2017 03:02 PM 2970 Views

Apple is the world famous well known company which manufacture the electronics to world wide consumers with good quality.

details on features and specifications:

1.this product contain 2.7 ghz dual core with intel i5 core as the turbo boost which increase the processing speed of the pc.

2.16 gb of 1600 mpz onbord memory contain good capability.

3.the durability of the pc nearly 85000 rupees with 2 years warranty. 256 gb with confiscated 1 tb to make more space to record the files.

5.the weight of the product is just 1.58 kgs which is similar to light weight.

thanks for viewing, i hope this information may help you.

regards suraj.

Samridhi22MouthShut Verified Member
Noida India
Apple macbook pro
Mar 16, 2017 09:39 AM 3083 Views (via Android App)

Apple mac book pro is the king of laptops with a massive price tag of around rs 60000.The features and positives are countless.Its features are better than other ordinary laptops which include more memory, good interface and impeccably easy and smooth to use and opearte.The tag apple is more than enough to give it that edge over others.The price is really steep but what with a samsung galaxy s7 coming for 56000, nobody minds paying the same for this kind of worksmanship.Apple service centres are available all over the country and online support is also there.

Karachi Pakistan
Mar 14, 2017 08:31 PM 2442 Views


Amazing piece of electronic marvel.
Mar 13, 2017 06:17 PM 2216 Views

I was a windows pc user initially. But since I bought this macbook I have not gone back to windows.

The clarity of display is very pleasing.

It does take getting used to a bit as some of the keys are different from windows.

but once you get the hang of it, it is easy to use.

It gives full value for money.

After sales support is very good.

I have used it very roughly at times, yet it has not broken down til date(touch wood).

Beautify beast
Mar 12, 2017 08:08 PM 2667 Views

Let me start by saying I only bought this Mac because my previous Mac which was a white 2010 Macbook stopped working cause I dropped coffee over it. Not my fault blame the house fly! no seriously.

Anyways I reckon this is the best deal you would get in India be it online or buying it in a brick and motor store. And I really appreciate the seller for shipping it quickly and Amazon for delivering it so, plus their customer service is really good.

Now for the Mac, my previous Mac lasted for a good 4 years and that to it was a refurbished one I never once thought of replacing it with a new one till that fateful day, so you can guess the quality of an Apple product. All I can say is this, if you have the money to buy a Mac and your confused whether to buy a Mac or a Windows Laptop I would say Apple Mac, cause -

1) Its simple you only have 2 choices in Apple laptop range so it makes your decision very simple so no going to each and every manufacture to see the specifications and price and feature they provide plus the materials a Mac is made of is astonishing. Plus you have a back lit keyboard and an back lit apple symbol, which I personally think is cool.

2) People say that for the same price you could get a much much better Windows laptop, however the Mac all round performs much better vis-a-vie with a Windows laptop with the same specs that because apple makes the software that powers its machines.

3) Mac OSX is a better operating system compared to Windows 8. Windows 7 is a solid operating system but 8 really is bad. While Apple made some tweaks to make the OSX that much better to use. And you get more apps standard in a Mac then you would with Windows. Plus no annoying virus and trojan things or what have you, so you don't waste time and money buying anti virus softwares.

4) If your confused about buying a Mac or Windows then don't worry, its simple buy a Mac and you can double boot it to windows ie. you can boot your Mac to run Windows as well. Or you can virtual boot windows, how cool is that!

5) you really get what you pay for in an Apple product, I am so used to their quality now that I am writing this review on the day I received the Mac, because I know what ever I buy from Apple will work like a peach.

Patna, India India
A Cheap Macbook Pro?
Mar 11, 2017 09:41 AM 2316 Views

In comparison to the other offerings of Apple, Macbooks have heavily impacted the electronic market. This specific Macbook is a game changer with it's i7 processor and 1TB storage capacity, makes it the optimum corporate laptop. This Macbook Pro offers specs with style and the 7 hour battery backup is a surplus. In overall, the user experience is great and the Macbook is totally a good value for money.

Dhenkanal India
The way of future Technology
Mar 11, 2017 04:29 AM 2886 Views (via Mobile)

It is a very very good laptop computer by apple that has slim light weight and very fast.

It is so expensive but including its features it is better, it is the next generation computer including touch bar, lighting keyboard and my favorite fingerprint sensor.

Including the mac os sierra it is so fast and be the best for home, business, Government and meny more. The laptop comes with 15 inch large display and touch bar have different functions like contains function keys, emoji and so many advance things.

The new MacBook pro is much lighter and thiner than the old MacBook pro 13 inchalso including better graphics and sound quality.

Some disappointing things are it has notmac safe charger and not my favorite glow apple logo due to new generation display

It has a keyboard like old MacBook and a large trackpad with force touch

And finally it is my dream laptop:)


Apple MacBook Pro ME865HNA

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